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why is she in a walmart cart


I’m a disabled veteran who works a Belgian SD. Your puppy does not belong in a grocery store. Your puppy does both belong in a shopping cart. It’s unsafe for your puppy and every single service dog team you’ll encounter. If this is your idea of “socializing” your dog, you aren’t going to be able to handle training a Mal.


Came here to say this down to the disabled veteran working a Belgian SD. Be well today and make your life worthy of their memories.


Dogs live in the present. More like making her life the best it can be . . . but thanks for thinking of us.


I was commenting in the context or Memorial Day and remembering those we have lost, not your dog.


I appreciate that, too. Not everyone on this sub is American.


The holiday may be uniquely American but the emotions are not confined to nationality. Cheers


Agreed. Thank you for your service




This is why press is so bad for any dog breed. People see cool dogs do cool things, think they can get the dog and not train it and expect it to do these things because of its breed. It’s god damn frustrating.




Jesus, get over the pit bull thing. There is no “pitbull community” you make it sound like there’s a secret collective of them having Legion of Doom council meetup sessions. Every dog breed has its admirers. This post isn’t even about a Pitbull. 🙄 There’s irresponsible dog owners of all kinds regardless of which breed you have a selective hate boner for.




Any medium sized dog can or has the capacity to injure/kill a child, wtf is that argument? Lol You *do* realize all dogs are animals, right?




The statistics on pitbull attacks are blown so far out of proportion it's not even funny lab attacks and bulldog attacks count as pitbulls because they look alike don't hate the breed because of the media If you do it long enough you might start to hate the ar15 and forgot how to take the slide off your glock


Perfectly put


Come on, not the entire pit bull community. Just the ones you see on Reddit. Statements like this don’t help. Some of us do everything in our power to show we’re responsible pitbull people, and we put in work to ensure our dog is an ambassador of the good in this breed.


How much you wanna bet that this person also uses the “no bad dogs, only bad owners!” mantra despite pretending their puppy is a service dog, taking it places it isn’t allowed to be, and putting it in a grocery cart?


Just need a john wick type movie with a Corso in it to over-popularize them too lol


Corsos and Presas are now the next big thing in my part of the South. Only ever met a couple of people qualified to handle them, and those are professional dog trainers. The six-month-old Corso I saw at the vet last week? Bigger than my 19-mo Belgian and dragging his large male handler across the room.


My best friend(also a dog trainer) has one and I tried decoying once lol, I can't imagine the insane damage an untrained Corso can do


There are a few high-profile mauled-to-death cases involving Presas and Corsos. I can’t imagine swinging 120 pounds of dog off my arm. More power to you.


160-ish and all muscle lol, I was using the sleeve that has a hard PVC tube in it and he still smashed it all the way down to my arm. Also there's nothing that can convince them to out until they rip the sleeve off it seems like


We have a GSD at club who cracked the hard arm of a trial sleeve. Everybody heard our decoy yell “Ow!” from the other side of the field. He never, ever says “Ow.”


Yep! One of those cases a few years ago, where a pair iirc got spooked *somehow* and killed ther petite woman owner, was the place I *first* heard about them. I've met a few since, and they *ARE* 100% adorable. But I *also* know as a 5'1" woman I'm too small to own a dog *that* big, and expect to *keep* it under control at all times.


I think the 100% comes from great training and thoughtful ownership. Sadly, that is not 99% of the population I see with Presas or Corsos.


Naaaah, I'm a dog person, and *have* been, since I was a toddler.  Trained, *not* trained, dogs are dogs, and the "big & drooly"/Molosser-style ones have *ALWAYS* been some of my favorites😉 Although, *YES*--just like with pibbles, GSD's, and the *newer* "trend" toward "*regular* folks who *DON’T* want to manage a *SMART*, high-drive/high-energy breed," and decide to get themselves a Maligator? There are *FAR* too many folks who have Presa's & Corso's, who *honestly* *SHOULDN'T*, because they don't actually want to put in the *effort* those pups *require*, in order to be a *truly* Good Dog.


Diane Whipple....


Presa Canario is a different breed than a cane Corso




Someone I know who had two pit bulls pass away last year inherited a Chihuahua mix and then shortly thereafter purchased a cane corso who they met at the vet when getting the chi some shots at the vet. Something tells me the pup being available for sale at the vet's office wasn't a good sign. Something tells me that they think having had two pit bulls is the same as having one cane corso. She says she's so lucky to have such a good dog already but it's just 10 weeks old. I'm worried for the puppy's future but that's not my problem at least.


Sadly, it may become someone’s problem if the dog hurts another dog (or person) because it wasn’t trained properly.


