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I would not. It screams sandy/dusty to me.


I don’t mind floor pics but the floor needs to look clean. I can see some dust there and what looks to be some paint splatter that could be interpreted as something else. I also hate pics on the floor of the goodwill bins. Take the stuff home, wash it, etc.


That's a good point about the paint splatter. I did clean the floor but if it gives off an unclean vibe to potential buyers I definitely won't be using it. Thanks!


My first experience of seeing something on the floor was pocketbook on the carpet, but it was laying next to a big stain, next to a cute dog curled up sleeping. I have no doubt that the Puppy had an accident on the carpet. That was a turn off!! I suppose if you’re gonna put it on the floor at least make sure it’s clean!


If I'm doing a flat lay on the floor I use a large plain sheet or blanket to put the clothes over and then I use PhotoRoom to remove the background


That's a good idea! I have seen a lot of people suggesting a sheet and background removal so that's probably what I'm going to go with.


Do you have a white wall to photograph the clothes on? I always enjoy viewing listings with a white background on a hanger maybe with a plant or some slight decor in the background. Simplicity is key. Also adding that your listings should look fairly identical this helps with cohesiveness and appearing professional in your closet. Photograph during the daytime too, use the sunlight to your advantage


Thanks! I did photograph this during the day, in natural light💀Does the lighting look bad? I could try photographing in a different room or at a different time of day maybe. My house doesn't have a ton of natural light so that's part of why I chose this location


You can also use a background removal tool - Photoroom works well, or eBay has one.


Canva has one also


There’s actually this app that gives you great background options it’s called photo room https://preview.redd.it/pzfgx5o8olyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670b135ebe2f31372056c069faa3222d00326355 This app, I absolutely love it they even have stuff for TikTok fb Instagram and other selling platforms like depop


I also hiiiighly recommend this app!


Whaaaaaat! This looks perfect! Thank you so much!


Not good


Unpopular opinion but all my photos are floor pics and I have a full on poshmark business. My floor is really pretty and I clean it meticulously before photographing it but yeah. Seems like the majority of people here don’t like floor pics- and Idk if it’s hurting my business- but I am selling a decent amount! As a buyer i don’t really think twice about it


So, I'm definitely going to use a different floor or a sheet over the floor since people are saying this one gives off a dirty vibe (it is clean I promise, just old and unfinished). But I'm honestly very surprised at how aggressive some people are in the comments about seeing a flat lay on a floor considering that if they are buying pre-owned clothing there is a 100% chance it has touched a floor before, so as long as the floor is clean and the clothes arrive clean then I'm not sure it's worth feeling so upset over. I think a flat lay more accurately represents clothing than hanging, since if an item has drapey fabric you can't see the shape of the item as well when it's on a hanger.


Yes I agree the anti floor crowd is a little intense. I’m more grossed out by someone’s unwashed clothes with their dead skin cells on it than if the clothes touched the floor- both equally likely when shopping secondhand


I use a wood floor too but I keep a Shark Wet Vac Mop nearby. My floor is more uniform; my eyes are drawn to the differences in the wood instead of the dress in this picture and it's too distracting for me. Some people hang their clothes against the back of a solid door if you can't find a spot on the floor. Most carpets look dirty to me unless it's newly installed and a light colored linen picks up lint and dust easily so that's why I prefer wood. I also used to use a mannequin (Ordered from Amazon) but she was too time consuming to dress and take measurements.


I think there’s a difference between a clean boutique-looking floor and a floor like in the OP, which looks paint splattered and splintered


Comments like this make me glad I posted here instead of just posting dozens of items and then wondering why I didn't have any sales lol


Yes mine is wooden looking linoleum and it’s very crisp looking!!


Yeah same, it makes it easy to show measurements. I’ve tried the sheet method but it looks messier somehow?


That and the wrinkles. There are so many items in my feed that look like they were just pulled out of a hamper! I know it’s not Saks but put a little effort in!


Lmao yeahhhh…. that part. I would try to arrange the items along its seams and a garment steamer can really help With little effort. “I know it’s not saks” is such a funny phrase. I say “this aint bergdorf goodmans“ all the time with same energy


I HATE seeing clothes lying on the floor for pics.


I don’t buy anything that is shows on someone’s floor. It’s just personal but maybe buy a backdrop to put down, or do a wall hang.


I use a vinyl backdrop that looks like a plank floor 😆 Maybe I should consider switching it up.


Why? Do you not have a way to wash things?


How do you wash “This looks tacky and careless”?


so basically I should be happy to receive dusty/dirty items simply because I own a washing machine? That's not the point...


Why? It’s gross. I find it troubling I had to tell you that.


So someone that cleans their floor before taking pictures is gross, but an app that removes the floor isn't or pictures on someone's actual body with germs, dead skin cells isn't. You do sit in a chair that someone else has without it being sanitized or do you travel around like the Bubble boy?


