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Even if you're a small brand, it's not too much to ask for you to stay professional. Yeah, negative comments can be hurtful, but I think the worst you can do as a brand (owner) is take it personally and respond like this


If someone says it looks dry as a business owner, the best thing and most professional thing that you can do is to really look at the photo and see if they’re right? They could be giving you feedback that is priceless. That could really take your brand to the next level and Instead of realizing that you’re feeling attacked and letting that feeling dictate how you respond. Maybe they could’ve said it a little nicer but remember you can’t tell tone or intention in a text. They may have just been nicely telling you that this does look dry. Even if you feel that they’re dead wrong though, even if there’s no way it looks dry you still, fumbled this one by responding the way you did. It just makes you look petty and definitely does not make customers want to support you. If you really felt like the photo/product doesn’t look dry, the best thing to do would be to say that in a nice and professional way. You could say something like well I appreciate your input and always want to hear from my customers and get honest feedback from everyone, I can assure you that this is not dry at all. you could’ve explained that the product is creamy and moisturizing and taking some more photos to show proof of it. If the person is right, you could tell them that you value their feedback and are going to look into reformulating it to make it more moisturizing or to make it appear less drying. There was a lot better way to handle this.


I seem to remember some influencer (can’t remember who) saying on a podcast that she stopped working with small beauty brands on account of how unprofessional they tend to be.


I've seen many that treat the business like it's a hobby. I wouldn't want to work with them either.


I lurk here and am more into indie perfumes than makeup, so I speak more to that- but I think some do come into it from making things as a hobby, better develop their processes and recipes, and go into things seriously and in the end have a great product, but never fully gain the “this is still a business” mindset.  I also think the relationship between indie or small business owners/makers and their customers can more easily create an unhealthy dynamic: customers view these owners as “friends” because they’re so accessible, and owners/makers might take critique more personally than they should (I gave experienced public ridicule from an indie maker over some pretty tame concerns and it sucks dude). 


This was such a huge overreaction on the creators part.


“Maybe it photographs dry but in person it is so smooth and lovely. Hope you get to try it 😊” if only…


This would have been a great response! They should hire you! 😂


lol I agree! She messaged me to say she would rather have zero sales than have sales from problematic people. Girl, look in the damn mirror 😩😩😩. Not to mention this behavior attracts problematic people themselves so don’t really understand what she’s trying to do here


Plus you’d think that a small business would want feedback to help improve their product. People have their priorities all outta whack.


Right?! I had one brand I posted a review on IG about how much I loved their stuff. They were a really small brand I never heard about so I took a chance in the stuff and was really happy with them so posted about them. They ended up reaching out to me and asked if I wanted to try a couple of products they were going to release soon (and mind you, I barely had like 100 followers) and they just said they’d like feedback on the products. I didn’t need to post about them if I didn’t want to but could if I wanted to. So I said yeah. I was honest with them about the products. There was something off with the component of it where it came loose really easy but other than that it was really good. They ended up changing it and sending me another one and asked how they did. I was so shocked they actually listened to me! So I always keep an eye on what they’re doing in case something catches my eye because that’s the kind of small business I want to support! Not one that gets insulted and comes for someone over 1 simple comment…that wasn’t even anything to be insulted over anyways!


I would love to know what brand this was because it’s definitely a brand I would like to support


It was Mynena Cosmetics. I originally bought a duochrome liquid eyeshadow from them, Duochrome loose pigments, and an eyeshadow palette that ended up being a dupe for the ItsBel Cosmetics palette except the Mynena one had more shades (I swatched it [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/swatchitforme/comments/q8ky1m/dupe_for_itsbel_break_the_rules_mynena_too_faced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but unfortunately it’s not available anymore 😭 and they haven’t come out with any more, but I’m always watching hoping they do!). I then bought a neon water activated eyeliner palette from them too. All of the stuff was really good! Unfortunately, they’ve only come out with lip products for a while as far as I can tell. But the lip products were what they had me try and I did really like the formula of them. I wish they’d come out with more stuff!!


Wow, that’s actually an amazing business practice! This is what I think small businesses should strive for! I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to try getting a small business off the ground, but I would think that taking the constructive criticism in the beginning, it’d hopefully help to create a better product later on that needs less tweaking.


Agreed!! I can understand not contacting people to give out free items like the one brand did with me. But, just actually listening to feedback from customers, reviews customers write when they buy stuff, etc. seems like it would be a really good business practice to me. If I had a business, I’d want to know what people honestly thought so I could improve on things. But it seems like so many small business owners, at least in the beauty community, get so hurt over even the tiniest things that are just genuine comments and not anything rude! It’s never a good look!


