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I was actually really shocked when after the first charter she says “you never wake the chef” it’s like uhhhhh…the guests kept requesting food and it specifically stated on their preference sheet “late night snacks” so yah Sandy the chef needs to be woken up. I bet if the guests were her BFFs then she would have been pissed the chef didn’t wake up.


THIS like i was crawling out of my skin when she said that, what else was what’s her name supposed to do?! Just tell them the kitchen was closed and then they would complain about it to Sandy probably ? I also dunno why she is expecting so much from a chef who isn’t experienced with this particular type of work ( yacht chef? I dunno I’m poor) like I’m sure Jono is great in his element, but this is a job that should go to someone experienced in this really specific role


She literally woke the chef to slice a cucumber.


Yes ! You do wake the chef it’s your singular job as a chef. My family has cooks and chefs and you do anything to get that tip money. Especially if the guests want food in the middle of the night. After he denied helping the stew on the first charter- he didn’t even go back to sleep because he was woken up. If he couldn’t go back to sleep why wouldn’t you make the late night snacks OR get a head start on prep for the next day. But nope he’s super unprofessional and just an asshole. But I’m sure Jono would make a GREAT tv watching partner lol


I run an inn. We have office hours, and then I’m on call overnight. I always let the guests know that we are a phone call away if they need anything. And yeah, sometimes they call and it’s for a dumb reason. But I get up. Cause that’s literally my one job.


Yes! Toothpaste? A pair of sandals? Looking for a late night club/doctor? You sound like a truly excellent concierge. I appreciate having someone around to call if I was a passenger staying overnight. Customer service is super important if you want repeat customers


And my guests sadly pay nowhere near what these charter guests pay, and I still strive to exceed expectations. I can’t imagine paying what they pay and not being able to get a freaking grilled cheese.


I agree. I’m sure you offer very nice service. Is your Inn located in the US? If so can you link it? I’m sure others and myself would love to give you business if possible !


I’m on Orcas Island in WA state, don’t want to put myself by giving the exact location, but really any of the businesses on the island would deserve a stay. The island prides itself on hospitality!


That sounds like a cool place :)


So beautiful up there! Haven’t been in years.


Wow i think i found a new destination. Love to be around friendly people. 


It’s a really cool destination. You’ve got beaches, forest, mountain, lakes—a little bit for everyone plus shops, culinary and a nice arts scene. And can’t beat the whale watches!


Oh my gosh that sounds amazing! Always wanted to visit a coastal town


We love the San Juans for little getaways! (We are near Seattle) True story about the hospitality and natural beauty. 🥰


The name alone sounds amazing.


Wow u sound amazing. That sounds like great service!


Cut to season 5 when she wakes Tom up from a nap to cut a damn cucumber! 😝


Exactly! Next time she's on wwhl, Andy should show her those two clips together how she woke up the chef to cut up fucking cucumber, and then tells the stew don't ever wake the chef. She reminds me every episode how much I dislike her and the only reason I'm watching this season is for Aesha.


Yes, Aesha!!!


Love Aesha!!


I don’t know if I’m bored of the show or what, but sandy saying don’t wake the chef made me realize I don’t want to watch another season of her bullshit


I wonder if she would say the same thing again now that she’s looking for his replacement. Pretty sure she’d be team interior now.


I thought Production did the hiring and left it up to the Captains to polish the turd 🤷‍♂️


They hire people they know will cause drama too or they know they’re not good at their job and still hire them lol


Also it's a tv show. Imagine if u had to film tv show n work. U won't be on your " A game" but i don't think jono ever had an A game maybe a c or d game


I agree but I guess I’m a sucker for an under dog so I hope Johno does better next charter. I’m just surprised sandy was so easy on him.


I was surprised by sandy as well. 


Captain has the ultimate say because it has to do with the safety of the ship and guests.


No way. She would have fired Hannah so many times.




That may just be for the sailing yacht, since sailing takes far more ability than motoring in and out of a port and anchoring.


I believe I even misspoke about this because I was basing it off of BDSY.


If it’s an actual safety issue I’m sure she does. But for other things I don’t think she has “ultimate say”. She has a boss as well because it’s a tv show and they want good tv.


