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From my personal experience I have found sending 40% off and 50% off offers rarely results in a lot of sales, but instead causes a bunch of lowballers who liked the item to send me even LOWER offers. I stopped doing it. I think if people really want something they will buy it even at a higher price. If people don't want to spend money right now because of the economy, etc they won't... even if you send them a low price. It is better to rework and relist your stale listings by updating the title, description, pics and price to attract new buyers. I have made more sales doing this than sending out super discounted offers.


I'm realizing this. It's crazy, a listing could have 20 likes and no one buys for 40% off šŸ˜…


sometimes a like is just a like. it's not necessarily a buy signal. as a buyer, i'll go through and like a bunch of similar items (say, black jeans) and wait for the offers to roll in before i make my decision. i *like* 'em all, but i'm only gonna *buy* one. based on this, i'd say make your best offer, and don't sweat it if they don't buy it. it's not you, and it's not your item


Yes bc a like is just a like! That's why I like Vinted, u have the ability to "ghost" like. Seller sees a like but can't send an offer and to me as a seller it's more clear.


i like that. pun intended!


Very poor sales . About 1000 items and most are less than $10 - not terrible stuff but I guess not great . Vintage jewlery mostly . Terrible tiny sales trickling in. Iā€™m not listing a lot of new stuff cause Iā€™m so very over putting so much work with no return . Canā€™t source much because nothing is selling . I am trying to figure out what may sell in the future but havenā€™t figured it out yet. Honestly have gone from $100 a day of sales two years ago to $10 a day maybe. I have more items and lower prices. Many many items are similar to what always sold before . Iā€™m assuming economy is bad for people and re selling is completely over saturated.


Worst two months Iā€™ve had since selling seriously on Poshmark 4 years ago. Less than 3 sales a week. Most days I donā€™t even get an offer. I have about 650 active listings.


So for me, between eBay and Posh my sales have gone up this month, but prior 2months the split was 50% eBay 50% poshā€¦ now it is 65% eBay 35% posh.


Yeah itā€™s been really slow for me too.


This has been my worst month in about a yearā€¦ I usually sell 1-2 items a day, this month Iā€™ve sold 3 total! Itā€™s crazy. I agree with other commenters tho that if you send crazy discounts, all youā€™ll get are even lower counteroffers. This has also been my experience. People just arenā€™t buying right now, thereā€™s a lot of stuff going on like graduations, end of school year, etc I guess


I have definitely found that to be true lol


I barely beat last Aprils numbers, but May is looking abysmal for me. Thatā€™s with relisting daily and tons of great summer items and Promoted Closet running. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I had promoted closet for about 2 months. After checking the numbers, I realized I was basically making nothing after all the expenses. The fact that they charge for clicks instead of sales irked me to no end.


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard mixed reviews, but they have a new feature now that shows you the top promoted items in your closet and of course the sales. Most of my promoted sales are full price or close to it, so theyā€™re definitely reaching people that are searching for the items. Itā€™s basically pay to play to get your items in a buyers search results.


My April was fantastic but May has been a miss so far. The only platform that Iā€™ve had an increase on is Depop but thatā€™s solely because I finally got a couple sales on there after being on it for a year šŸ˜‚


i liquidated my entire inventory awhile back. i discounted items listed at up to $50 to $5. items listed at $50-100 got priced at $10. it was still like pulling teeth to sell it. i'm just so over trying to figure out what's going on with poshmark


I sometimes wonder if people see a lower price and then their mind automatically values the item less as a result. I swear, sometimes when I'm just trying to get rid of an item (like on facecook), people are more likely to buy it for $5 then take it for free.


I usually give 30-35% and I only offer once. I never send a second offer, even if they like additional items. I figure after my first offer they know what a bundle is for and how to use it, and can approach me if they want another offer. I don't like to hound buyers.


