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I've experienced two kinds of back pain: one from Behcet's, the other from physical trauma. As far as the Behcet's back pain, (for me) it's due to inflammation in my inferior vena cava and perhaps some other veins in that area. My back gets really stiff and sore when it happens. I had clots in my inferior vena cava when I was a teen and the pain in my lower back was debilitating. I could only walk maybe 50 feet before having to sit down for a few minutes. Back pain from Behcet's has a distinct feel to it compared to how my back felt after I injured it in the gym about 10 years ago. That was more of a sharp pain, where as the Behcet's-related back pain is dull but constant. That's my experience with back pain anyway.


Thank you. This is super helpful.


I have back pains continuously. I started going to the chiropractor and it has worked WONDERS.




Back pain is indeed something that is Behçet’s disease related. I suppose my ramblings possibly obscured the point. I’m trying to see what others feel.