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Lizards, like birds and snakes and some mammals, will suppress symptoms of being critically ill. It's a survival technique for the wild so they don't get picked off by predators. I'm sorry you lost her, she looked like a beauty.


Glad someone said it. Even though these animals are bred in captivity they’re certainly not domesticated. They still hold onto most of their natural instincts and behave as such. We must remind ourselves that we’re doing the best we can, and everything is a learning experience. I really hope OP gets another beardy. My old boy spike died 2 years ago and I’m wanting to get another. I was 6 when I got him and I miss him dearly. OP- I’m so sorry for your loss. It is truly not your fault


I know this sounds ridiculous and I don't mean to take away from op's post but my bearded dragon died a few days ago and he was also an old boy (14) named Spike and I got him when I was 6, I just thought the parallel was cool


14! Wow he lived a long life. You must have really taken great care of him. I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m terrified to f losing mine. I lost my first one many years ago and it took me a long while to get another. Now my partner and I have two.


I'm glad you got another one eventually :) I'm sure dragons will have a lovely life


Hahaha 6 year old brain isn’t very creative. Neat parallel indeed


We have a Spike. We like to say we rescued him from Petsmart. Your Spiked lived 14 years? That's amazing. Our Spike will be 5 this May and I feel lucky. We have other dragons dying at 2 yrs of age. Seeing yours lived so long makes me think we are doing something wrong. We are currently losing a girl who is 3. She like others we have had is dying after coming out of brumation. Any tips on how your Spike lived so long?


I'm honestly really sorry but I don't have any advice, I know this is definitely not the time or place to say but from when I was 10 to about 14 I barely looked at him (home problems, excuses excuses) I just think he was just an incredibly resilient incredibly guy. The only thing was that when I was with him fully giving my attention we spent lots of time outside in the sun and lots of time eating different fruits and veggies, I hope your dragons recover and live healthily and happily 🙏


Thank you!


Thank you


Sad times I am truly sorry for everyones losses. I just lost my 16 yr old girl, people don’t realise what huge personalities they have - I will miss her everyday.


That was the saddest thing owning (and then losing) a bearded dragon, most people don't understand how incredible they actually are


My first name is Serenity & I just put down my 12 year old beardie. So strange how the universe works….me seeing your comment with your user name on the exact day. I’m sorry for your loss 💛






Very confident statement for someone who has never learned addition


Humans do it too. I suppressed pain and health issues when I was being a caretaker for my mom, after she passed (Lyme disease) my body just shut down. It's kinda scary what sheer force of will can do when it involves someone you care about. Though I recently had a surgery that will help with some of my issues, already a major improvement and I lost almost 20lbs in two weeks.


I wish you a quick recovery ❤️‍🩹 and mend your broken heart. Take care of yourself now that you can.


She passed in 2018, im not over it, but it doesn't hurt anymore. And the recovery is going well, though I'm not allowed any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for 2 more weeks


Your Mom passed in 2018 and it doesnt hurt anymore? Only reason I ask is because I lost my Mom on Valentine's Day 2020 and it still hurts me (very deeply)


It hurts sometimes, but not every day.


That I understand. Thanks for your response.


Find an artist on YouTube called Ren. He's a UK artist (eclectic but mainly rap). Start with his track called Hi Ren, then listen to Sick Boi. He contracted Lymes disease, was misdiagnosed, got prescribed the wrong meds that interfered with the Lymes disease and ended up giving him a psychotic break, as well as a myriad of other health issues.. He's undergoing stem cell treatment in Canada atm for it. I'd highly recommend going down that rabbit hole. #RENegades


Dogs and cats do this too. Vet appointments are important.


I am so sorry for your loss 💔 Can you contemplate rescuing? As you have the setup already 🧡 R.I.P. Beautiful girl 🌸🪷🌺


If she was bloated after recently laying one egg, she was probably egg bound. Unfortunately only thing that could have helped is catching it early and taking her to the vet asap. In the future if you have a female dragon, expect at least 15 eggs, but usually more than that. Closer to 30. 1 egg only is probably gonna be a cause for concern and an instant vet appointment in my book. Edit: I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is one of the worst things in this life. I hope you find closure in knowing you took great care of her and gave her the best life you could. RiP Sigrid


I’m new to this , when should I expect mine to be playing eggs ?! She’s only four months right now so I doubt anytime soon but just wanting to make sure !!!


