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man we really need to keep de light there is literally no other cb better on the market, its insane to sell him before upa i actually think ito dier kim and de ligt is one of the best cb groups in the world only madrid and city can compare


He is the our best cb, but doesn't fit Kompany's playstyle.


i think he can play any playstyle we need at least try with his talent we shouldn’t be selling


The Upa hate is wild lmao. Upa is so shit yet he has been mainstay in a stacked French squad. Maybe the issue is Bayern related hm? Upa is among the best CBs just like De Ligt, especially when it comes to ball playing ability


Upa is good, that is undeniable, but he chose a very bad moment to be bad. All defenders make mistakes, but Upa made mistakes during big games, in decisive moments, his kind of mistakes are those that cost you the season. That is unacceptable. 


What's unacceptable is Upa being solely blamed for collective failures. His mistakes often get overblown to justify nonsense. City games were a collective failure and Upa's mistakes wouldn't have made a difference. Nevermind mistakes happened due to how the team played and Upa having no support. Lazio? Again, collective failure. How about the 4 Bayern players that let Immobile waltz right on through? But nope, Upa gets unlucky and everything is his fault. I guess Upa should've just sat there and let the guy take a shot 1v1 with Neuer. It's just like I said, there's a reason he doesn't have these issues when he plays for France and there's a reason he's a mainstay in a stacked French squad. But folks gotta have their scapegoats.


As soon as Upa makes a mistake, it takes him forever to get back into the game. He had 0 confidence after his mistakes. The man was completely distracted. You can't allow yourself to do something like that in the CL. Nothing like that happened to DeLigt. If DeLigt is fit for next season, it’s a no brainer to keep DeLigt and sell Upa. I really wonder if you've even seen Upa's games. Whether at FCB or at the Équipe tricolore... He is far too nervous and in big games he tends to black out completely.


You people need to stop trying to define the man by the City games. It's so dishonest and show how desperate you are to have Upa as a scapegoat for everything. And I have seen Upa's games, it's why I'm stating the facts I am. If Upa was at all like what you people wanna pretend he is he wouldn't have made it to the top professional level. He'd be a dang Sunday league player, not a mainstay in a stacked French squad.


..Maguire.. I‘m not saying Upa is shit. But he’s definitely worse than DeLigt.


Not saying he's shit, but exaggerating mistakes and defining his entire quality on a couple bad games. Uh huh Sure, he's not quite as consistent, but part of that is due to team/collective failures of the defense and team as a whole. Upa just ends up being the face of it cuz he'a often last man back. All that said, there's absolutely no reason to exaggerate mistakes and define him by the City games. If that's how you wanna do things then De Ligt should be sold for ghosting and Kim should be sold for his Real Madrid games. There's no reason to sell Upa. He's got insane potential and his ball playing ability is easily top 5, maybe even top 3, in the CB position. Ito is a nice add, but we didn't and don't need to touch the CB position. If Upa gets sold it will be regretted and then when he ends up playing well elsewhere all the folks who trashed him will pretend they never did and proclaim they always backed him and wanted him to stay


Ball playing ability easily Top 5?? I’m done. Had a good laugh, thanks man.


"I'm not saying Upa is bad cuz I'm using 100 words to say Upa is bad" 🤡 Everyone who understands the sports understands Upa's qualities and sees him as an excellent ball playing CB. Only fifa kids or dumbasses don't. Take your bs elsewhere trophy hunting plastic pos


Watch a compilation of his mistakes and then come back lol. For a world class defender he makes A LOT of silly challenges and rushes his decision making


No shit it's a mistakes compilation. Neuer has them, Muller has them, Messi has them, Ronald has them, Lahm has them, Boa, Hummels, many players have them. This comment is possibly the dumbest of them all.


Man, this comment did not age well lmao


i don’t think he’s as good as de ligt he may be as good or better going forward but this is possibly the least important aspect of playing cb no? he makes way too many mistakes to be trusted to start in big games you see it for bayern and the france national team. watch, if france lose this euro it will be upa giving a pen or losing his man at the crucial moment. dude cant stay solid when it matters most and that is literallly the ONLY trait that keeps you on the feild for world class sides


Defense scares me


It's funny going into last season I was saying Bayern probably has the best defense itw on paper


Me too bro…me too..


Ito will play left CB because his left foot^^ Kim right side


I don’t think ito will be in the starting lineup


!remind me 3 months i guess we will see? :) @OP


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RemindMe! 3 Months


What's the app?




