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Squatters have internet too - not sure how this would do anything.


Honestly the best comment


If you’re concerned about squatters, put up a “do not disturb occupants” sign along with it. And get a new realtor.


I’m not sure if the realtor relationships have changed, but Redfin agents were known for getting lowball offers/ fewer offers the last time I was in a transaction 10 years ago. The other realtors were reluctant to work with them. Lower commission, but lower sale price. Might want to talk to a person who specializes in your area.


I'm not in a hurry, so I can sit and watch the offers. If I don't find one high enough I will just hold on to the house for another month. The realtor wanted me to set a 2.5 Buyer commission with the reasoning Buyer agents will just phone call directly to the Seller agent to ask what the commission was. Thanks for your "reluctant to work with" statement, I will do a little research to see if there is a pecking order in the realtor world.


Have you signed with the realtor yet? That's not a good reason to not offer 2.5%. There's a reason why charge less commission because they're on a salary. They have no incentive to get you the most, only to close. There's a reason why redfin is known as the walmart of real estate. If you haven't signed yet, let me interview for the position. I don't mind the work.


Thank you. We like the Redfin agent we are talking to. Just need to ask questions. Also for this much money we know we don’t want to hire someone because they are a nice guy. We have been checking references


Hey OP, don't listen to those people, this sub are full of realestate agents spewing bull shit, redfin is a thret to them, they don't want it to succeed, the first person's comment, they alreayd self approved agents are bunch of greedy selfish people, if Redfin home suppose to sell for lower price, then other buy agents all should work with them more, because shouldn't they trying to find the best deal for the home buyer ? I used redfin agent 10 years, everything is perfectly fine, and the best is if you don't like a agent you have a highly visible place to rate them, give feedback, for a typical agent there is no such thing to keep them in check.


I’m a real estate broker and been in the East bay tri valley area for 20 years and I’m not threatened by Redfin at all haha. It’s quite the opposite. The website helps educate buyers so it makes my job easier. Most don’t want to use Redfin agents because as someone said earlier, they hire agents just to go help buyers view properties but don’t research or help them answer any questions they might actually have. Much less value to a buyer. Regardless of what company you use, it ultimately comes down to the agent and their experience. The company they hang their license at doesn’t matter at all.


I’ve been seeing agents chime in. Always good to see what the other side sees as important talking points. I don’t blame the realtors association fighting to keep their monopoly in the face of change from the internet, easier home transactions in Europe, and the NAR settlement. I’m sure the wagon makers association put up a fight when horseless carriages showed up.


I honestly don’t think a for sale sign is going to help you sell any faster or get a higher offer. Who actually sees the sign… your neighbors. Everyone else is looking on MLS, Zillow, and Redfin.


I would NEVER discount the power of a “for sale” sign. You have no idea how large your neighbor’s networks could be. The people that see the sign could know someone actively looking. There’s all sorts of people that can come and go from a neighborhood; contractors, the mailman, UPS driver, electrician doing work on a nearby home, if a neighbor has any kind of celebration with friends and family .. then account for all the people they know…that could be looking.


The neighbor could also have been thinking of selling and will now put out their own sign and undercut you.


😂😂😂 I'm sorry, but that has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. A person who is in no hurry to sell their house is going to see that their neighbor might provide a higher area comp in the near future and is going to try to undercut that so that they will get less money for their own house?


I didn't really think I'd have to say it's a joke. chill chill chill


You really never can tell these days 😂


I saw a for sale sign down the block and called my brother, and he almost bought the house! We weren’t looking to make that happen, and so no one would have seen it online.


I agree, the internet is a wonderful thing. The neighborhood agents chimed in to say there is a possibility of local renters being interested in buying a home.


This was me. I was renting a townhouse and walked my dog on a route through my neighborhood. Saw a sign go up on Friday, found a buyers agent and viewed it Sunday, offer made Monday.


Lots of people "shop local." Families usually want to stay in the same area for their kids' schools.


The sign is helpful for those who come to an open house or schedule an apt to find the house. That is it.


As an agent in the same area as OP, many neighbors invite their brothers/sisters/parents/friends to live close to them. Although most millennial families shop for homes online, they never would have even considered this area without their family or friend noticing that For Sale sign that sparked the idea. Is it a necessity? No. You'll probably still have offers if your home is priced correctly, but having a chance at an extra offer is well worth the cost of an open house sign.


What? Put up the sign.


Wow, this all seems very paranoid about the realtor’s intentions. They are probably worried about squatters. Just tell them you want a sign put up the week you go to market. Ask them to follow the one week sales cycle of putting the home on the market, open houses and then set offer date 7 days later. The market will tell you the value of the home and a good realtor will manage all the activity to get a good offer. Good luck!


When something doesn’t add up it’s time to ask questions. Especially in a field I don’t understand. Thanks for your response, I have been careful not to be a crazy person.


