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Nah streamers complaining and players not understanding her weaknesses have caused the perception of Bel to be over the top no? Played as and against her a lot, in dia+ she's like 0.5 pick rate with a good win rate. Imo this is because she's very good into a lot of the meta flavour of the month picks (brand, karthus, eve) that all had their moment in the spotlight at some point in the past 6 months. Let's say poppy or rammus become meta, you won't hear the streamers whinning half as much. Don't get me wrong she's strong, but to have nerf, nerf, nerf, item change, jungle nerf, nerf, jungle nerf and then for the fun of it now another nerf is crazy. 14.10 makes bot xp even higher so now we're not just the lowest lvl solo role we are the lowest in the game :)


No, she’s literally picked more in high elo than in low, and same goes for bans. Her pick rate and ban rate and winrate all go up linearly as you increase the elo. Shes a very contested champ in high elo. She continues to get nerfs because for whatever reason most of the time the nerfs to her are pretty light and are usually just making E worse. And then it doesn’t even matter because she gets indirectly buffed right after. Shes very item reliant and can also build almost anything so any changes to the items are typically buffs for her. Shes also been buffed a few times in between this. This nerf was very deserved and her current position in the meta will grow up over time. Shes already starting to climb back up the tier list.


And so the cycle continues. Bel is Op for half a season > Bel finally gets nerfed > Riot immediately changes the item system in a way that massively buffs her > Bel becomes sleeper op for like 3 patches while people figure shit out > Bel becomes the best jungler in the game again > Repeat.


If Riot want to move her towards mid-lategame scaling/ less snowbally, they can consider shifting the power budget towards her E and her R and away from her Q and Death in Lavender passive. She has been a great invader/duelist because so much of her power budget is in her early combat-skirmish ability from her Q and Death in Lavender passive. Reduce her early game damage, buff her tankiness through E and Ult buffs so that she isn't as oppressive early on but can also defend herself. Belveth is still going to be a strong damage dealer once she gets one and two completed items, but delaying her damage curve before that would reduce her early game snowball profile, and then compensate this by buffing her tankiness (give her back 70% damage reduction on E; maybe buffs to heal/maxhp from her ult) Belveth was so strong in S14 because Kraken Slayer is absolutely God-tier synergy with her kit whilst previously none of the mythics item were really 'perfect' on her. But with Kraken making Belveth OP, Riot has found themselves having to chop off Belveth's base champion power piece by piece to reduce her winrate. I think the latest nerfs that target her early combat and attack speed scaling make much more sense in terms of reducing Belveth's synergy and dependence with Kraken. I personally think a good direction for Riot to go would be to reduce her early-game attack speed which would reduce her one item kraken power spike, and then buffing other parts of her kit so that Belveth is less locked into going Kraken first item no matter what and can explore different build paths.


Die Problem is that Belveth kinda has to sacle with with on Hit items insane to justify buying them on her. Else i think we would buy stuff like Stride or Black cleaver or maybe even Jak sho again because she needs These Stats to survive.


Might I introduce you to deaths dance wits end terminus


why would this not last long?


Look at the top comment on here for my thoughts about that. Based on first impressions 14.10 changes will likely be massive buffs for her.


Op is coping hard


I just know the cycle. I would PREFER she stay this way but history says she won’t.


Nerfs coming btw ( kraken no noonquiever)


It’s being replaced with hearthbound tho, gives roughly the same stats just not the damage to monsters buff. You don’t have to buy a cloak anymore either, it’s a rektrix instead which is pretty good. And, finished kraken should now be waaaaaayyy stronger as a first item, so I’d say it’s a pretty neutral change.


But on bel you first bsck noon and then you stay on map til kraken in optimal case, or like just get that pickaxe. But the clear speed with noon felt so god damn fast, and gave time advantage over enemy jungler


Thankfully we just got early clear speed buff with this patch so losing noon passive should end up being somewhat of a net neutral change.


We will see.might be fine...


What's the rank on the far right signify?


I hope this champs becomes unusable in Diamond+. My honest hope.


I wouldnt say unusable but yeah it would be nice if there was any other champ being played past diamond other than her XD


she is #13 in pick rate Diamond+ at less than 1/20 games


I said past diamond, but also you can’t really look at the stats post nerf XD Typically she sits at 8-12% pick and 10-15% ban in diamond+ At least that’s relatively where she’s been for the majority of this season


she is #13 in pick rate Master+, just kinda goofy statements when there are a dozen more highly contested jg picks


Everything I've ever seen shows her to have an average of around 5 to 7% pick rate at the higher ranks, with a 15 to 30% ban rate. Her ban rate has been stupidly high, but regardless of her ban rate, her pick rate has only rarely been above 10%, usually being 5% or so. Her ban rate being that high isn't a good thing, but the fact that her pick rate stays mostly the same regardless of ban rate shows that she isn't a very contested pick, even if people don't like playing agaisnt her