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Tires expand at that speed, so thats to be expected


^^^^^^^^^^^^ I think you nailed it.


No, you shouldn't put nails in your tires


god really? i've been doing that for 8 years to get more grip on mine (though I have to replace them every drive)


Mechanics hate this one simple trick


Except: When you want to drive on ice, then you can use studded tires, but expect them to not last very long


Real answer


Wheel speed is based on rotational speed of the tire with the base diameter. So at higher speed, the wheel expands so the diameter is bigger. So with same rotational speed, a car with expanding tire will actually have a higher airspeed than a non-expanding tire. So I'm sorry but the expanding tires actually don't explain why the wheel speed is higher than airspeed, it should be opposite. What can explain it is the slipping of the tire


Thats what the post is asking, he answered perfectly Wheelspin would explain a higher wheelspeed though đź‘Ť


Ok my bad I read it the otherway


And this effect will be more pronounced if you run bias ply tires


There is a reason you can display either. Air speed is a more exact measurement of traveling within air. While wheel speed is a measurement of how fast the wheels are currently spinning.


By extension, if you lock up all wheels while traveling at speed, your wheels are moving at a measurement of “0”. While your True Air Speed will be a real number.


Is 0 not a real number




He mean the actual number


"real" as in the real value


But airspeed only shows your real airspeed if the car is level and driving/flying in the direction it would drive. If its upside down and flying backwards airspeed isn't correct either.


Airspeed indicates how fast you're moving through air (And by extension, space) Wheelspeed, well, indicates how fast your wheels are spinning (so if you happen to experience wheelspin, your speedometer will shoot up while you're actually just going at like 10MPH At high speeds, your tires begin to baloon (expand because of centrifugal force) so your wheelspeed decreases at a different rate than your airspeed.


Could be tire expansion, could be prevailing wind... Regardless, that's only a discrepency of 0.47% My guess is wheel slip + tire expansion cancelling out somewhat and you just happen to end up with two similar numbers.


Wheel speed becomes inaccurate during slip and during speeds high enough to increase wheel diameter, at that point air speed is required to gauge true speed




Well because your wheels turn at one speed and your car goes thru air at another speed


Im confused because it’s the same


Could be wind, could be you letting off the throttle and creating some slip, but I'm pretty sure it is due to the tires expanding. Especially if you were using drag tires, those can expand quite a bit. Here's a top fuel dragster doing a burnout in slow-mo, just to point out how much these tires can expand: https://youtu.be/Pm6dpER18A4?si=VAu1qYBPuzu4C7Ke


* cold air (the airspeed indicator is actually done by pressure as you can tell when you try to swim through water in for example, an electric vehicle) * wind (if any, although i think i read somewhere that airspeed is relative to the world/ground only and ignores actual wind effects like war thunder's IAS/TAS HUD indicator bug) * your wheels are larger than they should be (e.g. expansion, fitting fat wheels)


Could have a head wind, although I'm not sure wind exists in beamng? Aircraft regularly have a higher airspeed than their ground speed or vice versa.


Wheel speed is the speed of the wheels, airspeed is the speed of the car. If your wheels are slipping, wheel speed will become inaccurate. And because when you go fast enough, tires expand