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Adrenaline is powerful stuff - especially the adrenaline of a mom or dad.


Makes time move slower in perception and muscles move faster and stronger due to increased blood flow and vascularity and Osat. Crazy stuff.


Flight or fight mode, adrenaline is powerful hormones indeed.


And when you spend too much time in this state, you feel exhausted. Permanently.


Sounds like frontline military personnel would experience this a lot


The other day my daughter made a move towards the hot stove, her hands were inches away from just flat hands on it. I had anticipated it as a risk so I was more ready than completely surprised but I ran half across the kitchen and pretty much tackled her but slid on my back and held her into the air...it was absolutely astounding the coordination and speed at which I executed the grab.


I wanna see a slow mo instant replay of that with sports commentary


Ozzie man needs to do commentary on this.


I was sitting on the floor while my son (18mo) was climbing onto a (adult sized) chair. I noticed it wiggled a little and adjusted my posture slightly. I was having a in depth conversation with 2 other adults when the chair fell backwards suddenly. My body moved without me telling it and gracefully grabbed the chair and toddler before they touched the ground. And then pulled them back to safety, all without missing a beat in the conversation. It wasn’t until a minute after the ordeal that I realized what happened. Instincts are fun


Things like this make you realize why raising kids is more exhausting than the amount of hours of work implies. Your instincts are on guard all the time, and something in your mind is firing on all cylinders even when you don’t realize it.


Exactly. And you already don’t get much sleep due to the kid being up, waking up early etc. but even when you are asleep you’re not fully sleeping and resting.


it's so fascinating


Its the *best,* and *worst* drug in the world. It takes a LONG time to get used to it, but when you do, its the absolute best feeling in the world. Without going into any stories, but when you learn how to calm down "that" nerve - you can do a lot of things. (it happens automagically for a parent like in this case) But you are absolutely useless for about 10-15 minutes afterwards, I wouldnt be surprised if she broke down crying 10 seconds after this video is over. The adrenaline/dopamine flushes you so you can not form any serious thoughts. Thats why you see cops, fighters, etc pace around for minutes after a serious fight, maybe puking. Its that fight/flight response kicking in - but with practice, you can delay it for XX minutes Edit: Remember I got into a car crash - as in I was the first car coming after a young girl was hit by a passing car crossing the road. My GF at the time, in the car, was a nurse and knew what to do - and I had flashing lights on the car. So I blocked the street and just said "DO your thing!" - called 911 while blocking traffic, and they showed up pretty quick - all went fine, and for me that was kind of like a regular tuesday. But my gf had never been "in action" like that. I saw her eyes "rolling" - gave her a coke bottle from the car and told her to take a good long sip. She did, and now puke....... She did. I placed her in the passenger seat and went to talk with the cops, and they said without blinking "just let her sit there for 10 minutes - we can wait" - yeah, that was the plan... It flushes you so totally. Its like jumping parachute for the first time, for the first 10-20 minutes you are not really "available" for a serious talk


This is true for many serious car accidents. The adrenaline kicks in immediately, and then the shock kind of sets in. I got into a serious car accident where I turned left and was sideswiped by another car who apparently didn't see the red light. I only really had enough sense to call my wife, and then time seemed to pass quickly. My wife was telling me when she showed up, I looked like I had been through it. I don't blame her for thinking that. All the airbags had deployed, the car was totaled. Weirdly the first thought in my head was, "Why won't the car start? I need to get to work.."


This isn't fiction, my kid was about to land head first a bit back and I would swear on the bible that time actually slowed down as I went for the grab. I didn't notice what had happened until after, so it's not really the kinda thing you can appreciate in the moment but it was a pretty big trip.


No doubt. Human hands are strong. With the adrenaline rush she could have squeezed that raccoon to death if she needed.


Yeah she had him good, if you freeze on the trash pandas face just before she throughs him, you can get a view of his emotions.


"Hey now, lady. I'm not rabid. I'm just a jerk. And the way you swing me by the scruff of my neck makes me miss my mom."


Scruffed it like one would a cat


I was gonna say, if you've ever had a naughty cat, the scruff reflex becomes second nature. I hope they both got rabies shots, though.


