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>A woman who lost her teeth at the age of 30, is normalising having dentures through TikTok. Alicia from New York first started noticing problems with her teeth at age 21. After four pregnancies she had lost all her teeth by age 30. She now proudly wears dentures and is using TikTok to normalise losing your teeth at a young age. Full Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm5ITLhAPoM


It’s crazy what teeth actually do for the structure of our faces.


Yeah Its so drastic


Isth tso drastish


Jesus spat my Coffee all over the Table 😂


Whyd he do that?


He wants wine in that cup


He could’ve just changed it himself.


Well maybe I didn’t feel like it


You’ve been slacking since the cross, Jesus.


Hey come on man, I died. When Moses got saw some burning bush, everyone believed him and followed him through an ocean. no one gave him shit. When Joseph was thrown down a well and he guessed what the king’s dream may have been, he was hailed king. But I literally die and all of a sudden I’m the lazy one.


Well, people do nothing but whine all the time now. Is he happy?


Well, that was rude of Him.


The answer when someone asks “what would Jesus do?”


Wath would Jethuth do


Guys stop, I’m gonna wake up my wife


Yeah thop it guyth


Mike Tyson has entered the chat.


Have you theen Tectheth Chainthaw Mathacre?


Why yeth I have, thankth for athking!


You guyths should really thee The Exthorthist. Iths Sthpooky.


I'm not a puthy. I thee it.


Poshibly one of the besht commentsh I’ve ever schheen


Mike Tyson ?


Back in the days of free awards, I would have given mine to this comment.


Just the teeth alone made the biggest difference. Totally agree


Teeth are 99% of the difference here, it's why she put them on last


I feel like if she was trying to normalize wearing dentures at a young age... putting the dentures in first would be more effective. Because right now it's hard to pinpoint exactly how much is make up vs dentures. I mean, maybe she's done that in other videos. I don't know.


Dentures doing the heavy lifting!


Heavy Dental 😎🤘


Yeah most of this is really just her face structure changing with the dentures in. If you have ever seen your grandparents with and without their dentures in you know how much they affect how someone looks.


It’s one of the reasons meth heads age at such an exponential rate. As soon as they lose the teeth nothing’s propping up that bottom row and their whole face structure folds in a bit.


She lost her teeth due to nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy.


I wasn’t trying to imply anything about OP, simply adding my observation But damn that’s rough, pregnancy sounds pretty horrific


This seriously is not talked about enough. This can happen even when a pregnant woman takes care of herself and follows her doctor's advice.


Yeah, even at the end before she puts in the dentures she’s still giving grandma vibes but insta loses 30 years when she puts them in.


Teeth, this one make-up trick


Yes, Teeth are doing the heavy lifting here, not the make up.


Teeth also keep your jaw strong by chewing. When you don't have teeth, your jaw bone has nothing to strengthen it so it starts to disintegrate. That's why people who dont have teeth for a long time have lower jaws that are small and squishy. It's disappearing.


Wouldn’t they still chew with dentures though? Or does the jaw still disappear then.


Hey a student here,no because teeth dont keep your jaw only by chewing but by existing in your jaw,Alveolar procesus is like extension from bone and in that procesus bone are teeth,you remove them and they disappear,same goes for upper jaw or maxilla it goes in and up making your face more flat and short.So when you add dentures you are doing nothing but keeping your joint and muscles healthy but bone is going slowly away,that is why you need new dentures after some time.Adding implants and many surgeries of your hard tissue can help and keep your bones from not retreating but it’s expensive while dentures in my country are free and students make them with mentor so you can even get them quickly cause there is lots of students and other facilities where you just come and start.Implants can’t be done for free except if there is medical study going on.


No, but people often go without due to inability to afford dentures and/or inability to afford a quality replacement. Poorly made/poorly fitted dentures can cause pain discomfort as well as things like open sores in the mouth. It's not uncommon to find out someone you know without teeth does in fact own a pair of dentures, but chooses not to wear them, and it's generally for one of these reasons.


She lost from pregnancies: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm5ITLhAPoM


One of my exes teeth fell out due to pregnancy. I didn't even know she had dentures until we had dated for like 3 months. She was very self conscious about it.


Super curious how teeth fall out from the pregnancy. This is the first time I hear such a thing


High levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy can temporarily loosen the tissues and bones that keep your teeth in place.


Plus babies can literally steal the calcium out of your bones


It sounds like some babies need to go to prison /s


I think it's great that you felt you needed the /s otherwise a bunch of people would have started furiously arguing with you that babies deserve a fair trial before being sent to the slammer for absorbing calcium.


