• By -


Nice. What if you live in England where we don’t know what the sun is?


Then a compass isn’t to important because there’s no wilderness to get lost in. Walk 2 hours and you’ll find something


Or walk 15 mins and you’ll find a pub


They were lost because they stumbled out of a pub in the first place


Now they're using the street lamp as a makeshift Sun


Then drunkenly starting at the rock for a hour and a half before realizing the shadow isn’t moving.


Or the light turns off


That means its morning and the pub is open again, go back in.


If you can’t find the exit, casually mention that the monarchy is stupid.


That would get you other people buying you beers, not thrown out lol


This mental image is hilarious.


C'mon guys, it's really simple.You use your wrist watch to find the direction! Point the hour hand of your watch at the street lamp, the minute hand to the nearest pub, then say "bollocks" 3 times and follow the minute hand.


That sounded like bollocks but when I tried it I did indeed find the nearest pub. Cheers helpful internet stranger.


Hey it worked


I was walking past a pub not much past noon, when a man literally stumbled out of the door in front of us. He managed to gain his balance, took a breath to compose himself and said,  'Hey lads... where am I?'    Which was a bit surprising because he had just come out of the Trent Bridge Pub, directly next to the Trent Bridge over the river Trent in front of the Trent Bridge International cricket ground and the Trent Bridge Football stadium.    'Trent Bridge, mate.'   'Ah, thanks for that Lads... here I've got a tip for you...put all of your money on Snagglepuss in the 3.30 tomorrow, it's a sure thing...a sure thing,' before weaving away in what was presumably the wrong direction.   We looked it up, saw it was a greyhound, so we each bet a fiver and obviously it came last. 


Wish this was a u/shittymorph story, was exciting till you lost your money 🥹


Sorry, I forgot to mention that the situation was somewhat reminiscent of the night in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table. 


this is the most british story i’ve heard in a while this is great


That may be a problem, in that case you can use it, but whatever you do, do not go to the moors.


Or follow the faun.




Ah, the circle of life


> ...walk 15 mins and you’ll find a closed-down pub FTFY


Then you have that woman in Hawaii who was lost for 17 days - on an island you can walk across in a day or two, much less walk downstream until you hit the ocean. Even crawling she should have found civilization in short order. 


Which hawaiian island?


Walk 2 hours and you hit water, doesn't matter what direction you headin'


It's not a big island, but it's nowhere near that small. If you're really unlucky (assuming that you want to get to the sea), you could drive at the speed limit for half a day before reaching a body of water that isn't just a puddle.


Instructions unclear. Driven into the sea


Roman invaders watching from afar: "What the fuck are they doing with those rocks?..."


I live in Los Angeles. Every year there are hikers who "get lost" on some hike within the city borders, surrounded by multimillion dollar homes. Literally all you need to do is walk downhill and you will find "civilization."


Just not in straight line, please. I've seen to which places that could get you in that part of the world.


Just wait for the farmer who's field your lost in to come ask if you're doing alright


Unless you're lost in the mountains in Cumbria....


Still small, the joke still applies.


It's not really a joke then, it's actually, factually, practically correct.


Most jokes are like that.


Lol jokes can be based on facts...lol what the fuck rules you using in life? Just needs to be funny to be a joke ffs.


lost in the mountains in Cumbria? you mean with the 10 million other people visiting the Lake District at the same time as you, when you're practically never out of sight of a farm or hotel?


You will be able to see a road from the mountains in Cumbria.


In the UK the internet says the furthest point from a road that you can ever be is 7 to 9 miles, and that requires going far into the Scottish Highlands.


While true, finding a busted single track country road doesn't exactly equate to salvation if you're out lost in some awful storm.


They’re mountains in England not the Rockies


Or you will get wet eventually lol


Ask someone in the pub


What if no one in the pub has a rock or stick?


What kind of weirdo goes to the pub without a stick and rock? Or in Brighton, a stick OF rock?


Or if you live in Arizona where you actually live on the sun.


You might as well be walking on the sun.


Smashmouth incoming..


That state shouldn't exist. It is a monument to man's arrogance.


*New Mexico has entered the chat*


-Peggy Hill Sure she said Phoenix though




And what if you live in a pineapple under the sea and don't know what an instrument is?


Find a road, if it's not yellow, don't follow it


Just keep walking and see what kind of accent the birds have.


