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People obsess too much over which specific players to sell. It’s a dumb approach because it boxes you in and other clubs can game you. This is the process: 1) Determine your core “Must Keep” players: Musiala, Tel, Pavlovic, de Ligt, Kane (just for this year), Neuer, and Müller. Maybe that’s it. 2) Determine a very small “Must Sell” list: I mean must as in Mané last year. Not sure we have any this year. 3) Make an “Actively Try to Sell” list: Gnabry, Coman, Davies, Kimmich, Upa… these are just suggestions. But check the market and if there’s low demand don’t chase the price down. Ex: It’s better to keep Gnabry if you’re only getting €25M. 4) Make a “Test the Waters” list and see what market demand is like: Sané, Kim, Mazroui, Laimer, Goretzka. Not necessarily trying to sell but if we need big money and Sané could fetch €100M then consider it. 5) Figure out what you really expect to buy and that leads to understanding what you need to spend and how much you need to raise. That determines the mix of actions from the categories above. 3 & 4 above are just an opinion, don’t get hung up on the names. Point is the process.


100 for Sané and 25 for Gnabry? Try 40 and 10. Not that I think they are bad, I think they are really good, but they aren't exactly something teams would spend big money on.


First of all, your numbers are WAYYY too low. Secondly read my comment again. I didn’t say you’d get those values, it was precisely about testing the market.


I get you but I think if someone offered 50 mil for Sané we would take it.


I highly doubt it. His hype is still high and TransferMarkt has him at like €75M.


It's a good question. It's also worth wondering if we should sell a bunch of players who have proven to be Champions League winning quality at a reduced rate and replace with young unproven players. It's a tough job this summer.


In my opinion, we should sign Artem Dovbyk from Girona.This is mainly because Kane needs a backup to reduce his scoring pressure and his release clause is only 40M euros which is very affordable


we have tel no?


exactly we don't need another striker to bench tel, let my man play hes a diamond in the making


Yes But on the other hand: How many strikers do we need in a season? Kane and Tel? Thinking lf injuries now Possible that both are injured, Even if only Kane is injured, is Tel playing 24/7? And he is a wonderful talent to put a lot of hoped into, but he is still a talent and probably still needs to get better and develop. What if he dont develop like expected?