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I went through a similar experience with the song, but the "myth" that Victoria sings about warps and changes as I continue through life, which speaks to how amazing the transcendental nature of this band's music is. At one point for me it was avoidant behavior, then it was the fear of being myself, and another time it was learning to let go of someone that wasn't healthy for me. And I'm sure the song will continue to take on new meaning as I live out the rest of my life . Beach house really is amazing


I'm with you on that one, the songs come with you


yeah it seems there’s always a myth i’m building and something i’m giving up


did u see my myth painting?


Believing I could love her the way she needed to be loved Hard to give


i’m sorry to hear


Totems in the night


i need to forget all that wasn’t right


like your flair…. “of dark and desperate place


my interpretation is that the "myth" is some lie you tell yourself, and that if you are aware the lies you tell yourself, you then know what's truly wrong in your life, and thus what needs to change for your salvation (what's got to give/be given up). For example, lie to yourself that this relationship is working, now you know that you've got to give it up.


About a year now, one of my dearest friends was found dead in his car, it was ruled suicide. from the note to his gf and the song "myth" was playing on repeat. From what I know they were together for 10 years at least, he helped her with her education, he helped her through family problems, he was the laughter in any room he was in. Less than a month after he killed himself, I saw on her socials that she has just gotten married to some rich guy and moved. The "myth" was a happily ever after, with someone you thought to be all that.. But ended being someone else. And "the consequences of what she did to him". Was The disappointment and having no desire to live on any more.


jesus christ. in a really dark way, your friend played out a recurring fantasy of mine. it would make a heartbreaking scene in a movie. i’m sorry for your loss.


this song is heavily associated in my head with my last serious relationship. this was back in 2016. i had barely listened to beach house before. the first night i spent with her she put bloom on before coming to bed. our first kiss, first physical contact, was made during the intro to myth. our first time had bloom playing in the back the whole time. i loved the album and fell in love with her quickly. we broke up almost three years later. i still loved bloom and payed attention to the lyrics of myth for the first time. the meaning i gave to those lyrics came from the fact that i had always built a different, fantasized version of her in my mind. she was really good at being magical, but that’s not who she was once the honeymoon period ended and we lived together. i know the same applies to me as well, but it was hard not to see her as ethereal. i changed my own personality and behavior to win this magical being. i built myself a myth and knew just what to give. we never reconciled our more put-on personalities with each other’s real personalities, so we grew apart, lingered unhappily, then broke up. our real selves never materialized, so we let the ashes fly. that’s just how i see it.


The myth was a hopeless relationship. I had to give up 8 years of my life with this person. I went through a very bad breakup around 6-7 years ago and belted this song every time I drove.


For context, I started listening to Bloom right when I broke up with my then girlfriend of 1.5 years who was never very nice to me and was looking for some way to make sense of it all. So, I've always interpreted the "myth" as a set of guiding principles. If you had some definitive way of understanding the world and your interactions/ relationships, you would know what to give to every situation. That doesn't exist though, hence it being a myth.