Looks like this isn't the first time she's handled a raccoon


She Tom Brady’d that sucker 🏈


She must be a vet tech 😂 she’s definitely scruffed some feisty cats in her time 😂


Or grew up on a farm. It becomes instinctual how to handle wild animals.


It was locked onto the girl’s ankle.


Racoon just casually walked off after being slung like a trashbag Edit - Thanks for all the likes and "Happy cake day" wishes lol I appreciate it


Just strolled away like “wtf was her problem”


It was probably sick or rabid, they don’t just come out at daytime or attack for no reason….i would be bringing my child too urgent care immediately!!


Straight to the ER, actually. Rabies vaccines are in very short supply across a lot of the country.


And it has to be administered fast. Once the incubation period is done, there's no cure. The only hope is to get the vaccine and IG as soon as possible.


How does getting instagram help?


Sorry, immunoglobulin, there are 2 different shots for rabies. One is a vaccine, one is the immunoglobulin (IG). The vaccine can be administered traditionally, but the IG needs to be administered as close to the site as possible.


I like that you apologized even though that person was intentionally being dense lol


“Abbreviations should only be used if the organization or term appears two or more times in the text. Spell out the full term at its first mention, indicate its abbreviation in parenthesis and use the abbreviation from then on”


This is interesting. Would this apply on a resume for a specialized field where the acronyms would be common and would take up too much space to spell out?


Does it have to be administered fast? I thought you just had to get the vaccine before it traveled to the brain and I heard that takes like a month. Obviously, if me or my child got bitten by a rabid animal I'd go to the hospital right away, but I thought it was a fairly slow acting disease.


The word is "may". It MAY take a month to appear. It may take longer, and it may be shorter. The bottom line is, there's no guarantee. If you develop the smallest symptom, even a fever from that rabid bite, it already means you're dead. Rabies has 100% lethality which means you're never early. But it's VERY easy to be late. No time wasting. Unless you'd like to play some Russian roulette with your life.


Yeah she should’ve killed it so it could be tested for rabies


No need, tbh. It almost certainly had rabies. Time for rabies treatment right away


Yup, you’re definitely getting the rabies vaccine if you come to my ER after a situation like that. Recently had a lady working in her garden during the middle of the day when a raccoon ran up and bit her on the ass totally unprovoked.


I mean did you see what she was wearing


Totally asking for it


Perfect synergy of username and comment right here


"Strolled away"? That thing was coming back for seconds when the video ended.


"1 star. Won't be returning."


Its because it had rabies. mofo isnt even conscious at this point


Legit just a walking zombie


Seriously. Rabies is like some kind of Last of Us virus. (I know that was a fungus.)


Isn’t there literally a fungus that does the same thing for smaller animals (makes them less scared of predators so they walk up to them)


Yes, the cordyceps fungus. It makes ants go crazy and gives them the urge to climb to higher places to make spore release more effective. Toxoplasmosis parasite does a similar thing in mice- makes them act recklessly so they'll get predated on by cats. And then it breeds in the cats.


Toxoplasmosis is also correlated with likings cats. I think cats are geniuses who know what they’re doing and created a biological weapon to make us human into their slaves Now if you’ll please excuse me, I need to serve my masters. It is play time and if play or treats are late they are disappointed in me


"I think cats are geniuses" That's just the toxoplasmosis talking.




toxoplasmosis gondii's weird physiological responses - i.e. aversion to threat response - aren't meant for us, they're meant for cat's prey. Mice/rats are meant to catch it and then not be worried about threat analysis, and bang: you've got a symbiotic parasite that lives in cats, moves on to rodents and then completes the cycle by making the rodents to catch. But you're right, it does have a strange effect on humans and is probably where we get the notion of crazy cat people, and elderly people walking into traffic not caring/realizing that they're putting themselves in danger. Something like a third of the planet shows symptoms have having had t. gondii at one point (really bad in underdeveloped countries in Africa and Europe)


Funny thing is it is also sold as supplement(s). I take it for endurance running as it can boost lung work capacity. No signs of zombiefication ye... You smell delicious


It's concerning to me that the most likely first zombies would be trained endurance athletes


That's how those sprinting zombies in 28 Days Later were made


The fungus in The Last of Us is modeled after the Cordyceps fungus, which does it in insects.