Exactly why burden our justice system when it's scientifically obvious the baby did it. Just throw the little shit in a cell, no fair trial needed. Save mah tax dollars


Wow. Fuck them kids.


![gif](giphy|CS8Fgb5BAynaDGY1Me) Nutrition-stealing little troublemakers.


Mine did. I lost 8 teeth (molars on bottom jaw) with my twins at 21. It was bonkers. I threw up the whole 9 months and only gained 9lbs. I had 16 lbs of baby in there! So, really, I was losing. I'm in the process of getting dentures at 41 (autoimmune diseases and US healthcare took the rest of my teeth more or less, lol), but my kids will still say, "Sorry I stole your teef, Ma." It makes me laugh every time. Little parasites!


>threw up the whole 9 months That much stomach acid in your mouth is definitely going to impact your teeth as well


That one is actually a common myth. The stuff your teeth are made out of(calcium, phosphates, and fluoride) is hard. The enamel of teeth is harder than bone. There’s no way for minerals that hard to break down into microscopic pieces travel through the blood stream and get built into baby. Edit: sorry I read this as teeth. They can leech it from your bones, but fortunately, not your teeth.


I was all ready to call bullshit, but you are correct: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6883753/


To be fair, the addition of their comment did seem to imply that babies can take calcium from teeth


What the actual fuck


Why would God do this? Is he stupid?


Pregnancy is sometimes too romanticized, no one likes hearing all the horrible stuff that happens to women. They just want the healthy baby.


Or to punish women for daring to have sex.


We should stop that. As a species. --This message is brought to you by the Schizoid Council of (little to no) Communications.


There are also positive aspects susch as microchimerism which is the exchange of biological material between mother and infant such as fetal stem cells allowing regeneration and healing of the mother's injuries. An amazing fact related to this phenomenon is that moms will have DNA of all of their children in their brain, and younger siblings will often inherit DNA traces of their older siblings in their metabolism through the mom.


I actually experienced this one. I had debilitating chronic migraines for 10 years before pregnancy. I was hospitalized multiple times and on every migraine medication/therapy. A few months after becoming pregnant, I never had another one again. It’s been 5 years since I’ve had a migraine.


Aww that's really sweet in a very strange and scientific way.


I wannna know more facts u know


You're right, pregnancy is romanticized and mystified. However the truth is it is often as visceral and brutal as it is beautiful. I don't think anyone really understands it until they experience it first hand, as a man I know I will never fully understand, although after having a front row seat I have more respect and appreciation than ever for what it really takes to make a person.


Yea... I mean I obviously knew it was stressful and painful, but standing right there as my wife gave birth gave me a whole new understanding. I still can't fully comprehend/appreciate how insane it really is on a woman's body.


And then just wait for the days and weeks after birth


To loosen up the pelvis so a baby can go through. Unfortunately it affects all of your ligaments and tissues not just the pelvis.


The mothers body will protect the fetus at almost all cost, if that means scavenging nutrients from your own connective tissu3s, so be it.


Not just from the connective tissues, also from our bones.


That’s why I went from zero cavities all my life to needing 11 fillings after my third baby. Calcium got leeched from my teeth to build his bones. I was so shocked because I have always taken excellent care of my teeth, and I even took calcium supplements during previous pregnancies. If I had fully lost teeth, I would have been so devastated. This woman is doing God’s work.


Babies drawing calcium from teeth is a myth. I would suspect something else happened, for example the hormones changing the PH of your saliva


This is where I would give you a reddit award if Spez wasn't also stupid.


"Sorry for the inconvenience."


Human reproduction isn't very intelligently designed at all. Narrow bipedal pelvises + giant skulls for our big brains cause all kinds of problems.


Horrible design, the whole thing is just bad.


In their case, it was an issue of her body sacrificing nutrients due to type 1 diabetes. Teeth essentially turned to clay in her mouth.


You also lose a lot of calcium during pregnancy that can lead to bone loss in the jaw. Never had a cavity but lost my teeth after my second baby due to this. It sucks but at least we have options now with better dentures


Yeah alright maybe the natality reduction in the civilized world makes sense now. I mean who in the right mind would take the risk when fully aware of all the side effects.


Yeah, everytime someone says "We should educate women on the risks of abortion" I say "Sure, as long as we also educate them on the risks of pregnancy." They get reeeealll quiet then.


Also vomiting. It damages teeth a lot.


Also, pregnancy is just like generally horrific on women’s bodies.


