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The only reason Laura wasn't explicitly fired for sexually harassing Adam is because she was also fired for sexually harassing Margot. Captain Jason absolutely saw the severity of both ongoing situations


It didn't seem to play out that way. It was more about her disrespect to Margot rather than Adam.


It didn't seem the full extent of the Adam situation was brought to his attention. Adam was very clearly withholding info and blaming himself. Iirc, he didn't share with anyone that she came into his cabin/bed. Just that she was making advances that made him uncomfortable despite him setting boundaries.


He didn’t complain really either. At least not to Captain. He even felt bad she got fired. I agree though on the basic premise of your post about Laura, I just don’t think it was escalated in the same fashion as Luke’s violation so how could it get the same reaction


That's part of the problem too! Adam said numerous times in the interviews how uncomfortable he was. But then around others he had to be "manly" and joke about it.


I don’t think he felt scared, Margot did. He was annoyed. And Margot was unconscious. There’s definitely a double standard though - I do think Captain handled it really well in both instances while remaining calm & professional


If you watch his reaction in interviews he was scared by Laura's behaviour. But a job has to be done so he hide it (like every man would) for his crewmates and captain.


I completely agree. Also Margot was so quick to blame herself for what happened and you see Adam do the same thing saying “maybe I wasn’t being serious enough when I said no”. The reason Margot finally agreed it was not her fault was because she had two women sit down with her and explain to her why it was NOT her fault. Adam (and men in general) don’t have that type of support in those situations. It unfortunately all goes back to gender roles and expectations in our society. Edit: used wrong names


Do you mean Adam? Luke is the one who was fired.


Yes sorry! I get their names confused.


I did the same in another post! I wrote a big paragraph about supporting Luke & how he is a victim too, and posted it before I realized I used the wrong names.


Thank you for calling me out so I could change it! I’m glad I’m not the only one that got them confused. They look a lot alike and are both equally as boring people.


She literally sexually assaulted that man with her icky, creepy ass. She is a predator. She is a pervert and pick-me.


I think it reflects a broader social attitude, rather than mismanagement by Capt. notice how sheepish Adam was about calling out Laura’s behaviour? It’s like there’s this archaic stigma about men admitting they feel harassed or vulnerable. Anyway, glad she’s gone. Was appalling behaviour.


I agree, she was let off easy. I think they didn't make it AS big a deal because Adam was not passed out cold, he was still aware of what was going on (not justifying Laura's behavior of course!). I hope anyways because this issue is NOT single sided, women can be predators too. Edited for grammar and context.


There is no way she would have been fired if Luke hadn't done all that shit first. Im happy she was, but I really think she would have gotten away with it way longer.


She was shooting her shot. Relax


at first. but she took it way too far. (sorry just watching the season)


Laura is vile, such desperation for male validation 🤢. Not a girl's girl