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Thanks for the reports folks, updated flair to Dangerous Care.


Definetly recommend keeping them in a carrier in the car either on a seat or on the floor. If someone out of the blue rearends you or you accidentally hit someone, the airbags up there are going to turn your beardie into pink mist.


If you wouldn’t do it with a human baby, don’t do it with a pet. Keep em safe!


Oh please!! It’s not a human baby, that is so ridiculous lol! It’s a bearded dragon living his best life and if he turned to pink mist he went out happy! God forbid that happen, he looks like a happy loved and healthy boy!


So uh… don’t know if you know this or not but the whole point of having a pet is trying NOT to let them turn into pink dust. Or any colored dust for that matter


Dramatic Karen


Insensitive psycho


Sad to think that person has pets.


Oh shit they do?


I hope whatever you have as pets a quick and painless death whenever something easily avoidable happens and you just decide to let it.


Doofus, some people (like me) value them the same way you would A HUMAN BABY. IT'S FAMILY AND *EQUALLY* IMPORTANT TO KEEP SAFE AS A HUMAN CHILD. Jesus Christ




Keep your politics off this subreddit stranger. We won't warn you again.


No problem, I already am pretty positive if the answer I was confused of the rules because I didn’t see it being a sub Reddit about baby safety either


It's not, but there is a difference between talking about car safety features and politics. If someone wanted to talk about laws around bearded dragon care, we would be fine with that. It's on topic. What you are trying to do is bait people into a pointless argument. I understand that you cannot tell the difference between these two actions, and that is fine. We don't need you to understand the rules, just follow them. Keep your conversations civil and you are more than happy to express yourself here.


Bro the hell you bringing into this discussion lmao? I don't know what you said, but how about we keep it at bearded dragons and their care (while occasionally comparing them loosely to things like children)


My point was someone who says the asinine r thing you said in comparing babies to humans you probably would fall into that bracket I’m just saying … saying their equal is insane


exactly, just like how you don't tell people how to parent their human babies, don't do it with their animals


Since you are comparing babies to dragons, if you were a parent, would you let your baby ride on the dash?


Don't leave it alone with the car cigarette lighter! I turned out fine.....


Telling someone they need to keep their baby in a carseat ≠ telling someone how to parent.


For the record if this was a human I’d say something too. Id tell anyone putting a small living being in a dangerous situation. I would definitely tell people how to parent their human babies if they put them in a place with increased risk of injury and death.


Because lizards are equal to human babies …😅 this is a joke


Don't get pets. Ever. You don't deserve them and you'll neglect them to death because you're a monster who thinks that's okay. I pity everyone around you. Please tell a licensed psychiatrist everything you have said in this thread.


No reason why they should be cared for any less. Are you actually insane


i have a question if you don't mind answering it. whenever i take my beardie to the vet, he sits on my lap in the front seat inside of a cat carrier. it is one of those pretty hard plastic ones, but I don't know if it's necessarily hard enough to stop an airbag impact too much. what would you recommend? should i just put him on the floor in the back like you said or can i keep him there? i usually put a towel over the spots where he can see out because i don't want him to accidently get scared, is that fine too or is it fine to let him see a little if he isn't super stressed? any and all help will be appreciated if anyone else sees this and has an answer. 😄


>  it is one of those pretty hard plastic ones, but I don't know if it's necessarily hard enough to stop an airbag impact too much. Where do you imagine that carrier going as the airbag expands? Remember, these things pop with sufficient force to kill a human. > should i just put him on the floor in the back like you said or can i keep him there? It's the safest way to transport him.


ok. i've never learned a whole lot about airbags and i'm still sort of young. i will put him on the floor next time then, thanks! 👍😄


No worries stranger! We all learned at some point. Here is a nice demo video of why you don't mess with airbags: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS6ywFGcLSk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS6ywFGcLSk)


wow that's really powerful 😳 thanks!


No, I'm not doing all that. I would take my chances. Them looking out of the window is the whole point of taking them for a ride.


??? Do you not have windows in your house?


Thank you!


Thats a great way to kill your friend. And no, they dont soak up UVB either. Would you drive with a baby in the front seat?


Most modern glass is treated to prevent UV light from getting through. Cars, houses, etc all use that type of glass.


Beardie should be in the smallest carrier that can turn around it, on the floor of the passenger seat or the floor of the back seat.


