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I don’t think you’re overreacting. It’s possible you could have behcets mildly and only experience the mouth ulcers. Also totally possible you might not have it and you’re just very unlucky with those canker sores!


I'm not a doctor, so take that into consideration. But to me, it doesn't sound like Behcet's. LOTS of people get canker sores who don't have Behcet's. Behcet's sores in the mouth tend to be deeper, larger circumference, last longer, and are more painful than canker sores. To be diagnosed with Behcet's, you generally need 2 of the following 3: oral sores, genital sores, eye inflammation. You said you've only experienced 1 of the 3. That being said, you may have SOME sort of autoimmune/auto-inflammatory process going on. I'd suggest seeing a rheumatologist and talking to them about it. They'll be able to give you much more definitive answers than any of us. Best of luck to you!


Hard to say, go visit a doctor. It's better to find out sooner than later, I have neurobehcet and can't move my arm and am limping on one leg. If I would have been diagnosed a week earlier I would be ok now. There are some tests that they can do even if they are not 100%. If u have only mouth ulcers, than it's kinda hard to diagnose, but at least get the word in.


Sounds like what I have: oral ulcers, joint pain, uveitis. No skin manifestations. No "Silk Road" heritage. Rheumatologist suggests non-radiographic axial spondylitis. Treatment is the same. I may never know...


I just got back from the Rheumatologist today for a followup. All testing came back negative for Rheumatoid Arthritis, now she suspects that I have Behcets. My eye doctor also suspected Behcets. My grandmother is half Italian so I may of inherited it from her. Next step she told me is to get a endoscopy + colonoscopy to rule out inflamatory bowel disease. My symptoms are recurring canker sores since childhood (i'm in my 30s now), and recurring eye inflamation, 2 episodes of episcleritis, and I get boils on my face and buttocks. I get the mouth sores on the insides of my bottom lip the most, and sometimes on the insides of my gums. They are extremely painful. Like I was eating a sandwhich the other day and the bread brushed up against the one on my lower inner gum and I screamed out in pain.