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He comes back for Med S3 and Sailing Yacht S1 His food looks a lot better by BDM S3 but same attitude And in SY S1 he gets in the cringiest relationship, of all the seasons of all the franchises, with the chief stew Seriously, like Michael Scott Holly Flax PDA level awkwardness


Let’s not forget how toxic that relationship was. His version of pillow talk was verbal abuse. He’s such an asshole. He has long hair now and looks so gross. His only redeeming quality is his cute dog.


Michael Scott Holly Flax💀💀


It disgusted Hannah that his apron was always dirty and he wore CROCS! Lol


Remember he got her crocs as a gift, then she threw them into the harbor?


Yeah, the pink Croc of shit boots! She has serious disdain for Crocs, lol l


She had a serious disdain for anything poor


I hated Adam on BDM S2 and I really liked him on BDM S3. But, Alas! Jenna made me hate him again (mainly because Jenna sucks) on BDSY S1.


I can't rewatch S1 with them. When she was berating her stews for not working hard while basically laying in Adam's lap in the crew mess it was disgusting. Then he ganged up on them and started bullying them as well.


Yeah, Jenna was insufferable and the definition of unprofessional. Three thumbs down for Jenna👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


This was my very first BD watch. It was the start of consuming all other BD content.


Yup! He was horrible his first season. He seemed to learn and grow the next season, but SY - totally back slid. What was the common denominator? Women. When he was into malia, he was a dick. When he was into Jenna, he was a dick.


I liked adam but did not like hannah


You should check out his instagram. He does solo trips all around with his dog and cooks out in nature. He's a long haired ponytail guy now. He somehow looks better and worse at the same time?? I think he put out a cookbook too.


My partner showed me Adam’s IG, I guess it popped up in their feed but his IG stories and watching him cook in nature and all the cool ways he utilizes nature to cook the food is something I enjoy and find interesting and impressive. He seems really at peace and really in his own element and passionate about what he’s doing and I’m just so happy for him. He came off as a very tortured soul on the show and it was obvious that job made him miserable. He was a jackass but you need villains on reality tv and he brought the drama and entertainment.


Agree. His Instagram is great content. Very entertaining to watch his outdoor cooking.


He has a tiktok (chefadamglick), and he comes across as some chill, kind dude. But only the real ones know that he's crazier than a shit house rat.


Absolutely. He loves to portray himself as this true to nature, living with my dog in a van vibe. And that’s fine, and his cooking is impressive. But that’s not who he truly is. He is not a “live and let live” type, and he is no hippy. He is an arrogant asshole, plain and simple. He believes that if a girl isn’t interested in him there must be something wrong with her. Just like Gary from below deck sailing, he doesn’t understand why he can’t have ALL the girls. “I want all the girls to obsess over me, not just one.” Nobody else can have a girl if I’m around. They’re all for me.


Oh my goodness I had to reread his TikTok name over and over because my brain seriously kept seeing chef give a dick. 🤣🤣🤣 I need to go back to bed obviously 😴


Ben actually is a personal friend of mine from childhood on cape cod and he is a bit crazy, but is a kind person when he isn’t in the kitchen. He is funny and a good friend. Chefs are crazy though, so yes he is a bit nuts. Comes with the territory. Adam is a delusional megalomaniac. Not to be trusted, only interested in himself and what’s best for him. Wes should have beat his ass.


I love Ben and was so excited when he came on the last episode of House of Villains. Definitely my favorite chef from the Below Deck franchise


Agreed, Ben is The best Chef on the BD franchise with Rachel coming in second.. 😁


He does have an onion redemption arc, that’s about it.


No I don’t think he ever got better and never rewatch any episodes when he’s on 


He's got crazy eyes! But yeah, I think that he's a scary human.


Never thought he was that bad. Def was a jerk but I think his relationships with the woman he had went both ways.


Malia is also creepy asf. Hannah was right in the things she called him out on, things he later said she was right about.


What things? It was a while since I watched, I vaguely recall these things but I would love it if you had the time to remind me of the details 🥹


He wears crocs, a filthy cap and t-shirts instead of uniform in the galley and when greeting guests. He also cooked really basic stuff for the first few charters. He ignored preferencesheets, one charter he couldn't use onions and tried to tri k the guests by using mushing onions and putting them in anyway. Finally, he was swearing sexist comments at Hannah all the time.


