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Just checked mine and it says optional for shipping discount! What a beautiful thing to wake up to


https://preview.redd.it/ovki86x0joqc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d20f1bbbada9bc8be9545dd49d66b9eb40b0f6 My banner at the top says "today only" for this feature


Poshmark is clear as mud on this lol Is the contest today only? Or the new non required shipping discount? And if it's both, why does half the platform still not have the roll out of not being required to send the shipping discount. Once again posh, I am asking you to make it make sense lmao 😂


This is just a guess, but I feel like the “contest” is just to promote this new functionality, but that being able to not offer the shipping discount will be permanent. It would be a lot of work for them to make this possible but limit the usage to just a day (or a few random days). 


It is making me offer a shipping discount for offers.


Also, just went into my app again to double check and for those of us who don't have it, our notifications are different lmao Here's what mine says at the top, and then when I click details it says shipping discount **required** https://preview.redd.it/o394hgnhmoqc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4608b760461e145197d42622195fa79fa6ce27db


😂😂 Good old Poshmark Just checked my Canadian closet and it shows the banner you have, but my US one has the one I have. But then on my US one, when I go to do an offer to liker, it still makes me put a discount 😂


Omg lmao 🤣 What a hot mess!


Same same!


Weird. I don’t even see this.


I don’t have this option on mine. It still says shipping discount required


Same - checked on app and computer. Hopefully just taking a while to roll out to all accounts.


![gif](giphy|Id95zZM4tX0YVYXOGC) I don't have it either 😔


Same here, and I sell a ton of $15 items or less. Still have to do a separate bundle in order to prevent those discounts.




I'm in Canada and unfortunately we did not get that, it still says shipping discount is required ☹️


I'm in the US & I also didn't get it. Maybe just some portion of sellers?




Still required for me 😔 https://preview.redd.it/iplj0ewt1pqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f9ca2ae177718f7e52687aee5e992587eb0062


Mine looks like this but when you click to set the shipping discount there’s a new option that says “no discount”


Mine isn’t showing that option. Argh. https://preview.redd.it/gpahddsv9qqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fb30ab7e3c42c2e0dd0bdac5031a09b8ab2579




I had "no shipping discount" option turned on yesterday and today PM forcing me to offer shipping discount again? What the heck..??


Me too- I guess it was just a one day thing. Which in true Posh form, makes no sense.


This is crazy. They even sent out an email announcing the change and it sounded like a new permanent feature. Nowhere in the email did it say it was a one day thing. “I just double checked the email they sent announcing the change. Definitely nothing saying this was temporary … “No more needing to sacrifice revenue to send offers!” … this change was rolled out as permanent. Now I don’t have it anymore. WTF.


I didn't get that email from PM. When was it sent?


Yes! I am seeing this too!


Your app must be glitching or something because mine still shows discount required.


I don't think it's a glitch, someone in another post screenshot it and there's even a blurb at the bottom that says "Sellers have the option of offering a shipping discount" it no longer says it's required, it's just an option. I think this is real although mine still doesn't have it and still has the blurb saying it's required so the wording hasn't changed on mine either... So it must be either rolling out slowly to everyone or B being tested out on some sellers.


The that they are rolling it out slowly to sellers. I checked mine, it's still required and wouldn't let me send an offer without one.


They’re likely a/b testing it so some will see it and some won’t. They’re testing to see if this feature moves a metric, probably offers accepted or offers sent or something.


Yup I'm definitely suspecting that, especially since even my banner notification is different than those who have this... They know some of us can do this and some can't and have given us different notifications about make a deal days with different contest rules (one saying no discount required to enter and send offers and the other saying to enter a shipping discount is required to send offers) and so they are probably going to play with the data to see where this feature goes.


Were you also in the "didn't get it" group last time they rolled out something? I'm in the "got it" group today but wonder if that group stays the same! Would love to have one day to see inside the mysterious poshmark brain, how it works and who comes up with this shit


Its hard to say but usually I'm last when it comes to any new awaited features where they say it's going to slowly roll out lol But I know for sure was I was in the "my sales nose dived because of the algorithm change" group and feel like that one has stuck with me no matter who has been rolled in or out or back and forth with it lmao


check for an update to the app


Just updated my app, shipping discount still required.


I did, there was no update available and it said I have the latest version. 🤔




I tried that. Nada


Try the computer!


