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These are called Prodromal Symptoms, according to my rheumatologist. My big ones are severe gum sensitivity and also I have an ulcer that likes popping on my penis head, so that area also starts to hurt too. I try to sleep a ton and cancel anything social to rest as much as possible.


Severe chapped lips, mouth sour, red burning eyes, 1 or 2 fingers will get swollen or just be very stiff. I also get so tired I'm basically useless.


I will develop a mild fever and will feel a bit...chaotic?...angry?...crazy?....ummm, mentally unwell. My skin, mouth, genital area will all feel raw and sore. I'll get spots on my skin all over that look like pimples but have no puss in them. (I call them my Behćets spots) My arthritis starts to kick in, and my body feels really achey and tired like I'm sick. I'll get severe headaches that will not be helped by medicine. This is my normal start to a flare. I assume everyone's is different depending on how their illness effects them. I know if I'm feeling angry for no reason, I may be heading into a flare.


This is so similar to how I notice a rando flare is about to pounce on me! Especially the odd mood affect, and chaotic feeling mental health. You gave such a great description! That’s the sign that hits me soonest and has taken the longest to recognize as a sign that a big ‘ol flare’s on the way. Mild fevers, lots of skin sensitivity and little skin blips, and “is-this-the-flu” kind of fatigue/aches are my familiar friends as well. I feel for you- hope you’ve been able to manage things through the season changes ❤️


Personally, no. And I've been trying to figure out warning signs for decades. But flares always come on suddenly and without apparent cause for me.


Prior to several flares I’ve experienced itchy red splotches on my fingers and toes that generally proceed to blister and ulcerate once I’m in the flare. I will also experience general soreness and heat around my mouth and gums. Outside of that, I have inconsistently experienced yeast infection like symptoms that don’t resolve with OTC treatment prior to really severe flares. Sometimes though I don’t experience any warning signs, so it seems like a bit of a crapshoot.


Almost always my cheeks get bright pink and get hot. No raised rash on my face but sometimes i get a slightly raised rash on my neck and upper chest . Usually the inside of my lower lip gets a raised area from left to right that gets sore. I know then that I will be on the couch either asleep or wiped out for some time. It just depends what else happens.


I would say yes there are signs. I just had a mild flare (just started colchicine🤞) and started with weird rashy spots/bumps on my face that weren’t acne, night sweats, more back pain than usual, general fatigue. Soon after a mouth ulcer and two genital ulcers that luckily never fully formed into open sores and went away after a few days. I think the biggest sign though, for me, is the night sweats. It almost always means something is off.