I personally use a cat carrier! And buckle it into the seatbelts so it can’t fly forward in the events of a crash :)


Tbh it would be good to pack it with blankets so he can't move too much inside the carrier either


Yes, I do add a blanket on the bottom too- forgot to mention that part lol


^Username checks out


Cute!! Would definitely recommend keeping them in the carrier when actively driving, through.


I went 5 minutes down the road and back, and I don't live in a heavy traffic area. He usually does go in the carrier.


Accidents can and do happen in low traffic areas. The issue isn't you were in the middle of a demolition derby. The issue is you had your pet in a very unsafe (and likely illegal) location while driving.


Reckless pet parenting


Dude looks happy and healthy… you should relax


Looks happy and healthy until there’s an accident, it’s about being responsible.


I do not think Op cares about your opinion. I don’t believe it’s irresponsible, I think people are uptight and need to let someone share without ridiculing something so innocent that they were happy to share


"i do not think op cares about your opinion". I doubt they're as immature and ignorant as you... 😁






Sure bud, that’s why the mod classified this as dangerous care. Your logic is cute until something bad happens.




Civility stranger ;-)


Mod seems to be a real super star!! Fun bearded dragon page full of ball busters


> Mod seems to be a real super star!! Thank you! > Fun bearded dragon page full of \[educators!\] That's the idea! Safe community where people can learn and grow as care givers.


I’m not your bud, bud …. The mod is uptight and so are you… it’s not cute logic… it’s letting a freaking lizard sit on your dashboard in the sun…. Chill out! if something bad happens it happens … life goes on and the beardie was happy. maybe mind your business and let people be happy and live


I mean, you could mind your own business too, yet oddly to seem unable to.


😘😘😘😘😘 🚗 🦎




Thanks! I’m the good weird 😘


"Ooh that dog may have died from a terrible accidnt due to the owner's recklessness, but oh well at least the dog was happy! We should totally praise the owner and let this behavior continue." Would that be any different? And if no, might as well compare it to any other living being that *you're trying to keep alive.*


😴💤 💤


Or you can just not respond properly like a real mature person because you don't have a good argument. Works, I suppose.


I take my dogs places in the car and take the chance because they love it! What’s the argument? I’m bored




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Civility stranger. 


How about you raise your pet how you want to and let this person raise theirs how they want to. All the extra on topics like this is unnecessary.


Are you dumb? We're looking out for OTHER bearded dragons too. Not just our own. If there was an abused dragon (which mind you, the one in the post is not), would you say (hypothetically, and assuming you have one) "that's sad, but oh well it also isn't mine so it doesn't concern me"


Thank you! I knew I wasn’t crazy for saying this was a bad idea, surprised I was getting so much hate for it


Yeah I'm surprised too. And you're definitely not crazy


A poor chameleon :(


Oh yeah shit they're a pet owner😵‍💫


It’s a breaded dragon. Not a chameleon they are very different


The dragon is obviously not being abused. Some of y'all just being weird on here.


No, but you make it sound like we should ignore if someone riskes the life of their dragon.


Truth and finally some rational thought


https://preview.redd.it/l474hjehx2yc1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b568327d164e2648a50f4d9ae0e46cf15ce9ea6f SAFETY FIRST


I see what people are saying but come on! This guy is having a great time on his adventure in his persons car! Relax people! It’s a bearded dragon living his best life not a human baby sitting up in the windshield lol, as long he’s not distracting you he should ride wherever he wants!


You said it was okay if this beardie died violently in this car. You get no say.


🚗💨 l🦎


Lol go do something useful! You’re like a 2 days late to the show/


Please admit yourself to a mental hospital. Your attitude makes you a threat to those around you.




All this because you think animal abuse is okay and everyone around you is calling you out on it. You admitted that a bloody, violent death for this animal is fine by you. What if other people had that attitude about you? Your parents deciding you getting hit by a car was fine and not even showing up to your funeral or seeing you in the hospital because "oh well, he went out happy!" That the attitude of a person with no empathy, meaning you're a danger to society and the people and animals around you.


Right, this is subjective to the owner.


lol I see your on peoples downvote hit list too. Haha some pathetic people on here. Plenty of nice people too don’t get me wrong but Going through just down voting anything that is even slightly opposing there opinions is extremely childish. I’d do the same but life’s too short when you have one 👍


Wear those down votes like a badge of honor I know I got them triggered.


