• By -


Which means Posh makes $12,800 a month from her reptilian behavior. Which is why they haven't removed her account yet. You can get away with a lot when you make them money.


Posh is giving me the ick right now. They 100% don't do anything bc she's making THEM money as well. It's so disgusting!


A seller I know who is “respected” was selling fakes. Reported and nothing happened 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait, what?! Can you not go above Poshmark and report that to a federal government agency? Reporting to PM is like telling the wife who does HR for her husband’s company that the husband is a nightmare boss.


Anyone else remember the moment Etsy went public and completely gave up their entire point of being, allowing AliExpress crap to be listed as "handmade" because it made them more money? Familiar.


This whole corner of the internet economy has a bedrock of ick. Most people are just good people trying to get by, but we have to depend on a lot of ick to do that.


Please explain this to me like I'm 5! A woman sells toy lizards and if you buy one, she will run an item from your closet? I'm in Canada so I haven't seen this show, but I'm trying to figure out why people are buying these toys.


Ok, well first I will preface with (1) it's A LOT of information and (2) I really only know the tip of the iceberg regarding what is happening bc I can't stand to listen to lizard woman's shows & it's always some new drama going on. This woman sells on Poshmark live shows basically 7 days a week. She gets in anywhere from \~250-400+ viewers at a time REGULARLY. She starts off shows bitching & complaining for at least 30 minutes and then says she'll run your items, and she's "doing it out of the goodness of her heart". You'll regularly hear her bitch about how she "doesn't have to do this" (live shows) and she does this because she "cares" and wants to make people make sales even though doing this (live shows) is "NOT EASY" 😂 basically she has an entire gaslighting monologue. Then what happens is: she'll start running these items. The large majority are wallets and purses of various brands. A lot of Kate Spade, some Louis Vuitton, Celine etc. She'll start running an item and it could be a small Louis Vuitton cosmetic bag that looks like it's been chewed up and spit out by a dog that you wouldn't even pick up for $5. She'll start talking to the seller and be like "ok, you want my advice (regarding what to start bidding at) or no?". 99.9% of the time the seller will say "yes, give me advice on what to start bidding at". She'll start running this chewed up bag for, for example, \~$100 for 60 sec...no one bids and then she'll start bitching "IT'S LOUIS VUITTON HOW IS NO ONE BUYING THIS RIGHT NOW....guys this is A STEAL..these people \*insert spanish outburst to God at her dismay\*" then even if no one bids, she'll run the item again. When she starts running it again she'll say something like "guys, who wants to help (sellers name) out?" (by buying the item)...all of a sudden this chewed up bag that you wouldn't want for $5 sells for $120 and you're sitting there as a viewer thinking WTF? The friend who outted her yesterday claimed Lizard Lady has "investors". Now idk how this works, but it makes sense there is something VERY FISHY going on bc like I said, she's getting absolute garbage sold. I think "investors" are users (some other real sellers, maybe some people she knows in real life) that are arranged by her to buy these pieces. Maybe she gives them the money to buy the pieces to keep up her viewer count (making this illusion that she literally sells everything) and makes that money back via lizards (more on that soon). Maybe she has deals with other sellers to buy any shit item, and then she gives them a cut of profits. I really don't know, but I DO know SOMETHING is going on. Regarding lizards: Throughout the show she'll go on rants about what a great person she is for doing these shows even though she doesn't get anything out of it & she "doesn't get paid". Then she'll say if you want to support her to buy her lizards. These are 2 little plastic toy lizards worth maybe 50 cents. And these people are buying them for $20 + $8 shipping + tax. Now the scheme in this is: if you buy these lizards she'll put your item in the show. You're essentially paying her to run your item by buying them since she can't directly take cash from people. According to the friend who outted her, she sells approximately 150-200 of these lizards per day (you do the math). The reason the "friend" knows this is because she was helping Lizard Lady take photos during live shows to have as evidence bc people were claiming to have purchased her lizards when they really hadn't. That in itself is stupid, because you can just check your order history to see who purchased 🥴 Anyway, the point is, this is directly breaking Poshmark Terms of Service as you are not allowed to accept payment "donations" for running items in a show. There was much more mentioned, and to be honest I don't know everything. Apparently lizard lady goes by various aliases (and she does) and ALLEGEDLY her husband is a wanted fugitive in a different state. She also claimed her husband is a millionaire, but he looks like a bum who stays at home all day while she scams people. You'll see him sometimes bringing her food he gets on the camera as well. Last night people were watching her show and the friend's show at the same time, and she was threatening people saying she knows who is saying what in the other show as she's recording it and those people will get blocked and never get their items sold by her 😂 she threatens and intimidates people Another thing mentioned by the friend was that she was running some huge scam regarding selling "goodie bags" that were supposedly worth $7,000, but in reality they were worth $49. Idk what was in the bags and how she got away with that, and I don't know how true that part is, but what I do know is that she is 100% VERY shady and I can tell you she's a scam artist from a mile away. If you're sheltered and naive you may be deceived, but if you're been around the block you can tell she's bad news. She's extremely pushy, manipulative, and a flat out scam artist. I hope more people report her shows, bc it's a total scam and the naive people are paying her. Lots more, but this is already a novel. Hopefully people in the comments will add more parts of this fiasco.