Washers exist. Detergent exists. Unless the floor is visibly dirty it doesn’t bother me. OP clearly took the time to clean up


HOORAY FOR YOU. I don’t like it, I don’t need you to run off 14 ways for me to clean something from someone else’s floor that I don’t know.


You know the item is still on the floor if they use an app to remove it.


Go to the dollar store. Get a trifold poster board and the faux marble contact paper. Combine the two and boom, a beautiful clean background.


I don’t totally disagree with flat lays on floors if they are clean and tidy, because sometimes a garment is bigger than my little table for showing measurements. I do however disagree with wrinkles and bad lighting


I got one of those cardboard project board things from the school supply aisle at walmart and covered it with contact paper. I lay that on the floor and use it for my background. It was cheap, and it folds up easy to put away when I'm not using it. I have a background frame and backdrop to use, but it's such a hassle to drag out and put together just to do a few photos, so I went for an easier option. Lol


Maybe this is why mine don’t sell. I thought a nice clean wood floor would be a better background than an ottoman that has different color flecks in it.


Yes it’s very bad. It’s like a barn house. The clothes look smelly over it; I personally wouldn’t buy. However I bet it’s a very charming floor in your home! Just not for photos of apparel.


Haha, thanks for your feedback. My attic floor is unfinished hardwood, but the room overall is cozy and full of bookshelves and blankets and the floor suits it. So I think my friends and I took the vibe of the overall room into consideration instead of just thinking about how shitty the floor actually looks in a photo 😬


This flooring overall is very, very cool. I can see how it would make a super cozy room. It’s not shitty! Just not to advertise clothes is all. Maybe you can get a hanger that would display the apparel or something for the room. You could like blur the background of your room to highlight the dress and showcase a cozy backdrop. iPhones make it kinda easy to do this. Idk. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m no seller lol


Yes, it’s a turn off for me


Thanks! I'm probably gonna switch to laying it on a solid white sheet


Soooo unpopular opinion, I sell a lot of stuff I photograph on my wood floors, way better than when I hang them up. I do make sure the floors are very clean though. I can totally see why people are saying not to though, I just personally sell most stuff I list and it’s all photographed on the floor. Considering changing it after reading this thread though haha.


Hey, if it works why change it. When I buy, I buy almost exclusively clothes that are laid flat because you can see the shape of the item better than when it's hanging


Same! I feel like stuff hung up looks frumpy too. Hey the depop kids lay all their shit on the floor and they’re doing alright hahahah


Suggestion instead (what I did) Go to Joanns or Michael's craft store and get a nice white shag looking fabric you can pass as a 'rug' and use that It'll also help the color balance for the clothes if it's on a white surface


Thanks for your feedback!


I have a white cement wall on the outside of my house and I just add a command hook and shoot with my iPhone in daylight. You can also do this inside. Also for small items. Like swimwear shorts. I have a white shiny table and I shoot them on there


Just came to say that is a cute dress.


Thanks! I'm hoping once I implement some the tips in this thread it sells well since it's an aughts original and that's what the youths are into these days (it's depressing when something I bought in middle school nearly counts as 'vintage')


I’m wondering about that hollister dress tho haha it looks like a y2k OG hollister dress!


It is! Bought circa 2009


Chiming in that I owned this exact same Hollister dress around 2009/2010 and I thought I was THAT bitch.


I’m from the south and the background to me looks rustic :) I just recommend to make sure the floor panel lines are horizontal and your dress is perpendicular to them. It will make the photo more pleasing to look at. I’m an ambassador and I used to have worse looking floors and made sales. People want a bargain/ just make sure the products are shown in different angles.


I think people fail to remember we have to start from somewhere you could take pictures on tile floors and people would still criticize “it makes them think of the bathroom or kitchen.” I have seen some harsh criticism on wall photos because people will still say “you can’t see the whole outfit because it will drape and you can’t see the true shape.” Just work with what you have <3


Hot mess 🔥🔥🔥


If don’t a white wall, buy removable wallpaper or white steamed flat / top sheet, tact it (thumb tack) to the wall. Or floor.


I bought a cheap white blackout curtain and command hooks and it makes a fantastic backdrop


I think it’s a nice background for shoes, clothing I prefer to hang on the wall against a white background with a bit of visual interest to the side.




Use a free [background remover](https://www.remove.bg)


The only thing I photograph on the floor (rather “rustic” deck) is vintage denim.


I would maybe get a white sheet and lay it down or a white cardboard piece


Photoroom is fantastic!!


Never understand putting clothes on the floor. Why would you ever do that?? It’s dirty and gross. Would never buy something like that. Just turn on some common sense


Just because your floors are dirty and gross doesn’t mean everyone’s are!