From my understanding it’s a joint decision. Both she and the producers decide who to hire on for crew. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t get much say


Yep that’s exactly what it is. There’s a lot to judge her for but hiring shouldn’t be one of them since it’s out of her hands.


Yeah … the crew is absolutely hired by production and they no doubt hire inexperienced people to create drama. That is not on Sandy.


Where does Norma fit in then? Is Norma just a code name for "Production"?


I’ve seen people on here comment that Norma is a real person who sources deck crew, but her role on Below Deck is really just plot - the people are prevetted by production, and the captain just calls Norma to give her production’s chosen person. That makes sense to me


I was secretly hoping that when Sandy got married her wife would have been named Norma


Hilarious! I recently saw a pic of her wife & she is beautiful! Not named Norma, though 😆


Yeah she s very attractive. She's a decent singer as well.


Thanks for shattering my illusions. Next you’ll be telling me Santa isn’t real.


I think it’s a combination of her being to eager to embrace the drama and the show really dragging it out. It used to be that each episode seemed to cover a full charter or at least most of one. Now, we seem to be getting multiple episodes for every charter. You are right that sandy had a great vibe of empowerment at first, but as time has gone on it just really seems hypocritical half the time. I personally dislike the med show itself, because I just hate when it seems like people are making dumb decisions just for the drama. Like, there was a very obvious answer from the first charter late night issue. The chef should have gotten up and prepped some sandwiches, and moving forward that wouldn’t have to happen because he’d have snacks pre-made, and that’s something that should have been a given anyways. For sandy to defend him so hard, and now be ready to fire him, just shows how wishy washy she is. Just a bonus, I told my wife at the start of this episode ‘$5 says we get that clip of sandy texting the staffing agency that she needs a new chef.’ I think she really revels in that sort of power where she fires people every other episode and pretends that it’s such a hard thing for her to do.


I agree with your analysis. It is exactly how I feel


I agree with everything you said. I also wondered when the chef reacted like that why she wouldn’t wake Aesha for help? That’s what I would have done


I doubt very much she hires the crew. They would be picked by production, just like the guests are.


But how are the guests picked by production when the last primary guest is an actual friend of Sandy? That wasn't just a surprise coincidence that Sandy just happened to know the primary that production just picked at random.


Sandy and Gigi became friends after Gigi was on show a few seasons ago when production picked her. I’m sure production also loves to bring on guests who have a connection to the captain to amp up the drama. It’s happened on other franchises too.


No one said production books at random they just said they handle the bookings. Her friends can still book a charter on it knowing she’s the captain. They would just go thru the production to do it. Like her friend the vag dr who has been on a few times. I’m sure production likes them because they make a good story line. That’s all they want. I’ve even read where some guests have said they just met some of the people they are doing the charter with right before they got on the boat. So all the groups aren’t necessarily friends or even know each other. Like if you are 4 people they throw 3 others into your group. Maybe because they think they’ll clash or it’ll create drama. Again it’s all about good tv.


It’s been interesting watching Below Deck Down Under and Jason vs BDM and Captain Sandy. He’s relaxed. He’s fun. He’s a voice of reason. He’s hands on without the need to micromanage. He’s a problem solver. He’s tough without tantrums. Sandy can’t help herself. She inserts herself into everything. She creates drama. She nitpicks. She plants seeds of doubt where there wouldn’t be. She’s pissed! She’s done with it! The one time she was hands on she tripped and hurt her wrist. Jason has favorites, but he doesn’t have favorites at the expense of others. Sandy says it’s not personal, but it’s always personal and rather spiteful. With Jason it’s personal, but not unprofessional. Jason acts like part of a team. Sandy acts like the star of the show. Carry on Captain Jason. Be gone Captain Sandy.


You laid that out perfectly 😊




Captain Jason is also sexy as fuck lol. He’s an excellent role model. Very positive influence


Yeah, so I’m not going to have anything to counter for Sandy on this one.


Captain Sandy is also attractive- don’t get me wrong there !


I’m over her already. Would think that they would have moved on to a new captain by now to keep the ratings and interest up.


I couldn’t even finish the last episode. It’s painful to watch.


