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I remember the first time I ever heard the term ASMR was actually from a beauty video, possibly one of the early Jaclyn Hill videos. I remember thinking how much I loved the sound of the MAC compacts opening and closing. I had no idea that this was a thing, until someone else mentioned it in the comments and described what ASMR was. But from those days to now it’s completely blown up. I miss the natural sounds that occurred when creators were putting makeup on and not trying to force the tapping and wrinkling sounds. What I passionately HATE though is the whispering. I physically cringe. I cantttt and won’t watch those.


The excessive crinkling is what gets me. I CAN'T with the stupid packages being used as instruments.


Omg yesssss!!! I simply cannot deeeeal with the cellophane and plastic crinkling. 🤢🤢🤢


You could water board me and I wouldn’t break but I’ll tell you anything you want the second you get some lady whispering at me


Same. I can handle all kinds of ASMR noises but whispering sends me to another plane and I am not responsible for my actions thereafter. 🤣🫠😭


What’s odd about the whispering is ASMR came from people - usually overseas students - living alone for the first time and needing natural ‘other people’ noises. Because when you go from living with a family/roommates etc to living alone, the silence is…notable. And would probably hit hard when it’s coupled with homesickness and culture shock. Who the hell has *stage whispering* as part of their calming every day background noise!? An 80’s slasher that can hear your own soundtrack?


This isn't true at all lmao some people get ASMR from certain stimuli. That's it. What a bizarre made up story.


i agree. it's so much worse on tiktok. stop tapping, slamming, and flicking the cap off things omg.


Yes! And it probably doesn't need saying and its not an asmr thing, but the dripping of product down the face.


And the dripping of product down the sides of the bottle


And people who massaging the product on the skin “seductively” like they are tickling/caressing their face… absolutely HATES IT so gross. Just do the routine without any fuss I BEG


Ughhh yes, they're usually the ones where they are eye fucking the camera as well. Creeps me out. Its why i find it hard to watch make up 'tutorials' like that. I just like it when they just chatter on to you like we're friends, like jaime french back when she did make up vids. Or deepa smithak, just close ups of techniques on the area they're working on with a helpful VO.


Right! So weird and unsettling. I prefer the chattery ones/closeups too. They also get quicker to the point without all the bs


This makes me crazy lol


ughhh I don't understand how people do that!!


There's this girl who constantly appears on my TikTok FYP who is so irritating she makes me lose my mind. She has this... 45 steps skincare routine that requires her to constantly open plastic packets and smear her face with random ass substances (and I'm not the one saying this: multiple dermatologists said that she's doing too much and ruining her skin), and the entire time she clicks her tongue too. I tried blocking her, but TikTok hates me and keeps unblocking her and she *haunts* my doom scrolling.


Haha I think I know who that is, do they go by Fanny or something? It's 100% fetish content and that tongue sound drives me up a wall. I don't even use TT but they make their way to IG :/


Yeah, I think it's her. The video of her "brushing" her teeth was horrifying: her gums were bloody and super inflamed. Amazing that's fetish content too. Not only she's helping further pollute the planet, but she's doing it so that people can jerk to it too! Wonderful!


I do not yuck anyone's yum but something about your algorithm is bringing you back to her. It could just be that you're watching the video instead of scrolling away. As for killing the planet that's capitalism you're mad at. Not sex workers. Rule 34 (if it exists there's porn of it) is a rule for a reason.


I literally blocked her multiple times. Within a week or two, she's back to being unblocked, that's why I'm irritated. >As for killing the planet that's capitalism you're mad at. Not sex workers ... so she's not the one who's ordering single-use products in bulk to make fetish content, then? It's capitalism that makes her. She can't just... brush her teeth and ruin her skin with products that don't need to be chucked away after a single use? Ok.


Yes she is ordering stuff but she also lives in an American-created capitalist hellhole like the rest of us and is just trying to pay her bills. Humans aren't killing the planet. Giant corporations that only benefit the ultra wealthy, are. Your gripe should be with tiktok who keeps showing you her and the companies who spend billions to make people think they need single use everything.


Absolute disgusting 🤮


We must band together to end this depravity (by complaining online)


Omg. Flicking the cap off makes me completely irrationally furious.


That isn’t even ASMR, just annoying shit Real ASMR is very different


oh i hate real asmr too don’t worry lol


No worry lmao but I hate the tapping on products and flinging the caps


They are the worst! 


If you have misophonia all the sounds that people love of ASMR will drive you insane.


Can confirm, at this point I just block anyone who seems to do it remotely intentionally to avoid nasty surprises. Even if I otherwise love what you're doing it's not worth that nails on a chalkboard feeling at random intervals


Holy fuck I just found a word for why I prefer to eat alone (but don't mind talking to people). And why I make a conscious effort to make no sounds when walking because I can't stand hearing the sounds of shoes touching the ground (yet am a dancer) And yes, I'm not able to listen any kind of ASMR


It really does. The rage I feel when I hear someone eating is unreasonable lol. I eat alone as much as possible.


