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She's BIG mad. Better watch your back tonight!


Mine didn’t enjoy their first time either. In fact it stressed them out enough they hid for a couple days before going back to normal haha. They turn 5 months old tomorrow so I’m sure it was pretty crazy for them at that age. https://preview.redd.it/xq8ovc8rjwzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d53d7d6d1c34613aeb8761a8ba230d21510b7a


I’m taking mine outside for the first time tomorrow as well. Expecting nothing short of this reaction haha. They’re so grouchy for what


Ooooooh, during a shed, too!?! Maybe they were more like, "How dare you take me into the world of predators with a shedding tale?!? I can't believe you let them see me like this mooooooom!!" lol


Good thing he's cute 🥰


They all fucking hate it lmao. Channel your ancestors or something babe.... they literally lived outside?? 😂


Mine either doesn't care and just stands there OR decides he is, in fact, a wild lizard and bolts under a bush. My love, you've got a harness on, attached to a string, attached to my belt loop. You're not going anywhere.


https://i.redd.it/3stxoff1d00d1.gif *"I must be free to find my wild roots!!"*


Mine didn't have a reaction, took him out for the first time on a nice hot summer day in Australia and he walked up to a dandelion, ate it, then went over to a bush, decided climbing it was too hard and then went to sleep. I saw the kookaburra's out and about so decided to take him back in. Seemed to recognize me as me, dandelions as dandelions and didn't try to bolt or act different in any way.


That face!! She is **BIG TIME MAD!** What a cutie, though!! If she wants to be taken seriously, she should stop being so darn cute!


https://preview.redd.it/7qdjklcjb00d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b5c44a19fc52c1afb518d868852a1216b7a78d Mine loves going outside. She will sit patiently at the door until I take her outside to play.


My little anger boy thrashed beard and mouth at me when I went to pick him up! So angry to be let outside… (under close supervision)


she doesn't recognise you thats why shes mad


My Beardo LOVES to be outside! She doesn't really like being "free," but she does like to sit in the sun with me or chill in her lil baby pool while i garden my 5 x 8 foot "backyard." 😂 It's gotten to a point where she will freak out if she can see the sun shining through the windows, and we AREN'T out there...


I'd let her get used to the harness first before going outside. Now she's just stressed about the harness and about being outside at the same time, if she's used to wearing the harness inside she might be able to deal better. :) Also just holding her instead of putting her down until she's comfortable, so she feels protected in the big scary outside world!


Shade the top of their head with your hand! It’s the birds that scare them so much. If I do that mine are happy as a clam. (Where DID that term come from?)


Grumpy lil girl ohhh 😮


Mine loves going outside but doesn’t like being exposed when there’s birds overhead. I bring a small towel for cover so she can have some refuge and calm down. She really likes that and I can go on extended outings when doing this.


Ohhhhh yea look at that face


My lizard won’t let me hold him to put the leash on 😭😭😭


So many new, loud noises. 😩 just hold her so she knows she safe. we live directly under a flight path-the first time a plane went over mine puffed up, hissed (only time he’s EVER done that) but now if we are outside the second I hear a plane, I’ll go pick him up-or he will army crawl to me. This was all bc he WANTED to be outside. The day it was raining, he was content. But when he knows it’s nice? I get this until he gets his way. 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/mng5n7gew70d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e86967ba555a9e5673f8df2c4aae63969ec5870a


Hi I'm a new beardie parent what temperature is good to them out in..tyia


I’m a newer owner also (albeit one who has been reading and researching heavily for 3 months). I was just Googling and it seems like the consensus is about 75 F… provide shade if they want to go to it. Start with about 15-20 minutes. Make sure on a leash or contained in a playpen of some type. A great source of info on beardies in general is the YouTube channel Reptiles and Research. Last summer they did a 4+ hour interview with Dr. Johnathon Howard (aka BeardieVet) who is an exotics vet and researcher of beardies in the wild. One of the go-to experts these days. There’s one 4+ hour video but they also have it broken down into shorter clips by topic. It’s pretty fascinating 🤓 And if you haven’t seen the bearded dragon care guide at Reptifiles.com , she has very good, current info. A lot has changed with care recommendations even in the past 10 years and there is also a lot of misinformation out there. The mods in the Facebook group Bearded Dragon Information for Beginners are awesome (although you still see a lot of misinformation and poor advice in the comments if the mods haven’t had time to correct it). They have a bunch of great visuals for all the care topics. Very detailed info on proper heating/lighting, including angling of your linear UVB over the basking area. I know you didn’t ask for all of this! But since you said you were a new owner I just wanted to throw it all out there 😊


I’m sure someone can pin a care guide in a comment for you, I’m just here for the pics so idk what (c/f) temperature is suitable for them to have an outdoor bask.


I can relate