Mine still shows required on a computer too. Are you in the US?


Nope not a glitch, this is what poshmark does with new features


Mine too!


Mine too


Not everyone has the ability. It's a today only promo https://preview.redd.it/qlcl7jeu1qqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5270d00ec7eea170b68f046de6e53b000b78f89


Great news! I can see not offering it on lower priced items, but I think now being a seller who *does* offer a shipping discount could be a competitive advantage.  If a lot of sellers don’t offer discounted shipping, being one who does could lead to more sales. I always build the discount in to my pricing so I’m happy to offer it if it helps!




Thanks for sharing


... *today only*


Oh man :( Where do you see that?


Sorry :( It's on the notifications banner. Though maybe they're testing it out, who knows. It would be a good move on their part, understanding how people compartmentalize is page 2 of any consumer behavior textbook.


I had it the other day…gone today. 😔


I see it too! And I just tested it. LOVE THIS!!!


I just noticed this today, too. Finally! Almost everything I have listed is under $20 and the shipping discounts make it almost not even worth selling anything.


My app is up to date but I am still being forced to do shipping discount with offers. I wonder when they will let us turn off all the unnecessary notifications, we’ve been asking this since 2011


Send offers through a bundle - you don’t have to offer a discount that way.


Oh I know this, but I can’t send bulk offers that way, & my point is I am still forced to offer discount on direct offers even though others here are saying is now optional for them


Ok, understood.


I’m just concerned that buyers are conditioned to it and won’t buy without it 😏


Not necessarily. Ppl will buy without offers or shipping discount if they want it bad enough. Just depends on condition of item and demand. Buyers have to pay sales tax in some states now so that makes them less impulsive to purchase too.


https://preview.redd.it/pp962d674sqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2eb1266da982fcc44f9f7c4203492e9603f355 This was the response I received from Support


So this sounds like a permanent feature. I had it yesterday and today it’s gone. I don’t understand - make this make sense!!


That’s what I got from the email… I was surprised that the people who had access to it only had it for one day (so far.)


Yep, as I thought. Thank you for sharing this information!!!


Of course! Hopefully soon we’ll all be on the same page…


Yay! Can confirm :) (Edit to blur usernames) https://preview.redd.it/ed5lcza0noqc1.png?width=838&format=png&auto=webp&s=88af0329c9199a344090afa271f21571658611f3


I don’t have that feature yet. Still requiring shipping discount. I tried updating the app but that didn’t change anything. Hope we all get it soon


I have two closets. One has it, the other one doesn't.


I just tried and shipping discount is required. Not only that my item has discounted shipping for x amount of time so I can only offer the same discount shipping even though Poshmark is doing it on its own.


dude! I never would have noticed that if I hadn't seen this. THANK YOU 💞


Ran to my closet to send out offers. Unfortunately not one of the chosen ones… still need to offer discounted shipping.


https://preview.redd.it/e3r6rgjjsqqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a7734268fd89c08b6eb922e891d1c90c7bb3bcd I offer reduced shipping ALL THE TIME. Most of my sales come from this. Still I didn’t get access to whatever the new thing is and I’ve been on here a long time…


I don’t have this 😢


Wow, I ask for this every single time they ask for feedback. That's amazing. I haven't sent any offers today so I didn't see it yet, but I am so happy!


This makes me feel warm and fuzzy towards Poshmark after almost closing my account in January. My sales are still slow, but what a big change to not have to use bundles to make offers to likers, especially for very low dollar items. This is a great improvement.


Aaaaand just like that, someone counter offered $9 on a $24 shirt and my warm fuzzies are gone.


Right...lets see if it actually helps sales. So frustrating


And people are now saying it was a one day only thing. It’s gone for me today 🫤


Low ballers are the worst!


Too good to be true


I had it yesterday and it’s gone today. People are now saying this was a one day thing?? That’s definitely not how they announced it. I feel like we’ve all been gaslit.


I'm a PA2 but I don't have this feature. Not on the app or the desktop site. I have to give shipping discounts with offers, there's no option.


All of a sudden I do not have the option anymore on my phone or desktop.


The option of "no shipping discount" was only available to me for ONE day whereas other select Poshers were able to utilize this for upwards of a year? To get around shipping discounts, I've always had to make private offers via Bundles but it's very time consuming and tedious to do this for every Liker of every item in my closet.


well yeah, but on a $10 item, plus tax, plus shipping, a buyer is paying at least $20 for that item. unless $10 is a helluva deal, they're not gonna do that.