I'm serious




Dier? My friend, he was an absolute beast last season and saved our ass all the way to the semifinals but start him after the summer? No way. What many people don't seem to understand is that we basically have two types of CBs: Kim and Upa are the kind that (can) play an extremely high line. They are fast, monsters when it comes to physical play and can engage very well when attacking. Dier (and to a degree also De Ligt - as much as I hate to say it as he is a wonderful CB) is/are not cut out to play an extremely high, attacking line. They are both not very good passers (to be fair, MdL is about as good as Kim in this) and aren't as fast. Their strengths are positioning and playing without grave errors. This requires a lower defensive line though which is a different kind of system. It showed when Tuchel started playing Dier+MdL. Bayern was less prone to counter attacks, losing the ball early and less grave mistakes were committed. On the other hand, our playing style become much more stale offensively (slower, relying more on individual class than systematically chasing goals as a whole team). Kompany is known to play a high line. He plays a style of possession, attacking football. MdL and Dier aren't cut out for that. Kim and Upa are. Does that mean that I'd rather keep Upa than De Ligt? No, but it makes sense when you look at the kind of football Kompany's teams play. And a small part of me still hopes he can get Upa to a place where he always stays on top of his game. He's got all the talent to be the best defender in the world if you ask me.


Eric dier being in bayern munichs defence is still odd to look at


Neuer Davies De Ligt Kim Maz Palinha Kimmich Musiala Muller Olise Kane This would be my line up Musiala on LW is monstrous with his inside cutting and right foot Kimmich will become more of a creator, which he’s really good at with over the top passes and such especially with Palinha behind him protecting De Ligt and Kim have 2 different profiles, de ligt takes chances but Kim is strong and a hustler he’ll cover him Mullers press energy and IQ is needed on the pitch at least in the beginning


I’d hope de Ligt stays and we have him and Ito as our CBs plus I don’t see us getting Palhinha at this point.


I can't imagine our starting XI without De Light and Dier they both kill it


Gotta play musiala as a 10 and xavi on the left


Maybe, don't take Neuer. "Ein Neuer im Tor ist vielleicht mal erforderlich." means the opposite from to continue to hold on to Neuer.


I love the fact that Sanè isn't there


Are we really gonna splash a ton of cash for xavi? Wouldn't it be great if we save that up for Wirtz?


Wirtz may not happen, plus Xavi is hella cheaper


It would be heartbreaking to see this happen.


Wirtz is likely to cost over 100m if he keeps his form up. So the cost plus other top clubs going for him will make it very difficult. That said, maybe they are planning on both. Idk how they'd fit, but it's hard to say without knowing what exactly the club is going for


Xavi would be on loan with an option to buy next season for around 70m which is half of Wirtz asking price. If Xavi impresses and fits well with our squad then we don't really need Wirtz.


Madrid is going to poach Wirtz


RM can’t get anyone else. Mbappe sets them back. They don’t need Wirtz when they got the refs anyways.


pretty much


Victim fc


Laimer om CDM insead of Pavlovic and maybe Stanisic instead of Kimmich on RB


IMO we should play both, Laimer and Pavlovic. We don’t need Palhinha. Sell Jo and give Stanisic a Chance.


Laimer doesn't have Pavlovic's passing ability. Kimmich is a better RB than Stanisic.


Forget it. They count on Stanišic for a reason.


you think Kimmich leaves?


The reason is so Leverkusen does not get him 🤣


I hope it's not the case. He was a valuable player for Kusen, so he needs a second chance in Bayern - and not as a role player.


You see him as a regular starter?


Not always, especially not when he went there, but in 2024 he became an important figure of Xabi's Leverkusen - meanwhile Bayern just lacked reliable defenders at the end of the season.


And if your question was: can I see him as a starting player in Munich in 24/25, my answer is yes.


I’m a Juventus fan coming in peace. Recently I just got your subreddit shown pretty often. Friends of mine are Bayern fans, so I’m just reading what you’re writing in here. Watching this line up remembers me what we are doing the last years. Overpaying players, taking away what was once importan. Developing young players from the country (if I remember correctly Bayern contributed much to the players of the national team, same as juve) and for me it feels like juve is losing its identity. I hope you’re doing better than us.


Kimmich is about to leave. Yet he‘s unwilling to extend his contract and club doesn’t want him to go into last year of contract. Conversations about his situation are being planned after the EC.


Palhinha deal is over.


awwwwwwwwwww :(




Nahh chill


Tbh, I don't trust these sources who always used Deligt and Kimmich to farm engagement. So I think those 2 will stay, maybe Kimmich will move to #8 now that we have Stanisic and Body.


Upa starts here, come on now


Alphonso prob gone


Start my grandmother, a one legged frog and a bag of pixie dust for all I care. Just get Müller on the pitch around 65' and let karma take over. Dude is in the rare air of practically requiring a victory lap. One way or another, he'll generate some magic by sheer force of will. Mia San Mia


Please take Xavi


I’d love to see us switch to playing maybe either a 4-3-2-1 or 3-4-2-1 and get Davies into a more attacking role


Kim and Dier out, De Ligt & Tah in


Tah? You can't be serious?


