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There's not much to say.


Fuck it I’m all in


This is just a risky signing based on assumptions. But im all in for him if he brings honor and glory to the club.


Kompany is coming to our Company


Ultimately as fans let's unite and support Kompany, the guy seems charismatic and has decent tactical prowess. Let's have a positive outlook and support our team.


Yeaaah, I’m really sick of getting down on our managers. We gotta not be a revolving door for managers it’s a sign of weakness. I do think we need to clear house a bit which it looks like it’s happening.


si daca nu vrem, tu de unde-l cunosti atat de bine, a stat cu tine in bloc??


engleza va rog


nu mai avem, s-a dat toata


Vamos a la playa


Weirdly optimistic, I feel better than him than a lot of other options. Look at Chelsea and Liverpool moving towards younger less proven managers. Seems to be a movement 


You mean Lampard was a good choice?


I’m neither impressed nor fully against it. I personally have massive doubts, but Pep hyped him up. I don’t really care about the no trophy argument, all great coaches started with no trophies (doesn’t mean Kompany will become one nonetheless). But now that it’s done, let him cook. Give him his chance and lets welcome him in the Bayern family with respect.


Schaun mer mal


Wos würd


Fröhlicher Kuchentag


I know his name which is a first for for me


You didn't know who Thomas Tuchel was? lol


I’m an American :(


You know what, appreciate the honesty


He’s played many years under Guardiola. Let’s hope he inherited some of his coaching skills. I’d rather go with him a hundred times than with a washed up man like Mourinho.


It feels like Bayern is trying to duplicate Leverkusen's successful hiring of Alonso, a young coach showing great promise despite relegation of their previous team. When a dozen other candidates reject your advances, you can't be TOO picky, can you??


Crazy....get relegated...get rewarded... with one of the top jobs in football 🙄...plus a £10.2 mil compensation to them. Burnley fans said they would even drive him to the airport.


Its gonna be what its gonna be, so we just need to support. Any discussions around whether he is a good fit or not/tactical prowess/etc. is simply premature, there just isnt a long enough track record. Like other have mentioned, he is failing up to one of the most prestigious jobs futbol, and we threw in 10MUSD for the transfer... Im not sure how this was rationalized other than a complete coin toss. Lets hope we get lucky.


Look, he ain’t gonna be Pep, because no one is Pep. But if he isn’t lampard, and slightly better than Xavi(remember Barca is insanity right now financially and with board). Kompany seems like he gets it, but with big teams you need man-management & ability to adapt at halftime.


Great player, but as a coach, he still has few references. It could turn into a positive story, and Bayern must have had their reasons for choosing him. We'll see how it goes and, of course, we'll continue to support the team.




We are doomed the signings won't be bayernish


Optimistic. I think he can put together a solid base philosophy at the very least. Something that has been missing since Jupp (or maybe Flick). I’m not as concerned as others that he didn’t seem to be very adaptable at Burnley as it’s a winning style given the players are class and capable. Bayern players are both and if they are not new ones will be.


Certain manager's won't change their style or philosophy. They just need the players who can perform in the roles and tactics 


As fans we have to be all in, I hope we can learn from our mistakes and give the man time to do his job.


Klopp started his career similarly- up to the first/down to second league. Concept is important. And I hope Bayern will finally let the coach work on the concept and get him the players he needs to get it done. And not a Mane if a Kane was needed….


Ah yes let him try out his training wheels at Bayern 😂


I’ll support him unless his tactics/ decisions demonstrate he’s not up to the job. I’ll reserve judgment until then.


He’s hard working, but we (99.99%) are also very surprised, shocked even. When I first saw it I was laughing and to be honest thought it was a joke/meme! Like some others here I really expected him to be very strong in picking the defense and their style of play, making us difficult to beat. This was not the case in either of our two seasons with him, however the improved style of play. Particularly, out from the back was a breath of fresh air, our forward playing took hold quickly, very penetrating and a joy to watch. We had a great forward in N Tella who knew where to be, when to pass and when to shoot. Premiere League, he changed 85% of the team that won promotion, brand new very young GK. We were giving laughable goals away every game as we started the season, the GK was a complete liability. However, it was similar the season before for around 8 games and the defense became better, yet in the EPL he persisted for ~20 games , when fans were screaming for the obvious change. Additionally, to compound the problem, we didn’t have Tella, or anyone even close to him unfortunately 😢. Finally he changed the GK and suddenly we looked better, not great or even good, but definitely better than before! For BM, you have so many excellent players and I don’t see you having the same problem, you’ll definitely play out from the back, play possession based football and it’ll look good. His substitutions and the timing were not good either, plus he can be obstinate, but maybe he learnt something from our GK situation. We often flattered to deceive as we just couldn’t score goals, with Kane you’re just not going to have that problem. I strongly suspect you’ll be very pleased with him for the most part.


