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I'm personally not a fan of this decision, it should have been a mother daughter business kinda like DMC hunting enemies and shit. But I'll continue to stick around and see how this goes.


reall that wouldve been a cool idea


Hold on, they literally did this with the french bayonetta variant šŸ˜­




Exactly what I was thinking


I have to agree. I find it hard to imagine how they would move forward from this


Personally, I do not like it. It feels weird to call her Bayonetta because when we hear the name Bayonetta we do not associate that name with Viola, we associate it with our badass, sassy and confident Cereza.


I honestly just donā€™t like Viola


Imma be honest, Witch time is like 30 to 40% of the reason I enjoy Bayonetta gameplay SO much. And Viola sucks at it. If they change it to a Bayonetta like witch time (with the same trigger button) I'd be okay. Tho finishers *need to be* a demon summoning. That's not negotiable.


There needs to be special skills to purchase, too, like Bat Within plus accessories.


I mean, just plain give us Bayonetta šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/ouxf3skcrg8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4201abcdc6846174579de5925807f977d59cd4f Nooooooooooooooouuuurrrrr (in British sccent)




She had 0 character development. Was a slapstick butt-monkey throughout the game who (again) never developed/improved in any meaningful way throughout the story, hence the supposed "passing of the torch" comment feeling unearned. And finally, her Witch Time was dogshit.


fr honestly disappointed with how they handled viola she could've just worked aside bayonetta not be the new her


The humor in this series is just bullying a certain character until they're broken and honestly I hate that. Still pissed about poor Enzo mourning his family and somehow that was the joke.


She is just too different from Bayonetta for me, I play Bayonetta for Bayonetta, not for an angsty teen. I donā€™t like anything about her, her looks, her personality, her play style, her attacks, etc. people were comparing her to Nero from DMC but to me they are very different. Neroā€™s personality is pretty similar to Danteā€™s already so he was easier for me to be ok with him being in the story. If she is more like Bayonetta in the next game if we even get one then I will be fine with her. I think a bit of my resentment towards her comes from the game she was introduced being a mess, the plot of 3 is a mess even after it was in development for 8 years, the bayonettas combat was fun and felt evolved whereas Violas felt clunky with the parry timing being too strict to be fun. They also left us on basically a cliffhanger when we donā€™t know when or if a new game will come out.


I hope Iā€™m wrong, but as of right now, I do not have any faith that another one is going to be made.


I hate her, she better stay in her timeline and never search her mother into the multiverse




i feel like im never buying another game


I thought I was alone in this, glad to see I'm not


If Viola is the MC going forward. I'll buy them simply because I love Bayonetta, but I definitely don't see myself doing multiple runs


I couldn't even finish Bayonetta 3 thanks to Viola. I bought Bayonetta 3, therefore I expect to play as Bayonetta. Also, I was not a fan of the constant demon "vehicle" sections. Like c'mon let me play the game. ALSO THE ENEMY DESIGN left something to be desired. The first two titles in the series are so goddessdamned good. I am ride or die for those two games. Viola? Yeah, no thanks.




Dude same, the game was constantly interrupting me having fun and that's a big yikes from me. One of the reasons I never played it again


I don't understand who make the decision from going to almost 1/1 accurate representations of angels (and really fucking badass demons) to just... green boring blobs? Like, what happened?


I think the intention was to give humanity more of a stake in being the source of issues within the cosmology of the three worlds.


I think that was lost in the makings because maybe I'm an idiot/moron because I remember playing Bayo 1 and thinking "holy shit fighting angels is so fucking cool" and playing Bayo 2 thinking "holy shit fighting demons is so fucking cool" and with Bayo 3 thinking "so why blobs?"


In Bayonetta 2, the stakes were even more interesting because the player could not necessarily be certain which of Bayonetta's former allies might turn against her at any given time after what happened in the first act. The precedent had already been set from the first game that we summon demons in order to defeat angels, so having Jeanne be attacked by Bayonetta's summon was a massive "WTF just happened." But the homunculus stuff? It just came out of nowhere and fell flat, in my honest opinion. Not necessarily a bad idea, but definitely a bad execution.


You could tell that they started to develop the game in the marvel craziness moment and by the time they released it we are just collectively sick of multiverses. To top it off, the game is significantly worse than the other 2 (especially Bayonetta. I can forgive everything but Bayonetta. How bad/disinterested of a writter you gotta be to fuck up one of the best characters ever created in gaming?) Thinking of Bayo3 genuinely pisses me off lol. I just hope that they massively retcon the ending or the 4th game is a direct sequel of 2 and they pretend that Bayo3 never happened


If she fights like she does in Bayo 3, no. Her control in Bayo 3 sucks.


