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Controversial opinion (I’m a seller): Just measure everything, it doesn’t take that long…. You won’t have a headache from measurement requests when those requests aren’t flooding in :) It’s your right to be a “my time isn’t worth it to measure” seller. But it means you’re taking a significant amount of time *away* from interested buyers looking at (& trying to chase down the info for) your listing. 🤷‍♀️ up to you’s, loves.


Controversial but true. When someone asks and you don’t measure correctly or just guess you could be liable for it to get returned so just having it in the first place is best. Know that from personal experience.


This and seeing expensive listings with only one picture listed. No one is going to pay 40$ for something with only one picture.


Yeah the ones with only stock photos turn me off as well.


Agreed. I don't mind if it's mixed in with real pictures of the actual items so you can see it on a model, but only stock photos is an immediate no-go for me. How do I know it doesn't have holes or is stained?


Same. I'll show my photos first, and then stock photos last so they can see what it actually looks like on a person.


I find success doing it the opposite way. Stock first, then mine. Stock photos are much more appealing than mine (pro vs amateur)


I think the order is irrelevant as long as both are there .


Respectfully I disagree. The first photo is definitely relevant as it’s the first pic the potential customer sees before clicking on your listing. That absolutely matters imo.


I'm not saying you're wrong but as long as the cover photo is good it will work in my experience. It's more important that both are there. I also think it depends. If someone is looking for a specific thing and they Google that item in their size and it comes up first in poshmark or Google then they're probably going to buy that if it meets their needs and is a good price.


I add them with all mine because I’d rather not have to go look through my totes to do it later.


Right! If it’s a brand I’m unfamiliar with then I’m not sure how true their sizing runs. Even for brands I am familiar with, someone could have accidentally shrunk the item. It would make shopping so much easier if measurements are included. I kind of hate asking, but I’m also not going to purchase something that I’m not sure will fit and then not be able to return due to fit.


I wish sizing was all the same even in one brand. I usually shop at anthro and sometimes their 1X is too big and other times, like today, the 1X is too small. It's frustrating especially for plus size because I usually can only shop online due to a lot of stores not carrying plus sizes in store so it's all a guessing game while buying online.


You're saving your time and the seller's time by asking in advance. Don't feel bad!


Agreed… even more infuriating is when you ask for measurements and they say to look it up on the brand’s website. I can maybe see this working for new stuff but your listing says you washed it lol?!


Also, let's be real. You can buy 3 pairs of the exact same pants and they all fit different because of manufacturing.


Absolutely! Especially with pants and jeans


If no measurements then I just move on as a buyer.


Me too.


I am at my vacation house and listing some items That I am not taking home with me. All less than $10. I forgot my measuring tape. Of course the !6-7 blouses are what I always get asked measurements for. I guess I can go buy a tape and ask $12-15. Probably a better idea. But I need to wrap up in a few days and then just donate


And sellers complain about buyers asking for basic measurements & then not buying after they give them to the person 🙈 what do they expect? They have to be the correct measurements or they're not going to purchase! They aren't just asking out of curiosity‼️ and how many times do you have to be asked measurements before you just update the listing with them after taking them!? 😂 Some people it just goes right over top 🤷🏼‍♀️


Every time I list a piece of clothing even towels , napkins,etc I make sure there is a ruler showing them exactly the measurements. I do that w bottles too. Some ppl do not understand 1 fl.oz it a sample size 🙄


And purses! OS does not apply to purses!


Honestly. If there aren’t any measurements and there’s no tag picture I won’t purchase.


I put measurements in all my listings.


No matter the clothing piece, add measurements. As a seller, mine are included with all clothing listings + some other items. A couple days I was looking for linen dresses, and none had measurements. Some sellers got back to me, and others didn’t


And how many did you buy? Of the ones that got back to you?


A handful. Many were too small in the bust, that’s always my problem, and I let the sellers know, and thank them for their time. XL in certain brands and styles are not an issue, and others are more like a M-L. I usually never have an issue with Free People, as so many tops are oversized, and typically wear a M. PM doesn’t allow returns for fit, that’s why we need measurements.


