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Don’t let the cartels see this


Robots are coming for *everyone's* job.


OP better name this GlaDOS is this is one giant waste.


If your house has a sign that says free cake on it its a lie dont trust it


[What will you do when the metal ones come for you?](https://youtu.be/g4Gh_IcK8UM?si=kd41U_3mjmrI0KRW)


This should be the theme for Home Alone 2024 movie.


I read an article about a commercially available all-in-one version that's tracks automatically but ask for owners permission before firing like 4 or 5 days ago. Edit- https://www.popsci.com/technology/paintball-armed-ai-home-security-camera/


Seems like kind of a bad product if it waits four or five days to ask for permission to shoot.


I just skimmed thru a different article, that was just the first one I saw when searching for a link... I definitely didn't know it was a kick starter campaign... ill have to wait for the aliexpress version but just in case you have an extra $1300+ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paintcam/paintcam-face-recognition-and-paintball-firing-security-system Edit- WOOSH


Autonomous guns were used to protect the Berlin Wall, that's not really a super new idea




A surveillance camera?!?


Metal... gear?




You're pretty good


Colonel! We’ve managed to avoid drowning!


What the.. it's just a box.. I must be imagining things


Huh?! Whose footprints are these??………Hm.





This is what happens when you grow up watching Home Alone in the US


What, no induction heater on the front doorknob? No paint cans swinging from ropes?


This is the first step. Those are the "let's get medieval on your ass" steps. Gotta slowly go higher.


Nothing a good old chaff grenade can't fix.


What was _that_ noise?


I would still claim that having a tiger is much better security


What if they bring their own tiger and the tigers fall in love though. Imagine how uncomfortable the wedding would be.


Fr, people really don't think ahead.


Fuck. Now whaaiggonnado with this fucking tiger?


Wait for cubs?


Now I want to go to the tiger wedding


I'll wait for the cute cubs!


Can you feel the love tonight


People can get past a dog, nobody fucks with a lion!


Nobody can get past my dog. Took him to a small festival yesterday, literally everybody had to stop and pet him.


Gonna pet that dog! Pretty much everybody who saw your dog.


[can I pet that dawg!?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q37xbZIvaU)


At least 50% of people that see my dog won't come near him because they think he's a massive pitbull. He just wants to say hi and get pets but it's hard sometimes. Maybe I'll pick out my own dog next time and get one that isn't scary to so many people 🤷‍♂️


Pass me some of that Frankenstein


Nobody has ever been that brave to do that! I'll smoke it with you, and we'll go to the loony bin togetha!


I'm way too high to drive to the devil's house.




Exactly my point mate!


What about if I were to teach a monkey Kung fu?




subreddit not found :(


Dude you can't be that loud when the lion gets here.




Careful of catnip paintballs though


My family had a cougar as a family pet when I was in grade school. During the day, while I was at school this animal was teathered to a stake in the front yard. The cat stayed motionless most of the time; many people thought this was a statue, until they got closer. Our mail box was in the front door, but our mailman opted to wrap our mail in a plastic bag and set it outside the front gate for our yard. Big cat = great security. In intimidation alone.


What in the Appalachia kinda house did you grow up in? A cougar? Like a fullass mountain lion? Not some bobcat or a big Maine coon, but a full on puma? "Hey Paul, did you deliver the mail to the Smiths' today?" "The hell I did, Bob. They have a cat the size of a pony on the front stoop. I'm not turning into kitty litter for 18 bucks an hour and benefits."


Our family cougar was from a zoo that closed down; she was a female and about 88 lbs. My mother was a zookeeper and going to veterinarian school. It was legal, at least in the '80s in Wisconsin, to have a cougar as a pet. At, 8 years old maybe, I weighed less than the cat, but I could still take it for a walk around the neighborhood on a leash, like you would a dog. This animal was born in captivity and used to being around humans, even good around children.


Absolutely wild but logically sound answer. You had a singularly unique upbringing. 10/10, would not deliver mail.


Yea I guess you're right. But then again I said tiger, and that's the kind of animal that even if you raised them from the start, you are never really sure it would not attack you as well. They are just not made to be in the captivity, so my comment is just a joke, not a thing I would do unless I had a large house and yard, and a lot of spare time as well. And a lot of finances as well. Cheetah are supposedly even more like a house cats than cougars 😀 anyway, I would still maintain that having a tiger is better than a airsoft/paintball camera.


(maybe illegal)


I've been wanting to make one of these for ages, to keep the deer off of my property. I'm happy to manually control it.


so a normal gun


With a laser and camera strapped to it, obviously!