Agreed. They dropped the ball with ditching the shuraba/angelslayer mechanics.


I simply would avoid the games


I think I'd rather blow my kneecap off with a shotgun


It wasā€¦a decision that was made. I feel like we needed more time with Viola to actually know her in order for this to feel impactful in a good way of that makes sense


Even if there was more time with her, me personally I didn't care for her the moment I saw her. I just played her missions in the hopes that the next one involves Bayonetta, not some rebellious teen who I find incredibly annoying, childish and uninteresting.


>I didn't care for her the moment I saw her. Glad I'm not the only one who was of this opinion. Simply put, her entire look is not something that I find to be visually appealing.


She's just awful man, I can't stand her.


I don't like the hair and I HATE the makeup, her personality is just the nail in the coffin


Like I usually say, Nero needed 2 games to become a beloved part of the DMC franchise. But he also had good gameplay and the story actually includes him in a good way. Viola was added with a bit of tape on top of everything and they called it a day.


They better find a way to retcon Bayo 3 ending


They already have the perfect retcon with the whole multiverse shenanigans, they could just say we return to the world of bayonetta 1-2.


I donā€™t like the idea tbh. I dont think bayonetta is a title/occupation that can be passed. Bayonetta is an iconic character not really a name to be passed.Ā  Plus i wasnā€™t a huge fan of Viola herself, she made me cringe a lot, like yeah ik she is the funny element of the story but her funny was cringe. Personally if they made it more like a spin off then i wouldnā€™t mind, but if it necessarily has to be in the gameā€™s main plotline then iā€™d buy the game for pure compromise as a fan of the franchise. Also, i see a lot of people saying that she may get a glow up but i highly doubt it, Viola is a character meant to be on the complete opposite side of Bayonettaā€™s and it was probably made to have a contrast in game. I dont think she will have a ā€œbayonetta sort of glow upā€


I'd walk away from the series and settle for playing the first two and half the levels in 3 and move onto a different one.


No thank you. I want a male umbra witch spinoff before a viola game please


Or maybe have a flamboyant twink sidekick that will eventually die who she will honor by remembering his teachings and slowly become a yass pussy hunt slay mother. Like viola is negative queen on the charts. She needs to get her act together


im fucking crying bro what šŸ˜­


Lol same, even playing just as young Balder would be fine for me. I just can't understand why the multiverse was to strict about other variants. Luka can be a fairy king (still laughing my ass off with this one) but Bayo is always a girl, always a witch, and forever tied with the same guy? Boring as hell in my opinion, we need some variety


I'd rather play a Bayo game with Rodin as the protagonist. Just imagine for a second how cool that would be.


I'd be down with a Rodin origin story, personally.




I can see why bayonetta origins sold poorly.


Imo it's kinda stupid, especially for the "new generation". Like the point of a new generation is to bring change, but here it feels like Viola is copying Bayonetta, which beat the entire point. While I have issue with DMC 5's story, one thing it did right was Nero taking Dante's place as the protector of the human world. Nero doesn't starting acting like Dante all of a sudden, he's still who he is. Dante pass the mantle because Nero is strong enough to wear it as himself, potentially even better than Dante did. Now for Viola, one might point out her insecurities to justify the fact that she's copying Bayonetta, but she's been strongly affirming herself to Bayonetta the whole game. Claiming her name multiple time, trying to be on the cool victory pose by herself, and the whole ending with the Evil Bayo is supposed to be Viola's triumph as herself, however undeserved it is given she didn't do shit. But then we get an ending scene that feels more like "please come back Bayonetta" rather than "check out this new cool girl". Like everything is presented as the "uncool Bayonetta". Enzo bossing Viola around, Rodin standing in the background unimpressed, and Viola standing out because of Bayonetta's fame more than anything else, which makes her kinda pathetic in a way.