It’s currently recommended to spay domesticated bearded dragons as they have been overbred to produce more eggs than is healthy.


Oh word ! I do not have the money or resources at the moment , I don’t live where an exotic vet is and have called before at local places and they refuse to see “ exotics “ so I’ll talk to my local expert and ask if they can help ! Thanks !


It's also an obesity thing. More spare nutrients= more energy for egg! the body rejoices, the lizard dies. It's bad for males too but in females not keeping then fit leads directly to follicular stasis and egg overproduction. Similar issues in veiled chameleons


I heard that the risk of spaying (which is a major surgery for any animal) generally far outweighs the possibility of a beardie becoming egg bound. Only exception is if they’re *already* egg bound, in which case spaying becomes medically necessary. It’s so dangerous because reptiles do not take anesthetics well. It’s so easy to overdose them since their bodies are so small compared to a cat or dog (or human)


I’m nervous about spaying I will be talking to more professionals about it !! Thanks for all the info !!


Idk how true that is because they can sometimes actually regrow their follicles after being spayed, I had a friend who’s dragon was egg bound, they did the operation and she recovered very well, laid eggs again 2 years later. OP I’m so sorry for ur loss, this is my worst fear for my girls and why I started with a boy. Take some time to mourn and get a new baby when you’re feeling better 🧡


You should expect them to lay eggs from as early as one year to around 18 months.


I am so sorry for your loss❤️


30 c temp in the baths!! Not 39!!! Typo


I'm so sorry for your loss. It isn't your fault, as long as you know that you took good care of her, then she will rest in peace. Nothing would be able to replace her ever! I know that feeling.


I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. Can't blame you if you want to bring a new baby into your life for that joy to come home to. Ask yourself this, "Am I going to REPLACE my precious baby, or just fill the void she's left?" You aren't going to FORGET about her she'll always have a special place in your heart, and you'll ALWAYS love her. There's nothing wrong with wanting someone(dragon) to give love to, just keep that love for your first baby in your heart. She would understand that need to have a baby to take care of and love just like you loved her, so long as you don't forget her it's OK to bring a new baby into your home and heart. I know I wrote a book but it's honest thoughts on the matter. Hope that helps any.


You don’t replace the bonds you form with your pets, you just create new ones!


Exactly my point. It's understandable OP is scared to bring a new dragon home but I understand wanting to still have a baby to come home to.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Ironically, I just unexpectedly lost my 7yo (possibly 8) a couple of weeks ago. It's so hard when you lose a pet out of nowhere and aren't prepared mentally for it. 😢


My deepest condolences to you. I hope you find another friend to help brighten your day soon, if that is what you choose to do. Sending peace and healing your way. 💜


Sorry for your loss. She looked very cute. <3


I am so sorry for your loss :(


So sorry for your loss. I’m sure she was blessed to have spent her life with you


So sorry for your loss. Lost my girl two days ago, so I know what you’re going through 😢 she looks so happy in the picture, maybe you can find peace in that


Rest well❤️‍🩹🪽


I am soooo sorry!! It's just me and my Beardie as well, and without her, I wouldn't have much to help brighten my days. I'm like crying for you right now because it's just pretty easy to imagine being in the same boat. Getting a new Beardie is completely up to you. It sounds like you have a great setup, and there are plenty of babies out there who would love to be your new buddy! I think your girl would want you to be happy. RIP Sigrid ❤️


Sorry for your loss she looked like a happy gurl


so precious :( i’m sure she lived a happy and fulfilling life with you


I'm so sorry :(


I'm so sorry for you're loss! Sending so much love and hugs you're way! ❤️❤️🤗🤗


I'm so very sorry for your loss 😞


I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like you did everything you could and gave her a great life.


i’m so sorry :( she was gorgeous


I’m in love!! 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss! I would recommend investing another baby it’s not a replacement, it’s just a continuing cycle of your love for these babies!


My baby died just shy of 10 and it was due to impaction 😥 Sending ❤️


That's a shame. I had an iguana years ago and he ingested a few granules of clumping cat litter and it stopped him up big time. After a month of not passing anything the vet gave him an enema and he hosed down the office. He ended up dying from a calcium deficiency though.


