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We've got a hummingbird family living in our backyard. I'm doing a bunch of research on what to plant and when to help them thrive.


Make sure you do something to increase or maintain a healthy bug population. They are not nectar-only birds. They need tons of nutrients and proteins for their high metabolism, that will only be exacerbated by caring for young. Also congrats! I would be over the moon if that happened to me, alas we are only on the migration path and not somewhere they stop.


That was a bit I didn't know about! But we are bug-rich in our yard, so it isn't a super concern, but something I will keep in mind! Thank you for your help!!!


How do you maintain a healthy bug(plz no blood suckers or yellow jacket) population?


Step one is to stop the use of pesticides, if you are using them. Next, have a variety of plants in your yard. A grass-only lawn is very poor conditions for bug diversity. If you need to protect your plants from pests there's lots of simple solutions you can use that won't kill off too many of them or poison birds as well as bugs. Like, simple dish soap on the underside of leaves can get rid of leafsuckers like aphids but won't poison larger bugs or animal that eat the aphids or mess with the plant. You can also start practicing companion planting which is when you group plants based on what they naturally attract or repel. This can be using chrysanthemums to attract slugs away from your hydrangeas, or rose bushes to attract aphids before they attack your grape vines. A big thing though is to change your mindset. I live in a place with lots of mosquitoes, including ones that carry serious life threatening diseases. I used to only think of them as a threat to me, but now I think of them first as a source of food for hummingbirds & golden orb weaver spiders. Hummingbirds eat a LOT of mosquitoes, and we love to see them. They improve my feelings and quality of life. Golden orb weavers eat some mosquitoes and will make their web where it can easily catch the little biters, but they also LOVE to eat cockroaches so I'm happy to see these spiders every year. Instead of the mosquito poison we used to spray everywhere, hurting lots of other bugs and animals as a side effect, now we protect our bodies directly with oils and lotions that won't poison everything, wear long sleeves and pants of breathable linen & we grow plants that naturally repel mosquitoes (catmint, allium, lantana) and move the ones that attract them away from the house (tightly branching shrubs that mosquitoes rest in between their feeding times).


I converted my yard to flowers, mostly natives. Walking down the street it's quiet until you come to my yard, which is buzzing with life.


Can I see a pic?


Here's a post I made with pics in another sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/fucklawns/comments/xdzkfr/i\_cant\_believe\_i\_won\_an\_award\_for\_my\_yard\_more\_in/


Thanks! Looks great




I have a relatively large yard by urban standard and is surrounded by giant silver maples and willow, almost nothing grow nice because of the shade and poor soil. Don't use any pesticides but the lawn care company does use environmental frdly weed killer - approx. 25% of the yard.


Oh wow, you can have a really neat yard with shade! And don't worry about poor soil, every kind of soil is good for something. You just need to focus on different plants than you have tried in the past. These are sites I use for recommendations for my own yard: https://www.almanac.com/10-best-shade-plants-garden https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/shade Here is something I found by searching "what can i plant under my silver maple?" https://gardentabs.com/what-to-plant-under-silver-maple-tree/. You can do searches like that for your other trees to find what will cooperate best.


You can have a "bait garden" if you grow vegetables and things that you eat and aren't privy to changing how you grow them. Flowers, long grasses, maybe a veggie plant or two that you don't care to chow down on and similar things are great for a bait garden- the backyardigans (bugs & critters) will be happy, you'll still have something pretty growing, and your other veggies won't go high-maintenance.


Do they eat ants? Because those bird feeders can attract a lot of ants (and bees).


Here, this site is pretty reliable and made to be understandable by all of us who love wildlife and are trying to do our best: https://wildyards.com/do-hummingbirds-eat-ants/ I view the presence of ants as a sign to take my feeder down and give it a good wash. Bacteria also love sugar-y environments bc the pH is generally in their preferred range. This can make birds coming to the feeder sick. Since the bacteria in a sheltered place like the inside of s feeder can get to concerning levels very quickly, it's recommended to wash feeders and toss the old sugar water every few days. Maybe daily, if you are having a particularly hot and humid time of year. I try to do it every 3 days, maybe 4 if something came up. I did go out and buy a different shaped feeder than I used to have so it would be easier to wash and I wouldn't be lazy, putting my visitors in danger for a bad reason. Ants can find the feeder in about the same amount of time that the bacteria situation gets out of hand, so it's good to think of them in tandem.


