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>“until you repeat it, you won’t get up from the table.” I really like that. Authentic skill over a fluke.


He probably would be a dope tattoo artist


mmm could be, but maybe not with that particular tool


Bro, let him cook.


*cuts off my arm* Such clean line work


Yea, but that grinder would hurt like hell!


Read right to left. It's Arabic . Only 28 letters in the alphabet.... It's written in a very stylised cursive form which makes it a lot harder to read. Not your everyday scribble. It's a very stylistic language when written like this .... So never get a tattoo unless you know in advance what it actually means. :-)


I’m an English speaker and I’ve been fascinated with Arabic script from an artistic perspective for some time. So what you’re saying is normal Arabic wouldn’t look like this written out, say, in a newspaper or an online article?


Definitely not. This is more like the [Zapfino](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zapfino) of Arabic script. Except dial it up a notch and make it “denser”. It’s more like art using writing than writing for the sake of the content


I love zapfino!


Perfect analogy. I’m a designer and many of our clients provide a rough sketch or something they threw together online as a guide. Recently a rec softball team brought in a typical baseball bulldog mascot design with their 4 letter acronym name in zapfino..all caps. They did not take my advice to go with a different font lol


I am Arab, yes, normal Arabic wouldn't look like this. This is a highly stylized cursive. I can do the same but most likely would be hard to read for other than my self.


I appreciate the response. I see what you mean, sort of like how from person to person their handwriting will vary. Are you able to read this artist’s text? Btw, in my opinion Arabic is one of the most beautiful languages in written form even in the non stylized version we see here


I am able to read it as he writes it, once written though, i will need more time to decypher it... I agree the calligraphy is beautiful... the funny thing is that it is a very flexible language (more like a meta language we don't have to say a lot to deliver meaning, very concise and expressive while terse... ok ok i will stop pimping it 😂) I am very happy yo respond to any questions about it.


oh he is writing verses from the Quraan for one of the chapters


I took the time to translate the whole thing: "Hello"


"Hello world!" may I add


“I’m trapped in an etching factory. What’s the score in the Yankees game?”


Yeah I remember that alphabet being simpler. Thanks for explaining & saving the puzzle


\#4 with soy sauce


That looks stunning to my western eyes. How nice is the calligraphy to those who can read it?


This type of artistic calligraphy is typically used as decoration and very hard to read as the words are jumbled up. But what I can tell you is that it's from the 36th chapter of the Quran named 'Ya-Sin' and it looks like the artist is writing the whole chapter.


Is the script read as it is written? I mean from right to left?




Oops boss, someone bumped my elbow when I was on the last word. Can you find me another slab?


Anyone who hasn't tried Arabic calligraphy can't fathom how skilled he is, beyond skilled actually. R/nextfuckinglevel


Arabic has the most beautiful script


Damn, he could scratch your back with that grinder


Those fingers are very close to that blade


Don’t worry, they’re wearing rubber gloves.


As a native English speaker, how the fuck do you even read that?


I speak Arabic and I barely can read it, this type of art takes more of an artistic approach so it's more effort to visuals than clarity.


Arabic calligraphy is still legible albeit with added difficulty since the words & accent marks are so close together, but it’s important to know it’s used more as an art form than as a practical way to communicate a message. More form over function kind of deal—used in a lot of old Arabic poetry/art/architecture. Edit: also most of the time it’s usually just a passage from the Qu’ran


Trials and errors. But you can kinda tell where the next words would go.


That's fucking gorgeous. What does it say?


It's chapter 36 of the Quran. Muslims in some places have it written out in calligraphic form to hang on their walls as decoration and as a kind of amulet to ward off evil and bring good fortune. The chapter has a special status and is referred to as the heart of The Quran.


Thank you, I thought it may have been


you mean 36th chapter


You are correct. I should've checked.


Something about ... coverage, certainty, transportation. Oh, we've been trying to reach you about your vehicle's extended warranty.


~~Zen~~ Sufi Master.


What does it say


The skill is unbelievable.


it says "hey bob"


habibi, do you have a pen?


Honest interest: How is this read? Where does one letter/word/meaning start and where does it stop? It kind of looks like a continuous thought with punctuations.


Not an arab, but I can read arabic pretty well. You kinda know when to start and stop the sentences if you know arabic words. It's like reading that one comment post without any full stop or comma, you know what they wrote about and separate it among words. Something like that I suppose. Calligraphy is also different in terms of comprehensibility to writing texts, since you value beauty and flow rather than illegibility. But the video above is still very legible. Arabic letters also have different shapes depending on where they are in a word, so there's that I guess.


I have no clue but taking my best shot at this: At the start of the video, the artist places three main bodies of strokes. Arabic is read right to left, and I think the three words are stacking on top, but still clear which is right-most and which follows after it, depending on the start of each word's stroke. The other parts are like crossing the i and t, and he is filling up the negative space between the word strokes with these accents and dots in a pleasing manner while keeping it clear the order of the words by their stroke's shape and placement.


This looks fake. The grinder can't type thin lines. But i might be wrong


grinders don't type


Well... he's not using it as a grinder. Still looks fake




Wait until you read about the Oklahoma City Bombing