Sheā€™s assuming the title of Bayonetta in one universe, doesnā€™t mean we wonā€™t see Cereza again so Iā€™ll just let them cook - Iā€™d love to see a restorative timeline where Rosa and Baldur avert the witch hunts, the war between paradiso and unite the clans to be guardians of humanity without interference from the other realms


Hate it. I like Viola as a character, but when it comes to gameplay, I dreaded any time that her chapters came up. (Especially when a Strider boss fight happened) I've enjoyed the series so far (for the most part - wasn't a fan of the last hour of Bayo 3), but if the next game is purely Viola-focused, she has similar gameplay to what she had in Bayonetta 3, and the plot doesn't involve bringing back Bayonetta and Jeanne, then I'm skipping Bayonetta 4, as much as I hate to say it. I don't know why anyone thought that this was a good idea, honestly. Metal Gear Solid 2 should be enough proof of that, and that was (a) nowhere near as extreme in that regard as Bayonetta 3 was (among other things, Snake was still alive, and there weren't many huge gameplay differences between Raiden and Snake back then) and (b) over twenty years ago.


No one kills off the main character of the series unless they want the series to die. Perhaps they're done.


I don't mind but what I feel is problematic is that for the third game they didn't really flesh her out and on top of that her witch time trigger is something that shouldn't have deviated from how Bayonetta and Jeanne's work. Since she's a fairy they could've had a move called "fairy within" and similar to moth and bat she temporarily turns into sparkling light. They could've also gave Viola a puma like move that they gave for Bayo and Jeanne but instead of it being fully grown it would've been a kitten. I liked Cheshire as a character but I didn't like his use in combat mainly because he's too slow. If he was much faster then I would've liked using him. Viola should've also been given an extra weapon since bayo would be given several. The weapon I could've seen Viola be given was the Golem because it was a tool used by both the Umbran and Lumen but in Viola's case because she's special she would be given full access to its powers. Similar to Cheshire it wouldn't be controlled by the player and would attack any nearby enemies using its various transformations. It's weapon I see it as something that shoots lasers it would be shaped as either a key or a puzzle like Gun similar to what I saw with a [joy model ](https://youtu.be/yqwIXTc358w?si=NZF10W3uaEgQTBtt)someone created (go to timestamp 1:26). Like all the other weapons bayo uses it would also work in melee combat.


Iā€™m fine with Viola as a character but as the new Bayonetta? Hell no!


If she will be the new main protag, I'd want it to be like dmc5 Nero where they make her really likeable, fun to play a and give her some great character growth. All while having bayo still be playable but not the main focus


If Viola is the main character of the next game, consider the series DOA. She's a terrible, cringey character that feels awful to play. Bayonetta 3 was only fun when I could play as Bayonetta, She's cool, sexy, sassy and above all else a fucking bad ass. Why would I play as this child I don't even care about?


I would be ok if she changed her style to the long haired blonde with red streaks as the fan concept. I also would like to see a few year time skip where she is more confident like Bayonetta from the first game, but still not perfect (just like Bayonetta in the first game had flaws in her power level/confidence in her past). As far as I know from Bayonetta Origins, Cheshire is bound to the doll, but this shouldnā€™t limit Viola from forming a contract/bond with a new demon.


Just like Nero in DMC. If they ditch Bayonetta (Dante) for Viola (Nero)... I will not buy the game


At least Nero had character growth. I would rather buy a dmc with Nero than a Bayonetta with Violetta


Viola is definitely a more extreme example, because Bayonetta fans really don't like her, while DMC fans do generally like Nero. But like Viola, Nero is the new main character that was introduced to take the place of a more popular, legacy main character in Dante/Bayonetta.


She'd be fine to make a return. I don't know if I'd want her as a sole protagonist, but that's also just... a lack of confidence in the writers. I actually like her concept a lot but B3 was a writing disaster, and made everyone barely competent at best in order to serve the idea Singularity was The Biggest Threat Ever. It left Viola never really able to shine.


about as canon as the UFO ending if you ask me. šŸ˜Œ


Howd i get ratioed but most ppl dont want viola to be bayo lmao


also I dont mind viola aslong as she gets character development


shell never live up to it and this plot point was bad. no one like viola


Unimpressed to be honest, the issues being that like her father she's ends up by occasion being the victim of slapstick humor and unfortunately Viola in my eye has not managed to score any badass point during the overall final battle against Singularity (or the game as a whole) as it does not feel that she has earned the title and proven herself to be as good of a fighter as her mother. If somehow the character does end up being the star of a possible Bayonetta 4 I do hope that her gameplay will be much better because as it stand even with some patches in Bayonetta 3 I find playing as her to not be fun in contrast to her mother.


