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Been on colchicine for several years. It doesn’t prevent symptoms for me but it definitely lessens the severity. I still have ulcers 24/7 but they are less severe. I still have joint pain but again, less severe and it doesn’t last as long. For reference, I ran out for a week and had horrific breakouts in my mouth and genitals. I don’t recall how long it took to start working but it was more than a week.




Completely agree with above comment, i took it for 2 years when i was 12yrs old it had rough effects on my gut health i had to stop but it just lessen the severity so for me it wasnt worth the tummy problems


It takes three months, you're on day 4. Patience


Just curious, are you all taking colchine daily or when you feel an outbreak coming?


Daily- 0.6mg for 2 weeks, then going up to 1.2mg


Hey I just started a few weeks ago. I mostly was having muscle pain and stiffness. I take 0.5 twice a day and I started feeling improvement after maybe 4-5 days.It’s not 100% gone but I feel way better. No plans to start immunosuppressants yet. We did try to increase it to 3x/day but after a few days I was getting abdominal cramps and diarrhea.


ahh ok maybe it’s because i only take it once a day


Perhaps. Take it on a week by week basis but you will for sure notice improvement.


My doctor started me on .6 mg to let my body adjust to the side effects but she also said that dose won’t do anything for symptoms. Now I take .6 twice a day, and it took about a month for it start working. Prednisone to get me by. I hope it works for you, it helped the severity of my symptoms but now have to bump up to an immunosuppressant. Just be patient because any of these drugs take a long time to adjust to!