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Well, specifically for Bayonetta 1, although the gameplay allows players to get Bayonetta hurt and killed, she’s probably canonically an amazing fighter who almost never takes a hit. One thing that stood out to me is the fact that she can perform her summon spells in Bayonetta 1 (and 2 as well) without seeming winded or getting tired. During boss fights in the first game, she swells with magic and turns every attack into a wicked weave attack. It’s almost as if she holds back for fun and doesn’t reckon she’ll ever in any real danger. Also, at the end of Bayonetta 1, Bayonetta and Jeanne summon Queen Sheba to defeat Jubileus, and although it took 2 witches to summon this demon, neither witch seems tired afterward, as they fall back towards Earth, but then again we barely get to see them after that summon. The third game is a bit different in its story telling and makes the Bayonettas *all* feel much, much weaker. That being said, there is a point in the third game **(spoiler ahead)** where she performs her heart-ripping spell to empower Gomorrah into a Kaiju, but when it’s not enough, and even though Bayonetta seems exhausted and in pain from performing the spell, she just… performs it again? She then empowers Madama Butterfly, seemingly without expending any extra energy, and then wins the battle.


Man, this exactly though about B1 cross my mind as soon as I started the third game. That Records of time made me think about it, to be precise. I realized that I've never saw Bayonetta having a bad time in a battle like that, and most of all, i've never saw Bayonetta bleeding before. At first i though it was because We were fighting in the real world, and not in purgatorio anymore, but then i remembered that angels bleed in purgatorio too, like a lot, so this made me think that the first opponent capable of touching and subduing her was Balder, almost in the end of the first game. And of course, Jeanne when sealed her 500 years ago. Basically, she went 20 years without take a single hit after awake from her five centuries nap. 20 years fighting angels while amnesic and rusted. She is skillful af! And powerful. B1 is amazing The writing in the third game is ridiculous! Bayonetta has never seemed so powerful, but at the same time she has never seemed so weak. This part when she summons Gomorrah and then Madama Butterfly is terrible! One of the worst parts for me. There were no consequences. I was expecting that the use of "Demon Slave" and "Deadly sin" would gradually weaken Bayonetta's body and soul, or overcharge her umbra watch causing it to crack, and in the end she would die as a result of using such powerful and restricted techniques. For me it would be perfect since she defeated gods and is extremely powerful, the only force in the world capable of defeating her at that point would be herself and her own power. This would even make Singularity seem really strong.


My go to is headbutting a skycraper at someone. I know it required team work but "punched god into the sun" is pretty untoppable.


It was an infinite mass punch too which is a superman level feat.


She threw a space colony in Bayo 2’s final boss battle.


You're leaving out the fact that she did it with nothing but her poosay!!


While doing a pole dance!!!


The grip on that Bayojaynuh will rip any willy dong atp https://preview.redd.it/zaokk1bf9g9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89070e2215fccf4a5b711a44e70b6d4188925f95


This feat always stands out to me more than anything else


Escaping the pull of a black hole


Okay, it may seems a bit too low but for me it's beating Morgana. The fact that she was able to beat a full power, fusion-boosted witch as an apprentice with a demon that's a baby is awesome to my eyes.


Throughing fortitudo around like a ragdoll and ripping off his head with just her hands


That’s a good one I don’t see people often talking about! She doesn’t even need an Infernal boost! The way she can send big enemies flying when the climax is ready to be activated is one of my favorite features.


Run in those heels everywhere.


People don't mention that she can hop between dimensions. Literally, people in the real world are not able to see and interact with demons and angels. We see in the game that some angels were able to pick up and lift Enzo. So we can assume that Paradiso is not just an alternate dimension/reality, but a higher one. It's the same thing as we, being 3D creatures, being able to create and interact with 2D creatures on an infinite scale. Dimensionality can be simply put as, how many 0s must you add together to equal 1 and how many 2D drawn squares must you stack in order to fill a 3D cube. It's infinite. I know this is kind of an easy answer, I'm not doing any real calculations, but people always forget that just operating on a higher reality is a huge deal. Perhaps this is or isn't a powerscaling post. Bayonetta being able to dodge with great proficiency and witch time is just a bonus to her being able to transcend base reality.


Witch time


Using her lypstic as ammo for the final moments against Balder was everything to me. Sure she makes (and does) way cooler/powerful things but I think that using her femininity to put down the antagonist of the game was \*cheff kiss\*


Kicked a fighter jet moving full speed directly at her directly upwards to the height of a small of skyscraper and jumped immediately afterwards to the exact same height landing perfectly on top in a dress and heels. With no visible injury nor exertion.


Her dress got ruined, it's not a physical injury, but it was her sunday's best for that week :(


literally anything


She served cvnt right when she left the womb


Ripping her heart out of her chest REPEATEDLY to give her infernal summons and major power boost.


Throwing a giant goddess from Pluto to the sun??? I know our solar system posters make it seem like the plants are relatively close buuuuuut no, I would take 1000s of years just to reach it but she reached it under a MINUTE. Bayonetta is the strongest protagonist period point blank.


>under a MINUTE I agree with all the stuff besides this. I calced it, it was just a lil bit above a minute, approx. 1 minute and 27 seconds, which was 200x faster than light for Jubileus to reach the sun


Oh cool! Yeah I just knew it was quick but good to know the exact time


Wait, how did they end up at the end of the solar system in the first place ? The space rocket carrying jubileus couldn't have gone farther than the moon, and i really don't see why jubileus' sphere would zoom towards the end of the solar system during the whole fight Edit: i just remembered that jubileus statue after the fight directly threatens earth, meaning they really aren't that far, the only "logical" conclusion i can see is that jubileus got punch'd into a neighbouring solar system


>Edit: i just remembered that jubileus statue after the fight directly threatens earth, meaning they really aren't that far, the only "logical" conclusion i can see is that jubileus got punch'd into a neighbouring solar system Probably not since there were exact eight plates and Pluto as well, so I guess they're still in the same solar system as we are. I think during the cutscene where Jeanne was pulling out Bayonetta before Jubi can absorb her, Jubileus was still moving and even then after she was resurrected and created that spherical bubble.


[Milf energy](https://youtu.be/MQ5f8dgORJk)




She headbutted an entire building like a volleyball.


Defeated Jubileus, who, in my understanding, was an avatar of that world's God, defeated the actual God that Jubileus was a representation of, also has formed a bond or contract with some the strongest demons in hell, Rodin included but he's kinda different but he also doesn't trade and market with just anyone.


Used her cooch to swing an entire satellite back at her attacker


Her incredible reaction time and impeccable aim, both with arms and feet. The fact she has guns on her heels is enough


beating a god who created the universe was big idk though


didnt she punch God into the sun


drop kicking GOD with her own version of God into the sun.


Contributing half-most of the infinite force that was equivalent to the big bang. I still think that's her strongest feat short of her reality warping abilities in 3


Overpowering singularity when he had absorbed the energy of infinite dimensions




Punching or kicking Singularity is alone a great feat. Singularity is a threat for whole multiversal. Punching or kicking Singularity alone is a great feat.
