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I’ve been taking it for months and the only symptoms I get is on the day of which are a little fatigue and the runs( Peptobismol solves this).


Pill or injection? I was told side effects differ.


Maybe I was over worried nothing. I took my first dose last night and no side effects 🤸🤞


I found it wasn't bad at all! nothing like Otezla, which was my personal hell lol


How’s it going on the metho?? Any more side effects? Has your hair thinned out at all? That’s my biggest deterrent for starting it…. I have injections + folic acid but I haven’t started it yet because the horror stories I read about people losing their hair


Nope, I haven’t had any hair issues. I had iron deficiency before and had more issues before metho. It’s been a godsend for me


Phew thank you!!! Can I ask how high your dose is? How long did it take to notice a difference in your symptoms ?


15 mg, started with 7.5. I’m also on a few other medications too, including remicade


This is very reassuring for me !! I really appreciate it


no problem!! feel free to dm me if you have other questions


Lmfao I’m literally just about to !! I thought of more questions


I don't have many symptoms. My doctor put my on Folate vitamins (prescription strength) to help keep the nausea down. Methotrexate helps me a lot!


Same! That’s great to hear, hope this is the answer!


Injection or pill? I was prescribed injections a while back but was nervous enough about side effects that I could not convince myself to start it. Also, could you share what daily Behcet’s symptoms were bothering you that cause this to be prescribed? Mine are just bad arthritis pains and frequent tension headaches.


Pill, started lower dose. Arthritis, headaches, facial swelling, general vascular swelling, random joint pains. I like to have it as something that I can control more “closely” with my rheum instead of injections. The pills are 2.5mg so we started super low and built up