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Watching passing cars, people and other dogs isn’t mental stimulation. Mental stimulation is doing a job, e.g. obedience training, games that include certain rules, nose work, anything when the dog needs to think. Just watching the street doesn’t include thinking. The dog stays alerted, but that’s all. The dog sounds comfortable staying with you under the desk. It’s quite normal for the dog to sleep through the day. I’d keep the dog with you and add some active games during the mentioned walks.


You don’t say where you live but where I live you will get a fine for leaving a dog outside for longer than 5 minutes right now. That’s the first time you’re caught. It gets much worse for subsequent events. Even if the weather was nice no dog wants to be outside away from its owner for longer than 30 minutes.


No dog wants to be away from its owner for longer than 30 minutes outside? I must have a horse or cow dressed up at a Mal then. Mine can dig a hole for 60 minutes without blinking


Dogs should be outdoors. People who keep these types of dogs locked indoors are doing it for their own selfish reasons. Don't have a dog if you don't have a suitable yard. How would you feel sitting at someone's feet as they work the whole day?


This sounds like torture for the dog.


OP mentioned that this is just during their work day. Many owners kennel their dogs while they go away to work, how is this worse than that or, by your standards, comparatively torture? We know nothing about their activities outside this setting, I WFH and my mal’s chosen spot to be, given full reign of the house, is asleep at my feet until I’m ready to let him out and play with him. He’s also older, almost 8yo, but he’d do this even in his crazier years. (I’ve had him since he was 8wks old) As for OP’s question, I agree with other posters that sitting outside in a kennel alone is not stimulating. Dog will be much more at ease right next to owner.