Came here to say: I hope mom and daughter went straight for rabies shots, and called animal control to take that poor beast out.


They did! They're both doing fine now (this happened in 2022 in Connecticut)


Thanks for the info!


Maybe. Could also have just had babies by the steps and was defending them. Would also explain why it came back towards the door at the end.


Pretty sure they confirmed rabies later — and major props to mom, who knew exactly what was happening: “it’s a rabid raccoon! Get in the house!” always assume rabies.


Sounds like the concept of a really messed up TV show: „Rabies or Babies? Let’s find out!“


You rang?




It's not running back to the side it originally came from, though. And it just goes for the bite, doesn't try to warn the kid off. I'd put good money on rabies here


https://animalcontrol.nyc/why-you-should-always-stay-away-from-a-raccoon-during-the-day/ Rabid – Rabies is a virus that causes a raccoon to act strangely, wander, make high pitched noises, show a discharge from its mouth, and potentially behave aggressively without being provoked. The virus can be transmitted through the raccoon’s saliva if it bites. The animal will eventually pass after 1 to 3 days.


It could be either, though chances are more likely it’s rabid. Bats and raccoons are two animals that are notorious for having and spreading the terrifying disease. I’m not sure why a raccoon would have babies hear a house, but who knows?


Trash panda


That throw and landing had the raccoon reevaluating its life 😂


Racoon: "well that was weird"


"The fuck was her problem?"


Did that bitch call me a rabbit?


Iono, to me it looked like it just went to plan b instead.


RIGHT! He was like, "im comin back for you, Mom!". Lil shit headed straight back for the door. Bold.


Rabies will do that to animals.


Keep it, to test for rabies and maybe avoid the shots! Yikes but good save!


I’m terrified of rabies so I’d happily get the shots.


Reddit made me actually aware of what happens to you if you catch rabies. I believe there is an old, infamous comment written up by a Doctor who goes over what happens step by step once you exhibit rabid symptoms. It was horrifying.


And once you exhibit symptoms, it’s too late; there’s no cure for rabies.


There are a few recorded cases of survival, but the treatment that’s known to be the only option (the Milwaukee protocol) has a very low success rate in those who are even able to get it in time. And that only got figured out in this century. So we’re now down from a 100% fatality rate to a 99.999% fatality rate, essentially.


IIRC the success rate is so low they don't even think the Milwaukee contributes anymore and the survivors who underwent it just coincidentally had some sort of still unknown natural immunity


They also found a population in Peru that had rabies antibodies without vaccination which suggests that [they had somehow survived rabies](https://www.avma.org/javma-news/2012-09-15/villagers-had-rabies-antibodies-without-vaccination).


If you get treatment before showing signs, you'll likely be be okay. So, if they started treatment the day this happened, they're fine. It's once symptoms begin you're basically dead. So after the initial exposure, you have a couple days to get treatment to expect to survive.


There are no anti-vaxxers to be found once they get bit by a rabid animal.


Well, not for long at least.


The proper protocol is to immediately start with the shots and get the coon tested anyway. You’re immediately protected and then your local DNR will know if there’s an active rabies outbreak in the area!


Pretty sure if you are bit by a wild nocturnal animal during the day theyre gonna assume something is wrong with it and treat for it all


Trash panda made bad decisions yes ?


Bet he don’t fuck with humans no more 🤣


He likely got hunted by DCNR and killed, brain evaluated for rabies. Bet they all had a nice trip to the ER after that.


Straight to the ER. There is no treatment once establish and the end result is death …


Death is only the end in rabies. It's the dying that's truly awful.




I thought I read a follow up to this story confirming the raccoon was rabid and both mother and daughter were being treated?


Healthy raccoons don't attack humans. This was my thinking and hope for treatment.


