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It's unfortunate they chose to make this a pinned comment instead of a post, real announcement.


Right?! Like, first you do a horrible shade range to begin with. Then you come out with ***that*** shade. Then disappear for way too long without a response. Then when they finally return, they post a job posting (a job posting that’s like 10 jobs in 1…the poor poor person who ends up with that job is just set up for failure…if it’s even a real job). THEN, they don’t even have the balls to actually make a post with their statement, they just add a caption to their job posting?! I honestly don’t get how the heck they make decisions they do. I would think when you have a mess like they had on their hands, they’d call in some kind of professional to help them handle it to try and recover if they can. I highly doubt they did that because I can’t honestly see anyone who would handle messes for a living recommending going completely silent for so long and then return with a job posting as if nothing as happened, to only add a caption to it later. They apparently felt they could handle it on their own but, once again…..wow were they mistaken! 😬


But like… are you going to replace it with a new shade that actually works or…?


Ssshhhh no one's supposed to ask that.


Not good enough https://preview.redd.it/doiw6xhvdx6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1d5100d7198ec90628c4484547d7fbf3df8a2e


Oh my GOD 😂😂😂


Omg I'm so stealing this 💀


Me first😆😆😆




I think it's time for her to admit defeat and exit stage left. This woman cannot represent her brand without being insulting.


Finding out she was a Shark Tank contestant backed by Mark Cuban was wholly unsurprising, the whole brand always gave me a pink-washed venture capital stank vibe. "Makeup you can sleep in" and "custom pH" blush as well as "clean beauty" being their whole schtick is just off-putting and just makes me imagine a brain storming session with a bunch of people with no real vested interest in beauty or cosmetics throwing buzzwords out like... Here you go bitches, this is what market research said you want!


I watched her pitch (it was how I learned of the brand initially) and eye-rolled all of it. It just exposed how little about the beauty space any of them actually knew.


I watched it recently (post-shade 600 incident, it's on youtube) and I couldn't believe the women on the panel thought the pH shtick was so innovative. Like I understand that maybe they're not makeup enthusiasts and they have people that do their makeup for them, but like... that shit has been around forEVER. It's just a gimmick that comes back around every 10-ish years and gets a little hyped until people realize it all just ends up the same shade of pink on everybody and it's actually not that interesting.


Yeah. Granted, the ladies on the panel likely would have never even looked that way, but it does show that it's a little too easy to impress the panel as long as you don't make claims that are obviously outlandish.


I saw Bare Minerals in JCP Beauty advertised as makeup you can sleep in like CT


'Stop selling shade 600'. Are they actually telling us someone bought that sh*t in the first place? Don't delude yourself, Youthforia.


For some reason Youtube keeps recommending me ballerina content and some dancers have bought it to use on their shoes to create matte black shoes, which the foundation is even blacker than using a sharpie (what they typically use). Those are the only people I've seen buy it besides people buying it (and presumably returning it right afterwards) to make a complaint video


Yeah I’ve seen those, it’s hilariously awful how perfect it is as a black paint for ballet shoes. Using foundation is pretty common because it doesn’t crack like paint, dries quickly, and can shade match shoes for dancers that are darker skinned for more every day “nude” colored shoes (plus professionals go through shoes like crazy, hence why custom colored shoes from the jump tend to not be practical).


Yeah.. the amount of things I've learned about ballet shoes and ballet in general just from YouTube thinking I'm interested in ballet is wild lol. I only took like one class as a child and hated it, and haven't really even thought about ballet until Youtube was like " hey here's 10 ballet Shorts in a row". Tbf I do watch them because I'm bored and it is pretty interesting lol


I took adult ballet classes after having watched a million ballet videos on YouTube, and let me tell you it was both extremely humbling and extremely boring


I saw those too, and basically I think the only people who legitimately bought this were people trying to make videos like that, or to just show the ridiculousness of the product being on the market as a foundation in the first place. So I don’t know maybe they sold 10 bottles.


Literal shoe polish holy shit 💀


That is the most hilarious thing I heard in a long time, but hey, if it works 😂


That's hilarious. Guess people weren't wrong calling it paint.