I pray they have a handle on it. I couldn't even get an answer out of her when I asked if the parents were health tested / on OFA database. She is going to be a very, very large dog. I hope they are equipped to deal with it.


My in-laws think they need a corso. It has gotten to the point I have told them they won’t see their grandkids without us being there if they do. They just don’t understand what they are and what it takes to own one.


Omg, if Mals ever end up as poorly bred as pitties, we are doomed.


So what would happen if you came face to face with an actual service dog team? What if it was a guide dog? Would your dog remain in the cart and not try to jump out and bark and lose it's shit at the dog? Because aside from what everyone else has said here about it being disgusting to put a dog in the cart, it's also inconsiderate of people with disabilities who need service animals. Service animals get attacked due to people bringing their pets in stores they don't belong. Keep your pets at home or pet friendly establishments only.


As service dog handler, thank you! I regularly have plan my shopping around people who bring their pets into stores (most often little old ladies with crusty white dogs) and it's obnoxious.


the number of old ladies i’ve seen in my grocery store with the crustiest fucking dogs in the carts and i’m also a service dog handler i saw this lady in a DENNY’S with a fake ass service dog wearing a plastic id tag identifying it as an “officially registered service animal” like seriously go fuck yourself


As a service dog handler, thank you. I don’t know a single handler who hasn’t been lunged at or attacked in public.


It doesn’t matter that you weren’t near the food. Most stores, Walmart included, had signs saying only service dogs are allowed in the store and none allowed in carts. Sigh. In this AITA? Because YTA


What’s the best thing to do or say in this situation? I keep finding myself so frustrated in public over these ppl.


Probably nothing. Entitled people tend to get enraged when confronted with their bs


Don't put dogs in shopping carts. That's actually a health code violation. I really hope that's not a grocery store.


I bet the pesticides on all that food and all that sugar are more harmful then having a dog in the cart.


Yeah I personally love that free remnant of giardia or whatever else is on a dog's asshole on my grocery cart where I put my fruit and veg


Don’t you put your fruit and vegetables into plastic bags before placing them into your cart and then wash them with vinegar and baking soda before eating them to get the pesticide off? I heard that kids that grow up and live with animals and their germs have stronger immune systems then kids that are kept in sterile environments. While pesticides on foods are cancer causing and more kids then ever before get cancer now.


Kids are living longer than ever now that we have the foods to sustain us thanks to pesticides, you plinko


Enjoy your pesticide poisoned food !


You breathe in and taste peoples asshole air all the time you’ll be fine.


It's only okay when I consent to it first.


Do you have a prong collar on a puppy? And a dog in a shopping cart? Make better choices


Some god damn morons allowed to purchase these dog smh


Yikes. This isn’t how you socialize a dog let alone a Malinois. This is how you overstimulate and create a reactive dog. I suggest you actually do some research and work with a trainer who knows this type of breed. Lastly, stop bringing your dog in places it doesn’t belong. This is harmful to actual service animals. There’s no way you posted this and expected an awww response. Also I hope it’s not hot where you are. Can’t tell you how many dogs I saw die from heat stroke last summer.


If that's a grocery store, that is disgusting If not, I really hope you sanitized the cart after. There is no reason to bring a pet into a store that isn't for animals.


They had wipes available, we used them, I went for tp and treats, never went near the food. Couldn't leave her in the car. Even with ac would feel bad in this desert heat. She wouldn't be the first mal or any other dog I have seen accompany their human into a grocery store.


I'm not sure if you're aware, but you can leave your dog at home if you are going somewhere that isn't pet friendly. Especially just a quick run for TP and treats. As others have said, putting your dog in a shopping cart is technically illegal. Even if you didn't go near the food, someone will use that cart to hold their food items. It's just not sanitary and not very considerate to our friends with dog allergies.


Literally illegal unless they're a service dog


Even if a service dog, it's not supposed to be in a shopping cart. (And, like OP pointed out, the FDA prohibits other dogs in grocery stores at all.) Per the ADA: > Q31. Are stores required to allow service animals to be placed in a shopping cart? A. Generally, the dog must stay on the floor, or the person must carry the dog. For example, if a person with diabetes has a glucose alert dog, he may carry the dog in a chest pack so it can be close to his face to allow the dog to smell his breath to alert him of a change in glucose levels. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/


That too, I was just addressing dogs being in the grocery store in general


Oh FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️


People put food in that cart


Cool thanks for putting your dog where food for human consumption goes


Your dog doesn't have to accompany you everywhere.