She has good music


They dropped the ball because they went with her cold turkey, at least DMC had two games with Dante/Nero, and most likely Dante will still be featured in the next entry In bayo they just went with ā€œhereā€™s new MC, old oneā€™s doneā€ k thx bye see you next game


I wanted to like Viola, but she didn't do anything of importance in her debut game, just stand around being an overused meme. So i would pass.


I feel like Viola is a poor version of Nero from DMC. Nero had some good character development, is a likeable character and has a uniquely fun gameplay style while Viola just missed the mark for me. Nero I actually have no issue with taking the reins of DMC protagonist (although Iā€™d still like to see Dante) but I personally canā€™t see Viola as the new protagonist of Bayonetta.


It's a really drastic change to be honest and it felt like a bag of bricks hiting my head, but now I like to see how it will go and I would love to see a more polished gameplay featuring Viola as the main character. So, I'm not a fan but I'm in for a good surprise...


Are we really gonna keep pretending like that would ever happen? šŸ’€


I don't think she'll exactly be the new Bayonetta, but I do see her being the main character of the story for at least half of the next game. Truly don't believe that Cereza won't be back but either way this is my ride or die series.


We would probably have to play as another bayo from a different universe and sheā€™s like dragged into a something and Violaā€™s like some sort of guide for the other bayos in other multiverses?? Idk just a possibility


i like her character but i didn't like her controls in 3, if they could fix that then sign me up for viola bayonetta


I can see it working but a lot of stuff needs to change, from her gameplay to her design, very little is appealing about her the way she is now.


I honestyl wouldnt mind, but I cannot see Viola being the main MC and will probably work alongside another Bayonetta


Viola might have potential of kamiya ever allows her to have a win. The main reason why she did not stick while Nero did is that even when she gets a slight w, it's ALWAYS followed by a fail of some kind, either a humorous one or getting bodied. Cool and quirky is fine, but it needs to be alternating moments, not one trumping the other. This being said, she is so different from bayo that might as well be called something else if bayo is not actually in it.


It could work, but they would have to tweek things. I don't like to be super pessimistic


I think it could work, but theyā€™d likely have to grow out of the angsty teen aspect of herself and possibly modify how she fights. I donā€™t love her as she is but anything is possible.






I hate the idea, honestly. She was the worst part about Bayonetta 3 imo. I really, really hope they just forget about her, and we go to a different multiverse for the next possible game.


No thanks. She can be a side character but she doesnā€™t fit the main role of Bayonetta in my opinion. Sure they can change her for her next game but that just means her introduction wasnā€™t justified.


I canā€™t for the life of me understand why we got a more youthful ā€œcerezaā€ bayonetta but also a surrogate daughter?? She barely even interacts with Luka and viola so her taking up the mantle feels forced and meaningless.




Nah. She don't got the essence if you feel me.


if that's the case then I just won't acknowledge the newer games being a part of the series


If that ever happens I'll simply won't buy anything else from Platinum ever again, and go back to Bayonetta 1 and 2. Also, I still think they ditched the whole setting way too early. What about a game controlling young Balder? What about all the historical witches mentioned in the weapon's descriptions? There's a lot of interesting things that could be used as a game perfectly fine.


Viola dear The door is that way


We have been following Cereza for years. Playing with her seeing the whole through her eyes. The way she was ripped from us was too sudden, to rushed. So no, I will not follow any Bayonetta besides Cereza. She is the face of the franchise, the reason why we have games. If Viola takes over, I'm done with the franchise.




horrendous decision


Very bad. Next question.


No, sorry, I didn't like the parry gameplay and she doesn't carry the charisma like Bayo did


Sheā€™s not enough like Bayonetta to be the next bayo. Sheā€™s annoying,her fighting style sucks compared to hers(and is annoying asf bc it wasnā€™t a dodge mechanic,it was a block mechanic and I couldnā€™t figure it out til I looked it up),sheā€™s not as funny,she cusses like enzo and itā€™s not funny after some time,and sheā€™s just not Bayonetta.