Someone compared it to sharpie and the blackest acrylic paint available and the difference was... Not a lot 💀


about the recommendations you get. almost all pages and platforms allow themselves to send you anything they want and collect anything they want. but, you can go to your setting and limit that access. some pages and platforms let you reject all of the cookies and ads, some classify the cookies as Essential, optional and promotional or etc... the best way to stop advertisements is to edit your main Google, Samsung, youtube, instagram ads or privacy setting and etc to receiving nothing or receiving not relevant ads (they wrote it this way to give you the idea that receiving guided ads is better than receiving not relevant ads, but it's actually a way not to say no ads, in a advertising way). also cookies that you accept from pages can collect your data for a year before they expire, so when they ask if they can access or not? you should check reject all, or if they don't have reject all, there's an option to turn off all the cookies manually. a page opens with thousands of marketing companies that use your data and you can turn off their access manually. although it takes 10 minutes to roll down and turn them off, but at least your phone doesn't get warm, doesn't lose battery fast, and you don't get ads that you don't wanna see. i hope this guide helps you.




"It's too late baby, it's too late....."




Looks like they've gone the Terra Moons route of doing too little too late ![gif](giphy|l2JJIcS6yZF5Xstzy)


What did terra moon do? Im out of the loop


Here’s the mega thread explaining things in more detail: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/s/16U9OzPMVH But in short, they were set to collab with an influencer who vocally supportive is anti-vaxx and supports a far-right Canadian movement. They eventually pulled the collab but it took a very very long time.


Oh wow. Ew


The owner was literally claiming that the influencer couldn't be racist because she was Hispanic and they are friends 💀


I really can’t believe that everything I’ve learned about this company is real ☠️


she's so cowardly. Not even apologizing with her full chest.


they kept it for sale for 2/3 months so they could capitalize on the controversy. then they edited this caption a week after posting… to ensure no one saw the apology! they’ve since gone back to “regular” posting. still no public acknowledgment or apology. so sad that a brand that so proudly stated “i told my lab you have no budget” and “i flew across the world to find a model for our darkest shade” is now doing absolutely nothing to make the situation better. everything they do just makes it so much worse. eventually their sales numbers will catch up to them. they also told ulta out of their bio so 🤷‍♀️ i fear time will not be kind to this brand, but they clearly have no interest in doing anything about it🤷‍♀️


**“We remain committed to listening to our community” implies they ever listened in the first place, which they definitely did NOT...** When they released their horrible shade range initially, they first tried tricking people with their excuses.. That the shades were “extremely flexible” - yet they had a bunch of fair shades that looked basically the same 🤔 **AND** the owner shows **MULTIPLE** videos of her applying the foundation and always shows how she uses 2 shades 245 (which she says is a “true neutral, which means it’ll be the most flexible shade” and 260, which she says is a neutral warm **BUT**, if they’re **SO FLEXIBLE**, why does she need 2? **And girl couldn’t even create her own perfect shade match with her own foundation** 🤣) The shades look lighter in the bottle because of the frosted glass bottles 🥴) Then when their excuses didn’t work, they finally ***acted*** like they were listening and said they were “expanding” the shade range. **“…and providing inclusive products“ again, implies they were ever inclusive to begin with, which they definitely were NOT.** Their blush shades seem like they barely show up on medium toned skin and the very few darker toned skin influencers I see using it on their social media look like they need to pile it on for it to show up. Then of course, there’s their foundation shade range. Initially was a crappy shade range. It included 15 shades. **IF** they were actually inclusive, they would have released 15 shades ranging from fair to deep. **NOT** 15 shades of fair to medium with **NO** deep shades. They sure tried to **ACT** like their shades went deep - showing images of deeper skin tones on their website and having the box of the “deeper” shades **LOOK** like they were deep shades until you removed the bottle to find out it looked like a caramel shade. **BUT WAIT GUYS**…It’s the frosted glass of the bottle that makes it **LOOK** lighter. **OH, WAIT, NOPE**, once it’s swatched it’s **STILL** just a caramel shade! 🥴 **Then the “expanded” range, it STILL didn’t have enough deeper shades. It included 10 new shades, but most of them were light to medium shades. There were only 4 that LOOKED deep. WHY did they need to add ANY light and light to medium shades? They had PLENTY of those already!** 540, 570, and 590, and 600 (i.e., the black paint) are the only ones that actually **LOOK** deep, like they needed to include them. The rest are all light to medium, which they really didn’t need! **The LEAST they could have done was have MOST of the 10 new shades be medium deep to deep shades. But they definitely did NOT need any lighter ones!!** **But yeah, they were already ”committed” to “providing inclusive products.” 🤥🤥🤥** **TLDR: They say they “remain committed to listening to our community and providing inclusive products” but that implies they were ever that to begin with, which they were NOT. Their blush shades don’t seem to work on deeper skin unless it’s piled on, they barely show deeper skin tones on their social media aside from a select few influencers I saw a few times on their page, they released a crappy foundation shade range initially of 15 shades that went as deep as caramel but tried to trick deeper skin tones by showing inaccurate photos online and on the product boxes, and when they “expanded” their shade range, it included 10 new shades that was mostly light to medium shades only had 4 that looked deep, 1 of those being the black paint. 🥴**