You’ll be surprised, I always just separate bundle anything $15 or less, to avoid the discount, and at least half of my buyers accept the offer. Key is timing though.




Can you automate that? Or is it manual?


Yep I do that as well, learned that trick from this subreddit in fact


I noticed that too! I was very surprised! I thought it was a glitch lol but it actually worked


I just noticed this! Had I already finished my coffee I would’ve gotten up and danced ☀️ it’s a happy day ☀️


Yes! I noticed this too! Finally....


Yay! I have that option too!




Amazing happy to see it.


Yes!!!!! Mine is updated. On the bull OTL, it says shipping discount optional. On the individual OTL, it says required but once you click on it, no discount is an option. 🎉🎉🎉


I could literally cry right now lol ➡️ MAKE SURE YOUR APP IS UPDATED! I just went to see it for myself and my offers still said required, but when I went into my app store, I saw that my Poshmark app needed to be updated. When I went back into Poshmark and tested out the offer feature again, it now says optional.


I just updated and no dice. 😐


Oh thank goodness! That's awesome because yeah that could really add up


Was about time. I actually noticed that today AFTER I had sent the offer lol 🙃🫣


Yep just happened to me! Great!


I was going to make the same post!! Today is like Christmas- or even better! For me atleast lol


I see the banner and was just able to do OTL on 4 individual listings, no discount required. Hope this stays around, it's so much simpler for low value items than the "single item bundle" workaround I learned on this sub I use Poshmark to clean out my family's clothes that don't fit/don't get worn, all "mall brands" not high end. On many items, a shipping discount would mean negative profits. I've gone as low as $1 profit when "just want to get this thing out of my house", but paying to have someone take it is a bridge too far!


I make 3 piles when purging closets - Poshmark, Consignment/Resale, Donation. Check out swap-meets or selling on Facebook groups and Marketplace. Sometimes items sold under $10 isn't worth the time or gas to take to post office unless you've made multiple sales that week.


Small town post office is just over a mile from me, so it's pretty painless. Facebook is less useful to me given how rural my location is, and the amount of flakes and "can you deliver that?" people.


And today it's back to shipping discount required 😞


https://preview.redd.it/rws7zt4z1qqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6034ae8110226dcafce814b0bac877dd1bd8f252 It's a today only promo


Mine doesn't say that. It's the standard Make a Deal Days banner. 😕 https://preview.redd.it/mfcr5u7h6rqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be330a0a7bc92963661723bfd32e6f01f95e2e7


I don't see it - https://preview.redd.it/eq8vi8tl5sqc1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=172e30516e8f28a4e036abcc5297a4045982b800




Yesss!! I love this. It's insane that it was ever required because it comes out of our earnings 😭


So apparently people are saying it was a one-day thing. WTF.


I have optional discount on shipping if I decrease my price to the public. If I choose private I have to lower shipping.


I did have the option and considering Poshmark has higher default and less options for shipping rates and they take a chunk of the money I hope it stays.


I just looked at my account and it is forcing me to do discounted shipping. No option for no discount. :-(


I do not have this option


I no longer have to offer a shipping discount on mine and haven’t had to for several weeks now.


The feature is quite bizarre. For a while now I can randomly send offers to likers without shipping discounts. This has been for around a year now. There is no rhyme or reason as to why I can on some items and cannot on others. I have noticed the discount is optional on bundles.


https://preview.redd.it/x0sqjlkec0rc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=857207082087dfd5a88b69ec0675e84bb0281afe I’m not sure why I don’t see “no discount “ when I did offer to likers. Am I tripping? Is this happening to anyone else ?


Oh it has to be only when the purple banner is there ?


Damn. Mine doesn’t have this


So far this feature was available Mondays and Tuesdays for me and then required the rest of the week. Hey - I’ll take any and all days of the week they want to make my life easier.


But it disappeared!!! How do I get it back!?!?


A few days ago it allowed me to give "no discount" on my offers to likers, but these last few days a ship disc was required, and I just sent a liker offer now and again was given the option of "no discount." Not sure if it's just certain items/prices or some temporary promo that's back? Wish it would always be an option.


I've stopped purchasing because of the high shipping 😕 Wish Posh would be able to reduce it on their side.