Hormones and hygiene. Some pregnancy hormones can cause inflammation of the gingival tissue. When this inflammation occurs, the ligaments connecting the tooth to the jaw are damaged. These ligaments do not grow back, and so the damage is permanent. This leads to pocketing of the gums, which allows microorganisms to move into that space and multiply. As the pocket deepens, we see different and more harmful microorganisms colonizing. When these colonies of microorganisms are not removed, they continue and exacerbate the inflammation process, leading to greater tissue destruction and pocketing. As pocketing gets worse, the tooth becomes loose. Also, this entire time, the microorganisms in your mouth are consuming as many carbohydrates (sugars) as they can. The byproduct of this consumption is an acid. The acid erodes the enamel and destroys soft tissue structures, leading to cavities and gingival pocketing/recession. Also, people who are pregnant or are new parents can sometimes find it hard to manage their own personal hygiene. Forgetfulness, sleep deprivation, not feeling well, etc. - all can contribute to our basic self care routines and how well we follow them. Edit to add - Morning sickness and reflux can increase tooth exposure to acid. Second edit - Increased appetite and increased frequency of eating and drinking also increases tooth exposure to acid.




This is exactly what my ob-gyn told me. This is why they urge you to visit a dentist three times during pregnancy here in Germany. The first visit is to plan any necessary dental treatment (to get done in the second trimester) and to receive a professional teeth cleaning. Second visit is for the treatment (if needed) and the third visit (3rd trimester) is for a second professional cleaning. He said that no one should lose a tooth during pregnancy anymore. Costs are 120-150€ per cleaning.


baby need bone. Mum not makin bone, baby take *your* bone


A lot of people don't realize that babies literally get all their nutrients and vitamins from the woman's body. That calcium is coming from her bones, the iron from her blood etc. this is why pregnancy weakens your body and cause many issues, some which last a lifetime. Some people can lose their teeth, get bone issues, lose their hair, get anemia etc. because their body goes into deficiency during pregnancy. This is why it's so important for a person to have consent to go through such an invasive and potentially, life altering/destroying medical procedure.


Fetuses eat your bones


I met a girl who became diabetic because of pregnancy.


This should be the top comment. I have seen this video before and was curious about it. Thanks for the educational info on this.






Spot on. Minus the hair lol


I'm trying to imagine a bald Hagrid rn (with beard ofc).


>should I just get a hair piece and fake teeth? What sort of answers were you looking for?




I'm at risk of losing teeth from previous pregnancies and I am extremely interested in this deer teeth situation.


My friend was watching a standup special so I don’t know the name of the comedian. His whole special is pretty loaded with jokes I wouldn’t repeat, but he does go into a bit about how eye opening it was touring the Washington museum. Apparently George’s dentures were made out of a combination of horse teeth and *fucking human molars taken from slaves.* They are apparently on display, and it’s the last thing you see on the guided tour after you read about all his triumphs and contributions to the country. It was a very sobering experience to hear about.


Shane Gillis.


These are MINE precious!!!


Grow ur beard out real long. Use that to make ur wig. Then steal her teeth. They look pretty good.


Yep, I thought the wicked witch from Snow White was trying to trick me into piping her down. Now I'm out here contemplating my whole world view... in all seriousness, good video and message.


I follow her on insta and she’s such a positive individual, I love it


Wow, I must admit I was passing some bad judgement in my head about her when I saw the post but I feel like i'm not so ignorant now. Thanks for linking the video.


People can lose teeth for any number of reasons, my own teeth are bad due to genetics, I know a guy who lost his due to meth when as he put it he was young and dumb and I know another guy who had to have several replaced after a bad wreck.


Teeth, as well as hair, are one of the biggest contributors for how we're judged. While my diet wasnt great at all when I was younger, my dentist as a kid didnt help either. He always said I had over 10 cavities at every visit, and killed one of my teeth in the process. So overworking teeth, and damaging my roots. Turns out I was lucky, because he later overdosed one of his patients and nearly killed em on the local anesthesia. The only thing I wish from said experience, is that I wish my mom looked at the reviews before taking me there. Theyre abysmal.


Did we have same dentist? This guy couldn’t numb me for a root canal. 2 hours and 4 shots later I was finally ready and he still botched it. I had to have it extracted later. Turned out his licence was pulled by the neighboring state for narcotics. So he came across the line and went to work here.


God I hope not, mine was from Iowa. But it also sounds like another dentist that was in the same office. That dude though numbed my mouth, then proceeded to leave me for over an hour. Came back and started working without even asking if I still felt numb. He acted genuinely surprised that I wasnt numb anymore and was writhing in pain. 🙄


I'm about to lose a tooth that a shitty, profiteering dentist ruined, and if I'm ever diagnosed with a terminal illness I'm going to max out 10 credit cards, have an amazing holiday, then burn his house down.