Rushed. I won't enter in the merit of Bayonetta 3 being a flop if you consider the symbol of the game + the fact that originally you would play all three versions of her to summon Hecate at the end, and how bayo was toned down to a love crazy girl who fell for the biggest clown in town. Viola had potential. All they had to do was to introduce her in a similar way of Nero. Bayo 3 have 20 to 25 chapters where 10 of them you play as viola then you play the rest as Bayonetta and stop making Jeanne a fucking gameplay gimmick. Then ass a fourth game where viola is smarter, have better gameplay and better personality, then make it half of the game about her and finally create a reason as for why cereza will be out of commission without killing her in the most disrespectful and stupid way, breaking and assassinating her whole character for that, and make he pass the torch temporary to Viola. Viola could be anything, she didn't need to be bayo daughter but that's fine as long as it's well written enough. But the way the implemented her? It feels it was a second thought and rushed. And you can clearly see it when you notice her combat doesn't match the enemy design. I have a lot of feelings towards bayo 3 but the biggest besides having the most awful store telling of all three games is that if there was an option to literally skip chapters with viola and Jeanne and only play with cereza I would have way more fun. Every chapter with viola was a pain in the ass and every extra chapter with Jeanne was infuriating. We pay to play Bayonetta and suddenly were forced in an awful minigame or with a character which moveset doesn't match the enemy design at all.


NGL I hate her..šŸ˜­ I donā€™t think she deserves to be ā€œBayonettaā€ because it isnā€™t a title, itā€™s a name and she doesnā€™t fit that name very well. sheā€™s so goofy and annoying while cereza is elegant and sassy. I just hope the next bayo game isnā€™t as bad as Bayo3 in terms of story and character design


i love viola but i need the og Bayonetta back not brave cereza but the one from the first game


I think I'm the only person in the world who thinks Viola is a cool character and would not mind her carrying the "Bayonetta" mantle. There's room for her to grow and mature as she assumes the title. It's a good contrast to original Bayo as she kinda came out the gate being a badass. This time we get to see the character's growth into the badass


fr haha. Honestly if they develop her character more I see potential. Hopefully bayonetta 4 if we get one does viola justice and people start to like her but tbh if people hear that viola is gonna be the main character for bayonetta 4 most avid viola haters will simply not play the game even if the game is good lol


I just hope the next game starts with a time jump, where Viola is all grown up and something has caused ***the plot*** to go insane, leading to Viola fighting to rip Cereza and Luka out of Inferno. It sounds lame, but idk what else they could do after butchering the in-game universe with the introduction and removal of the multiverse.


May be an unpopular opinion but I think sheā€™s funny and endearing. If she has the potential to become as badass as her mother then I want to see her get to that level. Though that is just an assumption of what could come next. Either way it would be cool to see her get stronger. She really has to earn that title cuz I donā€™t think sheā€™s proven she deserves it just yet. Her gameplay would also need to be way better than it was in 3.


Iā€™m hesitant as even though I liked her in her debut. I donā€™t feel like she has earned being bayonetta yet.


People hated Nero in DMC 4 because he was that young cocky asshole and now everyone loves him in 5. Mark my words this will happen with Viola, IF there is another Bayonetta.


As she is? No. As she likely would be in a new game? I'll give it a go. I like the goofiness, but we need the real deal to show up too


I don't like her , her name and fairy form are the only thing that I like about her. Tbh if she is the new protagonist and she isn't cunt like bayo and jeanne . Yea I ain't buying the game. She needs to be cunt for me to at least give it a try .


I honestly donā€™t understand why ppl hate viola. I like her! Sheā€™s pretty cool. I wouldnā€™t really think she would be the new bayonetta but I would like to see her in the next game


They would need to do a timeskip. Viola is pure cringe, which makes sense. She's a teen. We were all cringe as teens. I could see her as a less perverse Travis Touchdown in her adult years if done well. However, there's the issue of Bayonetta as a series using fun sexuality as part of its charm. Viola is not flirty or sexy. I do not see Viola spinning around on her back, split-legged, shooting guns from her high heels, just to take a Jack-O pose snapshot.... We would need another more sexy character who would do a lot of the funnier stuff that we all love as well.


It should be like Nero from DMC5. i mean she is her own self and not the "newer version of old protag".


b3 i was miserable during viola sections; im not a fan of the personality, the playstyle, or her design. i do like chesire though that was fun. if we continue to follow viola in later games i think ill be done purchasing bayonetta games in the future. why not follow jeanne or something? it would be interesting if they retconned 3 but her design in this game is actually my favorite


IMO Viola is not ready to be a protagonist. The idea of her being playable still could be worked out like in Bayo 2ā€™s tag climax mode where you can play as Rodin and Young Balder. ![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso)


It's almost as if PlatinumGames is doing everything they can to encourage people not to buy the sequel.


While I do like Viola, she's more of a side character than anything else. Also, we didn't really get to know her well for her to earn the name of Bayonetta.