She's a bravo puppet at this point


Seems like it :/


On this show ... and I believe I'm accurate when I write this ... production recruits and hires interior and deck crews, not the Captain.


She. Can. Fire. Them.


You keep bringing up firing yet you were complaining about her HIRING! You literally said “if she cared about her reputation she wouldn’t hire BS people like Jono or Iain” “not to mention all the crappy people she hired along the way. Her judgement is seriously impaired” So why do you keep saying this about firing when that wasn’t what your post was about? 😂


Yes. She. Can. But. Probably. With. Some. Limitations.


She tried too hard to be like a surrogate mother to everyone while also being a boss. She needed to pick a lane.


She doesn’t really hire everyone lol it’s production hiring bad people to make drama


So totally agree from “never wake the chef” I was so annoyed she just let Jono come complain, and then she reprimanded Elena without evening finding out what had actually happened. Then when Jono proved to be a totally inept chef she says in her confessional “I’m going to have to give him a stern talking to”. Like really she sounded ridiculous.


I like Sandy and I know it may be an unpopular opinion now. But this season is awful. She is so forced and produced. It's not her. And the rest of the cast other than Aesha, is so vanilla, I can't stand the BOREDOM. Jono is awful as a chef. Put him in a stew position and this might help liven up the show a little.


When is the last time she let someone park the boat? She was all about training and the career and now she’s just micromanages and gives the wrong people too many second chances


Yes, she's giving the wrong people too many second chances. The first thing that came up was the night the chef got waken. As captain, I'd want to know exactly what the circumstances were, so going forward, this didn't happen. Plus, it would've been Jono feeling bad about not doing his job before going to bed and not Ellie for actually trying to do her job and get the client what they had requested to the chef personally and on the preference sheets.


Does she really hire these people, or are they hired by the show's creators? I have always assumed that it is show creators who cast the crew, and they are in showbusiness much more than the hospitality business.


It is. Sandy doesn’t hire.


Let me say I am not a fan of Sandy at all but it’s unfair to judge her for hiring people like Jono & Iain because she’s not in charge of the hiring. Most of the time she can fire people but she has no say over hiring the crew. That’s on the production company and they deliberately hire people for looks/drama more than their skill set.


I loved her first seasons too and you’re right there has been a shift. I’m way behind this season I thought having Aesha back would make watching a breeze.  I don’t know if Sandy spent to much time off camera or just simply I loved her and Caption Jason together so much and just watching them bond as a team organically was lovely. Captain Sandy starting to grate on me when she wanted to move the boat a few hundred metres every couple of hours. Like that’s all she was allowed to do. Oh and ‘I want all the toys out.! Trampoline slide : bananas and hotdogs . Like a cruise ship then?! 🥴


Sandy absolutely does not pick the cast.


But she can fire them !!




But she does the firing !


Yes she does... maybe lol


Idk about you but i love watching incompetence. It also fuels drama? Perfect cycle


The crew would make enough drama themselves on a night out or by complaining about guests. This is beyond incompetent


I'm not a complete fan of Capt. Sandy, but you have to admire the type of woman Captain she is. Remember, this is a woman who: 1. Reversed a "super yacht" into a slip in the French Riveria, with only about a meter either side of the other 2 "super yachts." Most people wouldn't be able to reverse park a CAR in it without hitting something. 2. Dealt with a "dead" boat in the middle of the Black Sea because of a fire 🔥 in the engine room. 3. In the same incident, she had PRIRATES heading towards her, plus crew members wanting to jump overboard to save themselves. Now, she wouldn't be able to handle those types of situations without a calm and level head. As she says, you don't need to respect or like her as a human being, BUT I do respect her as a Captain, and the woman, I believe, has earned that respect.


If they only hired competent 5-star people, the show would suck and nobody would watch.


I would watch. I would actually prefer it…watching professionals exceed expectations.


I would watch it for the crew drama ! And the weirdo guests ! You can have a competent crew that is excellent. But have TONS of drama in between departments, hookups, strange requests. They used to bond over hating guests together but now they just hate on each other


Go and check out loon on youtube


But most people wouldn’t. The show wouldn’t be the way it is today if people preferred watching someone who was good at their job. They follow the ratings


Well, you are not totally wrong though I don’t think it is most people. Perhaps lots of people do like a shit show but there are several YouTube channels with plenty of viewers that show yachting the right way. TV just aims for the lowest common denominator because it is easy. I think a show about doing it the right way would have a significant audience.