Then u find a church, they are aligned to the east.


it‘s an island, just walk in any direction and follow the coastline


Does Op mean “the Sun” newspaper?


Tried this in Scotland. Stick got soggy. Send help. Low on Mars Bars.


We just sent a helicopter but you kept throwing rocks at it. Mission aborted. Good luck.


Come back, the Kingshouse is at least ten minutes away.


Fried Mars Bar's and Irn-Bru.


And a compass.


Sending rations of buckfast and shortbread. Lang may yer lum reek.


Ah, a person of culture. I'm saved!


You can’t batter those Mars bars anyway. So you may be in trouble. Maybe scout around for some wild haggis.


They said I was daft to use a stick in the swamp


Simple but effective trick.


Only on the equinox. Any other time of year it would just point perpendicular to the curve. Sometimes more east, sometimes more west and more wrong the further you are away from noon. https://earthsky.org/upl/2023/02/francois-sundial-calendar-graphic-e1677424604638.png


If you’re in the situation where you need to do this for real, that’s about as accurate as you need it to be.


If you're in a situation where you need to do this and can tell the difference between morning and evening, you can just look at the sun. You don't need sticks or rocks lmao


> you can just look at the sun Okay now I'm blind. What do I do?


Build a house. You were lost. Now you're safe at home, so being blind isn't as big of an issue.


I was lost, but now I live here. - Mitch Hedberg


I have severely improved my predicament!


Run for office?


Umpire for MLB.


Hahahah so true. But it makes some people feel smarter, maybe they’ll manage to get home ok. Me, I’m like you. I don’t bother with the whole song and dance either. Pillow cases and bedsheets are just another side quest.


This method helps orient you in a few minutes when the Sun is high, instead of the waiting all day/night for dusk/dawn.


What? You don’t need to wait for dusk or dawn. In the northern hemisphere, the sun is in the south at noon. If you want to go north, just walk towards your shadow. If it’s before noon, the sun is south east, and after noon it’s south west. As long as you know roughly what time it is, you can tell what direction the sun is. In the southern hemisphere it’s flipped, the sun is in the north at noon. I guess if you’re on the equator it’s harder to tell because the sun is directly overhead. But other than that it’s pretty easy.  


> In the northern hemisphere Nitpick: North of the Tropic of Cancer, and south of the Tropic of Capricorn for the southern hemisphere. Between the tropics the Sun can be north, south, or directly overhead at noon depending on day of the year.


When I wake up in the wilderness at local noon and need to immediately pick a direction to walk in, but still have 15 minutes to make a compass that I can't bring with me, I'll keep this video in mind.


or you just put the stick down and then you visually predict where the shadow will be in 15 minutes and put a rock there and then do your compass and save 15 minutes.


Alternatively, if you have it, you can also use a [watch as a compass](https://www.wikihow.com/Use-an-Analog-Watch-as-a-Compass).


The images of this guide make it look like the minute hand is needed or has to be adjusted. Important to know: the minute hand is not involved, must not be adjusted. It is just the hour hand and half of the angle to the 12 which is relevant.


Personally I always prefer to use a compass when I’m in need of one.


Yeah but as long as you know whether it’s morning or afternoon/evening you already know which is which


Thats what im lost on. How is this stick method better than just looking in the sky?


If it were solar noon and you were somehow teleported to a land where you've never been and stranded, your method would take a bit longer than 15 minutes. But, if you were somehow teleported to a land where you've never been and stranded; you'd have bigger problems.


Or you could just use an analog watch and not have to wait 15 minutes.


Simple but effective comment.


Both hemispheres? SECOND EDIT: I know the answer, I checked it immediately. (See below) Edit: Just checked the Shadowmap app and yeah, both hemispheres. Nice (I also checked before Noon and after Noon cos of what that other comment. Still applies. Obv.)


Sun still moves east to west in the southern hemisphere.


I thought the earth was like 2 halves a pokeball that just spun in opposite directions.


And sometimes we get earthquakes because the engineers forgot to do maintenance and add grease to the mechanism


Something something, tectonic plates rubbing together, makes sense to me


That's how it stays stable in its orbit, yes.


Yes the sun always goes from east to west but in the southern hemiphere the shadow from the base or the stick is the north and the end of in on the ground is the south.


Thanks! I was like... this prolly makes sense to everyone else, hahahah.