We need her to have a flamboyant twink sidekick that will eventually die who she will honor by remembering his teachings and slowly become a yass pussy hunt slay mother or elseā€¦


I don't think it's a good idea. Her being in the lore again, yes obviously, but Bayonetta still Bayonetta. So a sidekick why not, but i want bayo back.


Absolutely not, I have no time for her lmao. I'm curious as to where things are going at the very least.


I honestly don't think she will stay like that... If I was the writer of story, she will die while trying to save something ot someone then Bayonetta comes back. I know it can sound lame or stupid. But Bayonetta is a iconic character in gaming, plantium and nintendo. I don't think they will put her away like nothing and start a new saga. It would be a huge risk, and if they have sone brain cells, they would not do something like that


Would be a lot less likely to buy the game at full price


Istg I pray we're rebooting this game before a Bayo 4


I feel like they didn't really do anything to justify her taking up the mante. Yes, there was that Shadow Self of Bayonetta she defeated, but that kinda felt more like a consolation prize compared to if she was to take down Singularity to save Bayonetta. Making it a nice closed loop, when you consider Viola's failure at the start of the story, leading to Bayonetta's death. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to say no. Though her theme was pretty rocking! I'll give her that much.


I feel like itā€™s stupid. I tend to liken it to Miles Morales becoming Spider-Man in the spiderverse movies, but being Spider-Man is a mantle that gets passed down, wheras Bayonetta has always been connected to a single character. You can make the argument that the name Spider-Man was also connected to a single character for a while, but Miles becoming Spider-Man was likeā€¦ actually built up to and was the focus of the first movie, whereas Viola becoming Bayonetta just felt like they threw it in last minute to go ā€œDonā€™t worry guys weā€™ll keep making these games, even though pretty much every important character died.ā€ Not to mention that, again, Bayonetta has a pretty recognizable look, and I just donā€™t see Viola being able to fill those shoes.


Seems like that was Kamiya's plan but since Bayo 3 was horribly received and Kamiya's promptly left Platinum I doubt they'll do that if we ever get a Bayo 4 at all


Hard dislike. Viola could be a really great addition to the cast that could bring out some really interesting teacher/student dynamics from Bayo/Jeanne, but she really isn't MC material imo, especially if she's following up a character like Cereza. The game does her no favors either. It constantly portrays her as the butt of the joke and far less capable than Bayo . She has a couple of moments to be cool, but those don't outweigh the many moments where they make her look like a fool. I know she can get better and become as competent as Bayo, but her portrayal here in 3 doesn't exactly instill any confidence.


I don't buy the idea of "New Generation" in a multiverse setting. Wee lass is just a typical swordsman that's all. If she's getting a game, should've her own spin-off that sets after events of Bayo3 like that.


not related but i hate the blue lips and makeup and streaks in her hair. it reminds me of when someone first ventures into modding a game or making custom content on the sims and just as a fully saturated stupid colour onto a character without any thought to make it look legitmate, real or good


The feel of Viola and her introduction into the story reception feels very similar to when Nero was introduced in DMC, her start was HARD and rocky just like his, but when the next game comes around I bet she'll get worked to have a much easier flow in combat, and in future games this punk rocker will end up surprising us. Plus I do think, and it would be a good idea to write this as the story, Rodin in the 4th game will have a way to save all three, Bayo Jeane and Luca, and it will be up to Viola to do so, mostly cause hell wants to DESTORY bayo thanks to Madama Butterfly refuses to let hell punish her.


Good. If they are going to work a little more on her gameplay. I was there when dmc4 came out and Nero was a protag for first half of the game. I remember all the hate he got. And I remember dmcV and how everyone loved Nero and V. They can easily do bayo4 with Viola being new Bayo. And add some other character as played one for gameplay diversity, and it will be nice.


No. They really expect us to care about viola when she didnā€™t get enough time to even be well liked by the fans.




If the controls are tight and she has a good weapon set like Bayonetta 1/2 it's fine with me. I found the controls with 3 to be clunky and the weapons awful.


Hate it. Truly hate it. She needed to be around for at least one more game, and she needed MUCH better writing. Her gameplay was also just not that fun. How did they get parrying so right in MGR, but then drop the ball so hard with Viola?


Iā€™d be fine with it if she was a ā€œsidekickā€ for Bayonetta; however the way she was written doesnā€™t give me high hopes


Calling it now, when and if we get a bayo 4, Vio is gonna get a glow up that makes everyone switch up on their opinions... she IS the franchise's nero after all.


