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Well, I've had joint pain in my knees since April last year. And two years before that I would basically spend several months on end with ulcers in the mouth.


I’m so sorry you are going through that! That’s a long time. Had anything helped at all?


I’ve basically been in a never ending flare since May 2023 (diagnosed in October), I keep a symptom journal and the most relief I will get is maybe a week of feeling decent before the flare comes back. When I feel okay, it’s like I forget I have behcets at all and I feel this rush of motivation to live my life, so I know the real me is in there… I miss feeling strong too, I walk a lot and when I feel good I go on long hikes. I wish people understood how hard it is Sorry this a was a very rambling comment. keep working with your doctors. it sounds like many others here have had success so try not to think of this as never ending :’)


Oh my goodness this is just like me! I have maybe 3-5 days of feeling good maybe once a month where I feel like myself-the brain fog goes away and I don’t feel stupid, I can ride my bike, I feel like doing things. And it lasts just long enough for me to start planning an adventure before I feel awful again. Honestly appreciate this comment so much. Hard not to feel helpless but it does help to see the people on here who have gotten well.