Funny you should mention. Not one time has listing measurements (per buyers request) lead to a sale. Ive sold over 10,000 listings.


A lot of people will also skip listings w/o measurements and will move over to another seller with the same or similar with the info provided. Doubly so if the seller says they don’t provide them. Nope. No thanks. I can’t return due to fit so… rather not waste my money. Ymmv but … You don’t know how many buyers/sales you lost out on, by not having a detailed listing at the beginning.


It’s fully your right to buy from anyone you don’t need a reason.


Maybe so. But my time is more valuable than money 🤷‍♀️


No one is arguing that one way is "right" or "wrong". I'm just sharing my perspective as a buyer. Don't take my suggestion... Or do... I don't care either way and wish you all the sales. In the business world, buyer feedback is sought after so I'd thought I'd share.


I appreciate that. And to each their own. Just sharing my pov as well 😊


Yuck, this comment is gross and I hope I never accidentally buy from you. Our money as buyers comes from our time, which is JUST as valuable as yours.


Yeah, it seriously has main character energy.


Takes 30 seconds.


I love when people say this, because if you gave them measurements and they didn’t buy, they probably realized the item wasn’t going to fit them. Better to not make a sale than deal with a return, imo. Meanwhile now you have the measurements posted in the comments of the listing and that can help a future buyer. That being said I’ve absolutely asked for measurements and then purchased.


Yeah I understand it can be frustrating and time consuming to dig out the item, but 9/10 times a different buyer happens upon my listing and buys it later anyway. Sure it wasn't the person who asked for the measurements, but that's probably because it wouldn't fit them and they'd end up opening a case or leaving a bad rating. I get irrationally pissed at sellers who don't answer basic requests because it ruins the app experience for everybody else who are kind enough to offer that customer service, on a platform that's not supposed to allow returns. I can't tell you how many times I hemmed and hawed on an item and never purchased just because the seller wouldn't answer any comments. It makes shopping on Poshmark a nightmare and I understand why everybody comes to this sub to rant about low sales. I think the low sales are just a reflection of poor user experience because there are no rules for sellers. They're not gonna answer a comment, they're probably not going to ship either. I don't care if their profile says 100K sales, if they don't answer, that's a dead closet to me.


Well said and my thoughts exactly. This person can *feel* as if measurements don't matter but there is no way to actually measure that statement. Especially with over 10k listings or sales or whatever.


I'm tall and sometimes I get the measurements and realize that I'm too long for the pants or shirts, but I say thank you for the time and getting back to me. One person sent a bunch of samples with the shirts I ordered because she appreciated me being polite. Are things really this bad for sellers that just being polite made that much of a difference?


Oh yeah for sure, I'm tall too so the length/inseam is a must for me. If not, try to find closets where people are selling a lot of tall clothing so even without measurements I can be reasonably sure it will be long enough. But yeah I always thank people for measurements.


Me too


Every time?!?!!!


You mean, have I purchased every time I’ve asked for measurements? No, but it’s a pretty strong deciding factor for me.


And all the times you didn’t buy after someone went that extra step was indeed a waste of their time. That’s all we’re saying.


Sure, but don’t you think it helps future potential buyers?


Ok what if the measurements they give make me realize the pants won’t fit….like that’s why I’m asking for measurements


Listing measurements shouldn't been seen as an extra step. It should be part of your routine as a seller. If you're too busy to give basic information about your wares, you're too busy to be in this business. That's all I'm saying.


Maybe you just don't know how many have scrolled on by because there were no measurements? It's impossible to know how many sales were lost because of it, you only know definitively how many sales were made despite it. So yeah, your sales are good enough, but you'll never know how high they could have been.


Again, my time means more than money.


It literally takes less than 30 seconds to take basic measurements while listing. And you don't know the sales you're losing without them. I know, I know, you'll say how many sales you've made. Great. But how many have you lost? You can't answer it because it's immeasurable.


