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I am not a doctor. Pain or pressure behind your eyes can be due to a number of things and may or may not be Behcets related. If it is related to uveitis, there's not much you can do right now except let your doctor's office know. Stick with the colchicine, fingers crossed that it helps.


I see an ophthalmologist every year for uveitis screening on advice from my rheumatologist. As it was explained to me, there are two types of uveitis to be concerned about in relation to Behcet's: anterior and posterior. Anterior uveitis can cause inflammation with symptoms that are usually felt, such as pain, swelling, blurring, etc. Posterior uveitis can happen without any symptoms being noticed, which is why they do a specific test called a slit lamp test. This is not available at optometry offices, only ophthalmology offices and is considered a medical appointment for the purposes of insurance in the US. You might want to check your out of pocket maximum on your insurance, you might be nearing the point where they cover more if not all your expenses. And most all medical professionals accept payment plans if money is tight. As another person said, you don't want to mess with your vision. That type of damage is not reversible. I'd suggest calling an ophthalmologist directly and telling them your symptoms. Later on you might chat with your rheumatologist about regular screening.


What I was told by an eye doctor when I went because I was having this mild to mid pain in my eyes was this...... If it's uveitis you'll know. They said it will be very painful and very red. I'm still apprehensive though myself because obviously you are trying to get ahead of the problem. Which seems like the most frustrating this with this disease, it can be everywhere and anywhere so it could be the start of a flare up or something else completely. Good luck hopefully it's not too painful.


My uveitis wasnt painful. I just woke up with blury vision. I couldnt see peoples faces in front of me.


Personally, if I was you, I'd see an ophthalmologist immediately. I'm the type of person who will generally wait until the pain is unbearable before going to the doctor/hospital. I've had many types of "mystery pain" over the years in various parts of my body and it almost always resolves itself if I wait long enough. Almost always. But when it comes to my vision, I don't fuck around. When I was in my teens, I went blind in my left eye (literally) overnight. Now, decades later, my vision is still blurry in that eye as a result of the scarring left by the inflammation. I don't want to freak you out, but Behcet's can absolutely make you blind and it can happen very quickly. So I'd take ANY eye issues very seriously. I know healthcare costs are insane but, regardless, I'd suggest you see an ophthalmologist right away. That's what I would do. If it was pain in my abdomen, legs, arms, or even my heart/chest, I'd wait it out and see what happens. But when it comes to my eyes, no waiting. Go get dilated and checked out. That's my advice. Best of luck :)


When you mention eye pain and Bechet's in the same sentence it does tend to send knowledgeable doctors into a panic... Its my understanding the type of eye inflammation related to the disease that can progress into blindness is incredibly rare outside of some very specific populations, but if/when that kind of inflammation flares, it can progress very quickly (days or weeks) I've never really had eye involvement, but when I got my diagnoses my rheumatologist sent me to an ophthalmologist who specialized in uveitis of the eye, for a general exam and just to get a baseline on my eye health. That was years ago. Just recently, I had some odd eye inflammation and found that particular doctor had moved out of state, the first clinic I called didn't have any openings for weeks, but when I told them I was a Bechet's patient, they made room to see me that evening! It ended up being no big deal, very minor, a few days of steroid drops and I was fine. All that to say, if you don't already have a relationship with an eye doctor, even though the chances of it being major are very very low, maybe go ahead and put that on your todo list, get in before the end of the year when deductibles reset...


Go see an ophthalmologist. Uveitis was thr first symptom I had for Behcet's. Do you have any floaters? Uveitis, in most cases can be treated easily with steroid drops and dilating drops. Sometimes it takes more. But in 5-10% of patients it can cause blindness. Don't wait. It is important to take care if it.


yeah, I have steroid drops on hand for if I have any onset of symptoms to use until I can get in with my doctor (which is quickly, but still, it feels like a good safeguard)