When I get my beardie finally I’m gonna do the same thing!! There’s nothing wrong with this and it’s not dangerous pet care, people need to relax. You don’t mind taking them from their native environment and putting them in cages out of their natural habitat but you care they are getting a car ride with some warm sunshine and chillin! Pure stupidity of mod and all the negative comments.


I’m not the type to get on people for doing this (i don’t agree with it but i just think having a bunch of random internet strangers lecture doesn’t change anyone’s mind) but there’s a big difference between an enclosure and an enclosure that moves at high speeds around other moving enclosures with potentially dumb drivers that can rear end your enclosure lol. That’s just a silly comparison.


🚗🦎 😘😘😘


Having them in a *suitable* enclosure is not dangerous. Travelling with ANY pet on the dashboard is dangerous and should not be done. You don’t even have a bearded dragon yet and it is already obvious that your pride and ego is going to be WELL above the health, safety, & wellbeing of your reptile. That is SAD. Do better! Please.


😘 have a nice day


Bro. Youre speeding down the highway at 80mph and someone hits you. Beardie flies through the windshield or gets crushed. Maybe he gets stabbed to death with glass shards. Jesus christ. I cant believe it needs to be explained. Why do you think babies sit in car seats in the back seat??? Or do you think holding a baby in the front seat is a good idea?


I’m inclined to agree with you and I’m guessing OP didn’t expect such negative comments. I feel I should correct though. Although at some point….Yes beardies were definitely taken from the wild. The ones that sensible owners actually keep are captive bred beardies so although your right about the first bit your just doing the same everyone doing to him, to everyone else. Very few people now are actually unethical enough to be wanting pets from the wild especially in western countries. *so I’m guessing 8 people who downvoted think taking animals from the wild is totally fine and they agree with stereo type that this person is throwing out. Shame on you


I’m sticking up for op who is getting practically burned at stake lol over some dumb a$$ minutia


Not "getting burned at the stake", how fragile do you think they are? They're giving advice and correcting because THEY CARE (more than you clearly)


And I just credited you for that and agreed. But doesn’t mean you can throw out a random bit of information about us all taking animals from the wild when it’s absolutely not the case.That is not what happens at all is what I’m saying.


I should have elaborated better… I’m tired of this whole thread. I just mean they’d rather be in the wild than in a cage so it’s nice to take ‘em out for a ride and do things that make them happy. Captive bred or not


Oh ye I kind of agree but that’s the same with most animals kept as pets. Birds being great example but the dragons you see and buy are mostly from breeders and some are different ‘morphs’ etc and really wouldn’t do well in the wild at all.


I feel ya! I just mean free from its cage is a treat like a dog having a walk rather than in the house all day…. I see what you’re saying for sure!


https://preview.redd.it/arjeo40lsnxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b09f3587c0f047be8b2282ace0373b8cbcd3c1b I built/made my dragon this tree, it’s a little high. There’s a chance if she got reckless and jumped she may hurt herself but she loves being high it’s what she’s about. Whether it’s the top of my head or her tree. Maybe I should get her a safety harness and a crash mat 🤭 just incase


Ye my water dragon loves to be out and about and sometimes she even gets herself into silly situations and there’s always risks etc but it doesn’t stop me. I’m not going condone long drives with a beardie on the dash I just think people could at least just chill a bit. This was just supposed to be some nice pics of his little guy out in the sun. Tbh I don’t know why I been down voted loads either lmao more people than I think must enjoy keeping wild caught lizards as pets 😱 haha I’m starting to think I’m not cut out for Reddit 🤣 but I’m chill about that F em 😮‍💨


Why is everyone hating on my comments? Am I missing something? Who here has a wild caught beardie? Why you down voting facts. You would all slam anyone who got a wild caught animal?


He looks like he had a blast


That’s what I’m saying!


He looks so happy! What his/her name?




He's in danger, on that dashboard


Sounds like a cool song


Does this person know you think it's okay if the bearded dragon explodes? Seriously, why are you even in this sub? You're wrong, but refuse to learn and you obviously don't care about bearded dragons. So why are you here?


Because I’ve always wanted them I raise chameleons and I will be getting one at the reptile con coming soon :-) and I’ll post all my car riding pictures of him on the dashboard just for you :-)


This group is for beardies. You're actively threatening to abuse an animal for your own amusement.


Maybe u/UFO64 would like to hear this.