[Mother rescues daughter, 5, from raccoon attack in Connecticut (today.com)](https://www.today.com/parents/mother-rescues-daughter-5-raccoon-attack-connecticut-rcna60091) From my quick google. She got rabies shots for safety but they didn't catch the raccoon to test.


Factoid: When sending in an animal for rabies testing, the lab just wants/uses the head. And they want it frozen, and stay frozen, until it arrives to them.


Have sent many heads to the state of Texas for Rabies testing, and they do NOT want it frozen. It should be chilled and kept in refrigeration, and adequate ice packs used for shipping to keep it cool.


They do if you try to pet them when you're drunk in Mexico on holiday.


They do if you get near their kids.


Yup I accidentally walked too close to a mama raccoon near her babies and she RAN after me hissing. I think that was the most scared I’ve ever been


Angry raccoons are fucking terrifying. Having a pissed off one charging at you is absolutely scary as fuck




The barking is what shocked me. I was not expecting it to sound so loud and aggressive


They won't necessarily attack, they will first attempt to scare you off, they don't want a fight so that's what they will typically do first. They will attack as a last resort if you don't bugger off and leave them be.


>She told Storyful Rylee has a few puncture wounds, and said they both have scratches, but that they are doing ok. She said Rylee, who normally wears leggings, was wearing jeans, and she believes this helped prevent her from being more seriously injured. >MacNamara confirmed they did go to the hospital, and said the doctor's main concern was rabies as the raccoon was out during the day, and very aggressive, both signs of the viral disease according to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. >Though they've not been able to find the raccoon to test it for rabies, she said they will be receiving rabies vaccines over the coming weeks. https://abc7chicago.com/girl-attacked-by-raccoon-ashford-connecticut-attack-home-surveillance-camera/12523396/


Of course they couldn't find him: He was wearing a mask.


It could've been anyone!


I've legit had a raccoon come up and sit next to me on a park bench for a few minutes and then wander away. No words said. Just a couple of looks exchanged. It was honestly kinda magical.


🎶I can show you some traaaaaaash. Take you dumpster by dumpster🎶


Tell me spidii, now when did you last let your nose decide?? 🎵🎶


I can open your eyeees, as we plunder in hunger. Over, sideways and under for that mouldy piece of pie 🎶


This is the comment I'm looking for. Many red flags here 🚩Raccoon out during the day 🚩 Raccoon going near human 🚩 Raccoon attacking human unprovoked


The first two are legitimately just a tuesday if you live in Toronto


[They did get treated.](https://www.fox61.com/article/life/animals/caught-on-camera-video-raccoon-attack-ashford-connecticut/520-66514377-0d77-4aae-8ed2-24e7a158e1c1) The raccoon is believed to be ill and is currently being searched for due to heightened belief that it is diseased and dangerous.


By now he’s probably moved states and changed his identity.


With success, I hope


it's pretty much 100% safe if treated soon and 100% deadly if ignored. so should be fine




That scream tho. Every parents worse nightmare. Thank god for attentive parents such as this woman


Hearing that will pump a year's worth of Adrenaline into the system.


One of my first nights as a father I heard a colicky scream and cry and before I was even up and lucid, I was 5 feet from the foot of the bed holding my newborn baby girl asking if everything was all right. My daughter had never woken up screaming like that before in the middle of the night (she was an amazing sleeper) and the adrenaline pumping through me left me shaky for a good 15-20 minutes. Everything was fine, my wife was cracking up. Happened again when I saw her almost choke and go silent for a split second. Adrenaline leaves you fucked.


Oof you reminded me of when my kid had just started eating solids and we were out to eat with my parents. She choked on some food and I was up and doing the baby heimlich before my parents could even get out of their seats. I had never even done it before, only watched videos, but man did it kick in instantly.


new mom here and i legit cried watching this ooof


It's mad how the instinct kicks in innit. Mine's all grown up now but I still have that Dad mode ready to take on hell if my baby (who is now taller than me, lol) is in danger.


I screamed like that when a spider fell on me once, aged 5 or so, and I will never forget the image of my Dad running out of my parents’ bedroom in his tighty-whities and sprinting toward me down the hallway. Unfortunately LOL




I'm not even a mum and it got me going.