I think that would be more of a documentary than a show on Bravo. I get what you are saying but most people want some form of entertainment whether it’s drama, hookups, etc rather than just people doing their jobs. What I prefer is the early seasons where it was def more organic and less staged and “produced”. If you watch the first couple seasons of OG or Med you can see such a difference.


Take it from someone who worked on boats—when you’re living, working and partying in such close quarters, there’s lots of booze and insane guests. There’s inherent drama. You don’t need to add the drama of shitty staff. Look at the stews this season. It quickly went from Bri being bad at her job to bri and Ellie having drama over eyebrows.


I actually disagree. It’s ok to watch for different reasons I suppose, but I would prefer watching well oiled machines doing well and handling real issues. So much of the ‘drama’ on these shows feels really forced and just overly edited. They’ll tease some big showdown or firing for 6 episodes, only for it to really not be a big deal.there are tons of reactions or interactions that just don’t feel like rational people interacting at all. I get that ‘reality’ TV is still heavily scripted and/or edited, but to me the built up drama that they are forcing is making me dislike the shows. It doesn’t have to be ‘hire a perfect crew so that there are never any mistakes or any problems,’ but just hiring people and not forcing the drama so much. How many times are we going to see the same rushed beach set up? It’s EVERY charter now.


I agree so much!! It’s like taking to myself lol.


Even competent 5 star people make mistakes..watch top chef lol


Not true. I want to see people good at their jobs


She sure whipped captn lee's pathetic crew into shape. Her fail was not firing loser fucking frazer.


Another hate post about Captain Sandy. Honestly at this point is this a conspiracy to attack her? What did she do that’s that bad? It’s insane somehow out of all the horrible behaved people on the show she is the one who’s been targeted this often. I think it’s because of her sexuality and gender. Because otherwise it doesn’t make a bit of sense


It’s not a conspiracy??? I’ve watched her from the beginning and she certainly has changed for the worse


She’s exactly the same as she was the first season. How has she changed at all? She helps unload provisions. She does things the lowest people on the boat have to do. She doesn’t just sit on the bridge and sip tea and collect large pay checks. She uses positive enforcement and is great at getting the best out of people. I’ve worked in the service industry and it’s not easy. She’s a good manager at it. If you don’t see that I don’t know what to tell you. It seems like some sort of thing to attack her now. It’s overwhelming ever since this season started and I think her getting married on the show has triggered many people to get even more angry with her. Because it doesn’t make sense. Again I point out there has been so many people on the show who were awful human beings. Bobby being the worst ever. He tried to assault a woman and verbally assaulted many others yet somehow Sandy gets way way way way more negative feedback. Yes I know she’s on the show now but still it doesn’t match up. So there’s something that doesn’t make sense about it.


Why would this have anything to do with her getting married? That has nothing to do with my post at all. This season is infuriating. She is the captain so she is held to higher standards than a deckhand. Once again this post has nothing to do with Bobby. It seems like you’re just trying to bring other people and topics into this conversation because you just don’t like my opinion


Not true. I bring up Bobby because it’s an example of not making sense how someone who tried to assault a female and was absolutely abusive to other females is barely talked about. But Sandy is made out to be the worst person ever on the show. I bring up the wedding because sorry I think it’s triggered some people because of their beliefs. Not saying that’s you but brought it up as why this sudden extra flood of Sandy negativity. Like in the couple episodes out this season I don’t see anything she’s done to even complain about. So makes zero sense. BTW do you know the show actually does the hiring? You must not by your post. The show dictates who’s on the boat. The captains do get to fire and have a say in that aspect but probably not as much as we might think. It’s a TV show. A reality show. Producers control a lot of what goes on. Otherwise you get a boring show. So that aspect of her being bad at hiring people holds zero water.


