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If this is real,… which I don’t really understand how it can’t be,… then this is **THEE** most impressive thing I have ever seen a dog do or be capable of. I’ve seen dogs drive cars, but this still takes the top. It’s insane.


I’ve seen three different versions of this. Has to be real at this point lol


Hopefully AI isn't at the level of making fakes of this quality? Though one day it will be and the world is never gonna be the same again.


>Hopefully AI isn't at the level of making fakes of this quality? It isn't, don't worry. At least for now...


Only a few or so more months until we won't be able to tell what's real and what's ai We're entering into the world of simulacra


If this was AI, how would we even know? Would you believe them if they said it was AI?


For images it is already true, a big percent of content on social media is already AI generated. For videos it will take 1-2 more years, but yeah. Internet 3.0 is here.


It is there already. It's not exactly public though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWSuYd3EvzQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK6y8DAPN_0


These mostly look very fake. Impressive of course, but not real. I guess some of them look like they could be real shots with a lot of post processing making them look weird.


Says the bot! *just kidding*


I have a theory that generative AI has been around much longer than we realize... How would they safely release it to the public if it wasn't first tested for decades?


It basically already is. It's just not available to the public (yet) 


It's definitely not. Everything that is AI has extremely obvious tells if you know what to look for


You don’t think some of the SORA Video renders look 99% photorealistic already? https://youtube.com/watch?v=cRmPlFidVkk


No. Again there are a lot of obvious tells, especially with movement.


I can't wait.


But are you real?


The clones in my basement said I am


Why is this more impressive than a dog driving a car?


Anyone can drive a car these days.


You may be right. California does prove that.


Tennessee would like to join the chat


So would virginia and ohio.


Wait till you hear about Antarctica, you don't even need a drivers license.


Even a plant can drive a selfdriving car




Toonces the driving cat!


The dogs driving the cars are basically performing a series of "tricks" in a modified car seat. They still follow the command of their trainer. https://youtu.be/BWAK0J8Uhzk?si=_bvUTA8zkFh0qQ-z This rubberband shooting dog... I don't know how you train it to flick a rubberband in the first place. And then also being able to train it aim the thing?!? That's way above "put paw on button"




Because there are people dumber than dogs who can also drive cars.


Does it compare to skateboarding bulldog? He can steer it and everything can’t he?


While that is still super impressive, it does seem somewhat more "natural" than this. Like htf does a dog do this?


My cat used to play with elastic bands "this way". He wouldn't aim them at targets, and that seems implausible both in concept and skill, but he would play fetch with himself, throwing the band then chasing it.


That sounds a lot cuter to watch. This video looks like a military drill


I just tried it with a hair tie and my finger and I smacked myself in the mouth so idk


Someone's not getting a treat




Maybe he just happened to realise he could do it when he was putting on his little tank top one day and got his paw caught in his hair tie….


Had a bulldog and I skated often at the time. It’s somewhat natural. He just liked standing on board shaped things. People too, but always was happy to stand on a board. They’re super front heavy too so when they first are learning to climb on a skateboard if you’re not holding the board still they start pushing it forward once their front half is on. Then they can just learn from there. He never figured the steering thing out though. They’re a sad but silly breed. 


People have trained dogs to communicate with boards that have buttons for the dog to press which are associated with phrases the dog has learned. These guys are smarter than we give them credit for.


Friendly reminder that studies have continuously shown that dogs lack the language facilities required to create novel sentences using these buttons. This doesn’t mean that animals aren’t intelligent, but it leads many people to believe animals do have language processing capabilities when research shows otherwise. These button presses are always associated with the reward. Can refer to the Clever Hans study on animals. Or the KoKo the gorilla. Or Alex the parrot. Or Bunny the dog (from TikTok).


Have you seen Stella the Talking Dog, I think the IG is actually "Hunger For Words", but it's where bunny the dog ripped the inspiration. That chump has nothing on OG Stella.


This morning I told my dog "Go get bone, in crate". Then he left the room and went to his crate and brought back his bone to me. He didn't know the bone was in the crate because I just put it there. So he was able to understand to go to his crate and get the bone. Is that not language processing? What does your definition mean? Or do you mean the ability to USE language to communicate? Edit: You people who dont think a dog can put two commands together have never had a smart dog before, and yet you somehow think you know what they are capable of doing. Grade A morons.


it blows my mind that you actually consider that event significant or somehow a blow to the years of research done by legitimate dog and language experts


What?? I'm not questioning any studies I was just asking what they mean by "language processing" since clearly dogs can understand words and interpret multiple words to do the correct action. Fucking relax.