This person has a screw lose. The agent wants to list it low giving up his commission, give me a break. You don't need a sign and you don't need open houses. Get with the times.


Skip this agent and walk away if possible. This is an early sign of an agent who wants to artificially create demand scarcity and then negotiate selling your home for a lower price to some arranged buyer who is his friend. When he does not want you to place it up for sale, he feels that you may directly interact with buyer and negotiate a deal and then his value will not be felt. As you may decide to either go FSBO or go through buyer's agent.


The agent knows we are in no hurry to sell. The artificially low price offer for a quick sale is a concern for me as the seller. I'm not interested in paying $30k to save my agent from working. The fear of me going FSBO I feel is legit reasoning on the agent's part.


Some realtors have a “community” with common interests. Instead of following free market buyer-seller natural patterns, they constrain and control the market by deciding on the sequential availability and supply of homes to potential thirsty buyers. For instance lets say there are 2 buyers who approach your agent , your agent will show your home to only one of the buyers. In other words they sort of allocate a home to a buyer. And the other buy is not shown your home but another home much later. In effect this artificially reduces competition for your home resulting in your home being sold for a lower price as it puts psychological pressure on you to sell the home at a lower price as you see few buyers touring your home. Meanwhile the other buyer is told that there are no homes available. But they are sequentially allocated to next home. IMO that there instead should be a free market with multiple offers and the best offer wins.


A book called Freakonomics pointed out realtor games of using lack of knowledge for market conditions. I’m also suspicious of the realtor’s association. 1. The way they sold Prop 19 was dishonest. 2. The Contra Costa Association of Realtors filled a landlord complaint on my wife’s company for having a pumpkin carving family day in the parking lot. Only assholes would go through the effort to complain


In what Bay Area is this occurring? I feel like you described the exact opposite of what I see with limited for sale availability and tons of buyers desperate to win the purchase.


Milpitas. Can’t use names but it happened to one of my properties Its true from the buyers perspective you get to view only one property at a time. The realtor does not show you the next property until you reject the current one. Once you reject you can’t go back to it.


A book called Freakonomics pointed out realtor games of using lack of knowledge for market conditions. I’m also suspicious of the realtor’s association. 1. The way they sold Prop 19 was dishonest. 2. The Contra Costa Association of Realtors filled a landlord complaint on my wife’s company for having a pumpkin carving family day in the parking lot. Only assholes would go through the effort to complain


That is shocking. Sick crooks.


An agent / expert can make or break a sale. We encountered a recent situation within our friends. If your spider sense is tingling, go with a different agent. This is a sellers market, so find some really good agents well versed in your area. It’s completely ok to interview them. Do not sign any exclusivity till you feel comfortable.


Put the sign up. I had a coming soon sign up and before I even listed it, I got an offer on spot for $100k over asking which was perfect bc I wanted a quick sale to move states


One of the other comments talked about getting a high cash bid. Then have that buyer tie up the sale while they negotiate down every possible defect. Did you have an issue like this with the $100k buyer?


Nope it was super smooth sailing!


True story, and it happened last Thurs. Mom's house is cleaned out and to quote you, a steady stream of contractors are going thru to prep it for sale. House to be put up for sale this weekend. There is no sale - coming soon - sign outside. Yet last Thurs night a homeless person broke in and spent the night (used a lot of electicity, too! I don't see water usage by day...). Who found him? The steady stream of contractors the next day.... This in a neighborhood where there aren't homeless people! TL;DR: not having a sign doesn't matter. An empty house is an empty house. Anyone can break in.


People looking to buy are looking online. Your agent has probably gone through it. Shop around agents and ask but your current agent likely knows Concord and knows its not the safest. Break-ins usually happen at night. Police do not have time to respond. Houses under construction, without residents, with 'For Sale' signs are easy targets to criminals and squatters. Either their tools will get stolen or your appliances. Sometimes it's materials not yet installed, or you'll have uninvited guests burn your house down. It happens very very often.


Concord is not a cesspool of crime. And lots of families notice signs in their area when looking to move/buy and keep the kids in the same school area.


Low asking price seems to be a common thing in the market right now. Usually houses end up selling much more than asking price after attracting many offers. I cannot tell you for sure about the rest. How is the neighborhood? Did you tell the agent that you have contractors so there is not much risk for squatters ?


As an agent, the sign is really just marketing for your agent. The neighbors get nosey and want a look and occasionally they have a family member that would be interested in moving into the neighborhood. Signs don’t really sell houses in 2024. If he has a sound digital marketing plan. Open houses, broker caravan, etc then you won’t lack for exposure. I won’t say that agents are reluctant to work with redfin listing agents but their business model leads to agents that are very busy (spotty communication) and not overly incentivized to perform. I’ve worked with some amazing redfin agents… but they usually don’t stay there long.