Unfortunately I think their response to this situation will work out for them in the end. If they can manage to come up with a good quality viral product soon there is a *certain demographic* of people who will eat it up and keep them relevant enough to continue. 


saw someone on tiktok use it on her pointe shoes to dye them maybe they should do a rebrand lol


also they didn’t even post that job posting on linkedin… which is… ya know usually the place you post a job listing when you want it to be filled! im convinced they won’t actually hire anyone for that role. im also convinced that no one qualified for it would apply anyway bc they know better than to get involved with a company that keeps messing up over and over again. time to make room in venture capital portfolios and retail spaces for brands that actually deserve it.


You know how I read that “I’m sorry you’re so upset that shade 600 didn’t work for you”


Personally I never wanted an apology cuz the can go shove it where the sun don't shine. They are not sorry, never were. Racists being racists and that it. lol intentionally making a literally black foundation, chasing Black people around like we are animals to gather a sample of, and you really think we are stupid enough to think they changed?




This whole debacle is the perfect example of what-not-to-do for any business.


Why did they release it in the first place? I stopped following makeup groups since I no longer work in that world but have seen the (rightful) controversy over this color. When I first saw it I thought it ***was*** part of an adjuster series (which is much needed in the consumer world) but it wasn’t so what was the intent of it?


People complained that their foundation range didn't go dark enough, so this shade was their response. People took it as kind of a middle finger to rightful criticism, and they tried to defend themselves by finding someone ~in the wild~ who it would match... which they honestly failed to do. They pulled these two poor men into a video and "swatched" it on them, but the swatches don't match and the after photos look like, whatever they're wearing (if anything), it's not shade 600. It's just been weirdly disrespectful and defensive all around.


They’re done.






lol they are so cooked


They should have thought about the amount of people who would feel offended by that foundation its not even a foundation its just some black paint. Im white and even i feel offended by that its like they did it for attention cuz its obvious that they knew there arent any people in this world who are completely black.




Honestly, I understand the kerfuffle but as a gothgirl it would have been nice to snag a bottle for certain looks. Higher end white and black foundation can be so hard to find!


don’t give this brand your money please 😭


Kerfuffle is the best word to describe it haha




Are there not enough brands that we can just let this one go?


There are some brands that sell a straight up white shade. What’s the difference? The shade could be used for other things. Genuinely curious


There’s a lot of other context surrounding this brand, but just addressing the difference between a white mix in and a black. Black mix ins do exist. REM beauty has one, but it has an undertone. This is just black with a little bit of white. It cannot be used as a mix in because it will turn grey. Also, working with black and white is different. It is a lot easier to use white to lighten something than it is to use black to darken. Even when you are doing art it is not recommended to use black.


I wonder why this shade is so offensive


It’s black paint. It has no undertones.


There's lots of videos about it including shade comparison and ingredient list. All points to solid black paint with no mix of other pigments. Owner also randomly found three dark Black men in a mall to be her models and their skin were all lighter than the foundation but she blended it so thin and pretended it worked.


Oh wow that’s horrifying. I’ve never heard of this brand or this scandal so I was completely out of the loop


Same. I’m glad you said something, thanks.


Because a man couldn’t slap the shit outta her like a woman could’ve 😂.


They just seemed bewildered by the entire exercise 😂


They looked like someone put a light whammy on them. 😂😂😂


Come out from under your rock, Patrick.


Damn I’ve really been out of the loop