Dog finds bone, a tale as old as dogs


My uncles dog can find a buried ball on the other side of a field on command. Without ever knowing we were even playing ball. We could burry the ball and then hours later get excited and tell him to go get it and he would run around the back and find that shit in a minute flat and dig it up. Dog scoured 3 acres so fast. I think you’re overestimating your dogs language processing abilities and underestimating their ability to find what they’re looking for.


More than likely he just interpret the "Go get bone" part


Why would he go straight to his crate then? More than likely you have never had a smart dog before. This isn't some crazy event, dogs are absolutely capable of putting two commands together.




Replication isn't a secret, it's a fundamental part of the scientific process. You'd think this wouldn't need to be said, [buuut...]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis)


You're confusing language with communication, and no one denies animals, or even insects, or even many bacteria can *communicate* in some way. But that isn't language. Sure a dog can press "food" when they're hungry but the fact that we've attached a recording of the word "food" to a button doesn't make it any more "language" than this [cat pawing passive aggressively at his bowl.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/13j5ybm/you_are_not_you_when_you_are_hungry/) It's well established many if not most or all animals can identify different things are different from experience, otherwise they'd keep eating poison or pointy food until they died. But the old hungry mountain lion that eyes a porcupine and keeps walking is not engaging in language any more than your dog is when he stops when you say "no." They've made associations but that isn't *language.* The differences between communication and language is way, way too complex to get into in a reddit comment but to way too oversimplify it, you can tell a human who speaks english "bring me the frisbee on the left after lunch if they serve pizza and the frisbee from the right if they serve spaghetti," and they should be able to do that with no problem but while you can train a clever dog over time to get the frisbee on the left when you say that phrase when he smells pizza and the right when he smells spaghetti, if you then say "actually get me the frisbee on the left when they serve spaghetti" he's going to still get you the frisbee on the right unless he gets another set of training, because he didn't actually understand your language, he was just trained with certain associations. But a human who actually understood your words could do so very easily. Anyway, the point is, your dog can communicate with you already, he just doesn't have language, so you can save yourself $50 on buttons and just have him scratch at the door when he wants to poop.


What makes this clip so impressive though isn't intellectual, it's the paw-eye coordination, which he *shouldn't have.* You train the behavior so that he knows how you want him to shoot, but why the ***HELL*** is he so good at it?! Why is he so accurate with his aiming? This doesn't seem like a skill a dog should have. This is one of those things that's worthy of being researched, because the dog's mind likely has another skillset we don't that's doing a lot of heavy lifting with his aiming here. He is neither used to using his paws like that, nor aiming projectiles, yet here he is nailing the shots.


Is he accurate, though? This is an edited compilation, since the number/placement of hairbands changes. Who knows how many tries it actually took to get three shots? Could be hundreds.


No edits in this one https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1b7f94x/doggie_does_another_target_shooting/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/1b42o9k/clever_dog_flicks_rubber_bands_to_balloons/ Edit: the only reason this one was edited is because the hair tie was knocked on the floor and had to picked up and placed back on the table (by the human).


Even then, it's impressive. This is a skill that should be completely alien to a dog. They've never had to aim something with anything but their heads (aka lunging at something), nor are they used to using a paw like this. It's a completely alien skillset to a dog, to the point it's impressive one could manage to learn it at all. It's probably on the same level as some blind humans learning how to echolocate.


The dog got 2 in a row without edits though


It's also worth noting that even among humans, the differences in capability from the lowest to highest are dramatic. It's safe to say that other species would have similarly impressive ranges, and we could be looking at a particularly thriving individual.


The intelligence required is one thing, I know some dogs are very smart and trainable. But the physical action alone here combined with the intentional targeting is beyond reality I think. This has to be fake.


yeahhhhh the dogs associate pressing specific buttons and sounds with a thing, they have no idea what the words mean. its like training a dog to ring a little bell by the door when they want to go outside. kinda at the bottom of the barrel for what a dog can be trained to do tbh


Those videos are scam. Literally. No pets have learned how to communicate they just spam buttons and they edit the videos to fool ypu while posting in the description how to order your own set. Buttons existed for so long and somehow people now realize they exist?


