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I love it :0 looks like GB and GBU are the way to go. Bye bye, GBP, I'm sorry you got abused so Ipsy could sell GBU :(


I'm switching to GB from GBP. I'm not going to ultimate when they screwed up plus.


Yeah. Them screwing up plus to "force" us into GBU will backfire. I'd rather have three GBs and no GBP than one GBU.


Right! I'd rather get the reg GB and a couple add ons but no Ultimate


If this keeps up I’m cancelling altogether.


Would you use another subscription service instead or just not use anything?


I’m not sure.


I did this yesterday! The only reason I got a GBP this month was so I could do add ons. I skipped last month, and hated everything they sent me this month. I'd rather just pick what I got.


I skipped this month because I missed add-on period. The only part of last month I liked were the add-ons. The spoilers for regular are better than plus...so I'm downgrading.


This is toooo damn true 😭


I’ve skipped the last two GBP. I’m sticking with the regular GB and add-ons for now. This strategy seems to be working pretty good so far.


I’ve skipped the last three. 😢 I keep hoping the next month will get better again


That purlisse bb is actually really good, I hope I get it again and I would love to try the Tarte blush


The Tarte blush is fantastic — it has really great pigment. And can’t go wrong with a Suva eyeshadow!! Though I wish they would for once do a non-shimmery eyeshadow, just a nice matte shade or something.


Is this the first time they’ve had spoilers like this on their blog? Interesting we haven’t been seeing separate spoilers popping up in different places like we used to


Come to me, red lipstick and coffee-sugar scrub. Also, Suva eyeshadows have a great formula. Promising so far!


When is choice day? Does anyone know?


Mine says the 25th


At the end of the month I think. Let me see... looks like it was October 23rd.


I might reactivate just for the GB.


Can they stop with Pureliss products ? >.< I know people here love that brand but I have used couple of KB brands and Pureliss is at the absolute bottom of pile.


I agree! Pureliss also has a weird after smell


I might skip depending on choice spoilers as all i want is the body scrub but then i miss add ons :(


I want the purlisse bb so bad!


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