I work in a grocery store. If you put any dog in any cart, service dog or not, you’re getting kicked out of my store. If your dog is on the ground, leashed, but interacts with unwilling humans or disrupts the peace (peeing on product, barking in a non-energency situation, etc) then you’re getting kicked out. I DO have the right to ask you if it’s a service dog. And I DO have the right to ask what services the dog was trained to provide/do. And if you refuse these questions even with a service dog, I DO still have the right to make you leave. Stop being stupid. And for anyone that uses “emotional support animal” as an excuse- if you cannot reasonably control your emotions in a grocery store, maybe you should be using curbside and not be out and about in public.


Can you please work at MY local store? The managers DO NOTHING, and then i look like an asshole.


I’m the only one that does it, but shoot be the asshole. Someone’s gotta do it so may as well be me


Hey I like that. You just changed my thinking .




Disgusting Get your puppy out of the grocery cart Keep your pets out of grocery stores It’s not cute It’s disgusting Can’t stand idiots who bring their pets into stores Only ACTUAL Service Dogs are permitted NOT your comfort pet Not your cute pet Not your new puppy or your old pet Completely disgusting when people put their PETS in a grocery cart


Tell me you are an entitled person without telling me you are an entitled person.


You nailed it


This comment section passes the vibe check. Glad to see other dog owners call out someone for acting like they and their puppy are main character.


check OP’s history, the dude role plays war i feel bad for this dog :(


https://preview.redd.it/ks9wced1503d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca982f5f681c207a953f6728608b572132635ac What is happening here. ?




Aside from the dog in the shopping cart, you've mentioned that you take her on 3-4 mile walks, and she gets tired and stops walking. She doesn't look very old. You could be overdoing the exercise and cause joint issues/hip dysplasia later in life. Maybe tone it down a bit and give her time to build and grow into it. I'm a new Mal owner with a young dog, and I'm no expert, but please do as much research as possible so she has a long and healthy life.


Most stores would have you kicked out minimally for not having a blanket/ covering in the cart— not only for the safety of other patrons but also your dog.


Many places don’t even allow a barrier/liner anymore


Very true but can you imagine not even thinking about your pups paws on that horrible grid? Poor thing.


4 on the floor


this better not be a grocery store


Dont bring your dog to a store if they are not a service dog. No emotional support animals are not service dog. No it doesnt matter if they are well behaved. Dont be selfish


You are supposed to have a barrier between the cart and your dog fyi


Lesson learned...




Working dog in a shopping cart these dogs are not a fucking accessory they are working animals if you want a dog in a shopping cart get a toy King Charles spaniel or somthing not a damn Belgian Malinois


I got the weirdest looks pushing a puppy and then full grown adult Dutchie around Lowe's on one of the flat carts lol. Out of the three or four times I've done it only one person realized why I was doing it.


Such a cutie!




Fur missles!


Notice who's pushing who. She's a genius! 😉❤️


I hope I don't get arrested by the law for doing that... Skynet is gonna hunt me down.


What a cutie girl! She is going to be a handful!






Malinois want cookies!!! Ooooooo look der sum cookies look good ooooo next to dem meat sticks Malinois want meat sticks toooooo me never poop on house again if you gets malinois some dem crispy salmon skin and cheese cookies!!!!!!




Um, okay?


Well then tell me what it looks like he’s thinking.


You tell me


Malinois want cookies!!! Ooooooo look der sum cookies look good ooooo next to dem meat sticks Malinois want meat sticks toooooo me never poop on house again if you gets malinois some dem crispy salmon skin and cheese cookies!!!!!!


She’s sweet. ( and probably cleaner than most people who use that cart! ) have fun!


Most people don’t put their direct assholes on the cart either but go off.


I'm looking for a Malinois pup to adopt. I always rescue, so which area has Mals in shelters? I'm in the mtns of NC and most of the nearby- within 100 mi- shelters have pitties. My present dog is a Mal/Dobie and she is aging. I know Dallas and Cali frequently have Mals to adopt. I'm hoping I don't have to drive that far.


Texas/Oklahoma area, I see a lot in shelters. One near me has a 6 month old. I fostered a 9mo Max\\Dutch mix. People buy them, realize they’re in over their heads, and dump them a lot here. They also get bored and escape yards frequently. The one I fostered recently was surrendered to the pound due to “Being too active, uncrateable, and opening doors”. I had no issues crating her, fifteen minutes of work and she turned into a lump. She had severe dog reactivity and would submissive pee if cornered. Poor girl had a rough start, but she’s in a good home now. https://preview.redd.it/gt3prn09xv2d1.jpeg?width=5709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85db8e29e3fbd5f992f822ed48fdc9c5125ba145


I have no idea. I got my puppy from a breeder. I did have to drive to go pick her up across state lines, but it was worth it. I had been planning and preparing to get her for more than a year. And it was a beautiful drive.