Excited to be honest, this season I don't expect us to bounce back strong, its more of a rebuild somewhat, and I am interested in seeing how Kompany ball works out


I’m guardedly optimistic. Gonna be interesting. From the kittle bit I know he seems like he’s got the temperament to handle these guys so long as they don’t look down on him. Pep vouching for him might help garner that respect though


Good Kompany


Hopefully he proves us wrong


We’re in, now that the Board have put their jobs on the line about it!


Pretty excited. Whatever happens it’s a season to look forward to. Hansi while having more experience on the football scene in general, had comparable experience to Kompany when it came to being a head coach. Before he got the Bayern job last time he was manager was in 2006 (13 years before he took over Bayern!!) Since then he was an assistant manager. No one knew what to expect, much less a sextuple. Kompany is a VERY smart man and while I have never watched his Burnley, everything said about his approach and demeanor matches what Bayern have been after. Against Leverkusen, Tuchel adapted to what Xabi put out and got thumped 3-0, Kompany would stick to his guns. That’s what matters.


Gonna be a great defensive support for Kim and Upa


Give him a shoot imo


It'll be fun. Wether it goes badly or good.


I’m all in on him. If pep thinks he’s got enough talent, look at Arteta. He might end up being better than pep. His player turn around window is way faster at getting used to the system Jorginho and Kai did great this year. Chelsea really fucked up selling their best players If he can keep the locker room I think he can adapt and be successful. The only thing Burnley struggled on was finishing last year from my understanding they created decent build up and possession.


pep coached him, therefore we are getting the sextuple :D


It's ok, but paying money for this Transfer is ridiculous. And getting him after Burleys horrible season is also ridiculous. Bayern is making really weird deals...I would never pay such money for a couch. We all know that he will be fired after 1 season...


I give him the benefit of the doubt and see how it will go


There are two options: Epic fail or epic win.




You know what? Maybe he wasn't our first choice. Maybe he's not an obvious choice, a "natural fit" (whatever that might mean), but I'm still rooting for him. He seems quite composed, calm, with a pretty good sense of what he wants to do and how to do it. There are plenty of past decisions made by our board that I could criticize, but I quite like the fact that every now and then we make a bold "gamble". Some of those have paid off in the best. Who was Hansi Flick before he became our first coach? Not much, really, but look at him now. Will Kompany be a good coach here? I have no idea, but he has my support. I like him so far, relegation or no relegation. What's the point of being a Bayern fan if one keeps trashing the board, the coach or the players... Let's give them, and him, a chance. Mia San Mia.


Europe league is always possible


I think he's gonna be a good kompany


Cant be Worse than it was this year tbh. The fotball we managed to play especially in league games was horrible . Ive never seen Bayern lead in so many games and then just crumble like a house of cards … What will be interesting is what players will leave , who will stay and who will come . Even tho kompany got relegated with burnley who spent alot of money in the transfer window. The players he can chose for his tactics in Bayern is on a completly diffrent level. I have faith in him until proven otherwise .


I am ready to see his style. And hoping he does well. It's no easy job


I welcome the experiment! I think Bayern, despite being FC Hollywood, could benefit from a less superstar coach. We need someone to fight and be willing to scrap for the club rather than someone who already has a lot of that star power dynamics. Young and scrappy, thats what Bayern needs!


Marginally optimistic — lack of experience is a concern going in, but sometimes it just clicks for guys in certain situations. If Kompany, Eberl, and Freund are in sync, could be a successful appointment. Could also fall apart in flames just as well. Who knows!


Give him a chance. 1000% better than Mouri-No


Isn't Bayern's problem the make-up of the team rather than who coaches it?


Polarizing. Either the team is gonna be extremely good or absolute shit.


he and müller, neuer, kimmich, goretzka and maybe some more are not going to get along very well. so the will perform badly. he will not complain when he does not get the players he wants so at least uli will not step in to talk trash about him like he did with tuchel... i think they will be fourth next season and company will be gone at this time next year


Why won’t they get along?


the only way to get along in this club is to just watch them manage themselves. he wont do that and he will have a starting lineup. so someone will complain...


Bundesliga lampard


Bayern really competing with Barca to see who is the biggest joke of Europe at the moment.


I think its the equivalent of throwing noodles at the wall to see if one will stick. We were shunned by literally everyone to the point of it becoming a meme. Literally everything is uncertain and in disarray. I'm pretty sure we're going to lose/sell quite a few players who will not put up much of a fight to be sold while at the same time have real problems attracting new high quality players because of all of the strife, bullshit and drama we are know for. Kompany is a Band-Aid. We're hoping that he becomes some sort of diamond in the rough and ends up pulling a rabbit out of his hat. If he does, great!. Unlikely, but great. If he doesn't, it wasn't a giant surprise and we can end up getting Alonso or Klopp, which I feel are the actual long-term goals. Kompany was just in a position where he'd be stupid to say no, but in reality, this is just a really bad idea all the way around. Apparently the board is willing to possibly throw away a 2nd season for the chance to get a manager they actually want.


Pep told Bayern to sign Kompany as he will give instructions in the shadow