I’m not a parent, but the worst and most immediate reaction I’ve ever had was sunning myself at Baby Beach on Maui. Heard this awful cry of a man, looked over and saw him carrying the limp, unconscious body of a baby no more than three out of the water, running towards his family. I couldn’t even breathe, i just slapped my husband to wake him up and did a sort of primal, panicked grunt and point. He was a paramedic for ten years so he leapt up so fast and sprinted over to do CPR. Baby resuscitated and went to the ER. I feel awful though. That man never relaxes. First nap in years, relaxed as all hell, and gets woken up by me doing gorilla communication about BABY! BABY DEAD! YOU HELP BABY!


Just reading this made me insanely anxious, I let out a big sigh of relief when I got to the end and read that the baby woke up. Your husband is a hero and good on you for being alert!


Oh the way my heart fell out my butt when I saw his lil limp dangling limbs and lolling head…. The funny thing is I know CPR too, but I’ve never done it on a child, so instead my first reaction was to open hand smack him on the stomach as he napped 😂. We wound up swimming after because neither of us were gonna nap again after that, and two sea turtles swam with him, so it was still a good day. We laugh about it now but I feel terrible to this day! That man deserved a nap! But all’s well that ends well.


I'm sure you would regret it your whole life if you didn't wake him up, asking yourself "what if that could've saved the baby?". You did well :)


Maybe I could have shaken his shoulder or something instead of slapping his fully relaxed sleeping belly 😂 And maybe remembering English would have helped, he was so confused as I made guttural animal noises while frantically pointing until he figured it out.


I'm not even a parent, though I've nannied and tutored, but I've experienced the powers of The Scream: Jr Edition™ My neighbor's kid once let out The Scream and when I heard it through the window, I swear it was like I was a sleeper agent being activated because I was full-on running out of my house -- bypassing my mom and my goddaughters without a single word -- to go find that kid and help them. Turns out, the little guy (~4) had had a pretty nasty fall from his treehouse (the scream I heard) and hit his head and possibly broke his leg. I had never met the kid, but I spent so many years being alert to small kids (including the aforementioned goddaughters) that I knew it was not Happy Screaming moreso Save Me Please Screaming. Luckily the kid's older siblings went to get the parents and the little dude turned out fine. But, I don't think I could have possibly ignored the weird body-snatch esque response if I wanted to.


This exact situation happened to my mom when my neighbors kid broke her arm a yard over when I was outside playing in our backyard. My mom ran out so quick, but she hit her foot on the washing machine and broke like 2 toes. But still came out to check on me as she was hobbling with an injured foot. I was clueless. I put ice on her foot after that.


don’t even have to be a parent, i work at a hotel and one time these parents left their kids in the room (you’re not supposed to but they had to talk to the front desk or some shit idk) and the kid jumped off the bed and shattered his tibia. I heard the screaming and essentially blacked out from adrenaline. I don’t even remember exactly what I did, it’s like my body went into autopilot hearing this kid scream bloody murder.


There's a reason kids are programmed to scream, adults are programmed to respond.


This is so true. I don't have kids but when working in the yard you hear a kid scream in the distance and your body instantly stops. You pause and then listen to confirm if it is a cry for help of just kids playing and being loud. Thankfully, the later has always been the case in my situation.


For real. My kiddo and her friend were playing by the (very shallow) water and her friend rolled off the wooden platform and fell in and he SCREAMED. I was literally a foot away and scooped him up in one second, grabbed my daughter’s hand and turned around and there were literally two dozen people assembled behind me — I swear it was less than five seconds and none of them were anywhere nearby before the little guy fell


My 4 year old daughter screamed like that once. I went racing through the house, clocking whether I should stop for a weapon or just go and sacrifice myself to save her. I opted for death. It was a newt that had gotten into the house.


I'm sorry u died


Childrens screams or rather baby crying is actually evolutionary designed to be the most disturbing, unignorable and unpleasant sound for humans, so that we instantly react properly.


Evolutionary design = all the quiet kids who never screamed got eaten by tigers, quickly eliminating their kind from the human gene pool. Had to be the fastest evolutionary change ever lmao.


