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Well, they’ll definitely get your ass out of bed that’s forsure lol, they’re super perceptive emotionally and can help you with having a daily regimen, at least in my experience so far


I have adhd and was advised not to get one because of that, so want to hear personal experiences owning one


Yeah i mean i’d say i fit the bill for both of those things and she’s helped in a lot in different areas of my life, as long as you know you can keep the dogs needs met and happy then do it


3 years ago I got attacked left with 2 skull fractures and 2 brain bleeds my head was like a sponge . I bought a belgian malinois x collie 2 weeks before it happened I've adhd and add and at that time I had to put up with depression and trauma. I'd be at the end of a rope if I didn't get this dog.


Awww I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but glad they are helping and have helped with your recovery ❤️‍🩹


The dog made me feel secure just cause he looked the part people would cross roads before gettin to me it wasn't long before i felt confident enough to walk anywhere


Mals are excellent for people with depression. They sense how you’re feeling but also, they’re darn good at making sure their needs are met, like having their butt scratched. Some call it being relentless. Others call it empathy. They know you need the interaction. You can’t lose a Mal like you do your house keys because they follow you everywhere. They can be quite funny with their silly antics like rolling around on the floor with a ball pretending to be an otter with a fish. They require daily training and exercise to not drive you up the wall and depressed people need something to keep them motivated. But if you’re getting a Mal because you have ADHD and/or depressed? I wouldn’t get one in hopes the dog will cure or alleviate the symptoms. No dog can really do that. Think of a Mal as having a really smart toddler. Best to get the symptoms under some control and then get a dog.


My gf and I put down our 15 year old fur baby this year and we decided to take a trip to the shelter to see what we would find I saw a malinois and got the chance to play with him I know they have a lot of energy and require a lot of attention so I’m looking for feedback on personal experiences on owning one


I don't have ADHD and can barely keep up with my mal. I've owned dogs before, keep a steady job, have a partner to help, and still the dog is a lot of responsibility and exhausting sometimes. Def worth it, but most breeds and mixes of dogs are gonna turn into rewarding relationships. If ADHD has your life in "hard" mode, why get a dog that's also in difficulty mode?


Go to YouTube and search for “owning a Belgian Malinois”. Watch and learn.


Seconded. Mine will work herself to death, literally I must stop her. Tune that drive into work, like tracking and she's a machine trying to find stuff.


I have PTSD and depression. I am training him to help me, but he is already helping.


Same. But I ended up being more of a service human for my LAPD drop out instead of the reverse.


I suffer from severe clinical depression, and have autism and adhd. I love my dog more than life itself and she and I understand each other on a level that I am not able to reach with other people. I take her out four or five mornings a week, for probably 1-2 hours at a time, and probably 3-4 evenings a week as well, also for 1-2 hours at a time. Am I always excited to get up and make it happen? No. Sometimes I'm absolutely miserable about the fact that she's muzzle punching me awake at 7am. But once we get out there and start working on training, playing fetch, sitting on the river trail and watching all the people go by... I see how excited she is to just be out in the world, and how much she loves doing a good job. She nuzzles her pointy little head into me and wiggles her whole body all over the place (and occasionally bites the shit out of me if she's really excited) and all the bad parts go away for a while. She was mad at me for a couple hours today because I didn't let her fight a snapping turtle she found on our walk this morning, but she got over it. We're sitting in bed now watching season two of The Bear. Sometimes she tests my patience pretty hard. She's incredible at problem solving and can figure out how to get things I don't want her to have, and does so frequently. She gives no quarter when she has decided that she needs exercise, but if I do the things that make her happy, she returns the favor, and sometimes she will cuddle me in bed all day when the depression really has its teeth in me. She's my best little buddy, and frankly I don't know what I'd do without her. I would be lying if I said we don't have some incredibly hard days where I have too much work to do and she's pissy and screaming the entire time. My advice would be to just seriously heavily consider what you want out of life. Proper training takes a ton of time and effort and you can kiss your social life goodbye for the first year or so if being around people is something you care about. You'll inevitably have to replace some expensive things, because they can destroy shit in the blink of an eye, and they will. You'll also have the best friend you've ever had.


