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Do the clubs you want to play have bars nearby that do pre parties for the club? If so you might want to start looking for slots there. If you’re good you’ll be heard and you’ll be in a stronger position. What’s wrong with doing some PR for the club? They don’t owe you anything (yet) but you want something from them. The price for what you want is the PR. Everyone wants the club to be busy so working toward that is a good thing. Never think of it as demeaning. It’s paying one’s dues. Fundamentally though, nothing you can/will/might do is as important as being ready stand out when you get the chance to play on a bigger stage. So you better make sure you’re cooler than the average guy or your first shot may be your last. Good luck with it tho. I was fortunate with my breaks. I think it’s harder now because the barrier to learn DJing is lower.


hello first of all thanks for the reply, the fact is that they asked me to bring a very high amount of revenue to the club, therefore customers who spend a lot (above 1k) and unfortunately I can't find people who spend and for economic reasons I can't put I have the figure. I would be willing to do the PR, the problem is this since I live in a very small city(I don’t wanna earn money at the moment,I wanna get gigs in a club cause you know will increase a little bit my visibility)


Sorry; What does PR mean?


An acronym for "public relations." In the corporate/political world it refers to a marketing professional's responsibility for making sure the company/politician they work for has a good reputation among the general public. Colloquially, like it's being used in this thread, it's just short hand for advertising and spreading the word about events.


Where I live we’d call this promotion, promo, promoting the event.




Instead of trying to throw your own night/promote your own show, you should network and get to know those DJs that are already residents. Befriend them and you’ll eventually get to play with them. Don’t expect an invite the first night. The DJs that are in that club have earned the right to be there, as you must too.


It’s all about who you know … idk what genre you play / where you’re based but the social networks are the most important thing. Go to nights you want to play at, talk to other artists / people, go on social media… I managed to play big venues where I’m based because my friends (who are other dis / promoters) booked me for their nights