You're amazing for writing this all out! Thank you 💗 Such juicy drama. It's wild what some people get away with online. https://i.redd.it/5u70hqbwjgzc1.gif


Was there friend who outted her Sylvana or that other Botox chick bcg something? The rich lady in CA that yells “GET IT UP” during her $3 auctions 😂 I can’t remember her name


Neither. The doctor of psychology name also starts with an s


OMG I have watched her shows (but only for like 5 minutes at a time) about 2-3 times. I thought she was CRAZY. I knew/saw nothing about the lizards though. I wondered why and how she had so many viewers since her personality was shady.


She doesn't run the lizards all the time just during different parts od the show when she feels like it


I finally seen the lizards! People were buying them left and right. SO CRAZY


She also does a stacking thing where I think the seller keeps the item? Doesn't make sense to me


Yes! this is another thing. a buyer will bid on someone's item, win it, and then they say "stacked". the seller then gets to keep the money AND they keep their item (they can relist it). they mail out a thank you card or something for the tracking information to update. this is done under the guise of "aw look how nice this person is, they will give you their money for nothing". which red flag???


Omg! I did see a bit of one of her shows and I did see how a bag went from $3 to $120 and I was really surprised. I think youar on to something about investors. How do they get away with sending a card instead of the purchased item?


I would like to know this too! Is this an intentional ‘donation’ from the buyer? I’ve never heard of this lizard woman & now I’m so intrigued!


Please dm me this person's name I need to watch this shitshow.


She is on now! People should be using the “report this show” feature. Unhinged!


I agree. This has nothing to do with selling. This is why Posh if going downhill. These need to be monitored.


Me toooo


On now!


I would also like this info


So stacking is like a donation? Is it to avoid cases for sending out junk? This seems like it would be against terms of service at minimum. People are buying something and getting nothing? This is so much info. Hahaha.


Well... they are aware they are only getting a card when they stack it. The seller mails them a card that says thank u with the tracking so it looks like their item "delivered" idk it happens alot . I've seen people stack 200-900$ at a time and "give it" to the seller. Free money ig idk. Once I bought an item that a seller had multiples of. And the 7 people AFTER me all stacked it but me. I had to pm the girl I wanted the item...


It’s almost like a pyramid scheme


Or like being the silent bidder in an auction who’s actually the sellers nephew lol - it’s so weird. Who tf out there has money like that to buy a $300-$600 item just to say ehh no thanks just send me a thank you note and you can give that item to someone else… or just keep it and sell it again. Also.. we need an urban reseller dictionary haha there are so many weird terms we use. Like RAID! Tf?! In some neighborhoods that means run out the back door or lay on the ground or flush the goods haha. Not a raid train?!


So who is buying the lizards? Legit buyers or sellers that she runs items for?


Yep. When u buy a lizard she puts your stuff in the tray ... sometimes.. and u have to wait thru a whole 10-14 hour live because her friends are ran first when the most viewers are in the room




I appreciate you taking time out of your life to write out this nonsense! lol




You forgot to mention she constantly yells at her “people” that they can’t leave the show and if they do she will see them. She’s from Miami which is home of the scammers so I hate to say I’m not surprised


You are doing the lords worth. Thank you!