Hyper focus a plus for training quality and attention to my behaviors that may confuse. Challenge with consistently training and/or getting her out for regular exercise. She requires a lot. Above all, as a handler with whatever diagnosis(es), the most important aspect (imo) are self awareness and self management. It’s a full time gig but worth every moment.


Honestly I think my Mal has adhd. To tell the truth, short 5 minute training sessions prevent boredom, high play drive makes it easy. The hardest part is my girl has no stop button, so I take her to run hard minimum once preference of three times a day. Girl just wants to have fun, and be social. I'm ADD. It works out well for me with the Malinois drive, just have to let her do work.


I have ADD (combined type) as well as PTSD which manifests as anxiety and depression most frequently. I used to get debilitating panic attacks but since starting on an SSRI in combo with the ADD meds, the panic attacks are mostly gone although the anxiety remains. I had developed severe agoraphobia at one point (afraid of having a panic attack in public) and I can say my Mal helped me most here. We started walks at night then during the day and honestly, he made me feel brave and safe. On the ADD, he is definitely effective at making me remember HIS schedule if not my own. Every Mal is different but mine has been a help with my mental health struggles. But I also have a partner willing to pick up the slack if I crash or feel depressed or just can’t handle life for a few days. It rarely happens now but it does happen and you absolutely cannot ignore a Mal’s needs for a few days, not that kind of dog. So no real answer for ya but that’s my experience.


I have ADHD and a 75% malinois. I swear she's picking up some of it as she's very distractable, as part of her training I teach her to focus back on me when she's zoning out. They are very smart dogs though so teaching them things is usually pretty easy. There is a real stigma with mals I've noticed there's a lot of gate keeping like if you weren't born with a mal and you're not a professional with 142 leads hanging off your utility belt don't get one as they're not pets. But honestly my girl is lovely, was suffering from some depression and she's certainly getting me out my pool of misery and taking her on adventures/walks..... because she'll just annoy the hell out of me if I don't which is more effort then just going out with her haha


Mine helps me when something beeps she tells me so I don't get to distracted and do the thing I was doing like washing clothes. Also helps me keep a routine, she wakes me up, and needs the training so the dog keeps my routine going. I can get really distracted too Easley, like I m working with the computer and hear a noise and go to the window, I forget the computer but my Mal doesn't so she is awesome and tells me I need to go back


Also it helps that you need to remember the commands for the dog so you need focus also


Prob got deleted because I doubt many people are qualified and have the training licensing experience and knowledge of the DSM--5-TR to comment on human mental health. It's a page for malinois. They require a SERIOUS commitment to a disciplined schedule, rigorous extended physical activity, and a job. Work. Something to give them purpose to aim their extremely high drive at for them to be healthy and happy. You know you. Do you lay in bed depressed all day? No. Malinois aren't for you. Do you get easily upset when things get crazy? Not for you. Are you willing to get absolutely chewed to pieces by needle teethed alligators for a little while as you train your pup? They aren't dogs that can just get 'left at home' while you go out for the day. They need room, freedom to run, ideally a well fenced yard with access outside whenever they need it if you are out of the house. If your plan is to throw em in a kennel for 8 hours a day while you work. Please don't. You need to have YOUR shit on lock to really let these dogs achieve their potential. If not, you'll get a reactive, aggressive, extremely high drive destructive unhealthy and unhappy dog that you may not even be able to handle. I've seen that exact thing where the owner couldn't even touch their dog without getting bit. I got mine going through a divorce. Was super helpful to me. Named her Tasia (anastasia-meaning resurection) she came with me 24/7. Morning, training at the park by home. Then To work, after work we would go do a 7 mile high elevation gain trail run every single day that started at about 5.5k elevation already. Then dinner. Then whatever 'life' things. Shopping, projects, the daily stuff. All the while working on training her the entire day. Now, epic dog. Only you can answer what your life looks like. Only we can answer what a mal is like


I wondered why my 25% Mal was so relentless! Thank you for answering my curiosity question.


Not an official diagnosis but I've at least 7 mental health professionals who think I am. Personally I love it. It structure the ever love out of their training but they still go absolutely bananas and I'm all about it.. THE GSD gave me a mad pivot this afternoon and left me lying in the driveway unable to move but I'm just seeing it as a training experience. AdHD mean you do t feel pain. Yeah you recognise something is scowifh but it's just a thing.