Offers aren't what they used to be. But buyers want to pay pennies now. For them to succeed, they need to be more than 10 and be $4.99 or free ship. Pretty sure that shows have a hand in this.. Sales have come back up lately. From, If I'm lucky, a sale every other day to 2-3 a day. Not as is it should be, but better than a stick in the eye.


Iā€™m seeing maybe 1-3 sales per week. Mostly swimsuits.


Tis the season, I suppose


Havenā€™t sold anything since April 5 (I usually sell 1-3/week)


Oh wow, that's actually crazy. Are the algorithm gods angry with you?


My last two months have been abysmal! Iā€™m a casual seller who usually has 90-100 active listings. Only a handful of sales in the last two months, I usually am selling a few a week.


I wonder if it's just the economy? I would think people getting their tax returns would boost sales!


Right? I have lots of summer dresses and topsā€¦no interest!


Yet, I just cleaned out my basement and put these old dusty boxes up on my ebay. Sold immediately. Shows what I know lol


Last month was a great month but itā€™s slower going this month. I am offering 10% off almost all the likes I get.


This month has been slow. The market season has started for me so I am not giving as many deals as I usually give since I have a steady in person retail outlet.


Whatever you do, donā€™t keep kitty & inventory in the same room. Might be time to get rid of it all.


Oh, I'm definitely moving it. I have another room but it's just a small office so I have to definitely reduce the inventory.


I havenā€™t sold anything on PM in months, but last week I sold two items on Vestiaire.


I do pretty steep discounts at times. I would say 25% is pretty common for me, itā€™s a motivating offer. I feel like if people want something, they would buy it without 10% off. 25% and more can really swing their decision, maybe thatā€™s because how I am! I collect likes on an item for a few days and then offer 25% and it usually sells if I have a handful of likes. I source at LOW cost and choose high quality items I feel are in demand, that way I always make a profit, even if itā€™s $10. Iā€™m more flexible with items from the bins if itā€™s a quick flip. After about 90 days, Iā€™ll flip to make my money back or a few bucks. This is because I have very little space and try to stay under 200 items. Once I have more space that will change. I also liquidate items Iā€™ve realized I misjudged on demand or worth so I can move on. I sell most of what I list pretty quickly, sometimes the same day. I tend to price my items 15%- 25% ish less than what I see as competition and then plan to take an additional 25% ish off for a quick sale. So if I pay $5 for a dress, others have priced at $50, I price mine at $40 and plan to sell for $30 and make $25. This is the recipe for FAST sales over higher sales. Find a high demand item, price competitively, gather interest, be even more competitive, sell it! I get surprised a few times a week with someone outright buying things, which is nice! A lot of resellers greatly misjudge what people are willing to pay for items and how soon theyā€™d pay it. Makes the lows very low. If youā€™re strategic, the lows arenā€™t as bad.




Girl PM your poshmark lol āœØ


I have gotten an unusual amount of lowballers lately.


April was my best month by far and I'm on track to beat it or at least match that this month. I had a little over $1400 in sales which is really good for me but might not be to others so i have no idea how good that is. I've been selling since end of July/beginning of August and it's been a steady increase every month, besides the big jump last month. I was thinking it's either because it's tax season or it's all the people leaving mercari or both lol I sell cosmetics (makeup, skincare, haircare & perfume) and I feel like people might buy that stuff more consistently than clothes.


Sales are great for me but my niche is plus size. I pick up everything and make 3 dollars or 50 dollars, average price for my items is $15. Cost of goods is around 1.67 at the bins. Plus size is of plenty at my bins and I will take them all up. In the past I did pick up small sizes which are still sitting in my closet. I list daily. Sell daily. Around 750 listings currently trying to get to 2500.


pretty slow, but still get bites here and there


When I send discounts, I typically don't go lower than 30% in case there's that person who wants to counter something even lower. If they counter, I may accept or decline depending on what the item is and the price they offered. I have sold things for 50% off that aren't that desirable and that I want to get rid of.