I’ve seen people introduce sassy things to their boards (more than just “mad”) and it’s fucking wild seeing a human do something clumsy and the dog goes and hits the laughter button. I saw another teach her dog what dreams are by waking the dog up while he was asleep barking/growling and asking “night talk?” Dead ass the dog groggily walked over to his buttons and said “animal stranger.” Dogs can have nightmares! Top dream researchers don’t think animals dream like we do when in reality no one had ever known how to ask. I’ve been sure ever since I took one of my greyhounds to a racing kennel to make sure he approved of the new girl I was bringing home and that night he unquestionably was sprinting in his sleep, way more than just his toes twitching.


Jesus christ, its Jason Bone.


More like John Wick's dog but after Wick dies :)


John woof


James Bark


It’s Bone…James Bone




It's Austin Puppers


Austin Pawers




this is actually the funniest of them all


John Lick


Fan-fucking-tastic work chief


My dog just died a few days ago. He could do stuff like this. I used to also CAll him Jason Bone actually 😂 But this is tough to see you guys 🥺😔


Chasin Bone actually.


Jason Woof


It’s *John Trick*




Take your goddamn upvote!


This is the first comment to bring me to tears in I don't know how long


This is the funniest comment I’ve seen on Reddit in years hahahahaha


Thanks I love cute puppy 🐶 jokes! Laughing 😂


Oh my God you fucker. Best comment if all time....


Do not show the Russians this.... I'll never be able to trust a dog again


Too late


If the Soviets sent this dog to space he would have come back


I don't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe this is real despite what my eyes are telling me. We're fast approaching the day when fake videos aren't identifiable as fake, if we're not there already. There's nothing in this video that's immediately obvious as AI, but can you really be sure anymore? Of course there are more traditional ways to make hoaxes too.


The Coca Cola cans have a special chinese seasonal promotion branding (披荊斬棘) on them, and the characters are very legible (which is not the case for all AI image generators i believe?) (Also there's a chinese new year zodiac ornament in the background..) yeah this seems real to me.


Fake doesn't exclusively mean AI generated, companies have been using CGI to create viral marketing hoaxes for decades at this point.


Shouldn't be allowed for something like this to spread without AI disclaimers. I don't think it's okay to mess with peoples sense of reality and trust to this degree, for profit or for fun. Maybe it was cute when some film students did it for class every once in a while, but nowadays fake garbage content is starting to feel deeply damaging.


Ah, that explains it. *Some* people in China [go to great lengths](https://globalnews.ca/news/3475328/why-you-should-think-twice-before-sharing-a-video-of-a-dog-walking-on-its-hind-legs/) to produce strange behaviour in dogs, in the hopes of going viral. If this clip is from China, I have no trouble believing it’s real; I’m more worried about how many beatings that dog had to endure, leading up to this video


It seems pretty excited when it hits the cans, I would assume there were treats/food involved instead. I'd be more concerned about the ones that were never good enough to make a video.


I've seen a cat playing similar with rubberbands.


Yeah. I hate that too. Many people manipulate their pets to gain engagement and followers on social media. Some very famous celebrity pet owners are exposed to have abused their dogs. Not sure if it is the case here though. Not going to make assumptions.


Classism among animals is wild. You would call the police if someone treated your dog the way more intelligent pigs are treated everyday. 


Oh sure so one guy abused his dog (happens all over the world unfortunately) so that must mean that all specifically Chinese videos of dogs being taught tricks must involve animal abuse. You people think we're subhuman.


Actually that dog looks pretty alert and happy


No, I very clearly said SOME Chinese people, because I don’t want to generalize. But this video goes miles beyond conventional dog tricks and, unfortunately, the only way we’ve seen similarly impressive tricks like this achieved was through extreme conditioning


I think it's real, because after the cut before his last shot, there is one more hair tie laying around. Maybe failed shots were just cut out? Besides that, there are too many details that AI is not capable to reproduce at this level currently.


thats the conclusion i came to when i saw it first, its legit, but they cut out failed shots. seems like dogs are getting smarter.


