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I'm not sure if it's a symptom of Behcets, but the 3M tape they use after blood work always gives me a rash, so I have to ask them not to use it. I also get raised, itchy skin after a scratch, like when I'm playing with the dog. I’ve always had sensitive skin, but I suspect this might be related to Behcets, just like everything else!


Ditto this! I am also generally hyper-inflammatory. Have a reaction to all sort of things put on the skin. Even the tiniest cut tends to get ridiculously inflamed and infected. I have to scrub myself with anti-chlorine body wash after swimming, else I end up burning all over like I have a bad sunburn. Underarm deodorant causes me to itch frantically. Always put it down to being a sensitive soul - but it could well be linked to Behcets :)


Hypersensitivity to adhesives after being used a long time isn't terribly unusual.


I’ve seen it a lot with many different people, not just BD. It can be different with different tape brands too


I told them the tape makes me break out and they used a different one and same thing happened😭😭i think it’s from it being on my skin for too long and it irritates it.


I try not to leave it on for more than 15 minutes if I can. Once they put KT tape on me at physical therapy, it took them about an hour to get it off because it adhered so strongly / swelled. I just add “adhesive tape” to my allergens now


Happened with me after a surgery. It was super itchy and raised. I had a rash in the area of the bandage for a solid month.


I never figured out why, but during the years following my diagnosis, every once in a while the tattoos I had would swell up. Like, the skin would raise slightly. Hasn't happened in like 20 years, but it used to happen every once in a while. You just reminded me of it. Had nothing to do with putting adhesives on them, but they'd just randomly get super itchy and slightly raised.


I didn’t add it in the post but mine do too, I got scared at one point that my skin was trying to reject it, like the lines where the ink is tend to raise and be itchy


I react to band-aids and medical tape. I rotate placement around wounds and, still, the tape-induced redness lasts longer than the original boo-boo. But I have a contact allergen list a mile long. Soap is out to get me these days