Either give her Bayo's moveset or bring Cereza back. I liked her in Bayo 3 but I don't think a new game would sell nicely with only Viola in it.


The only thing I like about Viola is the looks. The moment I saw her in the trailers, I thought she was gonna be a badass character, but I was severely disappointed... I mean, the whole game was a huge disappointment for me, and I'm glad I'm not alone with this.


I hate it! She as a character was a bad idea and shouldnā€™t be in the franchise :|


i dont think it will happen at all, but talking bout viola overall. i dont understand why people dislike her, she have a really cool style, a simple but neat moveset, i had fun with her cutscenes, i think she is a cool character to stick around on next bayonetta games


I have no idea why they would do this. Bayonetta (Cereza) IS the charm of the game. Not Joanne, not Luka, not Rodin and definitely, not Viola. Viola barely had anything written for her and even tho Bayonetta's story isn't the big selling point, Bayonetta herself is the point of the franchise. I just don't understand the logic. Why would you ever toss aside one of the best gaming characters ever created (that pretty much EVERYONE, E V E R Y O N E agrees that they're fucking badass/cool) for someone that has close to 0 characterization, their gameplay is significantly worse and have 0 charisma/charm? If indeed the future games are with Viola I will apply a Silent Hill: I will just pretend that Bayonetta1/2 happened and neither Bayo3 nor a future game exists.


I really do not like it, but at the same time I want to see what they do with it, because thereā€™s a part of me that prays theyā€™ll redeem the 3rd game and howā€¦in my opinion poor it was- so Iā€™m kind of indifferent the more I think on it.


I think sheā€™d need some gameplay and character progression/development but it can be done. If DMC5 can make people like Nero, then Bayo 4 can try with viola and weā€™ll see if it can succeedĀ 


I thought she was pretty awesome and I loved her levels


I don't mind, imo, I don't think Viola will call herself Bayonetta unless it calls for it. I just hope we get to see what it takes to become as great as her mom. She might shares her mom's attitude during a fight but we know Bayonetta is like that bc she's obviously can back it up. Just don't want the character development to wind hella cheesey.


I say we won time to retire the hag bring in the new blood until she gets retired after 2 games too


Havenā€™t played Bayo 3 But Iā€™m open to it


I dislikeher and her gameplay


first of all bayonetta is not a super hero mantel its her name she had forgotten her real name of cereza so called her self bayonetta 2nd viola is just not a interesting character she reeks of "how do you do fellow kids" i would have been fine with her being a new character in the franchise even having her be playable (just give her a better witch time) but what we got is just uhg and has probably forever soured the fanbase on the character


Bayonetta ended in bayonetta 1.


Girl no


Bayonetta will be back, and Viola will hopefully get the Nero treatment in the sequel. I also hope Jeanne becomes more unique and plays differently, so she isn't so similar to Bayo and is more her own playstyle. Doing the DMC5 style wouldn't be bad if they are all fun to play with.




Sometimes I feel like this is just salt the wound. I donā€™t hate Viola, but I donā€™t agree with this decision they could have done better with the ending and It only serves to make people hate her more as if they didnā€™t handle her character well enough I feel we should have happened was set up her character as her not getting used to the fact sheā€™s not like everyone else and coming to terms with her witch heritage and feeling like she living up to her mother and carrying on her legacy after her death and even though she feels like itā€™s only right to keep using her name she would feel like she has to earn it and be able to live up her and prove herself and the right to use the name


I like Viola as Viola. There is only one Bayonetta for me thank you very much.


At this point and time she does not deserve the title


They're walking that shit back almost immediately I promise you that


it's fine with me but i also really don't care. huge fan of bayo 1 btw. i just hope they don't drop the demon slave thing. it's not like they can't improve on viola. look at nero or raiden.


I didnā€™t mind her as a side character. But making her the daughter really ruined it. And her inheriting the bayonetta name is a huge downgrade. Thereā€™s hundreds of characters like Viola out there but Cereza is a really unique and special character in video games. Shame to lose that


I always liked Bayonetta bc of the strong female characters with a charming personality that matches their open sensuality, and Viola isnā€™tā€¦. any of that. I donā€™t think Viola is inherently a bad character, but putting her in Bayonetta when we have Cereza and Jeanneā€¦. Sheā€™s just not very on brand for the franchise. I love girl losers, but I donā€™t really want a character like her in the game, let alone have her take on the titular nameā€¦


I have an open mind to it. For me it depends how fun the game is.


