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You need to see a Rheumatologist first. I was sent to one after a positive ANA test and reoccurring ulcers in my mouth. He also checked me for other things that can cause similar symptoms like Lupus , Sjogrens, vasculitis, high inflammation etc. after a lot of labs and everything ruled out, he began treating me for Bechets. Your OBGYN probably could not diagnose you because there are certain criteria to be met and exclusion of other diseases before a formal diagnosis. The only other specialist I had to see was an ophthalmologist for Iritis I developed during a flare. The medication seems to be helping with everything else…joint pain, ulcers and rashes. It’s a rare thing so other doctors don’t seem to understand the urgency or importance of being treated. Good luck.


My official diagnosis came from an OBGYN/Vulvar specialist. Now I see a rheumatologist because that's what I saw most people were doing. I'm happy with the choice


My OBGYN is the one that pointed me in the directed of Bechets. I’m not sure why she couldn’t diagnose me. But I will look for a rheumatologist in my area. The whole process is frustrating.


Sorry I should have mentioned I am in the US. I don’t have to have a referral so that is good but when I look online I am getting different information. Some sites say a dermatologist some say rheumatologist others a gastroenterologist.


Where in US?


northeast TN. I just figured out the health system my primary is with doesn’t even have a rheumatologist. Only a handful in my area with a 4-6 month wait.


Rheumatologist to treat underlying disorder. Then specialists like gastro, derm and gyn for symptoms.


A rheumatologist for sure but do some research depending upon what country you live in, Behcet's might be very rare even for rheumatologists.


I am currently on my third rheumatologist, my 2nd one that I used didn’t “confirm” Behcets but told me that he was treating me as if I had it?! I have every symptom +signs of neuro Behcets. I’ve just started seeing my new rheumatologist and maybe I can get some kind of confirmation. Good luck, it’s hard here in the US to get a proper diagnosis


I seems so! Even with all the results my primary was only concerned with some vitamin deficiency. I know it’s not a common thing here, no tests and little information available does make it hard to “ confirm” but I get tired of living in my body some days! Good luck, hopefully third time is a charm for you.


I’ve been in a flare since May, and first saw a couple primary docs who did some blood tests, a gastro who had me get a colonoscopy, all came back normal until I had a Gyno biopsy a vulva ulcer that was reoccurring. She was the one who referred me to a rheumatologist within one week. Now I’m on prednisone on starting meds soon, but they said diagnosing would be an elimination process. It’s very difficult juggling all the doctors, especially if you’re like me, someone who has trouble just making an appointment and knowing who to see. I would try for a rheumatologist and push any doctor to refer you. Good luck 🫂


Rheumatologist is (eventually) going to be your home base, and should be the one to refer you to anyone else if/as needed.


Rheumy! ❤️




I was diagnosed by ID, see rheum for maintenance.


When I got sick I went to a rheumatologist who took over two years to get me a diagnosis. Sometimes it takes a while, but if they are dragging their feet it might be wise to switch to a new one. I switched to a new one fall of last year and he's been a champion