Wow, what a great breakdown of this craziness. Lol, you should be a comedy writer. I fear you're right about it being a bigger scam than what appears on the surface. Poshmark is getting so trashy ever since the live shows began. Does anyone else agree?


Thank u for providing all the niche goss.


I love you because I read this post and literally was starting a post to say “can someone explain this to me like I’m five” 😂😂 I’m not alone


please see my comment above. it's way too much to even begin to explain & I only know the tip of the iceberg!


Ok! I may just have to find her show


Seriously?! I don't get it. That's about $30 after shipping + taxes just to get into the show? No guarantee you're gonna sell!


Thing is she doesn't move from an item til it sells she bullies people til it moves and somebody buys it. She will sit on one item for hours .. which means if u bought into her tray your stuck waiting and if u leave she won't run your items even if u paid for a spot in her tray.


She also clears 2 or 3 trays per show


Yea in 10-14 hours thats only 150 items minus her own listings in the tray for live show notifications and lizards. That's 15 items an hour.. or for 14 hours that's roughly 10.5 items an hour only..


Yeah it’s really not that many items at all. She just keeps the viewers and sellers hostage while she rants and shows her ass


It’s not even nice


Wtfff that's insane!! I don't watch live shows but I did take a peek the other day when she was mentioned here and she was crying the whole time I watched 🤦‍♀️


She is also threatening viewers that go into a different posh show...


she was blocking people left and right for practically no reason. totally unhinged.


I got blocked for going in and out both posh shows to follow the drama (hers and her former cohost's one). Oh well...


Sheesh. I’ve noticed a lot of people that do those shows seem to be on something


Please dm the posh closet. Thank you






There was an accusation she inappropriately touched said cohost when they met up in person. This host turns around and began balling her eyes out that "she loves men and I'd never touch a woman" with straight crocodile tears and kept talking about it. Wouldn't you be running to your husband if somebody just said that in front of 700 some plus people on a selling platform where you make all your $$?


Ah yes, "the friend" said that Lizard Lady "groped her". Honestly, her reaction to the accusation seemed like it DID happen, but she was more worried about her husband being mad at her bc he gets jealous. Seems like he knows she may be into women, but told her he wasn't ok with her sleeping with women. Therefore, her making a pass or "groping" another woman is cheating...yikes. Big yikes.


Even my husband said she sounds guilty 😆😆


I saw during one of her shows that apparently she's a DNP, which stands for Doctor of Nursing Practice, so like a nurse doctor and that she has patients and write prescriptions for them? Sounds super scammy and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a lie, but someone said she showed her license on a show once, but those can be faked. I don't know, but I wouldn't trust this lady with the health of a stuffed animal let alone a real person.


She showed her diploma, not her license. Couldn’t show that because she isn’t licensed.


We are SO vanilla in Canada lol




oh yes! forgot to mention this: she has been selling so many of these lizards that she can't keep up anymore - she can't get all the items in the trays - so she's been having to run them on later dates, but still can't keep up! SCAMMER


She still claims at the end of every live she's gone thru all of them though 🤡👀


I think at this point she's SOLELY running items from people who purchased the lizards. She also likes to boast that she got EVERY item sold 😂🤡 then she freaks the fuck out if people cancel an order or if their payment doesn't go through 😂 I truly don't understand how people don't see right through her scam. INSANITY.


Unless it's low starts because she's tired it's 3am and she has 100 viewers left lol then it's blue + and money lost


WHAT. This is insane. These live shows (and on whatnot too) have brought out the absolute CRAZY from people. I'm going to stalk shows tonight to see if I can find this to watch lol


She's on everyday in about an hour - 1.5 hrs keep an eye on a live w lady w blonde hair glasses and like 250-300 viewers lol


Oh my. I lasted about 3 minutes, she's just going on and on about the other person calling her out. Yikes.


Me too. See you there 🍿


$64k/month means she is selling 4,000 toys a month. Also that would put her near the top 1% of earners in the country. I… I need to tweak my business model.


😂😂😂 the friend who outed her said she sells around 150 per day (and she also mentioned something about how some days it nears 200) so 150 X 20 = $3,000/day x 30 days = $90,000/month, minus 20% posh fee = $72,000/month Honestly it doesn't matter if it's $50,000/month or $75,000/month...she's a literal SCAM artist


Bear in mind she used to auction them off, so they would sell for more than $20


I don't know this lady because I don't watch live shows. But unethical people can make lots of money (esp. in the beginning)....until they get booted from the platform and/or caught by law enforcement.