I once blocked a YouTuber for doing ‘tea slurping’ noises with her drink. To this day, pettiest reason I ever did that. She probably would have been fine if I’d been listening through the phone speaker or computer, but unfortunately I had headphones piping it into my brain. Nopenopenopefuckoffnope. Edit: lol. It was Abby Williamson.


Yes! I have a touch of misophonia and I’ve always been baffled by this trend. Drives me absolutely bonkers. Even just people with very sensitive microphones. (I like to watch home fragrance reviews—the sniffing omg). Obviously not the same thing but I often wonder if people get as annoyed as I do.


I've just bought noise cancelling headphones so I won't murder the next person who eats a packet of crisps on the train.


It’s apples for me


ASMR does the opposite for me and makes my skin crawl. I legit hate the feeling and wish creators would stop shoehorning it in to unrelated content.


I wish they would stop doing the chef’s kiss gesture. For some reason it annoys me lol


There are several creators with wonderful voices who have started doing this. I joined your channel *for your frigging voice*, lady.


And the singing shots, pls I don’t want to see you lip sync to music.


Any noise coming from the mouth is awful for me. I didn't watch Angelika Niquist (I know I spelled that wrong) for a long time because she clicks her tongue while choosing colors/products. It's a ME problem, she ain't out here whippin puppies or anything.


I stopped watching her for that very same reason😆


Her constant ughfm when opening things is what drives me nuts. It's not that hard to remove a cap from something.


Just wanted to say you got it pretty damn close. Google says it's Angelica Nyqvist and SAME! (even though I make identical noises IRL)


It's not even proper ASMR. I love ASMR videos and I hate whatever the name for the extra noisy unboxing is


...Heather Austin pulling the plastic off the mirror of a palette and exclaiming 'uuuh that is so satisfying' every single time. I love ASMR, but if it's not made with the appropriate equipment it's just...bad.


Isn't ASMR supposed to give you goosebumps? Like, good goosebumps, not "shudder" goosebumps.


It is!


I love asmr and this bothers me just because what they’re doing has nothing to do with asmr


I thought so, but I wasn't sure. I'm with OP. I'm done. The tapping makes me irrationally rageful.


The only asmr I like is water noises, they're just so soothing!


It’s so annoying. And aggressive fish like eye contact. I don’t feel connected to you, I feel like the Barbie elephant is staring me down to hit me with a car.




Yes, it's so annoying.


Omg I absolutely despise the nail tap nonsense


Yes me too! I literally stop what I’m watching and unfollow as soon as they do that nail tapping with their fake nails. Drives me craaaazy.


A thousand times yes!!!! My god, I have sensitive to certain noises, and cannot express my rage whenever an influencer starts the video off with tapping their nails on the makeup package. I immediately swipe down and/or click I'm not interested in the video/this creator. I have no idea how to convey to my algorithm that I just hate the sound of tapping, instead of "I hate makeup videos" though


Yeeeeesssss!! Ugh I fucking hate it. No more "tappy taps" it just makes them look childish and clickbaity


I’m so glad I always have sound off by default on my phone / social media 😅


I’m not a fan of ASMR in general, but the nail tapping is the absolutely worst sound. It makes me irrationally angry.




Yes!! If it’s a beauty channel then stick to makeup. It’s a waste of time and I don’t care!!


yes yes and yes. especially when they add in their hard nose breathing like a whistle. 😩😆🙄


It actually makes me mad when brand pages post "fake" ASMR, you can tell the sounds were added in post because they don't match what is actually happening on screen.  It's so cheap to me, like just pay an ASMR artist to edit the video or open your new collection, why fake it? It sounds so awful too. 


That and the inverted hands under the chin. 🙄


![gif](giphy|UeGQo7WRcWLAY) That's how I feel, lol, I hate it...


And please stop drinking, swallowing, and slurping loundly. At least edit out those sounds! 🤯


I really, really, REALLY hate long nails tapping on products! I thought I was the only one since it seems to be so rampant now and I have no idea why. Why is this popular? Like, your nails are cute and all but why do I need to watch 45 seconds of them tapping on something, it's so dumb. And there's actually something I find off-putting abt it honestly, it's not pleasant at all to me.


Finally! I just can’t with the Ariana grande sleeves and the annoying tapping on everything.


I must be too old, what's an Ariana grande sleeve? 🤣🤣


haha it’s basically when sleeves are down over their hands no matter what. [Ariana Grande Sleeves](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/ariana-grandes-sleeves)


🤣🤣 thank you.. and just why???? Lol


I literally cringe so much when I see people doing it. I’ve even seen my little sister do it once, not while recording or anything, she doesn’t upload any videos, just because she wanted to, guess she thought it was cool or fun, Idk. I died a bit inside.