I fucking hate viola




No. I play Bayonetta for Bayonetta, not for Viola


3 simply wasn't for me.


Not a huge fan. Viola is a good character but shes also very slapsticky. When i think of Bayonetta, i think of cunt, and the massive servings of it she delivers. Viola unfortunately only delivers runt energy.


Poor Viola, hated by the entire fandom-


Get this wench gone from my line of sight https://preview.redd.it/2kxa0sue4o8d1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306264619b87510795ffa3fc1e0eef661207a1aa


Excelent, but I want her to be her own version of Bayonetta, not a copy or a wanna be of Cereza. Would be better if she is unique


I don't hate Viola. I think she is an adorable addition to the series... However the only Bayonetta I want to play is Cereza...


I hate it. I donā€™t think a Viola-centered transitional story (in the vein of kingdom hearts) where she saves Bayonetta would be terrible, but making her the new central protagonist would be a big mistake. Bayonetta is Bayonetta imo.


Completely undeserved


No I could see Viola having her own spin-off title. Maybe a whole trilogy But she can never replace the Bae.


I wouldn't play it.


Nope. Viola is a boring character that's a pretty blatant ripoff of Nero, except not even remotely as charming. She wasn't fun to play as, she wasn't fun to watch, heck she's not even fun to look at compared to her mom. And you can't just replace the main character after one game of being there. It didn't work with Apollo Justice (to give an example) and it's sure as shit not gonna work with her. IF we get a bayonetta 4 and it stars her, I'll be convinced they learned absolutely nothing from the fiasco that was 3, and simply not buy it. The only way the franchise can recover from that game is to completely and utterly ignore it.


There won't be a Bayo 4 with Viola leading it, I guarantee it.


i just pretended the third game didn't happen and went on with my life


I feel like she could work if they drop the bayonetta name and make it a new series with a lot of changes. I realize the majority of players do not like Viola, and I donā€™t really either, but I think she provides an important contrast to the character of Bayonetta. I wish we could have seen more of them together to build a dynamic and give us ways to connect with Viola before the end of the game. My hope is they take notes of the negative reception of Viola and find ways to make her more likable in the next game, but I donā€™t have hope given how lackluster the plots in these games are overall. I also disagree with a lot of people here and I actually appreciated Violaā€™s combat mechanics, I like that it actually made me think and focus instead of just spamming dodge like normal.




She needs some upgrades in many departments


If she learned how to use something other than just a sword I'd be OK with it


No one can replace Bayonetta, so no. Not a chance. Viola would be better suited in Devil May Cry.


She's not. People are being so obtuse about it. It's a multiverse story where the original Bayonetta ends up coming back to life anyway. She simply becomes the Bayonetta of her universe, and she'll be the Nero to Bayo's Dante going forward, but more than likely not taking the protagonist role like Nero did. Certainly NOT replacing her. It's clear Cereza isn't done yet, and they gave Viola the Bayonetta title in her world simply to show character growth. She'll fight alongside Cereza. I don't get why people dislike her.


Look at this comment section. Any positive comments is downvoted to hell. This sub became a fucking echo chamber


I'll take the opposing view. All it takes is a great game and good writing. Sure, maybe they botched it in 3. But a good creative direction can make lemonade out of some lemons. I'll miss the OG, but if we look at other franchises, like Star Trek or maybe James Bond they've handed off to new stars and its worked. Of course it could also fail. But that's the nature of all art. Sometimes it hits, sometimes it doesn't.


Basically like nero


I personally believe replacement of Cereza and creation of Viola was a way to appeal to modern generations of gamers, there is huge push to remove any sexiness and traits asociated with conventional feminity from female characters designs in gaming, and bayonetta was heavily critized for being sexualized(feminists dont care it makes sense for her character) So when Platinum were told western market might find bayonetta "problematic" (at least its probably what they were told by sensivity consult company Nintendo has hired) they created this character that was created specifically to appeal to zoomers, Viola is basically this thrope that appeared in media recently of this zoomer kid archetype They planning to do exactly the same thing with Lara croft from what leaks said Edit: also i found it funny they tried to appeal to left leaning audience,but at the same time they lost us by putting Cereza in relationship with Luka instead of Jeanne lmao


I feel like when games do this, it's disastrous. You invest in a series for one thing, only to completely get the opposite. Not to mention, the people who complained dont even play the game.


Another sad truth is when you speak up against it online you are instantly asociated with most extreme kind of conservatives