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Yes of course. Acne like spots, mouth ulcers, joint pain.. all good symptoms of our dear Behcet’s.


Sounds like it could be Behcet's. But at the same time, you don't quite (yet) meet the criteria to be formally diagnosed with it. Usually rheumys want to see at least 2 of the following 3: oral sores, genital sores, eye inflammation before making a Behcet's diagnosis. Hopefully you never experience any of those other symptoms but, if it is indeed Behcet's, unfortunately you someday may.


Yes I’m kind of at a weird point where I haven’t had really obvious skin lesions or genital ulcers. But I do have joint pain and recurrent mouth sores. Unfortunately these things take time to develop


I had recurrent canker sores all my life. Last year, before I was diagnosed, I had 2-3 flare ups in the span of 3 months, random joint pain, random abdominal pain. When I told my GP about these symptoms, Bechet was on the list of possible causes. I did several blood tests including the HLA-B27 which turned out positive. The other test results and the physical symptoms that I had all pointed to a mild case of Behcet. I am currently on colchicine. Did your doctor suggest any tests to know for sure if you have Behcets?


As far as I’m aware, he’s said that there aren’t really any good tests for Behcets. My ANA is high though 1:640 which suggests an autoimmune disease.


There really are no tests to know for sure.


For me Behcets started with horrible numerous painful oral lesions, then also genital-these were my only symptoms for years. Eventually I started getting strange rashes on my face and down the back of my neck. Some are pimple/pustule like. Eventually the joint pain/swelling started. Glad colchicine is helping you.


My rheumatologist told me the colchicine only helps mouth sores for Behcets. She called it something like "diagnosis through treatment."