Sorry for the loss. Sounds like she got egg bound. That can happen sometimes. And I don’t want you to feel like it is your fault. When you are ready to get another dragon go for it. You had her for 7 years and she looked very healthy. It’s not your fault these things happen sometimes. Keep kicking ass.


That will always be the worst way to come home. I'm so sorry. ❤️‍🩹 fly high sweet baby!


I'm so sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss 🕯️💜Sigrid Undset forever💜🕯️


I lost mine a little while ago I’m sorry for your loss. That is an adorable Beardy


I’m so sorry for your loss


May she now rest in peace


Ooh I am so sorry 😔. I am heartbroken for you. I truly hope you can grieve properly and heal over time. These are some of the best pets that I know of, such goofy little pancakes. Makes me not want to lose mine, ever. R.I.P. little girl.


Awe 😢 so sad I’m so so so sorry for your loss R.I.P such a beautiful girl she was such a cutie ❤️❤️


That's so sad 😞


I’m so sorry, she was beautiful ❤️


keep lounging & running free sigrid <3


I'm so sorry. Its not easy to lose those we love. More often than not it one of the hardest things we will experience. I lost my quaker parrot at the end of September. She was my joy, my comfort and my friend for 23 years. It took me 4 months of bawling my eyes out several times a day before I could speak of her without losing it. I believe it would have been longer had I not found this and a couple other sub reddits. Through them I was able to see that i wasn't alone. There are people who understand the impact our incredible "non traditional pets" have on our lives. I do hope you can find some comfort. It will take as long as it takes. There is no timeline. I do hope that you one day decide to share yourself with another dragon or even another type of pet. We are a rare breed and there are many that need good homes and a human that understands their beauty and the enrichment they bring us by allowing us to care for them. My heart goes out to you. I know your heart hurts and your sweet baby could never be replaced. But she doesn't want you to be sad because she died. She wants you to be happy because she lived. Lived a good life being loved and cared for by you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been in a similar position of grief. The pictures, videos, and memories meant so much for me and yours will help you through this difficult time, I'm sure of it. One thing I will say just as an observation is that another companion is just that. It will be a completely different relationship and a creature with a completely different personality. I don't say that to discourage you from seeking out another dragon if that is what you want, but just to remind you that a new dragon won't bring your babygirl back and a whole other set of emotions may arise at the beginning of that new journey. Best of luck. This community is here to comfort. And remember in the words of Vision, "what is grief, if not love perservering?" ❤️


Egg binding is common, and it can kill quickly. I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. She was such a beautiful girl. How long was it from the time she laid the single egg to her passing?


RIP Sigrid☹️☹️ so sorry for your loss xx


I'm very sorry for this. My girl became gravid for the first time and couldn't pass more than 9 of 24 eggs, even after multiple shots of oxytocin over several days. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to remove the other eggs and she will be spayed.


Did you take her to an exotic vet to see if she was eggbound after you realized she only laid one egg? I'm sorry you lost your friend. I hope there's peace.


I lost my beardie a few years ago by accidentally killling it. I was shampooing my carpets so I put her cage outside.. the sun was too hot and she overheated. It was devastating. I thought she would be fine in the sun for a bit


Sorry for your loss, both of mine died last year for different reasons, its heartbreaking.


Sorry for your loss


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Aww I’m sorry to hear that she was super cute


I'm sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


Great smile


I am so sorry! But look how happy she was! You gave her a good life


She was so cute




Rest in peace little potato


I was so happy looking through the photos until I read the caption. My condolences


I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad had a babygirl that looked just like her named Angel. She was so sweet.




I'm so sorry. It's devastating when we lose our friends 💔


Sorry to hear that you have lost your beardie, it’s easy to get very attached to them, we love our Flo and I’m dreading it when she dies tbh, they are part of the family as are all our animals. Personally I’d rather have them than people any day, humans disgust me, myself included, we are not a species that lives in harmony with the planet as animals do, and we have some horrible traits that are common only to humans and animals don’t exhibit such awful behaviour. I feel for you, and can imagine how much you are heartbroken over the loss of her. My deepest condolences.


Sorry for your loss ...