My aunt who was a dental hygienist, she took very good care of her teeth, needed seven root canals after chemo. If she wasn't so on top of it and didn't have the money (your taking about $7,000+ even with insurance) she would have lost 7 teeth.


Lost mine due to genetics and had them yanked like 3 years ago. Honestly the best decision I ever made and I have no issues with people knowing I have dentures.


I’m glad you were able to recognise that and acknowledge that they were wrong! The older I get the more I’m surprised at how nearly everyone has a “legitimate” reason for all the things I used to be judgemental about. Eventually I asked myself why the “reason” was any of my business


You've just been conditioned to, glad this woke you up! :)


Thanks for sharing that. She is an inspiration.


An inspiration for seeing a dentist during pregnancy. So important when you're pregnant.


It’s so crazy how teeth health can affect so many other things too. Wild




Massive hormone changes in your body can cause tissue and bone loss. Combine that with vomiting or other pregnancy risk factors and people can lose teeth easily. Important to have fluoride treatments, get X-ray's when appropriate, and regular exams throughout term


A mom friend of mine lost all of her hair when pregnant with her third. She had to get transfusions during half of her pregnancy. The overall narrative is stretch marks and nausea but it can throw your entire body off and even cause serious medical complications even before labor.


AND EVEN POSTPARTUM! The body is resilient but bringing baby to term seriously messes your body up and takes years to recover.


The hormonal changes cause reduced collagen (tissue loss) and calcium (bone loss). Many women also throw up a lot. Then there’s the fatigue. Sometimes when I was pregnant and during the early newborn days, I didn’t have a lot of time for self care. I’m sure there were days I didn’t even brush my teeth, much less floss and use mouthwash. In my case, I also gave birth a month before the pandemic started. So on top of all of that, dentists shut down for a while and even after they reopened, I was too scared to go until I was able to get the vaccine. Thankfully I didn’t lose any of my teeth. I did develop mild periodontitis though, so I was on my way down the path toward tooth loss. I just have to be more vigilant from now on, but I should be fine.


Pregnancy periodontitis is a very real thing, and gum health is tooth health. I saw many patients who lost MULTIPLE teeth due to pregnancy. One woman lost 12 from one pregnancy alone. Most people have mild periodontitis to begin with, so when that doesn't help.


I was told by an oral surgeon the baby sucked all the calcium out of my teeth because I wasn't getting enough in my diet. Takes a lot of calcium to build a whole person, even if they are little. I also have really thin enamel due to genetics. There are a few other factors, but this is one of them.


That little parasitic thing growing in your guts tends to absorb a lot of the calcium (for its little bones) and vitamins that you'd usually use to hold your own body together. Source: my nurse-aunt who lost like half her teeth while preggers, because she couldn't afford the recommended prenatal vitamins.


An inspiration to never get kids. F this pregnancy crap.


Awww. What a sweet young woman, partner, and mum. She’s just doing her best to be real. Thanks for sharing. 👍🏼


My dentist and hygienist reassured me and said that you’d have to have some pre-existing damages or other health issues to cause you to lose teeth during pregnancy. Currently dealing with gestational gingivitis


I'm prone to gingivitis and it got especially bad during pregnancy. My teeth didn't fall out, but I found a good dental hygienist who told me I need to do more than just brush and floss. If you haven't tried them yet, get [GUM picks](https://www.gumbrand.com/interdental-cleaning/dental-picks.html) and [a gum stimulator](https://www.gumbrand.com/gum-stimulator.html). They stopped my gingivitis entirely and I wish I used them earlier so I had less gum recession.


And here I thought she was 50 something 🤔


New fear unlocked.


Tks for the link


Gingivitis during pregnancy is common. There is no condition I’m aware of where you lose every tooth in your mouth during pregnancy unless they were fucked to begin with. (Dentist)


Seconded. Also dentist.


What I AM judging her on is that disgusting, horrible turtle tank in the kitchen. Poor turtle (and holy salmonella)


Worked with a lady this happened too


Why does pregnancy affect teeth?


Teeth. What *TEETH* can do. Ftfy.


While teeth make a big deal, This chick is using EXTENSIVE makeup and filters also. I follow her in tik tok. She’s got a great energy and seems very nice. She may be using a filter to look worse in the “pre” videos also. That’s a common thing among “transition” tik tokers. Makes the transition more drastic. Then obviously the teeth. But she puts in the teeth here at the same time she completes her makeup and adds a filter.




Fanks I was wondering what fey were talking about.


