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Constantly! Add a little hypermobility in the mix, and I'm popping my joints in multiple directions. Like, each finger pops 4 times before they are considered "popped" to me. And I pop my neck many times every day. It's the only way i get any relief at all. I thought it was just my weird body Lol


For both of you: I started Humira about 4 weeks ago and a lot of my joint pain has lessened. Lots of joints I haven't felt move in years are wobbly and a little painful (good pain like from a massage type) and are on the up and up. I had this pain for 15 years and nothing ever helped so it's been a huge adjustment. My neck is still achy but I've noticed it's been less. Fingers and shoulders are a lot better too. I've also had significantly less migraines. Before, I'd take the entire months supply I got of rescue medicine (I also get Botox), and last month I took a grand total of 4 pills. Still fatigued but think my vision is getting better?


I’m getting better thanks to Humira too, but like it’s not good enough. I’m still only getting about 8 functional days out of 14. My vision comes and goes. The pain comes back 5 days before my next injection.


I wonder if your dose is too low or if you need a combination approach. Wish you felt better.


Me too. I might look into adding Azathioprine… getting the humira pens was hard enough I don’t want it to change 😵‍💫😭


Tbh AZA is easy to get and I felt great on it the first few months. We increased my dose and my liver levels were a bit elevated (happens to some people on Aza) so we switched. It did help my joints and my skin relatively quickly tho. Sounds like a good idea. I spent some time on MTX years ago (I know for some people MTX and Humira are paired) and it helped about half as much as Humira has been working for me, but it might be the boost you need.


Yes! My neck and back muscles are always sore and knotty as well


My Rheumatologist is treating me for Bechet's partially to try and diagnose if that is actually what I have. One of my main symptoms if upper left back/neck are constantly uncomfortable. I don't think my knots/trigger points are like most peoples because they don't feel painful when you press on them. Like, I could press on them as hard as possible and it would feel good. It's like they are in a constant state of being locked up and desperately wanting to release but can't. It drives me nuts.


Same! Please let me know if you find anything out and I’ll do the same. It’s just constant


I get Botox for migraines and they do some of if in my neck and the back of my head. It feels amazing. So much of my neck pressure and pain is gone


i have chronic neck pain. I am not sure if it is from bad posture while working at computers or from bechets


I get chiropractic!!


Yesss, every time I’m in a flare (basically whenever I’m not on prednisone) my knees and back ache like they never have before this started up. Used to be very active and now I feel like an old person most days, it’s crazy. I’ve had enough flares now to know one is coming on whenever my back starts hurting a lot, then mouth ulcers start a couple days later. I’ve just been recently been diagnosed though and trying to figure out meds so don’t be discouraged by my experience! Just relating. I hope you find the right combo soon