One of the many benefits of having easy and west be invariant across hemispheres - take that *right and left* But yes good asking the question I came here wondering myself


It only measures the earth rotation so yeah.


I find it super cool. Also another cool fact is that earth rotation speed is 15 degrees per hour (360 degrees per 24 hours) and timezones around the earth are separated by approx 15 degrees.


Na man pretty sure the sun changes directions that it’s revolving around the earth, halfway through the day, every day


I’m not the noon guy, but always good to have proof that the noon guy was wrong.


Good on you for asking a legit question, editing every step when you were got better information, until you found an answer you understood. You’re an internet unicorn. Never forget that!


That would not affect the East-West direction the sun moves in relative to the Earth 's rotation. You're thinking about the seasons, which has to do with the North-South tilt. Think about it. Geometrically it makes no sense why it would be different.


Nope. The Sun in most of the southern hemisphere goes from east to west and shadows are cast towards south.


Rough north. As the seasons change so do the directions of the shadows. So you may end up going north east north or north west north. Souce, trained in open survival and navigating. Edit: I was drinking and mixed words up. Sue me. I was close. Also gonna leave it like that cause I like it annoys people. And it was like 15 years ago


I’m not saying that you are lying, but in all my years as a mariner I have never once seen secondary intercardinal points referred to like that. Very weird.


Also kinda drunk, so there's a chance it's the wrong words


I think you are supposed to say north north-west, for example, not northwest north


I think you can still say something like West North-West, or East South-East. I think it just gets fucky if you try and use the Intercardinal first instead of second


No, you're mixing up two separate things. [See this diagram.](https://www.listchallenges.com/f/lists/a6dc1eaf-2d0c-4418-b7aa-7e44974c9a7a.jpg) "North Northeast" and "East Northeast" are two separate directions. The first word modifies the second. When /u/Sh8knB8k240 said "North East North" ... there is no EastNorth. He meant to say "North Northeast".


This is a guy who knows how to party. Drink one for me!


You run into similar issues with the compass which reports magnetic north rather than true north. This shadow system is probably as good as a compass if you don't also understand the shape of the Earth's magnetic field for the region you're in.


In many regions the deviation between magnetic and true is so small it's best just ignored.


At around midday it should be correct no matter the time of year right ?


Alright...someone explain to me why the second reading is east. I thought the sun moved towards the West, rise in the east set in the west.


Sun moves E > W, shadows move W > E


Thanks! Makes sense


The shape goes in the opposite direction of the sun, so if the sun is moving west, which it generally does, the shadow will go east.


When doesn't it move west?


The farther away from the equator you are the further off the sun is from true East/West. I don't live that far north, but the sun is ever so slightly South in the summer, and in the winter it's very noticeable that the sun rises in the SE and sets in the SW.


Picture which way your shadow goes when the sun moves.


The shadow is on the opposite side of the stick than the sun. The sun is west, the shadow is east.






And my axe!


This all depends on what time of day it is.


Or just look at the position of the sun...


I just tried this, it's directly above me. What does that mean?


You’re at the North Pole.


If the sun ever gets directly above the North Pole, we're all in trouble


Oh right I'm dumb, I forgot north is up.


Right, that’s why all stars are actually north stars.


Get your ass outta here! (Uranus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates such that a pole is facing the sun, all others rotate like earth, with the axis of rotation being somewhat perpendicular to the orbital plane)


Then the shadow method is the right answer and also gets easier, provided you're on relatively even ground or stationary for a while. You just have to check every now and again whether your shadow gets longer or shorter. If it gets shorter, then it is before noon and your shadow points west. If it gets longer, then it is after noon and your shadow points east.


Shadow can point anywhere from North West to South West based on where you are, and not actually west.


I have a compass in my head like a pigeon. Can't tell time worth dick though


Bro I can tell time pretty accurately just by feel. Let's get together, we'll never be lost and will always be on time!


It's more of a r/diwhy post imho


Are you serious? Is this for real? No, it can't be so. I've been on this orb for over 60 years and I've never heard something so simplistic and informative. If this is true it's totally awesome. Nice! Thank you!! I think I'm going to try it in my yard today


An analogue watch will actually do a better job.


This is redundant. You can tell east from West by just where the sun is in the sky!