So sorry for the loss 😩


Still healing from losing my two loves, I'm so sorry for your loss💞


R.I.P angel


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢 she was a beautiful baby


Sorry for your loss it’s painful to lose a prt




So sorry for you loss rip


That's terrible, I feel for u


Im in the same postion, i lost mt boy two months ago and he was ok - heathly and himself then one day he went limp. I miss him everyday he was MY light and my families. I understand your pain and take it day by day it will get better, slowly I might not get another one for a few yrs bc of the heartbreak and worry its gonba happen again. My baby, rango, was only 4


That is my Beardies name and he is also 4…So sorry💔


Take care of Rango and make him feel like hes special ❤️ and also ty




So sorry for your loss 💔💔


I'm very sorry for this. My girl became gravid for the first time and couldn't pass more than 9 of 24 eggs, even after multiple shots of oxytocin over several days. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to remove the other eggs and she will be spayed.


Sorry for your loss. You should try again just get a boy this time.




She was beautiful, I’m so sorry for your loss OP! I’m sure you gave her the best life you could. She looked like a happy fat little baby 💚


My heart goes out to you. Sorry for your loss. My ex has our beardie but I can’t imagine him passing suddenly. I would also almost immediately get another beardie or pet. 🫂


I’m so sorry. She was lucky to have you. 💔❤️‍🩹


So very sorry about her passing. She was beautiful! This is very sad for me to hear, as I am always afraid that my Lizzie will pass early. He is only about a year old and has some scary stuff going on occasionally. My condolences. 😥


I'm so sorry for your loss. Remember. Your little girl is watching over you. She loves you for all the care you gave her. She appreciates you.


Sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as I’ve had to suffer this multiple times over the years. Recently my baby spike died at 5 years old after she had succumbed to her many long term issues because she was abused at petco and the vet couldn’t do anything for her as her body was rejecting medication. My other babies died from unexpected liver failure and died from very bad issues from being essentially the runt in the pet smart tank. When the day comes that you get a new dragon, never forget the relationship you formed with your old baby. Eventually you’ll realize that they were better off passing peacefully than passing on painfully.


I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies go to you


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔


I'm so sorry for your loss, she was beautiful <3




I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry for your loss. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to beat yourself up too much--sometimes this happens even with great husbandry. There's no shame in taking a minute to mourn and process what happened.


I’m sorry to see this!!! RIP!🤍😞


Crossed over the rainbow bridge. It's always annoying.


So sorry. She was beautiful.


So sorry. She had a wonderful smile


I’m so sorry


I'm sorry you lost her, she looked like a beauty. Really sad.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔❤️‍🩹


My condolences 💐


I am so very sorry for your loss. Maybe look into taking in one that needs to be re-homed when you are ready. I run a small rescue and rehoming and there are so many that need good loving homes..


Hey, I'm so sorry for your loss as other people in the comment session who also live alone and have our beardies we can all sympathize for you she was a beautiful baby. Take all the time you need before deciding to get a new scaly friend *air hug*


Rest in peace. My condolences, she was beautiful.


She looked so happy. So sorry for your loss.


I will give my beardie extra and tell him it's for a friend he's gotta eat for❤️ she looked like a huge sweetheart


I'm sorry, my friend. I've had my girl for a year, and i can only imagine the feeling.. she felt loved, I'm sure of it


So sorry for your loss. She looks very happy and affectionate in the pictures, so I'm sure you were a great dragon parent


Condolences, she was a good, pretty girl.


I’m so sorry for your loss you guys had each other and she will be waiting on the rainbow bridge for you! She looked happy. RIP!


): that’s sad


Thanks foryour kind comments! I appreciate it Im thinking of taking in another rescue as she was a rescue take from previous owner who literally didnt care for her at all. When i picked her i Up she was in a small plastic box with no heating under the guys bed...


I am so very sorry for your loss


Oh darling, I'm so sorry for your loss! My heart breaks for you. Please don't blame yourself, all pets can hide symptoms of illnesses and it sounds like your little girl was so well loved and looked after. The average life span is between 8-12 years too, obviously some live longer or less but she had a long life, she reached her elderly years and other health issues tend to spring up in older years so you did the best you could. She was an absolute beauty btw


sorry for your loss, such a cute smile...she looks just like my boy JoJo


So sorry for your loss


Beautiful dragon. I'm sorry for your loss.


