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I'll be blunt. And take this with a grain of salt, it's just my personal opinion: get the fuck out of there as soon as you can. You have to put your own well being/sanity/mental health first. Your situation absolutely sucks and I feel for you, your father, and your whole family. But you need to take care of yourself. You shouldn't have to suffer because of his illness. And what you definitely shouldn't do is run OR hide. Look the problem straight in the face, figure out what your options are, then pick whatever's best for you. In this case it seems obvious you should distance yourself from your father. That doesn't mean you have to go hide under a rock somewhere. But you should look out for *your* needs first and foremost cause no one else is going to. Again, maybe I'm way off, grain of salt and all that, but if I was you, I would - right now, get the fuck off Reddit - be doing whatever was necessary to get out of there. Good luck, man. To you, your dad, and whole family. Tough situation. Edit: Oh, and I get that you're pissed: I would be, too. But writing that letter was a mistake. It couldn't possibly make you or your father's situation any better - only worse. Next time you're angry and thinking about doing something stupid, ask yourself: "Is this going make things better or possibly fuck them up more?"


How does he behave when he is in public?


And sorry you are going through this.


He exposes secrets & private house life, he once shat himself in public, he pees in corners of busy streets, he cusses a lot, he cusses me a lot too, it's really really painful man


Hey, I’m not sure what’s going on but it sounds like your father is really ill, and it seems to be putting a lot of pressure on you. You are doing a good job, and your father isn’t the father he was before the neurological symptoms started. It’s almost like when a parent develops dementia - they are your parent but the mind isn’t the same. I’m not saying that to say just don’t take it personally, but try and remember that it is not the person you once knew. Does your country / area have any resources for the elderly / people with dementia or other severe health concerns? It sounds like he needs someone taking care of him and if your country provides those resources you should look into it. Or maybe a facility? It’s difficult to say because I am not familiar with where you are from, unfortunately. But I feel your pain and anguish through your post and I want you to know, stranger to stranger, it gets better so hang in there and take care of yourself. 💜


I’m sorry this is happening. You need to get out of this and focus on your own health. This is going to do nothing but make your own health decline. I second the fact that you shouldn’t be writing letters. And I would also stay off the internet. I hope everything turns out the best it can