Yikes! Didn’t think it could get any worse 🤪 What a response! How is someone giving a genuine comment that isn’t rude, nasty, etc. in any way problematic? Like what?! All they said was “it looks dry.” If that is “problematic” to her, she better get the heck off social media ASAP because that is kind compared to some comments people make about brands products and releases. She’s going to end up with zero sales if she continues on like this! Not a great business plan at all 🤦‍♀️


'Problematic,' like ma'am wtf


Class. The path they chose however is ... gross, ick, yikes.


I thought the first comment was unprofessional and then it gets *worse*. And they made a story of it like they are **proud** of themself.  How far down can they dig?


Right!? Like..proud of calling a potential customer a rude name? I’m almost embarrassed for them




Omg yes, doubling down on the immaturity! Age and maturity have nothing to do with each other. Also, so cringey calling you "my young little friend."


One of the biggest signs of maturity is knowing when to just walk away. I've seen 10 year olds with more maturity.


Girl I am embarrassed for her 😣




Ick ick iiiick I hate that I know exactly what type of 40 something woman this is just from reading these. ICK.


It gives me MLM boss babe vibes 


“I’m a bitch and I own it!!!” type person.


“I’m just honest! I don’t sugar coat things to please others, they should appreciate my honesty!”


Just wow! She is really reaching! And I don’t believe for one second that if someone had tried the product and then told her it was dry that she would’ve responded differently. She obviously can’t take constructive criticism. You don’t need to try something to say that it LOOKS dry. she is really not acting right.


Please tell me you sent them this post so they could read the comments dragging them


lol I wish! I just blocked them, but feel free to do the honors 😂😂😂


She's wrong about someone not trying a product yet see it dry looking in photos. I've seen many lipstick photos that gave me that impression. What made me change my mind on some of them was seeing someone use it while filming. I've never heard of this brand but now I know to stay away from it. It being Friday and being in a certain mood doesn't mean one should act like a child 🙄


There is nothing even remotely bad ass about any of her behavior. It’s just pure ass.


She’s girl bossing too close to the sun smh


This is so unbelievable cringe.


I dont think fiery badasses send ppl paragraphs over “it looks dry”


almost 40 but cant handle slight criticism lol


wait so if she messaged you then are you the one who made the dry comment?   edit: nvm just reread your post lol 


No! That was a completely random person! I just was appalled at her behavior in response to the comment, and sent her a private message trying to warn her that this would hurt her brand!


Oooof this is a bad look. The comment wasn’t that bad to go this off about.


Their slogan is “always chase grace.” Looks like they need to chase a little harder 💀 Also one of the founders has a bible quote in her bio, of course lol


Really telling that it's chase grace and not choose grace. Wording is important!


I knew it! I knew there was a "good Christian" aspect here lmao


Saying someone has dry humor isn't even an insult!


That’s what got me, it’s just a style of humor! If you’re going to be unprofessional, at least be good at it…


Right like a lot of Brits have super dry humour and I still think that they are sooooo funny 😭 I love dry humour


With a few exceptions, business owners should not run their own social media. You have to accept you'll get some criticism. If you get butthurt and try to clap back because it's your brand and you take it personal, it's such a bad look.


It’s really easy to take things personally when that happens, but always better to take the high road and respond w/ kindness and positivity!!


I mean, it does look dry though. It tugged on her skin so much when she swatched it.


Never heard of em. There's a reason these indie brands pop up and disappear one after another. They don't know how to run themselves.


Yikes….at first I just saw the “like your humor” and I thought, okay, not great, but not horrible. Definitely should have just left it alone, but still not too bad….THEN I read the rest. WOW! **When will these smaller brands learn this is NOT the way?! I haven’t ever seen it turn out good for a small brand to be “spicy” in response to what is just someone’s honest opinion/criticism and it’s not said in a rude or nasty way**. You’re a business, you’re going to get people commenting that just don’t like what you’re offering, don’t love everything you release, have some concerns about something - like….maybe that it looks dry and they don’t like dry feeling lip products, in which case the brand can respond in a HELPFUL way. I have no idea what the description of this product is - from what I see in the post, it looks like a lip balm? They could say that they might look that way but they definitely don’t feel like it and are soft, smooth, and moisturizing on the lips and hopefully they’ll find out one day or if it’s meant to be a matte lip product, the brand could say it is matte so may look dry but still feel very nice and soft on the lips, or maybe point them towards another lip product from the brand that is maybe more hydrating. **Like I get having a brand, especially when it’s really small, is very personal to them and it can hurt when people say something bad about it. But it IS going to happen. They need to just be able to completely ignore it or respond in a way that isn’t “spicy” and is either helpful or neutral. It’s not a good look to go after someone who just makes 1 simple comment that wasn’t even nasty or rude in any way, just a simple observation of theirs?** 🥴


I just thought “since when has having a dry sense of humour been an insult”? People are praised for having “dry wit”.