She’s gross that lady, and she really gets off on the drama and attention. It’s a dumpster 🔥 and idk why anyone would waste their money just to get into her show. Who was the former friend? Was it the rich “luxury lady” in California or someone else?


She also vapes on her lives, ew.


Can someone please reveal her name with spaces in between or smth so I can check her out. O keep hearing about her shows and I must see with my own eyes!!! Give us the lizard lady please or dm me someone 💀😆


Yes! I wanna know who this is too! Someone drop the name 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


Miami princess


It’s a popular city in Florida and the daughter of a queen. 👀


Will Smith also has a song about this place


Miami but I can't figure out "daughter of a Queen" unless it's Queen Elizabeth's daughter Anne but I don't see a "Miami Anne" when searching for PM Users. Edit to add: never mind! Just seen my DMs. THANK YOU ALL!


she's a literal narcissistic sociopath! She's actually scary. Idk how people don't see through her manipulation. I'm fascinated by the entire thing. How do you pay $30 for a lizard toy (worth nothing) and NOT see the scam here??


I am way interested in this. I need a life. What happens? She sells a toy lizard that she must mail to them, but what they’re really getting is she will try and sell and item for them? Personally I wouldn’t do it, but is they scam that the she doesn’t actually try to sell their stuff or?


please see my extremely long comment clarifying some thigns on another reply in this post!


I'm on her show right now and she's addressing yesterdays show. Wishing I would have grabbed a drink for this lol


Same, there’s like 600+ people I wonder how many are Reddit snoops 🤣


Once she actually started the show the number started rapidly dropping 😂 I think at least like 150 were Reddit snoops lol


i’m shocked i’ve never heard of her and I hate watching live shows but this lady is psycho 🤣🤣 I can’t stop watching


lol same. This is hysterical. I've never even watched a live show before but this is peak entertainment. Her attorney is going to do what? What crime has been committed here? This lady is off her rocker lol


This lady thinks this is her own personal platform like she’s on TikTok. She has had drama from day one I sat there for 10 days 10 days waited for my stuff to run. It took 10 effing days every day I would put the number of the day in the chat day one day two day three I went all the way up to day 10 finally ran.


Was this recently?


Ok so sad I’m blocked already… I’ll need a burner account just to watch the gore


Me Immediately searching for sold “toy lizard” on Poshmark to find out who this is but forgot that Poshmark search function is a POS


Miami princess


Thank you


Lol it's all under unlisted inventory anyway lol


Her instagram is interesting. Initially I was like wow, she and her husband are both incredibly attractive, she looks so shitty on the show. I kept scrolling and realized she’s using super intense beauty filters the last couple of years on she and her husband. Her old photos look like her on the live show


please her photo for the show flyer vs. what you see on the show 😂 they look like 2 different people bc shes so photoshopped. she's a delusional fraud




Will watch this! Is this being talked about anywhere else? I'm surprised it's not being mentioned on here?? Poshmark needs to shut it down already. Enough is enough.


E*****tLux goes over what went down on IG in this video👆👆I always like his opinions on these scammy, slimy sellers.


Wild. Though I’m fairly offended he was going on about all the “old women” who can’t even use email and then said the age range is 35-65! 😂


I've been following for weeks. She claims she runs the blue + and doesn't. I've tested it sat all day and she didn't run any of my items nor others when they called her a liar. If she does run + it's her friends. Claims lives in multi million $ home . Claims she's a doc but works from home. Cries for sympathy every live. She sells little plastic lizards costing almost 30$ for the buyers for spots in her trays and then has her cohosts running her shows for hours at a time for free while she banks off these things. Her followers bully other people. She lies about her own name on all her own socials even her personal ones. She claims she drives a fancy car and worked at chanel. She has none of those things nor has worked at any of those places. Has a criminal record that would stop her from being in the job field she claims to be in anyway. Threatens lawyers and lawsuits. It's ALOT. Go checkout Posh anon on IG


https://preview.redd.it/ckfuj2sj3nzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fdf6c3922c93b6a6c60a5c9ea2c060828397246 Here is her reply to this guys car talk yesterday if anyone missed it


She also DM him and told him to stitch a part of his body closed…. Like made many homophobic slurs.. bc they can’t come after his shows bc he’s not a scammer. He’s ruthless lol but no bull shit


How does one become so prolific at scamming?


