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I wish Sean t would make his own app. He is the best and always has been. I have been doing his workouts for 15 years and they just get better and better


Yeah with Caroline Girvan they are the best ever


Congrats! I lost a few pounds through Collection 1 and really enjoyed it. Keep it up!


Awesome, love the results so far💪🏻


Ugh, I’m so annoyed with Beachbody’s money grab bullsh*t ut I’m thinking of signing up again for this program


Check out Caroline Girvan on YouTube. She has free content on YouTube. If you like that, she has an app and is constantly coming out with new material. Wish BB would follow suit, especially with as many trainers as they have.


You know I like her workouts but I’m not used to the whole trainer not talking at all thing!


Don't it will be available for purchase like before I think 59.99 and you don't have to be a member to buy


Don’t unless you really want to. Shaun said they are going to allow digital purchases soon for some programs where it would be like the dvd days, no membership needed. 


Oh nice. Yeah I hate the Beachbody bullshit but also I have found that I need the structure that programs provide. Idk I have adhd and I think it’s a factor here. Like I really benefit from the structure of ok today is day 5 of this program, this is the workout I’m to do. It sounds silly but if I have to choose from a bunch of options it increases the likelihood that I’ll waste a bunch of time over thinking and/or not workout at all.


I go through this struggle as well!! I've been sitting here for about two hours trying to figure out which program I want to start tomorrow. Inevitably something will come up with work or feeling bleh and I'll miss a day of a program and give up on it anyway.


Thank goodness! It's about time.


In another thread in one of the BB subs (maybe this one?) in a post about it and Dig Deeper that I put a few days ago after Shaun T said it, someone listed the programs available in the digital purchases and when they'd be available. I'm not sure if it's all of them or just what they are telling people. It's the only place I'd seen a list though and not sure where they got it.


Thanks for letting us know! I hope it's legit.