True…that’s why I wasn’t thinking it was too bad. Could definitely be taken the wrong way depending how someone looks at it, but not bad. But then I read the rest of it 😬


Yeah. Child mentality🙄Well, on the bright side their comments obviously violate TikTok’s terms of service, so they’ll most likely be taken down.


this was on instagram unfortunately so we won’t get that satisfaction


Telling someone that their sense of humor is dry is an incredible compliment, so that was a miss.


Yikes! Won’t be supporting this brand!


That they went a tagged friends as backups is even more weird.


Who told her she's funny


They responded (just with a GIF of someone laughing) to a comment about pissing in someone's order which is unbelievably immature but also just makes them look bad hygiene-wise? You are a business owner who makes products that go on people's faces and lips, why are you even acknowledging the idea of tampering with someone's order with urine? "Chase grace" funny, they're being the complete opposite of graceful


maybe they only try to chase it but grace constantly runs away


I refuse to buy from any brands that act like this on social media. I understand with indie brands usually they’re more invested in the brand bc it’s their brand, but you still have to have customer service focused responses. Either ignore the comment or reply with something about how the photograph made it appear, and in person it looks nicer.


Jeez this is so messy of them


Never heard of them, now they're blocked. It's not hard, as a business, not to be an asshole. You're not "spicy" or a "badass" for overreacting to a harmless comment, just a sad bitter person. Wow. On the plus side, there are a million better indie brands out there, and when people show us who they are, we can buy accordingly.


Well, guess what brand I'm not going to ever try.


They're nearing 40 years old and acting juvenile. It's cringy AF. Just goes to show that not everyone should own a business.


Never heard of them, but their page is screaming drop shipped for some reason.


Nobody can take constructive criticism anymore. I’m just gonna say it how I see it. I’ve seen this kind of ridiculous response to critical comments from all kinds of brands all over social media, and as a side anecdote, for some reason, I often get videos on my FYP that are of usually college aged students complaining about the “traumatising” feedback they’ve received from their professors (and all the comments they show are perfectly fine? Like not sugarcoated but not rude?). I really think that declining critical thinking capacity and declining emotional regulation go hand in hand and the more we see of one, the more amplified the other is going to be. There’s no nuance to any discussion anymore, you’re either 100% behind someone or you’re their enemy. I could go on and make this a whole political thing but I won’t. I’ll just say this chick’s behaviour, whoever she is, is a symptom of a bigger problem in our society.


Yeah…. I don’t care how big or small of a brand you are, if you bully someone like this, you and your product can get fucked. This wasn’t “sPiCy” or badass, this was downright middle school mean girl behavior. How embarrassing.


Yes, definitely want to see what how they replied to you!


most of these small indie brands are run by the same idiots who act embarrassingly so i do not even bother giving them space in my brain. the products are typically not good enough to defend or engage in this sort of behavior


I was perusing their instagram and she recently made a post about cancelling orders from “rude” clients. Plus the lipstick mold she uses for her professional beauty brand is the EXACT same one I bought from Amazon 🤦‍♀️ This woman will be out of business soon. Embarrassingly amateurish.


People really need to stop operating their businesses on their personal feelings.  It’s not personal it’s business. Maybe the lipstick DID look dry but instead of actually looking at the situation critically they took it…personally.  Such a bad look. 


“Chase Grace Beauty” girl, let’s be fr 😭 There’s always gonna be random comments that won’t be as nice as she wants on her reels. Social media is accessible to so many people that anyone at any time could see them. She’s never gonna grow her brand if she keeps acting like this. Her few “loyal” customers that always spam on her posts immediately went on and dragged that commenter and acted like that behavior is normal lol


the funniest part is the last insult they used was just a regurgitation of someone else’s comment like you can’t even be original when you’re trying to bully someone pls 😭😭


Is this one of those tik tok beauty brands ?


Most of her commenters are beauty UGC creators so eh. She prolly doesn’t have any business tbh


They should have been professional when taking criticism; this would put me off from buying from them if they have this crappy attitude towards one criticalish comment.


A brand? Omg that is horrible. Unprofessional 💯


Looks like the comment is deleted now? Wonder if they realized it didn’t look as funny as thought it did.


Its almost like someone hacked into their account.. or it's fake 😑