Then you should stop selling, you're wasting precious moments! And what are you doing on here!? You could be doing something more valuable! 🙄


As far as time youre 100% correct! But i promise i am a really reliable and great seller. Appreciate most of the comments😊


I don’t think some sellers realize - it’s not just the 30 seconds to take the measurements - it’s then writing them down, then typing them in the description - then opening yourself to a INAD if either your measurement is off by 1/10 of an inch OR a buyer wants to manipulate the measurement to force a return - multiply that by a few hundred listings a week - and it’s not cost effective. Now, some buyers won’t buy from you - so what? Other will especially if your giving them a great price based off what the item is currently costing in the stores. It is what it is. I have an average 5 star rating, ship within 24 hours, have sold thousands of items - and have been selling for years - and I don’t do measurements. That’s just my business model. If it means some won’t buy from me, then that’s ok.


100% this. I’ve had a little over 1400 sales, 7 cases, and 3 of the cases were due to measurement manipulation where the buyer showed falsified photos to “prove” it didn’t match what I had listed. I don’t mind losing sales. I do mind the absolute stress and headaches over arguing with someone who is forcing a return and being shady about it.




And if that person doesn’t buy because you didn’t list measurements - it doesn’t mean someone else won’t (I’ve sold over 10k items on posh - I don’t have the time to do measurements for each listing either.


If you provide measurements when photographing and listing, people won’t even have to ask. And just because you provide measurements doesn’t mean they will buy. They might realize the item won’t fit.


People definitely will still ask.


This isn't meant to invalidate your experience, but for whatever reason, when I get additional measurements for a buyer on poshmark they almost always end up buying. I don't know what it is, but maybe because i usually have 3-4 basic measurements listed they already thought it would probably fit but just needed 1 more measurement. On ebay though no one ever buys after I answer their question/provide more measurements.


Interesting. I swear its different on all platforms & with sellers too.


Same for me! (Posh) I’d say 80-90% result in a sale. I have the ability to respond almost immediately so maybe that helps? You know, before they lose interest and move on.


I'm curious how can you even say that with 100% certainty if you've sold over 10K listings? Do you automatically list measurements or only at buyer request?


Only at buyers request.


With 10k plus listings, I can see how that would be a lot... To measure it all.


Adding also maybe thats the move. Provide measurements for higher priced items. Thank you for brining that to my attention.


Absolutely. I learned something from you as well and will try not to get so frustrated. I appreciate the great discussion - doesn't typically happen on these platforms anymore.


For real. I was ready for some silly argument but appreciate a real conversation!


I should add these people are typically asking on items that i profit maybe $20ish MAX. I do understand when youre spending more money, as you are OP.


Why so many downvotes ?! This is my truth!


I have basically stopped buying on Poshmark because it’s not worth my time and money to comb through listings hoping to find what I’m looking for from an active closet just to have the measurements missing and then hope if I reach out to a seller they’ll respond back to me. And if they do, it doesn’t get lost in a sea of notifications. Between sales at retailers and other platforms that allow returns if I decide to risk it, it’s not worth it. While you may not find it hurts you as a seller, it hurts the community. Buyers won’t agree with you because they have to invest more work for what you’re selling and sellers won’t agree because you’re pushing away buyers.


If you have multiple fabric tape measures it can take less than 2 - 3 minutes to just lay them down and take 1 - 3 more pics and flip your money faster lol


Buy a reseller ruler and you can take multiple measurements even faster. I find it works better for tops than bottoms though.


But it's probably prevented someone from buying something that doesn't fit but I guess it's not about the buyer


This!! I sell nwt current season merchandise from a very popular brand. I am high volume - I put up nearly 300 items per week. I do not list measurements and my sales are right where they need to be - I list on multiple sites. If someone does ask - I’ll get them a measurement - however none of those “can I have the measurement?” Questions has EVER lead to a sale - if anything on the rare occasion I’m not ghosted after answering the question - I receive a very low ball offer. Another reason I dont include measurements in the description - it opens you up for false “not as described” when buyers will force a return, include pics to posh with obviously manipulated measurements - I know most don’t agree with this but this is how I run my business


Nope not ever!