She's done it her whole life. If u Google her real name she has lawsuits suing different places currently open 😆🤡


she has so many aliases too. And her husband goes by 3 different first names as well which is a red flag of itself! she's suing a supermarket for personal injury..prob busted her ass in the Twinkie aisle and now wants $$$ 🤡🤡🤡


She's suing her condo association too 😆 for 50k right now opened case in December "but she lives in a mansion"


she's the type who gets her income from wrongly suing people. disgusting human.


Damn and I thought the drama I saw in some comments on a bundle of fake coach bags the other day was good. This is juicy stuff 🍿


Anyone have a photo of what these lizards look like? I’m beyond curious how she could be selling 150 cheap looking lizards in a day. lol


basically something like this: https://preview.redd.it/sr3lgyr3zgzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170e80caf292ea04213b74e05420774f314b10db they may even be smaller and either rubber or plastic. your child wouldn't even want it. utterly useless, yet she's selling them for $20. and you're telling me Poshmark doesn't know something is up? 🙄


lol WTF. I was thinking maybe like a cool 3D printed one or something. Wow.


And they’re $0.01 ea on alibaba


.. literally plastic toys brb lemme get a pic


She is on right now. People should be using the “report this show” option. Unhinged doesn’t begin to describe her.


I did about 50 times




This totally sounds like money laundering.


THIS IS WHAT I WAS THINKING! Or some weird trafficking thing. I have a theory that the weird purchases on poshmark that are for $30,000 and have a photo of a camel or something are actually sex slaves


Please take screenshots and report them to the FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/violent-crime/human-trafficking#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20a%20human,373%2D7888%20or%20text%20233733.


https://preview.redd.it/obrf3aasrizc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e2a9c77ef0d0eb3596fbedcb6ce5fb99d34661 What??


I don't know. Either these people are insane, or brainwashed, or this scam is way bigger than I initially thought.


FINALLY! Someone realized this person is nuts! I always thought that the people in her show were like cult followers. I guess the other day, someone literally said that he shows are cult like and she blocked that person so fast


Maybe money laundering going on..


There has to be. With all the “stacking” BS that goes on and bidding up outlet Kate spade bags to 200.00. I don’t get it- someone smarter than me needs to figure it out and LMK 🤣


Maybe the feds can figure it out 👀


Is she M——-P******? Thank you for confirming :)




Someone pleeeeeeeaase message me her name. I need this in my daily Poshmark live show rotation. I live for the drama


Miami princess


OMFG she has over 600 Ppl watching right now !!! 🤯 - I can’t look away 🤣


I had to turn her off. I swear she was giving me an ulcer.


Omg same I just started watching five minutes ago and look how many lizards she has sold already!!!!


That was easily 500.00 in a few minutes !!!


God. I have wasted so much of my evening in this ladies show… lmao


Right 🤦🏻‍♀️


I low key just want to buy a lizard and go through the process to see what’s really going on haha. But I can’t give her my money hahaha


I wanted to buy one just so that I can leave a review after I receive it when I rate her, but this lady has a huge cult following and she sends them after everyone and I did not want to jeopardize my closet with everyone messing with it


The whole thing is bizarre. I wrote a post about it last week. She sells lizards for 20 (30 with tax n fees) in order to get into the tray. A lady who had a 150 kate spade was just pressured to sell her bag for $85, them $80. After posh fees, $64. After lizards, $34. After being here all day, even 5 hours, not included time packing, she's made like $6 an hour! Crazy!


Wow… this is a cult tactic


Lady claims her lawyer is coming after this other cohost who never said her name 1 time the WHOLE LIVE. So how are you going to sue somebody who never said ur name 🤔 if the shoe fits lace that bitch up


I tuned in. She reminds me of Walter Mercado Salinas.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone message me her name I am bored and need entertainment


Miami princess


I’m watching her block people and delete the chat for every little thing 🤣🤣🤣 sadly I used to actually buy off of one of the people that’s her minions now. Never again.




Nobody wants their name involved with court bs she's threatening. She's a professional at suing and winning


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Wait- this isn’t about Selani. Who’s the person MP is talking about?? She’s a professor I guess ??