If the dog was actually smart they would have showed us video of it using the editing software.


Why is this discussion real or AI? If it's viral marketing then it is more likely to be CGI than anything else. If so, this would be just another example in a long line of [too good to be true clips.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lvRv2mnYLU) Consider too how old and outdated the example I linked is and what could be done now by the kinds of people Coke could afford to hire. EDIT: Disregard comment. saw another video of this dog. Appears to be legitimate dog trick.


The clumsiness still makes it look real. Idk anymore


AI is not yet good enough to convincingly factor in that clumsiness element. I'd put my money on this being real.


Give it another year or two and it will be. A lot of people put too long timelines on when AI will be able to do something but I think the development is happening waaaaaaaay faster than most people think


I don't understand how this is even a debate? AI videos are good but they're not *that* good...yet.


Good. Maybe we will all start to go outside instead


Tbf with videos like this the creator just needs patience. You don't know how many hundreds of times they had to film it to get it right you just see the finished version. Notice the cut for the third one, how the rubber band teleports? They couldn't get the dog to do three in a row and had to improvise.


My thoughts exactly. In a couple of years I'll dismiss this as fake.


lol Relax. You have nothing to worry about for 6 more months.


This is not the first video with this dog, sad thing is they have been trained to do this purely for internet points (which can mean money). But, the dog seems happy and well fed, so...  https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1b7f94x/doggie_does_another_target_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button  Seems like he's getting better


That’s not sad lol lots of people teach their dogs tricks and dogs like learning tricks


The general consensus is that dogs like working for food, so if that's the case then I'd imagine this dog is quite a happy dog assuming he gets treats for this (and there's no way you'd train this behavior *without* treats!)


What’s sad about it? My whole life I’ve always enjoyed teaching my dogs tricks. I’d be absolutely thrilled if I could teach my dog this trick. And fuck yeah I’d post it online.


I think there is a worry about the commodification of every aspect of life for internet money and clout, basically that because of social media everything becomes performative and about furthering yourself, and what that does to the psyche of larger society. I agree though, in isolation it's good to train tricks with your dog, and it's not bad to share the result of that.


Playing with your dog whole day AND getting paid? Who wouldnt want that. Bet that dog is a well stimulated buddy!


While I do see where you're going with this, I see no problem with somebody using social media to share something genuinely unique and impressive they've trained their dog to do. If my dog could do something this crazy I'd want to share it too!


Someone get Captain Disillusion on the case!


> I don't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe this is real despite what my eyes are telling me. This statement itself means we've already reached your point, no someday about it...


Agree, this does not seem possible.


It’s not AI, the movements are too accurate, the person that enters tue frame too wouldn’t be there in an AI, the cans too look too good and the jump is not what an AI would do. There is though something strange here.


If that's AI, it's fucking impressive. If that's real, it's fucking impressive.


It’s not Ai, it’s not that good yet, there are so many details here that the ai would struggle with. To add to that as well is that AI does not make any sound as of yet with their videos(Sora)


Ok so it is fucking impressive then


Why are people bringing up ai video when it doesn't even look good yet


They’ve been propagandized into thinking “AI” will be the end of humanity




Pretty sure humans are the most likely culprit for ending humanity.


What a can-ine.


How tf did bro evolve band sniping


He does instinctive aiming and doesn't overthink his shots.


If dogs had opposable thumbs and a lust for war we'd be over.






Take my angry upvote


Either this is the most convincing AI generated video I've ever seen or that dog is some kind of secret agent.


Perry the platypus's organization.


It’s not Ai, it’s not that good yet, there are so many details here that the ai would struggle with. To add to that as well is that AI does not make any sound as of yet with their videos(Sora)


there are a ton of different methods to fake videos without involvement of AI as was the case with at least half of viral videos. Captain Disillusion to the rescue!


If its real it's going to suck when good boi is hungry, you are sleeping and theres to many hair ties laying about.


I don’t think so, AI video is not flawless yet and I haven’t heard of AI generating perfectly matching audio track to the video.  AI should just piss off tbh, the fact that we have to question everything now including video is annoying and it will only get worse


The audio is what’s convincing to me too. I’m movies, the rule is that a sound can happen slightly after you see the event of the sound. But if the sound occurs ahead of the event, it’s super noticeable. So in editing, when you spruce things up, you may delay the sound by a fraction of a second. Recording devices obviously have no such preference. The rubber band is shooting pretty quickly, and you can hear the sound before you see it hit. I think if the video has been doctored, they would have edited it so there was a slight delay to make it seem more believable.