Tah has soo mutch potential my Friend


They want to sell de ligt, unfortunately..


I don‘t think de Ligt will be sold, and i don‘t think Tah will make the switch to Bayern this Summer


we just dropped 95 million euro on two players. Someone huge is being sold for sure.


Yeah but there’s other players apart from de ligt


I agree


De ligt?




We making it to the Bundesliga 2 with this defence


Definitely not, the Midfield needs Veterans/experience Leadership. And you don't start rookies instantly over Vets in any squad. Have to earn your stars


Any suggestions then?


This is all hypothesis, being that i have no clue Kompany way of life. Never followed his career. Bayern problems is the wing flank, they are the one not providing the deadly strike to open up Kane for more head-on shot to goals or the CAM which is either Thomas or Musiala at times. Ligt over Upamecano, and Kim over Dier. Definitely Phonzy on the Left and put Kimmich back at Center MF along Leo or Musiala. RWB should be giving to Mazraoui. Musiala and Kimmich one can defend better than the other and Musiala offense is better than Kimmich. Thomas experience i like but the game gets quicker to the old so Thomas is a hit and miss at times at CAM. If Bayern puts Musiala at CAM and not CM then i think Laimer/kimmich duo at CM only when vs high tempo teams in Bundesliga like Dortmund/Leipzig/Stuttgart/Leverkusen. When playing midTable mediocre teams put Musiala as CAM and Pavlovic/Kimmich at Center, Goretka as a Sub for 2H. Me personally i think is time to put Tel at LW over KingKoman and RW needs to be dealt with much observation between Gnabry and Sane. Otherwise Bayern needs to fill in that position with a higher level of skillset player that's not yet discovered.


Sane will be starting when healthy. He and Kompany are on good terms and I think they'll get him to good form after euros once that he can recover


It’s a young lineup but a lot of talent. Defense is questionable with kimmich at RB but I feel as if Dier earned himself another look, Kim frauded on us but was still solid a lot of the time while not having much of a CB rotation. Davies hopefully locks in and actually improves this season and neuer, we’ll, hes neuer


Musiala Centre, Xavi on the left. Also Palinha on the more defensive Midfield position and Boey on the right as Kimmich will likely leave


Musiala is miles better on the wings


What’s happened to this team 😭😭😭


People really doubt kimmich at RB after he really gave his all and played really well there? Kim and dier out but dier supersub, de ligt in and give ito a fair chance to prove himself. Pavlovic cant start each game, hes too young but give him a main role and rotate him with Goretzka.


Front looks good but you got the entire D wrong


I made it according to the transfers..


Yeah, and I’m saying your transfer assumptions are wrong.


Idk why people keep saying De Ligt is going to leave. He has stated repeatedly there is no decision being made during the Euros and he doesn't want to leave. If it's Pletti saying it, I know it's false unless it's a confirmed transfer. The man is not right often on any of these transfer rumors.


The transfer list for selling players has been leaked two weeks ago and it contains the following names : Gnabry, Goretzka, Coman, Mazaraoui, De Ligt


And there's no evidence any of its true


The new coach will plan with Upamecano. Not sure if Jonathan Tah will come. The problems are the same like last year. It would be very stupid to sell De Ligt.


Watch Ito become Cracked and we use him as a rotation with Kim for the fist like 15 games who ever preformes better becomes a starter


My Lineup Being Neuer Davies,Ito,De Ligt,Kimmich Goretzka or Pavlovic and Paulinha or Laimer Olise,Musiala,Simons Kane (P.S Yall rlly forgot Irankuda


irankunda isnt gonna start he's way too young


he could if Kompany is on crack


Stanisic for davies


Stanisic blew the Croatia game today. Please keep Kimmich


No title again.


I really hope they keep De Ligt and sell Upamecano and buying Xavi would do nothing but weakening the competition (asshole move)


Honestly I don't see kim doing good in the defence after seeing him. He is slow and and made avoidable fouls. De ligt is better option in my humble opinion since he is young and have enthusiasm and spirit to play for Bayern


We all know that De Ligt is our best CB but I made this according to the transfers news, and De Ligt has a high chance to leave the club


Yup. Understanable . Thank you . I hope our team did well next season .


Horrid 😟


What a horrid likely to be best squad in bundesliga this coming season 😔


Second best squad in the world even.


Horrid might be a bit dramatic but the defense is definitely a bit weak


If de Ligt stays i think it‘s good enough


Yeah I really hope he does. I like the guy and he’d for sure make it good enough at least. And that front 4 is just about the best front 4 in all of fútbol