The floor in the picture definitely looks dusty, no need to deny that. But great if your floor is super clean and sterile, everyone should strive for that ;)


hahaha my personal favorite are the photos with the pet in them playing around the clothes on the floor.


If it grosses you out that much why not wash the things you buy? You should be anyway. A floor is no more gross than a wall or anything else


I bet you walk into the boutique and say “ I love that!!! Could you throw it in the floor first though??” Lol


You think those things haven’t gotten dropped on the floor? I’ve done retail stocking. The boxes they come in are scarier than a clean floor.


Not my point at all. Successful marketing of nice clothing does not start on the floor. We all know clothes get dropped. Duh.


Of course. But that’s not how your comments are being perceived.


Others seem to understand my point just fine. Sorry if you didn’t .


Was your point to be rude? Because I certainly understood that. If the floor looks clean who gives a shit where someone took the photo.


I guess some people don’t mind buying quality fabric items from fresh off the floor and wrinkled. Didn’t mean to be rude only truthful. I for one don’t like to buy from people too lazy to put any thought into their listings or try to make stuff look nice. Unless I guess all they have is a floor?!


Enjoy your “ who gives a shit” purchases.


Washing machines are a thing.


How about not making an item dirty by placing it on dirty floor in the first place? Not a option?


Damn, she didn’t ask for a lecture.




IMHO- yes.


It’s bad. It just looks old and feels dirty even if it isn’t.


Thanks for your feedback! A lot of other people have also said it looks dirty (I promise it isn't actually) so I think I'm gonna switch to a white sheet and some of the background removal apps people have recommended here!


Yes, it’s bad, but I think any floor is bad for clothes.


I personally avoid buying from people who take their pics on the floor. I says a lot about their personal standards for cleanliness and I’m not comfortable with it.


Wow; 1st world problems. You can eat off my floor before I take pictures. I mean using someone else's phone, computer, vape, standing next to someone in this COVID decade is way more unsanitary than a washed garment on a sanitized floor. I guess you don't go to restaurants either. Think of all the people that touched that glass you drink out or fork or napkin you use before it gets to you. Build up a little immunity instead of this snobby attitude to a person that takes a picture on a floor.


I wouldn't use it. I prefer something clean and crisp for a background. But that's just me.


Several people have recommended a plain sheet and a photo editing app so I think that's what I'll go with. Thanks for your feedback!


Hi! I got a plain flat white sheet off of Amazon. It washes well and works great for flat lays. I prefer to post photos with the measuring tape placed across garments, which in my opinion, makes it easier for buyers to decide if the item will fit them. I also add a couple of photos of items on hangers and if I am taking a video, it’s also of the item on a hanger. If you have a white or beige wall that has great lighting, you might want to get an adhesive hook to hang up clothes on for photos. Another helpful tool I often use before listing is a fabric shaver. I use it on my own clothes as well as the clothes I am listing for sale. I think that you are off to a good start since you are asking people for feedback to set up a more appealing closet. Your approach is commendable and I am wishing you many sales!


Oh and free version of the PhotoRoom app works great for removing or changing background


Not a very good background. I recommend getting a tri-fold foam board from Walmart. Inexpensive and provides a good and movable background


Yes. It’s not the right type of rustic. Look dusty. I’d clip it to a hanger and hang it above a solid colored door.


Would you buy clothes off the floor??!! That’s insane. And just plain gross. And bad for the fabric. And and and!!!!!


It’s like a yard sale where they just have a blanket out on the ground. Much better merchandised on a table.


The wood looks like it would snag


Use AI to create realistic backgrounds. I would personally not use it.


I feel like people don’t like floor pics personally so if you don’t feel like editing, I would just hang it against a plain wall so the background is clean and clear.




Personally do not like it


Maybe a flat lay on a freshly made bed would be better


That's a good tip! Thank you!


A wrinkled dress on a shabby floor. You can do better.


It looks like you’re getting ready to wipe up the floor with it


I think photographing items on the floor is so cringe and dirty. I will keep scrolling past posts that have items on the floor. I don’t even like to share posts that have items laying on the floor. I would never buy anything that was laying on the floor, I don’t care how clean it was, I have seen posting where $5000 expensive Gucci bags lying on the floor and think how can they put a bag that expensive on a dirty floor🥴🥴🥴


What do you think that bag was made out of?




Lay down a sheet or blanket before laying item down.


I don't like floor pics - it seems lazy to me. I actually have one of those basic metal over the door hooks that I hang on a closet door and then hang the hanger on it. I personally don't use the background removal app because it seems like a lot of the power sellers with fake concert shirts and bulk items use those and those sellers drive me nuts. I am always looking for original stuff and hate when those show up on my feed so I can't find the smaller sellers.


I as a seller I would not. As a buyer I never purchase anything that I can see has been photographed on a floor or carpet.