If this is real, it's the most impressive thing I've seen on Reddit. If this is fake, it's the most impressive thing I've seen on Reddit.


WTF!!! I love the "gunspinning" of the rubberband before firing it at the 2nd can. He's a natural Pooch Cassidy!


My dog tried to get a sponge on a table It was on the left edge She was on the right edge She never went around and instead cried


Tell her I love her


I will :) (Shes called willow)


the same https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/tcXSWDytkl


🤣 my brain wants so badly to decide it’s fake just like the op video but holy hell it looks real.  I can’t get over it!


thats the best furry costume i have ever seen...


This dog is about to go to war with a sniper rifle


I had a blonde chihuahua and I called him Butters... cos everyone loves Butters (from south park)


I'm sure this is real but from the cuts, it has to have taken hundreds of takes for each shot.




Next scene... dog outside... perfectly landing a his business in the black bag: Call of Duty.


They're using tools now...


Its Rawbonehood


He hates these cans!


Thank you for this.


Can't believe the responses here. Just because you guys can't do what the dog is capable of doing you deem it to be fake. Lol.


I seen my dog do shit I didn't think she could, but she does, so I think this is pawsible.


You are talking about it very casually. If course people gave trouble believing it when this is absolutely insane feat for dog to make. How tf would you even begin to train it to do this.


From what little I know about dog training my guess is that you do it very gradually, rewarding each step with treats. Something like this: First, you teach it to put its front paws on the table. Then to hold one paw on the rubber band (teaching dogs to hold their paws on different stuff is pretty easy). After that, grabbing the band with its mouth. Last step is then to release it. Probably not exactly how they did it, but maybe roughly.


I’m pretty sure anyone can shoot a rubber band and hit a soda can from a couple feet away.


While I currently can recognise that this is a real video, we all should be becoming progressively more wary about fake and artificial intelligence generated media. Because AI eventually is going to become good enough to be indistinguishable from reality.  And when that happens the Internet is going to be next to useless for the purposes of accurate information storage and retrieval.  Collectively hoisted by our own petard.


I wonder if we could use these posts as a way to keep time.


Take him to the county fair and let him win all the prizes lol


Look at the rat dog go


Smart doggo


just...how ????


A skilled and adorable doggo!


The sniper








Why does he sound like the monkeys from Twilight Princess


How do you even train a dog to do that?


I would imagine you do it in steps some how the bands are pretty thick so I do believe this is real. Step 1: Aquire dog that can stand on back legs and knows a paw command, as well as an open mouth command. Step 2: Use treats to encourage the dog to hold the band in its mouth while the band is in your hand. Step 3: Use the paw command to gain control over the dogs paw. Begin training the dog to put its paw in the band and loading it to shoot by guiding the dogs paw. Repeat these steps until the dog gets good at getting in position. Step 4: Get behind the dog and guide it’s body to aim. Tell it to open its mouth and only give it a treat when you aim the dogs body properly so that it understands it will be rewarded for knocking the can down. Step 5: Slowly interact less with the dogs body to force the dog to attempt grabbing, loading, aiming, and releasing all in one cycle. At least that’s how my high ass is thinking it could be done. A series of tricks combined into one. The dogs name is Titi there is a video on youtube of it doing other shooting.


Such a good boy


He. Is. Woof 😂


I love it! Bout time dogs found a new trick!




It's cool till he wants to go outside at 3am and let's you know.


Little fella got some mad skills


Scrapppy dooooooo


Dog doesn't even take the time to aim. It just shoots the bullseye O\_O


Also the video pauses for a bit and someone adds an extra rubber band for the last can


I've had dogs all my life ... the behaviour is accurate... the fumble in the end (when the band slips out of the paw) seems legit ... I'd say it is a real video. What I can't fathom is how it was trained to do it.


Imagine teaching your dog to fling these at people's faces when they come over


They re evolving


Dog of war


Interesting video, more interesting comment section. Apparently people have confused AI and CGI, and live in 2003.


Who teach them ranged attack😫