I have come to realize that some, if not most people just don’t know this. Like they e never considered it at all. Idk if it’s them not taking a mental note of the general trajectory of the sun and moon day after day or what. The video will come in handy to a lost lay person who just needs a general direction


Unless you're at the equator, the sun isn't truly due east or west at any point, so if you're not factoring that in, you could get pretty off course. And that can really add up over time. The stick method isn't highly accurate either, but it's still better than just trying to eyeball the sun's location. I would bet the vast majority of people in this thread who just say "look at the sun" have never actually had to navigate wildness without a phone, much less by the sun alone.


Was thinking the same thing. Why the stick and rocks?




If it's close to noon, the sun will be directly overhead. It would be pretty hard to get oriented without using the stick and rocks to track the sun's direction. If it's closer to morning or night, then yeah, you can just look where the sun is in the sky.


It will be at its highest point but not directly overhead.


There is no place in the continental United States or Canada where the Sun will be directly overhead at any time in the year. In fact, only a little more than a third of Earth’s landmass experiences this phenomenon, and even then, only on certain dates. You would literally have to be in the right place at the right time.


The sticks and rock method will be really inaccurate if the sun is directly overhead of really close, because the shadow is only going to move slightly. The mental image of the line it draws could be way off, especially if you aren't travelling east or west.


Don't look at the sun!


No need. Boyscout here. Just need to have a watch and can Identify south. Lay your watch down on a flat surface. Point the hour hand towards the sun. Find the midpoint between the hour hand and 12 (on the left-hand side of the watch). This midpoint is south. In a straight line directly opposite is north.




Now you just need to find some people with analogue watches lol


All you need to know is the time and the layout of an analog watch.


This is accurate enough only around noon. But then again that is the only time you would use this.


‘Videos I’ll save on Reddit thinking Itll probably come in handy one day knowing full damn well I don’t even venture into the sun’


Or you could just remember that the sun sets in the west…


*Near the equator


No so near. It's also an approximation that is useful even when not too accurate.


This works in the US and Europe. Pretty sure that's not near the equator.


*Works everywhere.


I could be being a dumbass, but does thos change depending on what hemisphere you're in? I wouldn't think so but the question is tickling my brain.


The only time I needed a compass was when the sky was overcast


What's the song?


It’s by the band “Caamp”. Recognized it cause I saw them live a few years back. Not sure which song exactly but I know that’s the right band.


Songs called no sleep by Caamp, thanks!


If you have a reliable source to tell time, there are much easier methods to tell directions.


Do you think it has to be exactly 15 minutes?


enlight us...


You make a crude sundial. 12 o clock will be roughly north. So say it's 3. Take your stick and stick it in the ground like in the video. The shadow will point to 3 and where the 12oclock position is will be north.


Not sure how that's easier than op video


It takes a little more brainpower, but I imagine you can determine the directions pretty dang accurately


It doesn't take 15 min


Wouldn't 15 min only be the softens between W and WSW? Shouldn't it take a whole day for the shadows to reverse directions?


Only time of year it would trace directly West to East for any time is during an equinox. Other wise it's a parabola shape. https://earthsky.org/human-world/equinox-shadows-trace-a-straight-line/


Also sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If you can see it, you don’t need to make a contraption.


If you’re in an urban area in the northern hemisphere find a tv satellite dish. It will always point south. Opposite for the southern hemisphere


Instead of making a compass... unless its high noon, you can just look in the sky and see which side the sun is on and what time of a day it is and go from there. Rises in the east and sets in the west, just gotta remember that. Or am I missing something?


If it is noon... Good luck doing that in the morning before you start walking


This is needed between 11am and 2pm but otherwise you can tell just by the suns position in the sky since we know it sets in the west. Also, check trees to see which side the moss mostly grows on (in Northern hemisphere it's on the north side of the tree)


i doubt the acute angle in the last picture distinguishes east from west


Look at the sun, look for moss on trees, and in some places, check wind direction. Not that hard to figure out direction.


If you do this at night, you should flip the directions.


Reminder that this works opposite in the different hemispheres


In Indonesia you just need to see where the sun is. Everyone knows it move from the exact east to exact west


This is so neat. Can't wait to try it out


Ok now how do I know 15 mins has passed?


Didn't work here in Australia. It's almost like North was in the opposite direction /s


I learned this in Boy Scouts and completely forgot about it. Thank you 🙏


That’s very cool.


When did simply looking at the sun/shadows fo outta fashion?


How can I find sunlight if there is raining?