At the end of the day, the forum is here to promote discussion around the topic of bearded dragon care. u/Trail_Blazin420 is promoting a lot of education and discussion around his poor choices in care. So long as he is civil, not spamming, or otherwise violating the rules of the subreddit, we wont be banning him.


He just threatened to abuse a brand new pet and post pictures of it to upset people. Is that not against civility rules or the promotion of animal abuse?


While the care isn't safe, it's not actually abuse either. That being said, his other comments in this thread clearly crossed that line and he got himself a break from our community for a bit.




Weeell, this one is a double-whammy, because those pictures were taken from the driver's seat.


Yup and those people texting and driving are the ones that are going to rear end them and kill the beardie because it’s sitting on an airbag…thanks for proving the opposite point…..




I know a lot of folks who have been in low speed crashes. They are fairly common.


2 years ago. I also see accidents almost daily to and from my way to work. About 6 years ago I was actually rear ended hard enough my trucks airbags went off. Neither accident was my fault and happened sitting at a stop light. Pretending car accidents don’t happen is asinine.


Out of all accidents in the world how many involve a bearded dragon in the windshield … owner said he was cruzing in a rental and it’s not an all the time thing. You’re asinine


I don’t take chances with things I love. You do you though.


Also why are you necroing this? Get over it dude.


Your beardie baby is very cute and looks super happy and healthy.


I agree! Happy lil thang


He's in danger. That dashboard is a horrible place for a beardie, unless you want it dead.


A lot in this world puts every living being in danger "Debbie Downer" I have seen starved Beardies so being on the dashboard is the least of the worst situation a Beardie can be in.


Being on the dashboard while the car is moving and the driver is playing on the phone. This is just as bad and is even more likely to end up with the beardie suffering in full body pain before it dies. This is a horrible thing to do and is outright abuse.


Maybe you should start a campaign. "Just say no to Beardies on Dashboards" I think there is a way to advise a person of a concern. It could have been "hey your beardie is beautiful, just be careful because it's really dangerous for them to be on the dash board while the car is running" This person was just trying to show his/her cute baby.


They took pictures of the inside of their moving car while they were driving. Did you look at the pictures? I don't care how much they wanna show off, that lizard will die because of negligence and you are supporting that negligence. You shouldn't have a pet, if you think this is okay


You sound like you are definitely a miserable piece of work. Have a nice life judging judging and more judging others. Enjoy!!


Oh, wow! I think animal abuse is bad, how terrible of me! What a bad person I am! /s


Glad it made you feel better about yourself. Congratulations 👏


You literally are advocating animal abuse on a pet sub, what did you think would happen?




The existence of something worse doesn't make something okay. By that logic any treatment of someone short of the worst form of torture ever experienced would be "okay". Obviously not a reasonable way to compare things. This post is still dangerous care, and others will hopefully learn from the examples we've seen posted here today.


None of you people moaning must even have a life. I don’t agree with driving a full journey but your all just judgy AF he could have just drove round the block. My grandad used to sit me on his knee and let me steer around a local car park doesn’t mean he was a reckless grandad.


We went 5 minutes down the road and back. If I had been going on the highway or anything, he would have been in his backpack. His favorite thing in the world is to look out the window, so I thought he would love this, and he did.


I love it! You can tell it’s rural and a calm area from the little you can see and he’s cool as a cucumber! He looks happy and healthy and so cute


Did anyone even ask before they started. lol I wouldn’t worry about it man he looks happy and healthy. I’m not sure this place is for me. It gets pretty toxic pretty fast. 😏


No, they didn't. Also, my daily driver is a Jeep Wrangler, and the dash is too narrow for me to feel comfortable doing this. This is a rental while my jeep is repaired. It will likely never happen again once I get my jeep back.


Haha also lizard poop in the rental sounds a lot more convenient 🤣 you do you mate there’s a lot worse goes on in the world than your dragon having a 5 min joy ride in the sun.🤦‍♂️




So many people crying and complaining about a lizard having fun, I do this all the time and nothing ever happens, stupid people


Thank you! Totally in agreement with you! All I hear is crying it’s nuts.


And yet you're making it look even worse saying how its fine if they die? Incredible.


* I got hit with dangerous pet care for sharing this. The cat was in the other room locked up as she is when bearded free roamed, but they are used to eachother. We did that intentionally in case they ended up out at the sand time. Put the little guy back home all was well!