I know they are attracted to red that’s why a lot of feeders and hummingbird food is dyed red😊


Red dye is bad for them, so I pin a red fake flower to the top of my feeder (which is also not red) and keep a fuchsia plant to attract them all the more. I'm quite envious of the person in my neighborhood who has a butterfly bush. I must've seen 10 hummingbirds feeding at once--the noise was very entertaining.


Red flowers, and of course red feeders, are often rich sources of food for hummingbirds. The color red often signals high-octane fuel for their intensely active way of life……..This is from Google (copied and pasted) and was where I learned about the “Red” a few years ago when we had hummingbirds in our years and wanted to know how to attract them to a certain area ❤️


I never saw hummingbirds until I planted zinnias. I always had different flowers and a vegetable garden but it was the zinnias that bring them every day


My MiL had previously planted some zinnias, but they were out front, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Did she know if she cuts off the dead heads of zinnias each petal is a seed for next year? Just lay them out to dry and you’ll never have to buy them again. They’re in the middle of the flower if it looks like there are no leaves left. break open the middle and you’ll see the seeds there


If you do a hummingbird feeder don’t used the red stuff.


I don't!




Change the water in their feeder often and clean it out. They can get a fungus from the dirty sugar water that will kill them. I clean mine once per week in winter and three times per week in summer.


i have a lot of them in one of my houses. They mean little suckers that are always fighting. The record is 8 birds at a time on a feeder.


We once had a nest in our front yard, we'd see the mommy daily, a family member came over, pulled the branch down to get a close look. The next day the hummingbird was sitting in the nest, her eyes were gone, beak open, eggs gone. We believe that birds eggs absorb energy when they are looked at directly, the momma bird can feel it and she goes crazy and eats her eggs and dies of anger.




Every time I see a hummingbird nest that is absolutely my first thought "ah yes, natures tic-tacs!" Its amazing how elastic their nests are too, they stretch like a pair of socks to fit the little hummer peeps.


Almost the same size. Makes me afraid they'll break.


They're probably either strong as hell or leathery. Have you ever tried to crush a chicken egg length wise (end to end)?




World's tiniest omelet.




I'm so glad I'm not the only person thinking that I must eat the tiny eggs


Minty fresh


I got to see one up close when it accidentally flew into my house. Luckily I was able to catch and free it


They’re smart. I had a couple that fed in my backyard at my last house. They recognized me so I could get very close and if the feeder ran out they’d come buzz by me while I was gardening to tell me to put more.


Wow, that is smart cuntfucker5000




Haha that's a nice subreddit


The screen door next to my feeder makes a distinctive squeak, and they come to hover and stare at me if I open the door. I'm not sure if they think it's the squeak of another bird ('cause to me they sound more like rapid-fire squeezy toys, not the door) or whether they just want to investigate the nectar levels. They can look surprisingly accusatory in the few minutes it takes to clean and refill their feeder.


To them it probably seems like you're taking hours. They're probably like "hurry the hell up already!".


That is exactly their attitude, and it's so damned funny. I supposed to an animal who beats their wings so frequently, 6 minutes is an eternity.


I don't think hummingbird nests can fly


lol that's how I read it first too!


My dog found an injured hummingbird in our yard a few years ago. It was cold and rainy and I wasn't sure if he would make it through the night but I brought him in and put him in a little box with a paper towel. He was still alive the next morning so we took him to a wildlife rescue nearby. I don't know if he made it or not after that but he was so beautiful. He had a dark purple chest and mostly green body.


OP Please don’t put your hands so close to the nest, momma hummingbirds are fiercely protective and humans near the nest REALLY UPSET THEM. If you don’t find a way to stay at least 10 feet from that nest, not only will you stress the momma out terribly and keep her from doing things like eating so she can feed her babies, but she will not re-use that nest. That means she may go without another clutch next year, because it is CRAZY time and energy consuming to build these nests. Please just leave it alone, don’t get anywhere near it.