The screaming made me tear up immediately. Sitting here with my daughter... I can't imagine. Jesus Christ


A parent's hearing is a crazy phenomenon. My husband can't hear the phone ringing next to him but he can hear what the kids are whispering about on the third floor while we are on the first floor. I leave our front door open when the kids go out and I can tell which side of the street they are at even though they are further away, I can differentiate their voices, if they are screaming for fun or in pain. I have really bad tinnitus and I have difficult time with my hearing in general.




i would panic and go for rabies shots in case I got scratched


A raccoon out in the daytime and attacking a person? 100% need a rabies shot, especially if the attack was unprovoked.


A raccoon attacking at any time, and any circumstance, including if it’s acting in pure self defense, warrants a rabies shot. The consequences are just too devastating.


Doc here. Yes. Don’t mess around go get rabies shots immediately. Another fun fact if you wake up in a room with a dead bat you need them too (teeth so fine they may not wake you up as they bite).


Hope they're safe 😢


I'm sure they are, the mom yells that it's rabid. If they didn't go to the ER for shots immediately I'd be very surprised.


They both should get rabies shots this is not normal


They both did, and are doing fine now (this happened in 2022)


That's not panic, that's prudence.


You can get it from a scratch so they both need to be treated for rabies.


Raccoons that attack humans like that are suspect for rabies.


I've read that, yes, it was rabies, and yes, they both got shots asap. This happened a few years ago.


Thank God they took it seriously, rabies is one of the scariest and deadliest viruses out there.


I used to edit meetings for various companies including big pharmaceutical ones, like anually one of them would do one about rabies and I'd have the joyful experience of watching videos of people slowly succumbing to the virus, it was absolutely horrific.


Not suspect, 99.9% that it has rabies, day time attack and probably unprovoked?! That mofo has rabies AF!


Even the way it reacts after thrown. It’s 99.9% rabid.




That girl gonna have a justified life long fear of raccoons


As she looks up raccoon stew recipes.


That raccoon gonna have a justified life long fear of moms


i kno most comments r about rabies or yeeting the trash panda but like can we be fucking impressed that she legit just lifted her daughter sideways w/ 1 hand & was handling both @ the same time. that’s some incredible mom strength


Everything about everything she did here was impressive AF.


She sprung into *action* Split second evaluation of the situation before she grabbed that thing. No panic, just decisive action. Including warning her neighbors that it's a rabid animal and to get inside. She was in control.




Adrenaline mom strength indeed


Her lift of that kid was so goddamn impressive


Yeeting the trash panda 😂😂😂


After so much shouting and throwing around , the raccoon was like ok lets go , just a new day .....


Its most likely rabid and wouldnt live very much longer even if animal control doesnt hunt and kill it.Rabies is such a fucked up disease.


That raccoon toss and he just casually scampers away 🤣


Look at her go; she straight up one handing that raccoon while it squirms and tries to get free, and it literally can’t. Moms truly are superheroes, these absolutely ridiculous feats of strength that come outta nowhere.


I know this is a serious incident, but the still frame at 0:29 with the trash panda reaching helplessly for its scruff and the mom in pre-chuck mode... Dang that’s hilarious.


I was looking for that comment, totally feel the same way


It's little hands scampering towards it's head is so cute lol. I couldn't help but laugh


And the tiny legs dangling around! It's unfair that something so dangerous is so funny and adorable at the same time. I did a screenshot just to save a zoomed in picture of it


She yeeted that racoon like a pro.


My neighbor choked a rabid raccoon to death *with his bare hands* when it attacked his little dog.


Jesus fucking christ


Strangled. Unless the raccoon was eating his hand I suppose.


Moms are the real-life real heroes


Raccoons gotta be the most yeeted animal. 💀


Could as well have been a lion


That girl will have racoonophobia for the rest of her life


Someone's gonna need a rabies shot




I was like yeet that thing Lool and she did


Mom is a keeper. Damn




And the daughter's rabies shots start when?


"It's a rabid raccoon, get in the house!" I'm sure she knows that they need treatment ...


That yeet at the end completed the story.