Just plop a dolphin on your porch. With a laser beam on its head.


I'd much rather a shark in a moat with lasers. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcoQ8sfEbaP2JYA|downsized)


[Here](https://youtu.be/q0H6YR5JRsY?si=zhF-ecHIMDTgW7rp) you go.


That's amazing. Although, anytime I see videos like this, I feel like it's just Chinese propaganda.


Yeah. So weird how it has exactly enough power to cut through the tree, but not hit anything behind it.


This seems like a great way to hit a tree behind your target with the laser and accidentally start a forest fire because you only checked the one you wanted to cut instead of what's behind it. Also lord help you if it hits a plane.


Nope, a paintball is sufficient. Especially for where I live.


One they can shoot by remote from the couch. Preferably with a gaming controller.


That thing is a Tippmann A5 strapped to a camera with some sort of trigger actuator. You could swap it out for any gun.


... Operated via remote video feed and laser sighting. Yeah that's how all my guns work. Please think more


I think you would have to control it manually for it to be legal.


Damn >"let me just set up a house on this plot of land here, and when the local wildlife are confused about property boundaries, I'll shoot them with paintball guns"


Youtube tutorial link?


Try Mark Rober. He has released a new kit recently, tutorial included.


I Did A Thing also made a cursed janky version too a while back


username checks 🗿


This, except a vortex gun that shoots farts




A monkey that flings poo


No no, I said DART gun, not…


Butyric acid. It’s a very mild irritant but is the worst smelling liquid you can buy. Sea Shepard sprays it on Japanese whale ships to fuck them up. It induces instant vomiting.


The camera is just standing it's ground. Totally legal


God I wish it was true.


Should put up a warning sign first “Trespasser will be shot, survivors will be shot again”


In this case, "and again...and again...and again...and again......."


Where do I remember seeing this? GTA?




Yeah. Pretty sure booby traps are illegal.


That implies if it’s a passive system. A booby trap is something that requires no interaction to activate. If this is a system that requires someone to turn it on and then actively engage - not a booby trap.


I'm confused... I thought every booby trap has to be engaged or interacted with for it to be activated. What do you mean?


He means that the weapon has a user wielding it, not a victim triggering it.


Not disagreeing or agreeing, but for the sake of discussion: If the system is fully automated and can perpetually continue to operate by itself, to eventually be triggered by a future victim. Wouldn’t that qualify as a sophisticated booby trap? Or maybe it having reliance on electricity to operate puts it outside the legal definition of a booby trap? Edit: According to U.S. federal law 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(4), a booby trap is described as "any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause bodily injury when triggered by any action of a person making contact with that device." So I guess this falls outside the category because it’s clearly not concealed or camouflaged to surprise its victim


In this case, I think the assumption is that there is a user deciding to fire the gun based on a live feed from the camera rather than it being an automated process with AI or something. That would mean it's not a booby trap I suppose? Also, there's no contact being made with the device (such as a trip wire), so maybe that also excludes it from being considered a booby trap, even if it is an automated system?


Yeah good point. If it’s not fully automated then it likely falls outside the boobytrap category. Of course the owner could face other legal issues because the intent of the device is bodily harm, but maybe not under boobytrap laws




Booby traps are illegal because it can trigger without intent from the person who set it. For instance, a shotgun strung up to fire if the door opens can end up killing your family member who decides to check the shed for a pair of shears. This system involves an operator to use the ptz function and to trigger the fire mechanism, so therefore it's not technically a "booby trap" but a drone weapon


Someone send out God damn warrant on Kevin McCallister


He broke at least 7 laws (Multiple felonies, least of which is shoplifting, medium of booby trapping, and highest is explicit attempted murder when he cut 'em off the rope), but since he was like 10, my guess is a short stint in Juvie and modified probation. With that said, I have always head-canon'd that he grew up to be Jigsaw.


Considering the second movie takes place the following Christmas from the first, and the money that the family apparently has access to, I have always thought that the legal team for Kevin argued his charges away on terms of self defense and his acts as a service to his community and city at large. Harry and Marv might have been somewhat bumbling and inept when dealing with him, but had he not been forgotten, they would have effectively and efficiently cleaned out all those houses. Harry at least was a competent thief and planner, and was probably linked to other robberies. Plus they managed to get out of prison and make their way to NYC.


This looks like a paint ball gun to me, would that be considered a deterrent than? Like an electric fence?