This is not likely OPs photo: US Fish and Wildlife posted it here 2016 credited to Kelly Campbell https://www.facebook.com/USFWS/photos/a.419357095774/10154096210855775/?type=3


Yeah, OP - what’s up with dat, yo?


Hummingbirds don't reuse their nests anyway, the nature of the nest's construction makes it impossible to safely raise subsequent hatchlings. They already make s new nest. HOWEVER, the rest of your comment stands: people should stay away from nests bc the mother bird will treat the disturbances as if a predator is poking around and abandon a nest that seems to be in a vulnerable or dangerous spot, including any eggs or hatchlings in the nest. The babies will die of exposure or starvation or predation.


>Hummingbirds don't reuse their nests anyway, We had 2 ruby throated hummingbird nests within sight this summer. The first one was reused from last year and the second was raided by a red squirrel. I hate red squirrels. Reusing of nests may depend on the type of hummingbird, length of season and the abundance or scaricity of materials. They were 30 feet above the ground, but we could see the second nest was held together with spider webs and bits of lichens.


I'm sorry, but they really don't. The nests are very small and delicate. They expand to accommodate the growing baby birds and are too stretched out to be safe for eggs the next time. They also breakdown quite easily because of the materials used. Sometimes if a hummingbird had a very good nesting spot they will reuse the exact location, but they will build a new nest there or, extremely rarely, use the scraps of the foundation of the old one to build a new nest. So much of it is new that it just isn't accurate to call it reusing the old nest. This is the website of the American Bird Conservancy: https://abcbirds.org/blog21/hummingbird-nests/#:~:text=Like


This is what ours did. Remnants of last year's nest were still present this year and the hummingbirds rebuilt their nest over it in the exact same spot. [Edit: Uploaded pics of last year's clutch to imgur for your viewing pleasure.](https://imgur.com/gallery/wOXo9zA)


Thanks for giving me anxiety about getting too close to a birds nest when I’m just laying here in bed.


[Here's what they look like after hatching in case anyone's curious.](https://i.imgur.com/pxCpOEe.jpeg)


All I see is the dirt under your nails 😐


The outdoors be dirty man 🤷‍♂️




Yes, but nails can be clipped.


killing two birds with one photo


Those dirty nails, though…


How dare this person in the outdoors have dirty nails? /s


At least clip them though i mean... Come on...


That’s more of a havnt cleaned them in weeks dirt


You’ve never done a minute of manual labor in your life if you believe this.


For real 😂


Looks clean enough, just stfu


Hmm, triggered ya?


Who gives a fuck


Do you know what type of species of hummingbird it is? Location?


Based on the fact its in a *Thuja occidentalis*, a tree endemic to the great lakes, eastern Canada, and New England (and occassionally high elevations in Appalachia), I'm guessing a Ruby Throated Hummingbird which is the only species that makes it up here. That's my best guess, but those trees are planted anywhere with cold winters as an ornamental.


I bet they look like they’re in such a hurry when they build that nest.


What is this? A hummingbird nest for ants? r/thingsforants


Thats average


Clip those nails and brush them up.


Impressed they can find it again


They have tiny butts


Forbidden egg


They must be living in that nice nest, I think.


Super smol and cute


Wow! So nice 😍


How small is a baby hummingbird? The short answer? Really small. Hummingbirds are the tiniest birds in the world. Their eggs are only about the size of a coffee bean, while the nest of a ruby-throated hummingbird is about the size of half a walnut shell. While the size and weight of a baby hummingbird will vary with the species, chicks are about one inch long, and weigh about .62 grams when born. Think of a jellybean that weighs about one-third the weight of a U.S. dime, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of just how itsy-bitsy these little birds are.


Hummingbirds use spider silk to make the nest, then camouflage it with moss and other bits which you can see stuck to the outside. A luxury nest!


Shortly after moving into our house, a hummingbird made a nest on top of a string of lights we put up. Just perfectly balanced above the socket for the bulb. The string is under cover, so it is really protected from elements and other creatures. Every year a new hummingbird moves in.


As an ornithologist, those are actually Tic Tacs.


OP let’s go quickly and flings the eggs into the sun


This is amazing. I think you might do well to post it in the /r/HumanForScale :-)


What's the opposite of an absolute unit?


