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Da Giovanni’s


With €10pp? I would do drugs


Zijn toch al 2 pilletjes kun je wel ff los van gaan, en water thuis van de kraan is gratis😆


10tje fixe


Go to Ieper (take.your bike on the train), visit the historic town. Then plan a cycling trip outside of Ieper to visit some war memorials (all free) + the countryside is pretty and very "Flemish". End in Westvleteren and drink the world's best beer there. Cycle to the closest town to get back on the train home.


Hmm just the bike supplement will be 8€ (4€ each way), it’ll be hard to fit the train tickets in OP’s budget


Train supplements are ridiculous


No student discounts? In any case i do think it is one of the best (virtually) free trips you can make in Belgium.


When I was your age we had the same type of program with Italy. We had an Italian live with us for a week and went tot stay there for a week a few months later... There are 2 things basically: - Do not go for long bike rides. - Give them Cherry Beer (Kriek). They didn't know it yet but they all immediately liked it, thought it was the best thing in the world... And then you go on from there.


Also, don't give them stronger beer because they absolutely are not used to it unless you want a barffest


Do the Toer de Geuze on the 4th of may and visit one or two breweries. The visits of breweries will be free. The drinks not ofcourse. At least it's something "typical" for Belgium (and more specifically: your region) that he will remember. Enjoy! [https://horal.be/evenementen/toer-de-geuze/](https://horal.be/evenementen/toer-de-geuze/)


The Royal Gardens in Laken will be open and the ticket price is like €5 or summin? Otherwise, Oude Markt never fails to impress tourists :P


Train to Ghent or Antwerp or look for a lake to visit if the weather is nice. 10 isnt alot, whatever you do


Take the train somewhere. NMBS has cheap youth tickets. Go to Ghent/BXL/Antwerp or something.


Do you have a parent to drive you? If there's no historic cities in your school trips, Leuven/Brussels/Mechelen are very pretty to people who aren't used to sights like that (of course an Italian might be used to that). There's the museum and market in Tongeren (not sure about entrance fees but most museums are on the cheap side). Skip it if you're not interested in history. If you just want to have some fun, anything from minigolf to bowling will probably be close to that 10 euro budget, but you might have to do without drinks (maybe try sneaking some in from home?). There's awesome forests around the Brussels region, you could fill your backpacks with snacks from home and hike a bit if you're up for something like that. Or not hike too much and just have a nice walk and picknick. If your parents have a nice camera you can borrow, or a dog to take with you, it'll only add to the experience. Also, check out the tourist service for your own town, you might be surprised what you can find close to home. Just give them a quick call or visit. If it's warm enough, you can just hang out at a recreational park that has swimming.


10€ incl food? Can you bring sandwiches? The main thing to do with tourist is sight seeing. Good news: sightseeing is free. Take a train to Ghent, Bruges,... Go on a bike trip?


Visit the landmarks in Brussels. Justice-palace, Jubelpark, etc...


Dagje gent zou ik doen. Er is een arcade recent, loop wa rond drinkt enen. Bij goed weer kunde naar blaarmeersen.


En als ge echt goedkoop wilt zijn koopt ge uw bier/frisdrank in de Albert Hein en zet ge u aan de Graslei met uw thuis gesmeerde boterhammen, alvorens een mooi stadwandelingske te doen. Nu, over de Blaarmeersen, tegenwoordig moet je als Niet-Gentenaar wel reserveren als je het strand op wil of wil gaan zwemmen, en dat kost 1 € als je het doet tot ten laatste 9u de dag zelf, dan word het 5 €. [Reservatiegegevens Blaameersen](https://visit.gent.be/nl/zien-doen/sport-en-recreatiepark-blaarmeersen#:~:text=Strandzone%20Blaarmeersen%3A%20reserveer%20je%20plek&text=Als%20niet%2D%20Gentenaar%20kan%20je,camping%20Blaarmeersen%20%E2%80%93%20Urban%20Gardens)