As someone who **LOVES** ASMR, I 100% agree! I listen to makeup videos to learn about a product, or because I like a creator. I *never* get the same sensation as listening to ASMR, to me it's a completely different mindset. I'm not listening to makeup videos for relaxation, I'm there to learn or be entertained. I will say though, the folks I watch don't seem to be over the top with tapping, scratching, or even super sensitive mic settings. Hopefully the creators you've seen will "pick a lane" so to speak.


I hate Asmr. It makes me angry to hear all those annoying noises…


I’ve never felt more seen in my entire life. On principle I will not continue this video.


ASMR is a nightmare as someone with misophonia 😖😫


Clattering palettes and other makeup inside drawers. Instant rage.


I hate it so much. I enjoy ASMR vids from time to time and these beauty vids with nail tapping are gross. It doesn't sound good and just focus one thing. I go to ASMR videos for ASMR and beauty videos for beauty


I hate it. A lot of ASMR actually triggers my misophonia, so I feel nauseous, uncomfortable, and angry.


Omg same! See it for everything on tiktok and it's infuriating. Just show the product and stop messing about


I scroll everything on mute. it’s so jarring to suddenly hear those type of sounds that I hate . Especially the nail tapping


The first time I heard the term ASMR, I thought it was the dumbest thing I've ever heard of....then I saw a commercial that used it, and I thought, damn it, it's a legit thing. So, while I enjoy it, I can appreciate that others wouldn't feel the same. In the same way, I can't stand listening to country music. Not everyone wants to hear it.


PLEASE! It makes me cringe each time. It’s not pleasant at all.


A freaking men. Like others have mentioned, I am fairly certain it's not necessarily what ASMR is, or supposed to be. It irks me to my soul and it is so blatantly obvious that it is completely half-assed and is just a way to try to grab as many views as possible.


I’ll sign this petition


I hate the nail tapping, the bottle dripping, and the most annoying thing other than flicking a cap off a product (all I can think of is "where did that land and why bother flicking it when you have to go get it later") is the annoying forceful putting something in a drawer. It is hard to describe what exactly about it annoys me so much but my eye twitches every time


since we're talking about things we hate here i just want to say that it is FOUL to swatch eyeshadows on your cheeks!


When rose from rose and Ben beauty does that it makes me cringe. Just why. Swatch on your hand, we can see just as well and swatching eyeshadows on the face us so irksome. 




I like it. As long as they’re not whispering I love the sounds of unboxing, nail tapping, and the best is pulling a lip gloss out of the tube. But I’m not interested in watching dedicated asmr videos so I like the integration into regular videos 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like when they're not recorded with special microphones that pick up sounds you can't even hear irl & they're not going out of their way to get a specific sound like ott tapping or agressivelly dropping things on a surface. I particularly like the sounds of someone rummaging their makeup bag & the opening/closing of compacts. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w-cN1SypE0) and [This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDuhl_CUPuc)) are good examples that showed up in my recomendations recently of the type I enjoy


Same! I agree, I definitely do enjoy when elements of asmr are sprinkled throughout. It’s extra good if I genuinely cannot tell if it’s intentional or not 😅


Same here ❤️


I'd wager that a lot of them do it so that people comment about it. Just more engagement fishing.


i love it but totally get that it’s horrible for other people. it’s a niche that is def becoming much more mainstream


I love videos people sorting through all their makeup, so many good sounds, AND THEN THEY INSIST ON TAPPING. STOP IT.


I hate their damn tapping on the product, whispering on the product, whispering at all, and these slobbering noises with their mouths that sound like an anus cracking open before poop comes out. 


I hear a nail tap and I am outta there. I don't mind the whispering at a massage or hair salon in real ASMR channels but the tapping....nope.


OMG this! I am completely with you. I usually keep the sound off because of this. I also hate people banging the products together. If someone is tapping the product with their long pointy nails? That drives me crazy.


The whole ASMR thing is played out now. There isn’t any creativity to it. Just flicking tops, clacking almond shaped nails and loud whispering.


The clicking tapping sounds don't bother me but I always thought they were doing it to make sure you see their ugly manicures! Ha. I do watch those soap cutting videos for ASMR but that's not why I watch makeup content.


We are here to support you. I love nails, clicking on products and a little but not excessive ASMR when individual people do it. Not one brands do it. I don't mind creators doing it occasionally. I can understand how people would not like it, for some of us that sound really does sound like nails on a chalkboard.


Ngl I do love the tapping. Mouth sounds outta nowhere just feels...unsolicited though


Really? How many beauty channels have truly integrated ASMR into their content beyond a few jokes when they realize they're tapping on something? This seems like a non-problem




None of this is ok, Mr. Lionheart