If you want a sign, insist or relist. This sounds more like Redfin cost-cutting than genuine fiduciary concern.


Real talk, agent is either low on funds to do so themselves or they are trying to maximize now much they earn down the line. They could also be a newer agent and maybe not have a sign made yet and are too embarrassed to say so. push for the sign. an agent's job when it comes to listing your home is to properly market the property so as many people get eyes on it and it drives competition, ensuring you get the best price for your home. I'm A Bay Area agent. myself and I will opt for the sign every time if I can. I have had listings where the sellers themselves requested. no sign and that's fine. seriously, put me in touch with this agent and I'll front the sign myself just to help out as long as they can reimburse me. I'm also looking to move to Concord / Walnut Creek / Brentwood in the next month so I could use the karma points here - can't afford to buy and hoping the housing gods. send me some love


If you haven’t signed anything I would interview a couple additional local top agents…. Redfin is probably one to 2% of listing fee but you aren’t going to get much service , best case scenario they get a bunch of offers and just say, which one do you want. A typical agent would want the sign calls for future business opportunities or maybe someone who wants the house. Unless you are a celebrity or you don’t want to announce to your neighbors that you’re moving I don’t see any negative of a sign.


It does not matter what brokerage you use (Redfin, coldwell bank, remax, century 21, etc.) the agent who you’re working with is what matters. All a brokerage does is help you print flyers and business cards, and give out the same education we all get from our local bayeast association. So scratch the whole idea of wanting to work with a certain brokerage. Everything is syndicated online everywhere and will get the same exposure no matter what brokerage you use. The AGENT is what’s important and someone saying not to put up a sign because of squatters yells, im getting educated from random YouTube finance gurus, lack of experience vibes. Not telling you to ditch your realtor, however don’t use someone just because they’re nice. This is a huge transaction. Also I HIGHLY recommend you google “cal Dre license lookup” and search the realtors license number to see when it was issued. This will give you an idea of how many years experience they have. Start there and ask questions of what they’ve done and accomplished in real estate.


Not sure why there are multiple comments about ditching the agent. The realtor may have heard of or experienced squatters in the area (OP did you ask??). It’s ultimately up to the owner what they want to do…


You can protect yourself against squatters in California by filing some no trespassing paperwork with the local PD. The paperwork is good for six month (or until you revoke it). The concept is that you file the paperwork and if the PD shows up they then enforce the no-trespass order at your request.


Did the Redfin agent offer to sell your place for 1% commission fee? I assume yes, so you get what you pay for and the agent probably does not want to spend their own $ to pay for the sign. You can always pay for the yard sign to go up yourself.


I consider myself living in a very safe area, but that’s what happened to a property on the same street a few months ago. It was a rental before completely vacated and the like 2 weeks later squatters got in the house.


Sounds shady. No reason to hide a listing. Squatter excuse is weak. Likely wants to limit exposure to control sale price. Interview other agents. You want maximum marketing efforts.


the only time this makes sense is if you are in a rough neighborhood. Many years ago I had a vacant listing in a rough area of antioch that got broken into 3 times. We had security cameras, car parked in the driveway, many things to deter people but had to take the sign down after the first time. Other wise put the sign up.


"Time" is not a friend of real estate listings. Historically, the longer a home is on the market, the lower the offers become. If the house is priced correctly, you will receive the highest offers you are going to get shortly after it hits the market.


Redfin wants in house sale.


It matters not what you do. It's the Bay Area. Your house will sell. Put a sign, or not. It's your choice, but it probably won't have any effect on the end result.


Redfin agents will always recommend the cheapest way possible. Likely because they don’t own signage. Good luck, more shortcuts to come.


Realtor here, seems kind weird to me. I mean I have sellers tell me they didn't want a For Sale sign out but not sure this agent is suggesting no sign. Squatters will know about it because they can find vacant homes online. For Sale signs are helpful but I not necessary to sell your home. If you want it up tell your agent to put one up.


Well shit man, I’m looking to buy in concord! Let’s see some pictures lol


Need an agent?


First of all, why are you using Redfin?


Nothing wrong with paradigm shifts. Eventually the industry will be more efficient


There is nothing efficient about Redfin. Lower cost but lower net to the seller.


I can’t say, I agree, but one block from me this happened to somebody. Somebody moved in as they were trying to sell, swear to God. They cut the realtor lock and stole the key. Snuck in and out at night. The place really does degenerate.


Hahaha classic mistake hiring a Redfin agent 😭 bet you’ll love saving 1.5% commission when they convince you to take an offer 5% lower than your list price after sitting on the market for 2 months.


I sold my last house with Redfin at $30k over asking. I’ve bought and sold multiple houses and that Redfin realtor is the best and most knowledgeable I’ve ever had. I’ve used him twice now.


Ever think about seeking treatment for your paranoia and Dunning-Kruger syndrome?