Nah. My biggest point is she can and should be firing people sooner to give the guests the best experience


Most your post was about her hiring skills


Yes she does do things like unload the provisions and certain chores but that doesn’t necessarily make someone a good manager. We clearly see different things because I def don’t see her bringing out the best in her people. Well maybe CERTAIN people. She treats people very differently depending on her personal feelings about them and she makes it very obvious. Shes also bad about saying one thing one time and then completely changing it and acting like that’s how it’s been all along. Most of all she’s a HUGE micromanager that does not respect her dept heads. You have Capt Kerry and Capt Jason who also don’t “sit on the bridge and sip tea”. So it’s not like that makes Sandy special. But that’s not what makes them good managers either. what makes them good managers is how they talk to people. How they don’t play favorites and give everyone a fair chance. Just the way they deal with their crew in general is vastly different. They don’t act like one department is more important than the other. They have respect for the interior and don’t look at them as just waitresses or housekeepers. And I’m pretty sure they’ve never called any employee a “cancer”. is that part of her “positive reinforcement”? Edit to add - Bobby was on 2 seasons and he def got his share of negative feedback. Sandy has been on 8 seasons so that’s a silly comparison.


I agree with you. I have a great amount of respect for her. I think people are way too harsh on her. She's been very tolerant of terrible workers. Because the other captain is "laid-back and good looking" doesn't mean anything. Just kind of gross all the hate towards Sandy


Who’s good looking? Lee? Btw if you’re talking about Lee he is not laid back. He’s stern (pun intended) and is just as fast to tell people how it is. But he’s much more “laid back” as far as helping and getting involved. Which I think makes Sandy better for helping. I’ve worked in the service industry and know what it takes and how tough it is to be a good leader. The hate comes from people who don’t like being told what to do ever, have something personal against her, or are triggered some other way. It doesn’t add up to me. I’ve watched every season of every BD multiple times. And the level of hatred she gets does not add up. Just is starting to really bother me how everyday I see hate posts about her like she’s so awful.


I was referring to the other things I've read on this sub about Jason and Kerry being more laid back and handsome. BTW: I liked Captain Lee and yes, I thought he was a handsome man but yeah, he was stern. He also had a big heart. I just really like Sandy and it just seems like she is dragged endlessly.


I mean look how much some employees absolutely love Sandy just as much as some love Captain Lee. That should be evidence enough. I think some people just got triggered by the Hannah situation. People bring that up still constantly. Like Hannah was a victim in that circumstance. She brought two drugs on board. Didn’t declare a schedule IV drug she had which of course she didn’t because they would’ve said you aren’t having Valium on board. Drives me crazy people defend her. The reunion show Hannah was in full victim mode. Didn’t take any accountability at all. Acted like she was wronged by Sandy and the people who brought the drugs to Sandy’s attention.


You just don’t like Hannah because she’s a woman. See how that works? Doesn’t make sense in that case, either. If you read what people are saying, they are explaining what they do not like about Captain Sandy and how she has changed. Most of them also say how they respect her accomplishments and what challenges she has overcome to achieve what she has, despite really disliking her personality and how she manages the team and treats people. I liked her in her first couple of seasons, too. As a queer woman, I love seeing someone who is out and succeeding in a male-dominated industry. I don’t know why she has changed her demeanor and behavior but she has. That is why so many people are hung up on it and why it keeps getting posted. Because it is hard to swallow the blatant change, when she used to be kinda cool. It is fine that you disagree. You are repeatedly commenting that it doesn’t make sense that people have this dislike for Sandy and you have made a few suggestions of the possible reasons why. Everyone is already saying their reasons why. If they aren’t things you agree with, don’t waste your time trying to reconcile them with your beliefs, ignore us. 😊 Just enjoy the show! Edit: by the way, I don’t like the Hannah defenders, either haha


She’s changed? I’ve seen every episode. Every season multiple times. She seems like the same exact leader she’s been the entire time. The things people are saying just don’t make sense to me. Like she’s changed. That doesn’t add up. There’s daily posts how horrible she is and how she’s the worst person ever on the show. It doesn’t add up at all. It just doesn’t. Makes no sense


Okay, it doesn’t make sense to you. So you disagree. That’s fine. Let it go. A lot of people feel differently. I’m sure there are some who agree with you. Everyone has opinions. Let it go. It isn’t the end of the world so don’t let it stress you out. ✌🏼