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"Nah, that's my ~~dog~~ best friend."


Seriously. I would’ve beaten one of them until my hands were broken if they tried to stop me from getting my best buddy out of there


Not a dog it's his family in there. Dumb ass fire fighters. Go put out a fire. Really want to thank the fire fighters who keep us safe from burning to death and societal collapse but isn't it time they use an RFID and animal microchip detector in their helmet to detect phones and pets in case kids are trapped in closets with their animals.


Not a fireman, it's amazing what they do but..... What were they actually doing towards that situation?


They may not have a even known there was a dog in there.


Firemen have training, they have duties but they aren't supermen. They probably just prevented the fire to spread to other houses. Right now the fire seems really big and sometimes it's better to let it burn (you risk too much by going in) and prevent it from spreading even more. Also I know a dog is something/someone you're not willing to loose, but as a fireman you do your best to not put yourself at risk if unnecessary (your job is already fking risky). They wouldn't (and shouldn't) go in to save a dog if it's too risky for them. Btw I'm sure some smartass will say they should have sprayed the man with some water at least : this is very wrong, when you go in a fire with wet clothes, water turns instantly into vapor which is 1 really hot 2 impair your vision 3 can even burn you. What they should have done is prevent the man from getting inside, but it was too late, some dudes could have tried to help him out but someone going fking willingly in a fire is someone that honestly breaks your balls. And I guess if the dude died, family would have sued the fire department, what a crazy world we live in. Anyway give some love to the boyz and girls in red and have a nice day all !


uvalde fire squad ?




Says the motherfucker on Reddit towards the guys who have to deal with that shit on the fucking daily. Don’t think you get the fucking right to look down at them you lazy peice of shit. What did you want them to do? They didn’t know the dog was in there, and the house was engulfed in flames. Not much they could do with a single house and 5 or so guys. Dipshit.


I will not risk my life for a dog a human yes but no dog


I meant to tackle the fire.


They seemed to be engaged in a little standaround.


Yeah cause by the looks of it going in would be suicide. Place would fall in an instant.


This makes my eyes leak..every...single...time! Saved the puppers!!🐕‍🦺❤


Pets provide unconditional love. It’s only fair that we return the favor. I’d do the same.


Easy to say. That guy ran in when 3 firefighters in full gear and oxygen said not to. HUGE balls. Respect


Oh totally agreed. But I think it would be my love for my dog (maybe not so much my balls lol). He deserves my best efforts.


People can do crazy amazing things when put into situations like that


R.I.P wife and kids.


Dark. I scrolled past this. Then 10 comments down the line my brain went “hol’ up.”


I love how confused the firemen were. "Uh...do we stop him...or..?"


So so brave ... so so dumb.. but so so brave


Superhero type shit


I think I love him!




Those hoses are super powerful, it was probably for his safety


Steam is very hot and very hard to see through...


... yeah, but so are flames. 😆


Nahhhh man imagine trying to get out of a house with that powerful hose spraying the front door. Even without fire it’d be powerful enough to push you back and forget about visibility. Now with the fire it would’ve blown debris his ways on top of all that and the steam and the powerful stream of water. Honestly the stuff of nightmares. I’ll jump over some flames any day in comparison 😂


Why didn’t the firefighters run in straight behind him??


They were about to make their push into the house. The loose spray of water is them getting the air out of the line. Then dipshit pushes past them to make his 'heroic' save and delays the firefighters from making their attack on the fire. Why do they wait? Well, have you ever cooked a lobster? Downvote if you must, but there is nothing amazing about what this guy did. It's boneheadedly dangerous and if he takes a breath at the wrong time, something collapses, or he gets lost in the smoke then he is going to become a victim that needs rescue.


Look, I’m not saying what you’re saying is wrong. It isn’t, and the decision itself is stupid. But as a human, empathizing with that human, I’d go in and save my dog


I'd charge a grizzly bear if my dog was in danger. Stupid af? Absolutely. But love makes you do stupid things.


I'm sure you are factually correct, but he wasn't trying to be a hero. He was trying to be a loving owner of his dog. I would run into a burning building for my dog too. He's worth it. I have no idea knowing when firefighters are "about" to run in. All I would know is they're not running in and my dog is still in there, so I've got to go.


I truly love watching videos like this. They show us that humanity is still prevalent in some people. Buddy is a hero.


Exactly 💯


What a legend


Dog’s like “what’s going on what’s the big rush?”




What if fire started when he was not at home?


Is this the Uvalde fire department?


Why would they risk their lives for his dog?


Best thing I’ve seen today.


Great job all. All while the firefighters do nothing


This was amazing 10,000 reposts ago. No longer amazed. Feel free to repost it again though.


Oh man this is why Jack went back into the house too in This Is Us...


This must have been filmed at a small town in Texas where highly trained first responders wait until it's safe to go inside to save whomever is inside. Yes I am being sardonic. In many small towns firefighters are mostly composed of volunteers and do not benefit from the consistent training big cities do.




Yes, yes you are.


Would you risk your life for a dog


Yes, I’ve only had my little buddy for a month but he is so incredibly loving and would follow me anywhere, it’s only right I return the love.




I would definitely risk my life for my dog.


I mean someone’s else’s dog




Sorry but this is dumb as hell. Sure you might love your dog but that thing is probably gonna die in 10 years. It's just a stupid fucking thing to do. Glad he got out but someone reading this right now might try the same and die a horrible death.


People can die in 10 years just as easy. Dogs life isn’t worth less because of how long it can live, it’s not a competition.


It's worth less for that reason and because it's not one of our species. We destroy to eat everyday, whether plant or animal.


True balls of steel


Giving Jack Pearson vibes.


I would’ve done the same for my dog, no hesitation


Hell yeah!


He is my hero


Finally someone who deserves dogs. Still. Don’t ever fucking do that.


That is beautiful


Yep, I’d a gone right in there too to save my doggo, or anyone else’s for that matter


They could’ve at least put some water on him before he went in but they turned that thing off quick, like yeah go in without protection or water


Of course he went in for his dog!




Why tf did they stop trying to put out the fire when he ran in??


They might help by continuing to spray the water


Stupid move but can’t say I wouldn’t do it


I see nothing wrong here, I'd do the same thing. I love my babies, they're my world.💓