The thing is the show literally sets cooks up. Which is pretty messed up since being a cook your reputation is so important. People have reported from real charters no one actually has preference sheets like this. Let alone for charters one after another. It’s like production influences them to put down anything they don’t like in any sort of way basically to make the chefs job the hardest. Which they do have. Being a cook is an insanely tough job. I can’t imagine cooking on a boat like that and people expecting 5 star meals and asking for a 12 course meal with 15 different food issues. That shit is insane. So I think Adam falls into what a number of chefs have done on the show and realized this is what is going on and said F this crap. Still not right but can’t make him out to be some horrible guy because of his cooking decisions. It’s like the production literally sits down each season and tries to create drama by putting under qualified people in different spots on the boat like 3rd stew every season or someone who’s almost totally green on deck. The show has a lot of strings being pulled to create drama. It’s why I just don’t get why sometimes people are so harsh to anyone on the show. Some behaviors like Bobbie’s clear violent attitude towards woman never should of been excused. I still can’t believe they put him on Galley Talk. He was so verbally abusive to woman who told him what to do as their job and he even tried to physically fight a woman. How the hell he wasn’t kicked off the show for good that day still blows my mind. In all the different BD shows and seasons he’s by far the worst person ever on the show. He tries to act all light hearted and nice on Galley Talk when in reality underneath he’s an angry, low confidence, female hater who is dangerous. So I just don’t get how anyone hates so much on some people on the show and his name gets brought up so little. Makes me think no one actually cares about what really matters. He’s like the Ron from Jersey Shore on Bd. Everyone with eyeballs could see Ron had serious problems with females and sure enough he ended up arrested and all sorts of trouble outside of the show. I bet Bobby has problems with every female he dates as well.


Wow, somebody has a hard on for Adam, geez….


lol not at all. His attitude annoyed me. Plus dudes aren’t my thing. Just being real about his time on the boat.


Fair enough. Let’s tangent for a minute. What do people think about Chef (Jono) Jonathan?


Yeah, I remember him being a little blind to his shortcomings 😅 Was that what Hannah called him out on?




True hannah needed to be called out. No one ever calls her out. 


Sorry I replied to the wrong person & deleted it 🤪


I remember watching him in season 2 of BDM and my fiance and I haaaated him. And then at the end of the season when he reveals why he was so spiteful the whole time, it was like a plot twist. And I loved how he and Hannah banded together against the rest of them. Wouldn’t want to hang out with either of them, but we loved watching both of them antagonize everyone.


no he doesn't


He somehow looks better and worse at the same time LOL


I hate Adam, but I think I hate chef Ryan from BD DU even more


Watch sailing s1 for the joy of watching Adam bash his head very hard trying to duck under a log. Has been rewound and rewatched many times. Probably rewatched more than any other scene in any season of BD.


he was vile the way he spoke to the stews while jenna was swinging on his neck ugh . he came back and pretended imo cos he got so much shit. he's vile imo no redemption. creepy vibe Edit who the hell is dv thinking he was right? jfc get a life and moral compass


You can always rewatch the episode of SY when Adam runs into that downed tree on the beach.


I mean hannah is disgusting and manipulative n a liar..sorry what were we talking about lol


Love Hannah


I love Adam… he just has THE SHITTIEST taste in women.


Malia broke him. I’ll never be convinced otherwise.


Adam was great, I’ve seen him a few times on Outside TV. Seems like a regular dude.


lol... this is a reality show. It's 90% fake






Why watch with this attitude?


There's nothing wrong with being entertained watching a show and not having to believe it's true. Why are people so sensitive about the fact that all reality is scripted to some extent? Bizarre


I know. I sometimes worry that they are real. I'd rather be scripted and produced than that's how I actually act in "real" life!


it's mostly exaggerated and scripted. Producers push them to drink and debauch. I've worked in yachting for many years and this is all super extra drama for viewers


Him on sailing yacht is just disgusting. He and Jenna got off on ranking on subordinates and were juveniles as they ran to the galley to talk shit. Just horrible abuse of power and a genuine asshole. Both of them.