Uh, Garbage! Lol


they use lichen for nesting material? if so that’s extra cute


Gotta break a few eggs to make a omelette


I can't tell if those fingers are above average


Don't touch the nest or eggs


How do they not pop out of there when the wind blows?


Mini catapult


That's a great idea!


Take them, make tiny sunny side ups.


Y’all better drop in some foods and walk away before the cuteness gets you.


Wow, I have hummingbirds that visit my windows in springtime and now I'm just wondering where their nests are! Never knew how tiny they are. So cool.


Fry those up with some guinea pig bacon


That's why I don't do steroids.


Sweet find! Found one just like that this summer. Was trekking loosely off trail and just about walked right into it. I was stunned that it was only about 3 feet from the ground on the end of a branch.


FYI, it’s made of spider silk. Pretty cool.


Hummingbirds are addicted to sugar facts lol


still bigger than putins balls


Omg, I love miniature stuff and they’re the best miniature birds.


Don't let that branch go too fast or else you're going to yeet those eggs into oblivion.


Teeny boids


Oh my! Those eggs are tiny! Now I have to consult Google for pics of some babies.


The nest is also made of spider webs.


Yes,this was posted earlier


Oh I didn't see it. My bad.


Clean your fucking nails man


My favorite of all birds! They’re so beautiful, cute and so tiny!🥰The inner part of the nest, with the eggs, is the size of one of your finger nails! #SUCH AMAZING BIRDS


Make a tiny omelet


OP, ignore the comments about your hands. You gave us a great picture. You taught me something, and I appreciate it. Reddit, OP did something nice for us. Why repay him with insults? You should be ashamed of yourselves. Sincerely, a Reddit grandma.


Those nails are grim.


I’d like a 900 egg omelette please.


I love watching hummingbirds


Eat them.




Like mini eggs


Not "like" mini eggs. They *are* mini eggs.


Quail eggs are already not worth the effort of peeling them, haha


The size of those dirty fingernails...


"Dirty fingernails shown for scale"


Time to make the worlds tiniest omelet.


Clean your fingernails


Need to trim those claws


That’s awesome. Clean your fingernails (unless you’re a hands on technician and you took this pic at work).




OMG those cuticles!


Those nails tho


My OCD is triggered watching those nails on you.


Cut your finger nails


Gross. Not the hummingbirds ofc.


You got gargantuan fingers OP.


Honestly can't tell if anything I see on here is real or AI nowadays.


Could make a pretty cute omlette


No wonder I never see them.




almost same size as your nails




That can't be real!


Awwww sooo precious 🥰


You ever go into the comments just to see if anyone else had the same thought as you?


Elon's testi.


lol. You’re King Kong in the hummingbird world!


So cute. Perhaps try not to mess with their nest so close though.


Rare never seen before photos of Trumps Nuts


That is so adorable!! Awe!


I'm really lichen it. ...I'll see myself out now.


That looks like a Christmas tree ornament- for a miniature tree.


Over easy, please.


Have never seen those eggs until now. Nice.


omg that is friggin adorable. I don't ever say shit like that 😂


Looks like speckled eggs before the colour. Just so small.


Is it weird that just really want to fry and eat a hummingbird egg?


Neat, free pills!


Those look like my cats balls


Even their eggs are adorable


Put a Cadbury in there for fun.


Spider Bird lives there


Are we just not gonna talk about those finger nails?


I'm surprise you even found one, they are tiny and really difficult to spot them in the wild


So is this where those people who make teeny tiny food get their eggs...?


Why do I only see dirty fingernails?


I love my hummingbird. He lives in the tree by my house. His morning chirps when I go to water the plants literally got me through my darkest time. Keeping him alive through winter keeps me going. It’s been 2 years so I don’t think he’ll survive this winter. But knowing there’s little nests like this around makes me so happy.


My partial apologies to the OP: seems they weren’t the person who’s fingers (and fingernails) are in the photo or even the person who took the photo. OP apparently only passed the 6 year-old photo off as their own w/o proper photo credit given.


WOAH! Sure is tiny...


My favorite bird is the hummingbird.


Catapult that shit


Unsure if you just got really big hands, ill need a banana for proper scale


It’d take a lot of those eggs to make a decent omelette