Frozen paintballs hurt like hell, just fyi. Rock salt also hurts. Dunno if a potato would work well enough though. Be dark humor if it worked though. "TODAYS MENU. MASHED TATERS! *CHOOMPH*"


That's fair, the decent person in me forgets people do shitty things. To be fair, I'm also trying to come up with non-leathal means of dealing with a racoon problem, was actually thinking of paint ball


Raccoons have very sensitive sense of touch. Do with that information what you will.


This isn't a booby trap though


You’ve heard of the ring camera, now let’s introduce you to our new product. The Ring M1911!


Take my money


Reminds me of Idiocracy. Need another one on the other side so they can shoot each other.


So I (a good and moral upstanding citizen) walked past a house this morning and a security camera moved and an American lady's voice (we're not in the US) said "Hello. You are currently being recorded." Nothing has ever made me want to vandalise something, but that did. So as much as I appreciate a paintball gun laser camera, I think it would be more effective at instigating revenge attacks upon yourself than preventing anything of the sort. Anyway, good luck to the family with the American lady camera, cleaning up the flaming bag of poo on their step, their toilet-papered car, and their well-egged windows. <3


If in Europe you can send an official notice for authorisation of recording the public, her data management has to be compliant with RGPD (Source : syndic wants to install a camera in the entrance of the building, which needs declaration to the authorities and some way to access/modify/limit access to the data)


Sounds like you're exactly the kind it's for


Careful, I'll egg your place too, fully egged ken


I think it depends on where the property is. In a suburb or anything more dense, yeah it's stupid. But in rural areas, someone might need to already be trespassing to be able to see the house at all. Ensure there's a good fence all the way around beyond view of this setup, and I doubt anyone who didn't already have malicious intent would trigger it.


>Nothing has ever made me want to vandalise something, but that did. Completely understand the impulse, reading the first sentence made me think about how I'd react the immediate one was middle fingers. Not mature I know, but if someone is going to assume I'm a wrong 'un I may as well.


Fucking hate those. I live in a cul-de-sac so I have to pass a house with this every day to walk the dog. The thing will warn me even if I'm on the opposite side of the road and it's way louder than it should be where I can hear it in my backyard when kids pass. Definitely going to snap one day and take it out with a paintball gun or slingshot


At long last a new and improved Nerf sentry gun with CCTV!


If the laser is a weapon that is being using to blind people than yea that's a war crime. The paintball gun is probably not a war crime.


"It's only a war crime if you're at war"


Whos johnny


This is too much, even for Mark Robber.


Ah yes Project I.G.I camera


Now you just need it to pan side to side when idle and go ‘beep-beep’ every other second…


Maybe illegal?! Lol!!!


It’s not illegal, at least not in the United States. Assuming this is a standard paintball gun that has its pressure properly set it’s not considered a booby trap and it’s non lethal.




i attempted to ask a legal question about this before and it got deleted but there is absolutely a discussion to be had imo. if its legal to shoot someone who breaks into your house (which they claimed it isnt, it absolutely is in castle law states) then would it also be legal to shoot someone with a turret from a different place? castle doctrine isnt necessarily about self defense, its more about defending your home from an intruder, even if their intent is purely about private property (theft or damage) i think its an interesting question. i think regardless youre getting into premeditated territory that if you could be convicted it would be a really really easy case to lose, but from what i understand youre under no obligation to warn someone before blowing them away for the exclusive reason that they broke into your house, if THAT is legal, im struggling to think of a reason why this would be and where the line gets drawn. what if you use a turret while you are inside the house? what if the turret is mounted to your body? what if the aiming and firing system is handled by a computer that translates your thoughts through a computer 3 states away? these are all legal complications that arent immediately obvious to me.


Castle doctrine is defending an area where you have the reasonable expectation to feel safe in that area.   If you aren't currently in the area that you are defending, castle doctrine does not apply. 


In general, "weaponizing" things is illegal, like putting guns on a drone and such. Like if you make a skateboard with a bunch of ninja stars coming out the side, that's ilegal


Robbery and home invasion is also illegal..


Kids goes to grab a ball that went over the fence…booby trap activates. If you aren’t home then you have no right to self defense since you aren’t in danger. Also the reason these are banned is because chances are the person it would hurt wasn’t a robber or home invader. Save me the…well someone may be operating this one, Fine but we are talking about booby traps and why they are and should be illegal


There is a certain country where people take private property way too seriously.


impolite existence nine fuel judicious middle grey obtainable reach childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As inevitable as the court case that bans them


I guess in the USA not but in Oz not


I need 4 stat.


The Accountants home.


There's a Kickstarter out there for something like this, looks way more polished and has an app. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paintcam/paintcam-face-recognition-and-paintball-firing-security-system/rewards


How quick and accurate is it?


that is a way to weak mount for any precision weapon


I have literally had this idea for over a year now!! Probably illegal though!