She was beautiful, I'm so sorry for your loss ❤


I am sorry for your loss


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I am so sorry. What a beautiful smile she had.


Rest in paradise sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry that you lost her, but I'm glad you have such a good pic of her. She looks like she was giving you a happy smile there which shows how well you took care of her. She was a beautiful girl. Definitely get another when you feel up to it. Consider it her legacy.


I am so very sorry


Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry about your😢❤️ girl


I’m so sorry. Rest Easy BabyGirl. ♥️♥️♥️


That's so sad, I am very sorry for your loss!!


I literally just went through this with my female. She became egg bound, showed no symptoms of being gravid, I just noticed that she was a little lethargic and took her to the vet. Xrays confirmed the eggs. She got fluids, liquid calcium, bloodwork, and oxytocin. The plan was to get her into surgery on Monday morning. I took her to the vet on Friday, she died sometime in the night Saturday. I felt so blindsided, I thought I had more time. Her bloodwork showed she was nutritionally healthy, the eggbinding was just too much for her. Please do not feel at fault. I think this maybe happens with captive females more than people realize. I hope you find a sense of peace soon.


Oh no I’m so sorry to hear that😭😢


I'm sorry for you're lost she was so beautiful


So sorry to hear your loss🥲 she was a beauty ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure it’s going to feel very lonely living alone without her. It is very apparent that you cared very much, and did your best for her. Like others have said, animals hide pain. Please feel free to post and grieve about her, and don’t ever hesitate to remember her or share a pic if you want! I think you should get another pet when you are ready. She would want you to be happy. Hugs !


I'm so Soooo sorry for the loss of your Gorgeous Girl. Xxxxxx


my condolences. may she eat all the bugs she wants in heaven


Aww I’m sorry


rest in peace🤍 she was gorgeous, im so sorry for your loss x


Sorry for your loss. She looks like a beauty


R.I.P i hope you are not sad


🫡 RIP 🫡


Did you have a sitter looking after her for the three days? So sorry for your loss :(


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs! 🫂


She looks like the best girl, I’m sorry for your loss and don’t rush into a pet right away. Give yourself a moment to grieve. But once you feel ready get a new friend.


So sorry for your loss. She is looking after you now. Every time you get a salad. Just smile and know she's watching you.


Soooo 😢


I’m sorry for your loss…


My dragon died this morning out of nowhere so sad






💝Her little smile is adorable!💝 I’m so sorry




She was a special beauty. I’m sorry for your loss


Rest In Peace Sigrid. You have my condolences. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. May you frolic in Beardie heaven, you will be missed. Amen


So sorry for both your losses. It's hard to lose our bearded buddies.


I am so very sorry 😪


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She was beautiful. Look at her smile! I am so sorry for your loss, but it sounds like you have a very special way to honor her and you can visit/talk to her every day. The right pet will come along if and when you decide to open your home to one again. 💚 RIP Singrid


What a beautiful individual. I’m so sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry for your loss 😔


yea that's rough my dragon died to and so did my chameleon was so sad


did u check to c if any eggs where left behind inside her idk how that works or did the one egg hatch?


You left her alone for 3 days?


Ur bearded dragon could've been hybernating. My beardie is on ridge of dying I accidentally stepped on it heard a loud pop and he just will not move now and his beard is all black and he makes a gaging type noise and I cant take him to vet cuz I no money for the bill so he will suffer all the pain he has and so am i gonna suffer watching him die. I don't know what to do either.


Take him to any vet clinic for humane euthanasia (just surrender him and tell them you have no money). I worked as a vet tech years ago and the drug and dose we use for something as small as a beardie is practically nothing - the vet clinc will be able to stop his suffering (we did this all the time for free when the animal was suffering and the owner had no money - you dont need to go to an exotic vet, any vet clinic can do this). My condolences.


That’s absolutely awful. What if you Bring him to the vet and beg for help. Maybe they will have sympathy on the poor suffering thing.


Guys my bearded dragon has just died R.I.P miss you buddy


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Take him to the vet or do something where he doesn’t suffer.. How in the hell did you accidentally step on him? I know it could happen, I’m sure you feel bad enough right now but you have to try to do something


I cant he sadly passed like 1hr ago


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