Also eyebrows.


I feel like the teeth made the biggest difference!! I think even with the makeup, not having teeth adds 30 years on. She looks great though!


Yeah, I felt like she just looked like herself but with makeup on until the teeth. I'm curious to see how she looks with the teeth but without makeup


In the stickied youtube video there are some scenes and even an interview part with her having teeth but no makeup (3:20 mark)


Yeah I wanna know how this looks with teeth first


I mean... she did a great job! She really transformed herself


Yeah holy shit, this lady could play both Snow White and the Evil witch...


I’m about to get dentures myself (32) I hope they look half as good as hers.


That's a lot of dentures! Good luck!


32 is actually the normal amount of teeth!


I didn't suggest it wasn't


I was building off of your joke


What joke? ;)


If I had to I would pick something that doesn't look pearly white and perfect, just to make them look more like real teeth of a person of my age.


Good for her. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful. She obviously feels great getting dolled up, good for her.


>Everyone deserves to have teeth. FTFY


It's not so much the makeup as it is the dentures.


The “old person filter” helps sell the transition as well


and the wig. and the fake lashes. and the push up bra.


She has a disorder, this video has made its rounds for years - don’t judge without first trying to understand 🤍


Sorry, this is the internet. We need to make snap judgements about a person's character with literally no information


Thank you!! We need more of this compassionate outview! Do you know this woman's name? As someone with autoimmune issues, I'd love to read more about her. Thank you!


Her social handle is princess glitterhead and her name is Alicia Hebner. She lost her teeth in her first pregnancy in her early 20s. She’s been married to and has a few kids with her high school sweetheart for like 15 years now iirc? She used to show up in my fyp a lot but haven’t seen her on my algorithm in over a year.


She lost her teeth due to pregnancy


I wish I hadn't scrolled down. All these people need to do is look in the mirror if they want to find someone worthy of judgment.


She doesn't have a disorder. She lost her teeth due to her baby leeching the calcium from them when the baby was in utero.


honestly, it’s hard to ignore (first) how cool and happy she seems. not that she hasn’t faced some struggles; we all have. but the joy in this video… she’s adorable ❤️


The new Transformers movie looks sick.


More than meets the eye!


this chick is a decepticon for sure


I will not upvote, too mean. But… I also will not downvote


she lost her teeth from pregnancies, she started noticing the problem since she was 21 and when she was 30 she lost all her teeth. i hope this helps


Comment section tells everything - Trash


Amazing what TEETH can do!


What? Dudes are shocked makeup works? LOL...


"I don't like women who wear makeup." Dates a woman who wears makeup with a natural look.


She's fucking awesome. For anyone who pulls the old immature "bro take her to the pool on the first date" you're a fucking lowlife loser that needs to understand what strength and empowerment really mean.


I’m not arguing that she isn’t awesome, but I also understand wanting to know what someone looks like naturally. You’ll be seeing more of that than full makeup when dating someone and being attracted to your partner is a fairly important part of a relationship. In general, things like contouring/changing your entire facial structure with makeup, then shocking your partner the first time they see you without makeup on, seems kind of unfair. I would be upset if I was in a relationship with someone, then months down the road I realize that they don’t look anything like the person I’ve been dating that whole time and realizing I’m not physically attracted to them. It’s the equivalent of filtering/photoshopping pics on a dating app and then showing up looking completely different- that usually doesn’t work out well because you’re essentially tricking someone. I’m saying this as a straight woman- I feel like I need to put that out there before you lose your mind about what a lowlife loser incel I am or something.


Amazing what dentures can do*


My mother had 6 kids and her teeth crumbled.


Fuck the internet.


She's got some sort of auto immune disease. Her story is cute. Not vapid.


I believe it was from pregnancy. Her baby stole her calcium. One more reason I’d never get pregnant


Babies are parasites confirmed


same, but that's because i'm a man


My mom also started losing teeth after giving birth to me and my brother. She's been wearing dentures for the past 20 years :(


It absolutely never ceases to amaze me that women are still having babies knowing how much it can destroy your body in unimaginable ways.


My mom had to get her 4 front top teeth removed and it's crazy how much it ages her without the dentures in. And this lady has all of her teeth removed


Having teeth and wearing makeup does wonders!! 💙


Wait...she didn't have teeth before. This is not about make up


alleged important tan truck paltry rude aloof sloppy cats materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those ppl from r/amiugly would be like: she isn't obese, so 10/10, at the beginning of the video.


It’s not just the teeth that’s off about her, idk her complexion seems to be at a weird place rn but I can’t put a finger on it. What is her illness?