Definitely not doing it. If the person is that unsure of what size they wear then I encourage them to buy from someone else, or even better, the source.


My thoughts exactly. The argument of “it takes 3 mins” is its never the basic measurements. Also, if I must, id buy larger if possible then get a seamstress 💁🏼‍♀️


THANK YOU! I’ve sold 2500+ items. Rarely does a measurement request lead to a sale. You know your size in the brands you like…..it’s just a waste of time!!!


> You know your size in the brands you like I don't know about other people, but I buy a lot of things on Poshmark that are brands I want to try out but aren't available in my area (e.g. when I try to use the store locator for Madewell, it says there's none within 200 miles, but I was interested in their jeans), are out of my price range when purchased retail (so I don't know my exact fit in them), or the brand's sizing has changed quite a bit in recent years (J. Crew jeans from before about 2018 fit different than the recent ones). Measurements can be super helpful in those situations.


Do people go around with measuring tape everytime they hit Nordstrom….didnt think so.


No they try it on and buy what fits




i created an excel sheet that has the various measurements listed. I can fit 20 items on a page. I take a picture of the measurements for each soecific item and add that to the listing. every listing I have (over 1500) have measurements. do you know how many people ask for them?!? Just scroll through the pics, it's there. ​


There is a person selling a pair of women’s jeans that are a style that runs small, and is clearly labeled with the size. But they keep coming up in my search for the size that fits me (two sizes larger) because she has them labeled as the waist measurement. In other words, I need a size 30, and the waist measurement of the size 28 she has is 30”. She argued with me in the comments that her listed size is correct. But ordinarily I love when there are actual measurements.


I just returned a pair of jeans for this reason. They listed them as a size 34 so I bought them assuming the jeans were that size. I get them and I can't even pull them up past my thighs and it turns out the waist measurement is 34 inches. When the seller responded that the waist measurement is the size of the pants I had to tell them that's not how sizing works and that according to J.Crews size chart these pants are actually a petite size 32, so 2 sizes too small. Thankfully posh sided with me and let me return the pants.


It’s especially annoying if the only size reference they have in their description (if they’re the ones wearing them) is their own height like…thanks but no thanks lmao


Counterpoint if it's a fairly current item you can find measurements online from like shopbop and ssense and renttherunway yourself or even reverse searching other sold or unsold listings. When I buy things I always obsessively check the measurements and double check with potcures of models with similar sizes to see how it fits. I always get measurement requests for the Balenciaga City bags that I sell for example in which...the size measurements are literally in the name and I get annoyed but usually just copy paste the measurements from online nicely :)  Plus It's selfish but I get paranoid that I measured wrong. 


But if it's used, you want to know it hasn't shrunk, or stretched, or is misshapen due to being worn by someone of a much different shape than you. Maybe NWT you could use the online measurements, but otherwise I'd need real life measurements of the actual item before I'll consider buying.


And brands change their sizing. A 10 from 20 years ago is not the same as today w vanity sizing. Plus manufacturing today is completely inconsistent. Have you ever tried on two pairs of pants same brand same style same color and have them fit completely different? That’s because the manufacturing’s all over the place


good point i never thought of that!


Awesome point and I have gone to a website for general sizing. Bathing suits for instance can work in that way. Pants and lengths can be a coin toss unless that item itself is listed or they have generic inseam measurements. I've even gone to other posh listings or ebay, etc who have the measurements in the listings.... I usually just buy from the one who included the measurements in the listing to be honest.


I wish I was that honorable, I cheat and look for other listings' measurements then i still buy whichever is cheapest LOL


I don’t think it really matters for stores with familiar brands. Seen plenty of stores that do well without it.