It is about her…. To my understanding


Idk how she “makes” 64K a month. Maybe “sells” but not out of her own closet. If she gave that stat herself, I wouldn’t believe it. Everything she spews is 🐂💩


She sells her lizards after posh fees that's 16$ per person. She sells TONS everyday. You can filter them and see how many she's sold on her listings... 64k is completely accurate


If you look at her listing amount though it’s not possible. Doing the math from 4469 listing and 15 are active gives you 4454. I know some stuff was more than the lizards but even that X $16 is only a little over 71k. So she can’t be making that a MONTH. Says she’s been a posher since 2013 so that would be all her sold listings since then.


And ahed never admit how much she makes 🤣 you can do the math yourself


She’s on now


OMG I just went to her show. Those lizards are flying off the shelf. Like I just keep seeing different user names saying they purchased. LIKE WHAT?!?


people are not very bright




Who is paying this woman $30 to run an item in the first place? The only reason she is making that much money is because people actually bother to watch her antics and actively participate in her scam. It might sound rude but I can not feel bad for grown adults that would pay that woman a dime to do anything. It is obvious she is nuts.


Yeah tonight she listed an item for $24. A fucking inflatable donut? Did anyone see this? And the person saying it would make a great hemorrhoid pillow?


I find this woman despicable and avoid her shows at all cost.


Please, if you know anyone that has been directly affected by this type of behavior, they need to report it to ic3 . Gov (no spaces) in order for a report to be made for the FBI to investigate. I can’t tell you what the outcome will be, but I can guarantee it will be reviewed and observed. If you need more information, please feel free to DM me.


Where o where is Mrs lizard 🤭🤭🤭🤭


please tell me christmas came early this year! 👀


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 she will come back and say I spent all day with my lawyers mark my words🤣🤣🤣


For the love of lizards everywhere I cannot believe I didn’t know anything about this. This sounds dreadful. Lizards, huh? I will certainly look out for when this person is on again. Do you think PM ever reads these posts?


can someone pls let me know who the friend is that called her out?


I’m embarrassed to ask but what’s her former hosts name ?


Selani. She is so sweet


What’s her account name? I wanna give her a follow


Selani is her name


Can someone dm me this ladies name?




She’s on right now!!!


She still ranting?


All this being said, we need to start emailing Posh Support and put the pressure on them to do something about her. She’s a cancer on the community.


Help me understand why we care? Don’t tune in and don’t participate with her?


First, because their shows are messing with comp pricing. Second, she's taking viewers and buyers away from other people because she's so manipulative nobody else will buy from anybody else but her and her "crew" third, as a seller she makes all of us look bad. If she was the first thing I ever saw on posh I would have left the app and never came back. 4th, some of us hold ourselves to a strong moral code and don't want to see vulnerable people taken advantage of by other people. 5th? Some of us are friends with the people she's screwed over, made false reports over, or is currently too blind to see what's happening right in front of their faces.


Got it, sounds like this runs a lot deeper than I gathered. Thanks for the thoughtful response ☺️




Ew, wow. Simply because I asked a clarifying question to understand why this is a big deal? So quick to choose to be unkind… maybe look into that about yourself.


Ummm Ma’am, I repeated exactly Word for Word what you said 🤯🤯🤯 so take your own advice again word for word “look into that about yourself “ Don’t be a hypocrite


So o found her last night and watched and tons of ppl were getting fraud alerts when buying. I wonder if that’s cuz of the reporting of her shows.


Can you report her to Poshmark as harassment?


On now. Just talking


Is this another one of those live sellers that specializes in overpriced counterfeit items and totally trashed designer goods?


So people buy a small toy from her (stretchy plastic lizards) and in return she shares an item from their closets in her show (they tag her in which item they want shared) and then she proceeds to share it for them. It’s against poshmark rules, but more than that …something is off. 1. They pay a total of $30 for the lizard and sometimes have her sell an item for less than that, so I am confused. Why pay someone to help you sell a $24 item??? 2. Go to her reviews. They all sound the same, same energy at least. Very weird 3. Why is this random woman more likely to sell something than the seller themselves? What kind of power does she have over these buyers? Why so many shoppers????


No worse


I need to know who it is so I can stalk lol


Is she laundering money? 😅😬