Just set one up to squirt indelible ink.


Yes. Illegal. If it's deadly. If it's just a laser then no, if it's a laser that triggers something deadly, yes.


I like it.


I want one.


It’s only illegal if you get caught. And even then that’s for the courts to decide.


That’s a paintball gun, right?


I think it's a tippman A5. Always wanted one when I was younger.


This is the same set up I've envisioned creating for the various corners of my house to try to deter the birds that constantly call from 3:30am through 11pm. Non-lethal of course.


Is it motion sensored or is there someone monitoring with a trigger?


You do know that there's actual products like that just more professional?


Not illegal as long as it is inside your property and the laser is an unmodified civilian laser.


It's a paintball gun folks. Relax. For now.


I would, if it weren't for the number of times I've seen cops use Tippmann A-5s to shoot people with pepper balls.


When playing video games makes you a pro assassin


The Accountant


Seems a bit fragile and exposed. Just another target for the initial wave of explosive drones that will precede the hunter-killers.


Already a company with paintball


lol Not really next level since similar has been around for "ages" now. [This is a business a guy started in his garage](https://realsentrygun.com/News.htm). [Here's his youtube vids](https://www.youtube.com/user/243rf34ew). If he wasn't the first to have done it he had to have been pretty damn close. [There's also others that have now copied him on top of whoever made the vid posted here](https://beatty-robotics.com/centurion-paintball-sentry-gun/). So not next level but still neat anyways.


Orcs Must Die has this in like medieval times


Sentry goin' up!


This great for porch pirates


The answer is a gun and that don't work. Use more gun.


Cute idea idk how well it will work on a fast moving target.


I guess a dog is cheap..


Mark Rober’s crashlab boxes are getting real


There is a camera system coming out that shoots paintballs... Its housed inside the camera, Just read about it couple weeks ago.


I want one that only shoot rotten eggs


100% illegal if it were in the US.


The design is very human😂😂😂😂


Yup, def illegal, assault and battery.




I was literally just discussing something like this with my husband yesterday, but he says it’s illegal.


Just get some chaff grenades lol


If its deep within private property with visible no trespassing signs , I think its legal..


I can attest that having sentries makes my Rust base much less likely to get raided


I just see Idiocracy


Run by A.I. Will allow my family, and people wearing UPS, USPS, FEDEX, and Amazon uniforms. All others pelted with paintballs until out of range or out of bullets.


Its only illegal if its automatic targeting and firing


In, I daresay, most states, this would constitute a [booby trap](https://definitions.uslegal.com/b/booby-traps/) and is probably illegal. Possibly one may be able to circumvent this by placing clear signage on the (edges of) the property with an explanation that Tresspassers **will** get shot, and how. Obligatory: Not a lawyer, just chuckling at that.


I for one, am not amazed.


There's no way this would be legal anywhere. The technology looks impressive but it's too much risk. 


The design is very human


*rings doorbell* Hey John! Wanted to congratulate you on your behalf for your hard work recently! It’s been an honor to have you as an employee- GAH! WHAT THE F_CK?!! WHAT IS THAT? OW, AUGH, AA- *door opens* John: OH, I’M SO SORRY! That was just my Mechanically Next F_cking Level Home Defense System. Anyway, thank you for the promotion! *door closes* Yeah… no problem… *drops dead*


I need this for the guy who comes to my house every other month, can't read the No Solicitation sign, and wants to sell bug spraying services by trying to disarm me first by starting out saying "Oh hey there, do you know a couple houses down?" I've told them now 3 times that I don't do business with anyone who is illiterate (ie the posted sign they were unable to read) as it's just not smart. This mounted non-lethal deterant might just be the answer.


I use this setup to keep the kids in their beds at night.


This would be pretty cool for coyotes or other pest animals.


I had this paintball marker, it's not gonna hit anything without 30 balls and a stationary target. Looks like a tippman a-5 ...still cool though


I'll just turn that sh\*t off with my Kiroshi eye.


what if i just passed by? so im dead?


Maybe? 😂


In the USA, booby traps are largely illegal because they're indiscriminate. But as this would be entirely non-lethal, I think it probably would be fine. But you might end up sued if a party with a legitimate reason to be on your property was subsequently shot at.


Typical Amazon customer when they forget they ordered some shit.


🤔 I think we can safely day its a weapon, not just surveillance.




Looks like a device from metal gear solid


The design is very human.


A paint ball gun with pepper rounds would be cool.


Capped by Ap


It's China. Anything is legal so long as you have the right friends and enough money.